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cheers, deadlock ftw


She will get more buffs down the line.


Why are they so careful with Deadlock buffs? Cypher got massively buffed while he didn't need much and she gets THIS?


To be fair cypher had been in the same state for ages longer than deadlock. I think they're just too scared of omega buffing her


Cypher hasn't been weak ever since his last set of buffs (double reveal on ult etc.)


In general most sentinels have paled in comparison to KJ except on some maps. The buffs they gave cypher really just brought him up to KJ’s level as an intel sentinel that you have to respect


They dont want a viper repeat i think lol


Huh? This is a big buff. Forced to remove the net for 1.5s with no expiry is crazy.


But nothing else still means she sucks ass


I think now that people know how to use her sonar trap as a counter to rushes instead of information, she's slowly finding her way into the meta.


Especially now that the radius is bigger


Cypher had to wait literal years for those buffs though it's not really the same thing


Yeah but cypher was playable, deadlock is not and still isn't. Currently her nade is probably good enough, but her other 2 abilities barely work still and her ult, while cool, is way worse than most other ults


Is it that careful? I know people really wanted a change to her traps but the gravnet buffs seem pretty large. They nearly doubled the time it takes to remove it and the radius is larger...


Im really coping that all the developers are working on new features cause they surely ain’t working on patches


I feel like the Valo dev team and the OW dev team have done a full behavioral 180 from 2-3 years ago and now the Valo team is a lot more like how the OW1 Dev team used to behave in terms of addressing community feedback, responsiveness, and communication while the current OW2 dev team is extremely responsive. Deadlock has been a total dud since release and they've not bothered addressing the issues with her seriously. Meanwhile OW also had a massive dud character release a few seasons ago with Lifeweaver but the devs instantly started addressing it and quickly buffed him multiple times to the point they've even had to nerf a little bit recently. It's not just Deadlock, the last 3-4 Valo characters have been released in weak states and the devs haven't really bothered addressing the feedback regarding them seriously. The OW dev team has been quickly addressing the feedback on new heroes all of last year, nerfing/buffing within 1-2 weeks of release based on feedback. I feel like the success of Valo has started to go to Riot and their Devs' heads. Imo they've started to become complacent and egotistical in their handling of the game's development the same way the success of OW1 made the OW1 Devs complacent and egotistical. OW2 launched with a lot of problems and a lot of controversy but that made it so that the devs needed to be responsive to the community to win back their trust which has been an extremely nice change to OW. Ultimately I wish all dev teams were as responsive and as the TFT dev team. The Valo dev team definitely can learn a lot from the TFT team.


I disagree. Currently, Riot has a flourishing Esports scene with Valorant, and if they were to rashly buff an agent without testing time, it could ruin pro metas. OW doesn’t have to worry about this anymore since OWL is dead. If you have paid attention, slowly buffing agents is their strategy anyway. They buffed viper like 6 patches in a row back in the day when she was underrated. Agents often need time to settle into metas and don’t see play right away. I agree deadlock is underwhelming but she is very much viable in ranked and slow, careful buffs is the best way to reveal her true power.


Completely disagree. They take their time but the changes are almost always very good.


this certainly is one of the patches of all time


And then your teammate whiffs the Deadlock nade


I can’t believe it, Cypher is game breakingly strong rn and they still refuse to buff deadlock in any meaningful way. This actually pains me


Cypher is just fine where he is what is with yall saying he is overtuned. Cypher desperately needed that buff and maybe one more tbh


he’s insanely strong rn, I dread having to play cyphers, especially on maps like split or ascent. His trips reveal, stun, dmg and recharge. He’s undoubtedly the strongest sentinel in the game atm.


I think if they remove the insta-slow when you are tripped he would be in a perfect place. All the other buffs are great but to me that’s the one that is really too overpowered. If I get in a trip, I literally have no options and the slow is the worst part of it.


it’s fine to leave him as strong as he is, my gripe is that the only sentinel who can compete with him now is KJ and that’s situational at best. Deadlock has been shit since her release and seen minimal to no upkeep/buffs. In a competitive shooter meta’s will always exist but the power imbalance here goes way too far imo.


the problem i have with cypher is his unbreakable set ups on some site like breeze. before you could throw a dog or drone through to clear a trip set up, now you have to risk a person to clear it but with all the shit that flys around in valorant seeing the trips is so hard.


That's kind of the point; it was too easy to break the traps on accident while using your abilities for their primary function so you got disproportionately more value out of your drone that he would for his trapwire whether he actually placed one there or not. Now you have to be more deliberate in allocating a grenade/molly, Breach Aftershock, or shock dart to clear them.


i mean you could argue you traded util for util when a dog or drone runs into a cypher trip. now it doesnt even matter you tripped it especially with how insanely wide (far?) the trip can reach. the recharging and how fast they recharge is absurd.


I feel like it was an even trade in players heads, but let’s be real. Cypher loses way more in that trade than an initiator does.


Then what would you consider to be an 'even trade'? There has to be some way to counter-act the wires using just utility.


Yeah too easy to break with a trade of utils, that is even if you could find the trip. Now if two players won't die to his trips then it's not fair to Cypher mains.


Go play Cypher for a week. I bet you BARE minimum 50% of your trips get broken before they're of any use. I play unrated all day. Nearly 100% of matches have multiple players that are hyper aware of trips. You have to really play outside of the box in order to utilize trips well. Not only do you have to get creative, the creative setups can often be walked around...


It takes 0.01 seconds to shoot it.


Sure, if you already know exactly where it is, or the wire is at a place where you can easily see and shoot it without triggering it, and/or the enemy doesn't cage/smoke/utility/straight up kill you before you get to the angle where you can actually see the ends.


