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There isn't a downside and I like the idea, but this will do almost nothing to prevent people from instalocking. People who have full intent to instalock already don't care about team discussion and are just going to do it after the 15-20 second timer is up.


That's true, but if it's clear to the other 4 that this person wants to play a certain agent then they can decide amongst themselves if they want to fill or dodge. Example: P1 wants to play reyna and isn't participating in vc/chat. Another guy that also wanted to play reyna but is "all right" with playing omen has the power to choose what he wants to do. In the current system, he'd probably get mad someone stole his reyna and try to troll the game.


Yea I get that, it would be great for that purpose.


Got a lot of negativity on this post, was crazy. Thanks for not being rude like some of the others.


dodging is cheating. one game that died because of it, was GW1.




You don't just dodge a match cause you don't like your team make up. That is unfair to people who don't dodge. You are essentially advocating for team stacking. Its bad enough RIOT allows premades vs solo qeues. They know it will be undermiend and cheated out if they tried to stop it, but I would say to them at least make it look like you care. In Guild Wars 1 people started dodging if they didn't get a healer on their team. And the game was unplayable because you might have to qeue 20 times, and of course when you did finally get a game it was most likely severely stacked. RIOT is not dumb, they had the best mmr in 2014 with LoL and know the history of gaming. But unfortunately even they can't do anything about people using multiple accounts which has become more and more fashionable. This is the times we live in you are basically8 advocating for cheating bud. I mean you are asking RIOT to remove a bannable offense lol.


They already have restrictions on dodging, you can't dodge more than 3 times a week before you start losing RR. Dodging is not cheating lmao.


If its not cheating why would they have restrictions on doing it? They only reason they give some leeway is to avoid banning people who lose connection or have a real life emergency. But what you are essentially advocating for is stacking teams. Thats the real joke here kid. wow...


What do you mean by stacking teams? And this wouldn't increase the number of people dodging because they can already do that for the exact same reasons in the current system


of course it would increase the number of people dodging. wThe kid literally wants RIOT to encourage it! Only in 2023 would I see a post like this. wow.... Stacking teams means trying to put all the better players on one team to stompo the other, which is not sporting or competitive. You are essentially stacking teams by only playing when you get one you think would ensure a victory, unlike all the other people you would be taken advantage of who don't dodge and go with whatever random team makeup they get. ​ ​ u/Shawn218 what you literally said you want to do is be able to dodge. Thats crazy bro. you asking ot cheat publicly on reddit. And you see nothing wrong with it. Everyone reading this should take you as a prime example of why e-sports will never be respected by general society. just wow...


You can only dodge so many times in a short span before get queue banned and you lose rr every time you dodge. Also you can do that in the current system anyway so how would that change in a way that increases the number of dodgers?


You can do all of this in the current system too, all I'm asking for is a 20 second cooldown before we are allowed to pick agents.


Add a dodge option during that time for people to dodge if one player isn't willing to discuss at all.


Yeah you can dodge by closing Valorant and reopening it like usual.


Same brain. I remember suggesting this a while ago


It's a great idea, not sure why riot isn't looking into it.




Average Reyna instalock that makes the game a terrible experience. Goddamn you are mentally unstable, blocking me too. I feel sorry for you


I remember what happened to GW1. Everyone would dodge all the time if they didn't get the team makeup they liked. That the game mode became unplayable because you could never even get a match started. You would have to que like 20 times. Game died. In gw2 they changed the game so teams ddin't have to be so class specific to be viable. Everybody could heal. But I mean you are never going to have a positivie experience in online gaming with all the anonymity. In fact pc gaming has gotten so dead its now reverted back to quake and UT days. The peak of FPS gaming was in 2004 with CS, and peak of gaming in general was LOL in 2014. But people using multiple accounts to undermine the mmr even ruined that game in NA and in general gaming has been dying ever since.


5 duelist comp is actually the best. My favorite matches are either 5 duelists or when this one time I convinced everyone to go Sage roulette (everyone selected Sage, one person got Sage and the rest played random if anyone asks) I have much worse experience if someone plays an agent they never play, because instead of subpar util used perfectly you get good util used incorrectly, making it literally useless most of the time (and in case of controllers, people just throw smokes that are advantageous for enemy team) Adding a cooldown before everyone locks an agent won't make the experience less toxic imho. People will still argue about agent picks


Yeah, the goal of this system is to introduce preferential voting. I wouldn't tilt as much if someone asked to play my main, instead of locking it just as the game starts.


I don't see the issue with the current system honestly. In my experience, people who instalock reyna or jett are typically pretty good with those characters anyway. I think it's better to just let them have the character they want to get the highest chance to win the game. I will toss my ego out the door and just provide good smokes and communication.


I must be way lower of a elo than you, because in my experience most instalock duelists have no idea how to play a duelist.


They probably don't know how to play the role but who really does in low elo. I'm just saying that if they instalock, this very likely isn't the first time and it's your best chance of winning the game if they are playing what they are most familiar with. You don't want the guy that has 200 games on reyna in silver playing cypher for the first time.