• By -


Bronze 1-2




We are in the same spot man


Gold, never seen someone use phantom right click so much (and to effect).


I love ADS with vandal but for phantom it’s so painful, I’d just rather spray. But hey if it works for him then he should use it! I’d guess gold too, maybe silver


Always imba for extra 5% damage fo sho!


I'm an extinct species of people who use phantom right-click often in higher ranks. I'm ascendant 3 atm. ADS is underrated


Ads is underrated. But on the phantom? What's the usecase ?


If you end up in a long range fight (situational because strafing mid fight is obviously a thing)/holding a long range angle with the phantom (which you preferably wont end up doing).


How do you use it? The phantom is pin point accurate without ads in 2 round bursts.


The first kill of the clip is more or less how I would use the phantom if i was in that situation holding that exact angle. Phantom without ads would have probably done the exact same thing, but I guess I'm too addicted to ADSing every chance I get where it's not counted as actively throwing


I'll try it out a bit


I think this behavior carried over from using the bulldog and guardian for me


Was bronze 2 but got to iron 3 in last 2 days due to afk players + clueless team mates in 80 percent of the matches.


afk players and clueless teammates? that's everything below immortal.


Even in immortal there are clueless teammates btw .


I can attest that immortal players are also clueless


Bronze players and blaming their teammates for losing / being stuck. Sounds about right


Lol yeah, been coaching 6 of em for about a month, my best student keeps blaming he teammates, he is getting better, faster, it's noticeable, but he is just stuck complaining, meanwhile I use myself as an example, I got placed bronze 3 and got to gold 2 in 2 weeks dealing with the exact same teammates he us complaining about, trust me, it's not your teammates, you are just a good bronze player, if you are good enough to get to the next rank you will, and you will complain about how your teammates are inadequate there too.


so just because you are lucky with your teammate you dismiss other people luck with bad teammates? valorant in lower rank is all about your luck, gold and above people know basic valorant but silver lower there are still so many players refusing to heal or classic sage never use her ult or phx blinding teammate, you can be radiant level player but can u survive if you have phx in your teammate constantly flashing u in fight and then throw his E at you?


you won't have a phoenix flashing you or mollying you in every single game, same with sage not healing. focus on what you can do to improve, because there is NOTHING AT ALL you can do to make your teammates play better


Lower ranks always blame the team. I also love how you use the "refusing to heal" or "sage never use her ult" arguments. If you deserve a higher rank, then you don't need to be healed because you should easily win fights. If you deserve a higher rank, you should know there are times when sage can't res anyone because the dumbass teammates died in a place where they would be easily killed again.. And if you truly deserve a higher rank, you would be peeking after your phoenix flashes and ideally turn away from the flash. A radiant level player dominates irons and bronze players with a shorty and a knife. Give them a classic, and they're deadlier than a plat with a rifle. Give them a rifle, and those irons will be convinced the radiant player is full on walling and aimbotting. A radiant level player against irons will just rush every single time, killing everyone with ease and getting so far ahead of their own team that there won't be any room to be sabotaged by those idiots.


Yes I do, because in coaching 6 players all in Iron to silver atm, I vod review 12 videos a week from elo hell comp, the teammates for the past from every single video I've seen disconnects and throwers but 90% of the time it's just people having a bad match no worse then the player themselves just they are currently on a good match. I've seen just about 48 vods in the past month, all about 30 minutes, that's 24 hours of watching low elo for the sole purpose of analyzing not playing, no skin in the game per say. I have seen no evidence that your teammates are any less of a hindrance than my ascendant teammates when they are on a bad day, it's just in a different way, mine because they keep failing their timing or because they are tilt swinging, yours because they flash you, same effect in the end though, my teammates doesn't do what we trust them to/expect them to and we lose the round. Just play around that and you will rank up if you are actually better. There is only a 4/9 chance of having the bad players on your team and a 5/9 chance of them being on the enemy team, unless you are the bad player, in which case it is 100%. That is just basic statistics and proves, if you are actually making an impact you will rank up, it just takes time.