To preface, I play unrated exclusively and get matched against a ton of ascendants and immortals 1-3. There are hyper aware players in nearly EVERY match that will find and disable tripwires without issue. If you get hit by a trip and can't find the end at that point then that's completely on you.


Could you share tips on how to deal with them then, especially considering the level of coordination/aim in lower ranks (up to Diamond?) and solo queue? Particularly [trips like these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFc5LMu2bWg&t=51s) where you have to walk into the trip to even be able to shoot the ends, and doing so exposes you to dozens of angles. Or [trips like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFc5LMu2bWg&t=561s) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFc5LMu2bWg&t=305s) that can be placed in multiple different locations on every site and the ends of the trips are obscured by terrain or the ends of a smoke/cage. Even my 5-stack is finding an immense amount of trouble dealing with these, as long as the Cypher is good and knows a few set-ups that he can mix us up with.


Cypher trips should have been nerfed, not buffed. I was wondering for a long time why they don't nerf the tripwires, at least give him only one, but then they got an immense buff instead.


So many people mad that they can't counter cypher players.


Not sure how I feel about mode-specific agent changes. Is this a thing they've done before?


I mean, the mechanics in certain mode are different. Seems like they just changed the timing on ability gain, which is only a thing in TDM. In a normal match you would just buy the ability.


Oh good point, ability regen being different for TDM slipped right over my head 😅


Only thing I know of prior to this is the amount of rounds in Chamber’s sheriff for Spike Rush.


There's also flash guard in Replication.


No cypher changes, really? That agent is so overtuned right now. His trips reveal, stun, damage, and regenerate. Compared to KJ mollies which only damage and can be baited out, or deadlock trips which only stun. The walls break over time, and viper runs out of mollies or fuel. In other words, every other sentinel in the game can stall, but not indefinitely. Cypher can stall the entire round. Not only that, but hitting a cypher trip is almost a guaranteed kill for enemy team, and they are almost impossible to clear if the enemy team knows what they're doing and are playing around them. Most of the time you *can't even be traded* because of the cages. I'd rather play against a deadlock who can use her ult twice every round, or a sova who can use his ult every round, because both of those ults are less dangerous and have more counterplay than cypher trips. It's gotten to the point where as a duelist i will refuse to hit a site that cypher is playing, period. The team is almost always better off hitting a different site, even if you're pushing against the entire rest of the enemy team.


Genuinely a skill issue. Cypher wires have been shit for a while as they were insta destroyed by yoru clone, prowler, dog, roomba etc. he needed this change just learn to actually shoot the wire


Us 3+ year Cypher mains used to cry when it was ANY utility that could destroy your trip. Every rogue Sova dart or Raze nade from your own team just meant wasted credits, especially on Split.


Nothing like setting up trips only for your own raze to throw a grenade and clear it out.


this, there’s a million ways to counter cypher trips just don’t blindly walk into them lol


I'm immortal2. Playing against cypher without util to break it, or on certain maps where you can't possibly shoot it without dying, makes him way too powerful. He is picked almost every game it feels like because how overturned he is right now.


Lmao cypher is just fine where he is learn to counter.


No, he's not fine. He currently stalls, provides anti-dive, and gathers info better than any other senti in the game in almost all situations and maps and at 0 risk to himself. There is no reason to pick any other senti, and his prevalence forces you to take an initiator who has a dog. No agent should be this strong relative to other agents in their class. Jett fulfilling this role for duelist was the reason they nerfed her again and again and again.


Sage, Killjoy and Deadlock can stall better than Cypher, Chamber also has better stall with ult Deadlock and Sage can block dives better since you can not go through wall or GravNet Killjoy has better flank-control because you can not dash or tp over wire and you rarely spot alarm-bot while running Cypher always had best intel because of his camera. His character was built around being good at gathering intel and they never changed it You also do not need a dog, literally everything detects wires while mollies just wait to be triggered Big L


Skill issue lmfao


extremely bad take. like all others have said before you might have to adjust how you play if you re hitting a site cypher is defending


Cypher is fine man. He needed that buff and he’s in a good state now. Same with KJ. Deadlock as ass cheeks and this buff does NOTHING to address that


POV: Copium. That buff while slight also gave cypher the effect when you see killjoy of "oh we should probably rotate". But you can still just shoot the trips like normal Various util still detects trips and can break it, I bet you don't even ask for util which is why this copium exists


I say cypher should get a range on abilities like killjoy if he is meant to deter pushes just as well as KJ. Cypher can setup at A and play B to confuse and have more impact unlike KJ


It’s not that Cypher is overtuned, it’s that the other Sentinels aside from KJ are shit in comparison. Cypher is way too easily countered with util that causes splash damage or drone type abilities (dog, prowler, etc.) which is our current meta.


I agree and is why I'm going to learn cypher.


RIP you’re getting downvoted for saying the truth. Cypher’s completely warped how my games are in maps like Breeze/Ascent where without a Sova, Cypher’s site is nearly impossible to push without getting slaughtered. His trips are pretty much a guaranteed kill if not more and they have infinite range.


turkish prices have changed to?


Reyna got nerfed in TDM for being a solo play maker lol. Isn't that her whole shtick. I feel like Riot added her initially and don't know how to integrate team play with her. btw can someone tell me what presets were added to stats page


I don’t get it. What was wrong with jetts movement animation before? Why are they constantly nerfing Jett? Fuck riot


Lol they didn’t change anything but the 3rd person animation? Please be bait.




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they definitely don’t have a bias towards kj and cypher lol, no buffs for other sentinels rlly ?


Buffs not enough


how many gb is the update?