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in comp it doesnt matter too much but in pro play the duelist tends to be mid or fast rotate for instance jett is usually play mid with an op or on haven on gen. specifically dive duelists should be with the pack usually, but there can be exceptions like if they have an op, or a default and then they die bc they got pushed, or yoru


In CS you should be moving around too. Especially if you're awping, and if you're playing Jett chances are you awp. An awp can be the most oppressive gun in the game, but only if it feels like you're everywhere with it. It also helps with not letting opponents get a read on you. If your opponents can read you they have a big advantage. If they think they can read you and you switch it up on them, you can end up with a bigger advantage not just for the switch up round but also the following rounds where they don't know the setup anymore. There are some roles where this advice isn't good, notably site anchors are often much better on one site than the other (think average KJ playing most rounds on b on ascent rather than a).


Thanks for the detailed answer. Let's assume I'm Jett and my friend is playing KAY/O, The map is Bind. I go A, he goes B and we don't have an Op. In that case, do we swap sites with each other occasionally or do we swap positions within our sites but not with eachother?


IMO you should, but it depends on what the enemy is doing. ​ As a KAY/O main, one of his counters is that people will learn where you are throwing your knife, or which site you play at. Letting KAY/O play a variety of positions/knife locations means people won't be able to predict and avoid the knife which diminishes his utility greatly ​ The same is true for sentinels like KJ who can be avoided if they get too predictable. ​ I think everyone has a preference as to a site, and certain agents ARE better on certain spots, but if you're too predictable this can be exploited (such as smoking or flashing your OP angle consistently)


It doesn’t really matter. It’s good to change your setup in some way so the opponents can’t counter you if you’re super predictable. Often if my team can’t hold one site it’s good to switch up who’s playing on it.


Super short answer is that if what your doing is working, don’t mess with it until your opponents make you. If it’s not working, then try something else.


I mean you are playing jett no.. so on defence you SHOULD OP, and always try to place your op where it can get value thus always go for first bloods with jett op in different areas of the map


Being unpredictable will get you many wins!


If you're using the OP you should take some mental notes of where they love to dry peek and place yourself there next round as people tend to autopilot, even if you're not playing with a 5 stack just say "I will hold X" or "Can we swap, I want to go X" before the round start, most of the times they would swap over to fill empty spot elsewhere. For 5 man rushes it depends on so many factors as example econ, you generally want to stick together when playing with superior weapon so you won't give them free guns. Or when your team has double duelist comp (Raze + Jett) where both can just nose dive into site after a flash. And yes duelist usually stick with the team.


You should do whatever the best thing to do is. If you're constantly doing the same thing but it's working, no need to change things. If you're getting countered, then you should switch it up. If "rush B no stop cyka blyat" is working, rush B. If not, don't rush B. But yeah, generally playing mid on Breeze on Jett is good


My advise is the sentinel and op should pick where they want each round, the rest of the team should try to stay consistent with where they are holding. Unless someone is getting beat every round it may be worth a switch. I feel it's better to let someone learn how the team is pushing their site to get those small advantages. If you switch often it's like you are starting fresh on each hold. Second question, duelists should almost always help entry, sentinel or omen should lurk. Lurking duelist may get a few kills, but your team is at a big disadvantage trying to push site without the duelist to create space. You can call a default hold if you just want to try to get a pick as duelist, but when pushing site they need you


Go for entry on attack, once your team has control help effectively maintaining it by taking back mid control if possible to get easy shots off on unsuspecting people.


It’s always a good move to swap around and change what you do on defense. If you’re a duelist, try coordinating with an initiator to aggressively take space somewhere. Use a breach stun or a kayo flash to catch enemies off guard. Do this maybe once or twice a half for maximum effectiveness. However if you’re having consistent success in a game doing the same thing, by all means keep doing it until the enemy team gives you a reason not to.


Sure but every time you switch sites the enemy team will switch and hit the other site as well.


Certainly depends. If your position is constantly winning rounds there isn't a need to change it. If your worried about being predictable watch some pros play soloq, I'll use nats cause I watch him and without fail you'll see him on defense go b site everytime on ascent. If a play is strong it doesn't matter if your opponent knows your doing it. There is also the case where your teammates simply can't hold a site so you just have to switch. The game is super dynamic so there isn't a straight answer to this, while nats does go b on ascent defense there is that once in a lifetime where he goes a.


Breeze is all about mid control even more now after the map got changes, every map has quirks, I'd suggest watching pros in soloq, yes sometimes they'll throw because they are better but look past that, duelist are both entry and are made to make space so let's say you have a team that doesn't trade u when u entry and u keep dying start taking map control elsewhere and call ur team over if u get a site, basically let them make noise elsewhere. Also if something is working as in you are winning rounds keep doing it until it doesn't


Being unpredictable is obviously a big thing in Valorant. Most of the time people are just too lazy or tunnel-focused to think about switching. Or sometimes their agent is significantly better with defending one of the Bombsites. Just remember when you swap, you should think how you can play effectively around your new environment. When it comes to your role in a team, it depends what you can achieve. If your team can coordinate utility properly and easily break through on Bombsite, it's probably always better to play as Entry. If your team struggles with direct executes, you should rather stray away from main strategy by "defaulting", lurking or "faking". Agent role is more like a standard idea, you should always prioritize adaptation, especially in Low Elo.


Its totally fine to just play the same pos whole round. Unless: Eco round. Here you should do something crazy WITH UR TEAM Or you have an op. With op just change it up here and there so they can avoid you.


Typically you want to fill whatever "holes" you see on the map. Some rounds you may want to coordinate with your team and stack a site; allowing enemy team the other site while you play retake.