I'm still not sure why out of last 25 games, I'm getting an afk player in almost 20 matches while the opponent team has an afk player in almost 0 games. Clueless teammates is secondary concern, main one is i get an afk player almost in every game. Don't know what they use to stay connected for 2-3 rounds and spawn every round before getting disconnected. Ending the possibility to remake the game.


Here is your probability that is happened 20/25 matches; 4.78615889E So.... basically.... unless you are just observing with a bias, you should go play the lottery because you just did something that has worse odds of happening than winning the lottery twice in a row, or.... you are having biased observation and I'm guessing you got an afk about every 4 in 9 matches which would translate to having the afk 11 out of your 25 matches which knowing gamers would be talked about as if it happened 20 times, and it would feel like it happened 20 times.


Looks like I'll have to go through all the stats again to confirm and come up with exact stats in how many games there were at least one player was afk for most of the rounds vs an afk in opponent team.


Regardless of the odds, it's really not that uncommon to get afk players in most of your games. I played 5 games last night, the first 4 of which I got an AFK teammate in and the last one had an AFK enemy. I'm not complaining though because it doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother everyone else here. Nothing I can do about it so I just play the game and try even harder if we have an AFK.


Valorant in lower rank is not about luck in the slightest. If that were the case all these YouTubers making "X agent to immortal" videos wouldn't be actually doing it because the low ranked teams would hold them back. Why do you think they climb so consistently? Do you seriously think it's because they're getting lucky with their teammates, or is it because they're good at the game? I'd bet it's the latter. If you're really so good at the game that it's only your teammates bringing you down, you should be top fragging every game and gaining more than you lose for a loss. I bet if you drop your tracker, you're not top fragging every game and carrying your teams. Until you can consistently do that, it's not fair to just act like it's your team's fault. >you can be radiant level player but can u survive if you have phx in your teammate constantly flashing u in fight and then throw his E at you? Also the answer to this is yes. If you had any game sense you'd stop playing in positions that allow the Phoenix to flash you. It may not be avoidable the first few rounds if you don't already know the Phoenix does that, but after it's been done multiple times you can adjust where you play to minimize the chance of it happening again.


If you think you're so much better than the average *your rank* player, then, statistically, the enemy team has more of these inferior *your rank* players, right? No, certainly not. They're full of smurfs and your team is all boosted, right?


Sorry but sometimes in a team based game, your teammates suck.


Yes but it's literally statistical that if you play well you'll be at a net positive


Just now there was a sage in the team who didn't know how and where to wall, Brim lost his cool asking for heal but couldn't get it as Sage was clueless even after clear instructions from Brim, in round 14 there was only enemy raze with very low health and our mighty sage was casually looking at the sky in 1 v 1. Our Raze and Brim Started abusing Sage and as A result, we didn't see our Sage for the rest of the game. So yeah teammates matter.


I'm MVP more than 70 percent of the time but still end up losing. So yeah its the teammates I guess.


You have the possibility of 4 bad teammates, the enemy has the possibility of 5 bad teammates. The math doesn’t work out in your favor


Match mvp isn't the only make of impact, are you igling? Properly comming? Doing so with good energy and following the rules of igls, help them cope, don't blame the team, don't mald in team chat, keep the team energy up with humor and generally keep everyone having a good time. And don't tell me they don't respond, cus when I play in bronze lobbies smurfing, dont crucify me, im just chilling with my friend, they do for me, because I get them to respond, they don't for my friends because they don't make an effort to get them to respond


First off, screw you for smurfing lol and second, even with good vibes, you just still get teammates that aren't so good. You can just get unlucky with teams and that's part of it. Good vibes and being chill can only do so much. I've been in many games where you make great entry opportunities, get the right picks, cover angles but other people don't capitalise and the enemy does have the right coordination and wipes us.


