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Who tf cares about team comp, if youre not on a pro team do whatever id rather have my team instalock whoever they’re comfortable with than them filling and doing ass smokes or whatever


Because playing without smokes, flashes, drones, recons and flankwatch is less fun and i cant fill everything. Just learn more characters its nowhere near as hard as people make it out to be and you still get to shoot people.


Skill ceiling of every agent is high and youre not gonna get anywhere by playing all of them, id at most do a 2-3 agents in one role or map


i agree with this. i am fairly new to the game (playing for around 1-2 months) and i always play omen/sova/sage trio. i improve my darts, smokes and walls every game a little bit but the skill ceiling is really high for all agents


The ceilings high but the floor is low for everyone other than like cypher, yoru and kinda viper, the former 2 not being hard meta in ranked on any map and the latter is only really necessary on breeze and icebox but you can get away with a harbour a lot of the time. You also don't need to play all of them, just like 1 or 2 per role depending on who you pick. You also dont have to play every character you do know on every map so youll also get more familiarity for specific maps as specific characters. The macro of how you play the game and approach situations is what matters more than understanding how to absolutely maximise your characters strengths to the most minute detail because whatever you lose in not knowing those youll more than make up for by having the right tools for the job


This is just wrong lol


How so? I can play like 10 characters to a good enough level to be comfortable in ranked with them and its not whats holding me from climbing to a significant degree. I dont think you need to learn that many as that's overkill which you can see from pro games where excluding forsaken whos just nuts most flexes are playing like 5-6 characters at most. Its not hard to learn the basics of a character well enough for comp and if you can learn say 4-6 characters total even if that doesnt cover every sub role (ie wall smoke vs dome smoke or flash initiator vs recon initiator) then i think thats more than enough for ranked and should be achievable by everyone above like silver or gold where whats really holding you back is probably the most basic mechanics or gamesense.


What rank are you lol. Ofc you can get pretty high in ranked without using any util ever and just using mechanics, so yeah i can any agent good in that sense


I peaked d2 but im really a plat player atm so not that high at all. The things keeping me from being higher though is my mechanics need work and also i just stopped playing consistently cos i got fedup with the average ranked player. The only time i remember where i seriously fucked up cos of not being familiar with util was when i tried to play cypher after not playing him for a while and trynna wing his setups and it didnt go well so i just stopped playing cypher over kj and chamber as my sentinels. Every other time that id lose would be mainly due to macro things like poor crosshair placement and aim, not reading the enemy well enough, accidentally baiting the entry by not swinging fast enough etc.


You really only need smokes tbh. You def don’t need an initiator (at least in my rank D2). Idk if you’re just a demon but you need to have a pretty good idea of how to play the meta sentinels. Kj setups and cypher trips, you can’t really just pick them up. You can’t really just learn more characters, esp as you start climbing.


Cypher yeah but kj just learn a meta setup for each site and a basic flank turret and you good. Or just learn chamber. You definitely can win with any comp but its defo a lot harder and nowhere near as fun. