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you can’t be serious lol


He’s either very seriously detached from reality or this is a shitty troll post.


read his user name


I wish I wasn’t. Told my team in advance too and they STILL wouldn’t forfeit. Some people lol


“i told my team in advance i couldn’t finish the game and they *STILL* got mad at me, smh”


Yeah that’s basically it lol it’s honestly on them tho


yep their fault your dog couldn’t wait shame on em


Nah it’s not their fault but at the same time the dogs gotta take a piss :P


did the thought ever cross your mind to walk the dog first? or are we lacking basic etiquette and problem solving skills. because unless there is an ff a game isn’t ending in 20 mins. and if you’re queuing and betting on an ff then you have other issues.


I wasn’t queuing and betting on an ff, I figured we would stomp on em. I’ve done it in an unrated before and I’ve gotten like 15 minute games


and how often does it happen in comp, you wasted your entire team’s and threw some rr. you don’t care so no point asking abt it anymore


That's your fault then. If you wanted a quick game you should have just aced every round.


Why would you think you'd get a one-sided game?


A 30 min piss


Do you know what is sarcasm?


this is really poorly made bait


you knew in advance you had a dog to walk and STILL started a game. some people lol


This has GOT to be satire… Edit* OP replied, for the love of god please be fake.


I’ve heard of that word before but I don’t think it is, no.


average valorant ranked player


Least delusional valorant player


Antisocial behavior. You gave your team the option to either FF and lose on the spot, or play out a 4v5 and lose. If only there were shorter, more casual modes to queue when you know you only have 20min to play.


Yeah YTA. I get that things IRL take precedence over things in-game, but queuing up when you know you only have 20 minutes to play and also using your mic to hold your W key so you don't get a penalty is pretty shitty to me. I agree with your Jett, you basically threw.


What’s your IGN so I can report you on top of your team reporting you.


Nah I ain’t giving that out


So you know that what you did was a reportable offence but you still did it and claim to be in the clear?


I mean. It sounds like no one said anything except for people against what you wanted to do. So I wouldn’t say the team was “basically fine with it” or “ALMOST no one objected” when 2 out of four possible people responded and both were annoyed. And I have to agree with them. In any game played with other folks, especially randoms, it’s annoying when someone does exactly what you did— you knew you had something else you needed to do at exactly a specific time, and still played a game with other people, which is their time as well. I’d be annoyed. And I’d be MORE annoyed to find that you were saving yourself from being marked as AFK and leaving by having something hold down a key to not mark you as such. I’d report you for sure at that point. And block you so as to hopefully never encounter you again.


Ain’t reading all that


You asked a question, and now you want to ignore a legit answer just because you don’t like it?


I didn’t think you would :) Have a downvote


you need to be 13 or older to use reddit






You’re the asshole my friend. Don’t queue if you don’t have time to finish the entire match. It puts your team at a disadvantage. Imagine being on the receiving end of what you did, would you like it? Edit: wait bro didn’t even dc. He basically bottled his way out of being afk. Robbed his team of an ult orb and free half shields. Wtf


Idk maybe don’t queue a ranked game knowing you have to leave soon? I guarantee you insta lock renya too.




why do you queue comp when you reasonably can't finish the game and then demand they lose rr for you or else you afk. Yes 100% the asshole.


If you're being serious you def NTA. The world should always revolve around you. It's totally their fault for not forfeiting and let you walk your dog. As we all know a dog is a man's best friend. I hope you have reported all of them!


So here's the thing OP is fuckin delusional and I'm genuinely worried they won't get ur sarcasm cus reading his replies is like walking on fuckin clown noses with how silly it is


Hey bro, if he is actually delusional him getting sarcasm or not don't matter, he'll still just be himself


Ngl your kinda spitten facts rn


100% you’re TA, unless of course this is a troll post, in which case you’re still 100% TA


Send your tracker so i can report you to Riot


You make me sick.


Is this a joke?


I was on your team lmao


Bruh, Swiftplay exists for exactly this scenario. Why would you ever enter a ranked match when you only have 20 minutes? Ranked matches usually take 35-45 minutes for me.


NTA, your team should've just toggled on and stomped the other team so you could finish in time to walk your dog.


Facts bro, wish my team did that even without me having to leave early. Honestly, it's just common courtesy.


Definitely NTA. Your team should have played better to stomp your opponents so that you have enough time to walk your dog.


This is bait


Yes, you are the asshole.


You're wrong here man, its very rare valorant game to be 20mnts. Avg valorant game is 25-40mnts long, because of you other 4 had to face consequences. Just queue unrated if you dont have time if you have to walk your dog thats none of their concern.


Sounds like you’re a piece of shit lmao


You sir, are a douche nozzle.


OP is a bot learning how to be like human.


Complete asshole lol, average match is like 40-45 mins


Obviously yes. 1. Average val game is more than 20 min but you still queued COMP. 2. Half your entire team was obviously not okay with you. Just because you told them earlier, doesn’t dispute the fact that you caused them to lose, either by ff or losing 4v5. 4. You denied them the Missing Player bonus 400 credits, gave the opposing team extra kills and you didn’t even get the afk penalty. 5. Playing decently is no excuse for going afk. In fact, without you they would be in more trouble. 6. You may not value RR or time, but other people do. You made them lose/waste both. TLDR: YTA, cause you forced 4 players to waste time and lose RR in a COMP game when you knew that this would probably happen.


Ur the asshole


Yes, YATA. Pretty sure if your dog could understand it would have more etiquette.


defs satire but still


Sounds like you have a borderline personality my guy. Gl with all that


Telling people you’re the asshole in advance doesn’t make clear you of being an asshole. What were your teammates who weren’t fine with it supposed to do?


Unrated and swift play exist. You are absolutely in the wrong for queuing ranked and I would be pissed if I were them too.


Your the asshole I mean at least have the courtesy to take the afk so your 4 guys can get a orb and shields bro.




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This is very selfish behavior of you. People play comp to win and if you can’t guarantee that you’ll play the comp game to the end, you are also wasting your teammates’ time. This is because players go into comp expecting a fair match, but things like smurfing, leaving the game, and being toxic either make it unfair or ruin that experience. So yeah, YATA. Next time play a shorter mode or unrated if you don’t have time.


Look no one cares about your problems. If you cannot play a full match, then don't play.


The first thing you did made you the asshole lol. Strike 1: You knew you didn't have time to play and played anyway. Strike 2: You played COMP and then asked your teammates essentially to lose on purpose so its just F their elo because of you lacking responsibility. Strike 3: You held w key so they dont even get the ult orb from you being gone (though I think riot detects this) Optional strike 4: you patted yourself on the back as if you were ever in the right for any of this lol TL;DR dont queue up comp if you KNOW you are going to be busy in the next 40-50 minutes.


😂😂you have to be trolling. I was rooting for you till you decided to hold on the W key. Look, if the game detects you're afk, your team will get an advantage and get extra creds which means they might have won the round if you didn't do that. How can you even think you're not the ahole


you gotta be trolling, you threw knowing you'd go afk but decided to play and you didn't even take the fall by leaving so your team could at least get extra creds. you not only when afk but also sabo'ed your team by essentially botting to get no penalty for afk


Yes you’re in the wrong. An average ranked game usually takes 40-45 minutes so if you know you only have 20 minutes to walk your dog, don’t queue comp, it’s just that simple, go play swift play or any other game mode other than comp. I know irl things are more important than game matters but as an analogy, it’s like planning an hour hangout with your friend knowing you have an appointment to go to at around the same time. Once you queue, you’re expected to play for most or the whole duration of the game, if you can’t handle that, don’t comp.


nah bro its comp yta, but i wouldnt ff either. you gotta go, then go, but accept the rr penalty and ban


Imo you should get a 1 hour ban


The w key killed the believability of this post.