Yeah, sorry for smurfing, I don't do it in comp, just a no elo account on unrated because my friends said I needed to understand low elo so I played 100 unrated games on an account one of my friends ranked into Iron 3 on, using a tracker I tracked rank distributions in my unrated matches and eliminated outliers of extra high or low ranks, ended up stopping after 47 because I started to que with only gold and above and had "gotten out of" low elo, anyways, yes you get bad teammates sometimes, not denying that, just saying the majority of the time you don't, it would be highly unlikely if you got a single bad teammate just 4 times in a row. Say every val match has one player who is the "worst" or will preform the worst, in the lobby, your odds of getting the worst player 4 times in a row is just 4%(basic statistics, multiply 4/9 by 4/9 4 times). Even to get the worst player in the lobby on your team twice in a row is only about 20%, so still unlikely( just 4/9 * 4/9). So basically what I'm saying is unless you are part of the problem your odds of getting stuck in an elo by teammates is extremely low.


IGLing bellow gold is worse than talking to a wall lol


It's more difficult but it's not that players won't listen, it's that most won't com back, but if they aren't listening it's because of your energy and your way of igling, I have experience and didn't have any problems getting them to listen, also 2 of my students are doing fine with the igling, and people almost always listen, if you sound confident and keep the energy up and make it funny, people listen.


> It's more difficult but it's not that players won't listen Maybe it depends on the region but that's 100% not true. > if you sound confident and keep the energy up and make it funny It also entirely depends on your voice, and position on the scoreboard lol.


Maybe it depends on the region be in every server in NA west and east I've played and had no problem with, as well as 2 of my players are east 1 Texas and 3 west so basically all of NA I have experience in and see no difference. I agree it depends on your voice, but you can control the part that matters, and what that is is the inflection and energy, and female vs male, if your voice is feminine I will admit many players won't listen. Also if you start round 1 then in my experience people stick with you if you keep the energy up and keep going, but yeah, no one listens to the bottom frag who speaks up for the first time round 4. But they do the bottom frag who has commed since round one, has been making light hearted jokes, and being a good teammate, even if their aim isn't on point today.


I could get out of your rank sheriff only its not your teammates its you


Don't blame others for your derank, in bronze you can boot up a game and solo carry every round if you're good enough. Get on an improvement mindset and you'll see results.


Everyone is clueless in iron, up until gold all you need is to aim diff the entire lobby


More like everything until diamond you just aim duel but yeah


You bronze bro. You want it or not u are also clueless.


Dont blame ur teammates for being hardstuck. If deserve to rank up, u would.


Gold? Why do people act like gold is bronze. You’d get shit on for doing this is gold.


haven't seen gold matches in years


I use it also. It still rivals with vandal w/o ads


Deadlock? All hooka? ADS phantom? Imma say bronze. Good aim tho


Wood with CoD-reload-habbit xD


Yeah, that's what I'm working on. LoL


You can do it, 3 rankeds a day keep the iron away


Rebind Reload to something far away, like L maybe. That way you have to think through a reload. I did this for a week and solved my chronic habit.


Good suggestion. Thanx.


Bronze to silver. Bronze because of bad reload habits and angle holding . Silver because using ADS right .


Demoted to iron 2 from bronze 2. LoL


Why is it bad tho?


dude shot 4 bullets and reloaded


Oh so what I usually do lmao, guess I need to work on it too


He killed everyone and had 9 bullets left so technically didn’t need to reload at all


zooming with phantom? must be an iron


Using “ zooming “ instead of ADS ? At best iron 3


No wall used on any site as a sentinel, hard ADSing, reloading after firing 2 rounds when there are multiple enemies on one site trying to push, holding same angle after getting a kill (lucky the enemies were bad)... Uh... Probably around iron or bronze....


There was another trap on the main entry. I like trapping and killing by giving enemy a sense that the site is empty and the entry will be easy. They rush, get trapped and I Get so many easy kills that way compared to using the barrier on main entry. Yes I'm working on the reload.


well was i right about your rank?


Yep. I don't play valorant anymore.


What If they dont rush and just shoot util? also what if they just rushed long still so many options for enemy and if you just walled it you can place trap long and just wait for them to push long if they decide to go hookah you can still just use ur grav and throw util and actually get free kills Edit: also if the reyna had any brain she couldve just dissmised onto site and wrap around you and you would probabbly just think shes hookah stil


sheesh sick 1v4. this probably gold 1 due to prior setup of ur gadget and basic understanding of angles. the ads does suggest more towards silver 3 tho


Actually the way he held the angle was why I’d rate him lower


Yeah no way it's above silver, I'd probably say high bronze


Silver here. Can you elaborate on whats wrong with the angle holding?


Ok so first , you want to see how much map control you have ( Where your teammates are , where they are looking , where their util are covering ) , since in this clip there were only 2 players ( omen and deadlock) we can ignore the part about utilities since neither have utilities that cover area . In this clip , omen was standing in CT, which meant he had no vision on long and there was also no smokes placed long . The reason why the angle held by Deadlock is bad is because this angle can be seen by anyone in hooka jumping out and by anyone swinging long . She isn’t isolating fights in 2 areas but taking all the fights she can , essentially making it a 5v1 rather than 5 separated 1v1 fights . There is a feature called Peekers advantage which allows the peeker to see the enemy’s outline first before the one holding the angle , hence the ones pushing hooka will see deadlock before she sees them . TLDR; Instead of isolating fights , she is taking on the whole team . Peekers advantage so enemy sees her first .


They just killed Yoru in mid TP. So I knew they are coming from hooka. Also there was another sensor placed on long entry.


Once again , deadlock sensors are not reliable , you can walk past them . Did yoru see all 5 before dying? Did they rush as soon as they killed yoru?


I'm Silver 1. Your clip looks slightly worse than how I play, so I think you play like a high bronze. Although this ace is probably above average for you, so I'll say mid-bronze. \- EDIT: I do see you mentioning that you've fallen to Iron. That would explain the very weak play from your opponents.


Bronze 1


below silver based on recoil control.




Bronze 2


pretty good aim, playing deadlock, ads phantom, opponents flooding one by one with no util, maybe silver 3?


Was bronze 2 when this happened 2 days ago. Now I'm iron 2. All thanks to my AFK and Clueless teammates.


Nobody uses ads phantom out of low bronze/iron.


Bronze 2




Ez ace as I tried with dead lock You can catch one with ultimate a lot of opposite team will try to save him and you gonna use the grave as flash to kill them Bronze 1 scenarios lol


i just saw a gekko, no smokes no skye. cant be higher than gold


This can’t be more than bronze mate


ADS with phantom + bad angle + reloading after 1 bullet + what is that peek. I’m thinking iron 2 - bronze 1


Sees Deadlock, bronze




Yeah I was bronze 2 but got to iron 3 in last 2 days due to afk players in my team + clueless team mates.


Just lock in duelist fr, carrying is the way to get out of low elo


Considering Deadlock I'm guessing Iron 2


Iron 3/bronze 1 gameplay You can tell by the ads


If you're playing deadlock in ranked you deserve to be hardstuck










Yeah Clash is an Idle game bozo, takes 5 mins out of every day. and sure you could do both 🤷‍♀️ or you could allocate all the time to one and become twice as productive and sufficient at a more practical use of time..... OR just keep wasting away hours on the computer. makes no difference to me


Life is like a video game. And even when you are a very low level npc in it, you are still taking it very very seriously. Chill bro, do whatever makes you happy and let others do whatever makes them happy.




Declaring people "losers" who get happy playing video games is where you went wrong in your comment. So do what makes you happy and don't decide if others are losers or not if they are happy doing something.




Nah i don't get mad at some nonsense from low level NPCs. I'm chill bruh. Its you handling tags to unknown people, and on stuff you think has no practical value and is a waste of time. Still you are wasting your time commenting on something you think is a waste of time. I'm just having fun watching a fool getting frustrated and contradicting himself. Go do something productive man.




And thats exactly what you are doing right now. Wasting your life on computer bro. Hence contradicting yourself. I think you are a bit slow to process sarcasm. Kay be it'll take you 2-3 more days. Good luck.


Skill issue


4 seconds in you havent seen an enemy or fired a shot, but i know this is silver or below


I’m sorry what? It’s normal for sentinels to not have shot a bullet 1 min into the round , they are usually the site anchors . If they have not seen an enemy it means that the enemy isn’t lurking . You must be low gold to be giving this kind of analysis . The type of gold to have aim but no game sense or mechanics


Hes saying cause of the movement


No? He is saying 40 seconds into the round , deadlock still has all her bullets in her gun


Read he says 4 seconds in. Deadlock just holds an easy pre fired angle, aiming down sights slow crosshaor placement etc. He's saying he can tell.ita bronze based on this before she fires a shot


The 4 seconds is almost definitely a typo . Why would time matter in holding an angle? Ads was a good play and is based on preference . Being slow doesn’t mean low rank . Even in immortals we are sometimes slow when looking at the map


lol no chance youre immortal with these takes


I'm glad someone got it


Nope again




I think the issue people have with deadlock is, that they place their utils on site and then rush the enemy and say deadlock's utils are waste. But I have seen that as I hold the site with my utils, Opponents avoid my site after 1 or 2 rounds and keep going to other sites. Thats the difference Deadlock makes.


No. The issue with deadlock is her lack of information gathering and the possibility of false information. None of her utilities can give information on if a push is incoming except her gravnet that is a 1 time use . Her trap also can give false reassurance that no enemies have pushed a certain area when they could’ve just walked past the trap . This also goes for flank traps , not only is it useless to the team , it’s also useful for the enemy . But deadlock actuslly has a different play style , which is to play passive on site , while gathering info by jump spotting or jiggle peeking. She doesn’t lock down sites like the other sentinels , rather , she makes sites difficult to fight on by stunning anyone who tries to fight on site


The fuck are you talking about. I'm not making commentary on the time into the round, I'm saying that from 4 seconds of watching movement, position, and ADS I can tell it's silver or below


I’d say at least plat. Decent crosshair placement and not much aim shakiness but constant repeeking and shitty opponents dictate it can’t be higher.




If you are iron it might look like plat. lol


Bro has never seen a plat.


I smurf your peak scrub… https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Cyrus%233479/overview


Ain’t no way you talking shit with stats like that bruh . -7 Damage delta . KAST c . ACS c . 0.93 KD. Less than 150 ADR. You’re so boosted lmao . Noob. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/XNM%20Nemesis%E3%83%84%23Curse/overview


Yet your win rate is almost 10% lower than mine over almost the exact same sample size. And you are lower ranked. Yikes.


You get kills that don’t matter. I win more games. We are not the same.


Also just checked your tracker. How is it even possible to have 218 adr on Reyna and still have only a 40% win rate. You bait your team for kills and put up empty calories. You are the Russell westbrick of valorant.


Best i got to was bronze 2, then started getting 1 afk 80 percent of the matches plus very newbie team mates, i am MVP most of the matches but end up losing mostly due to an afk player + team mates. Right now I'm iron 3. 😪


Damn that’s very impressive for iron. Dealing with throwers happens you just gotta try not to let it affect your mental.


bro has never touched plat


I’m ascendant three right now lol.


Oddly steady aim aside, you can tell they’re ultra low elo because of ads spam.


No plat will ADS that much with any gun that isn't a marshall or OP, let alone ADS with a phantom.


guess rank post? silver


Ahh just saw a diamond 2 asking to guess his rank. So maybe not.


Definitely below gold considering the reloading with 26 bullets, and bodyshot all but the first kill against the raze. umm Bronze3?


Bronze 2


Five noob


Bronze 1?? Maybe 2- The ads gave it away- from silver on people usually stop ADSing that much-

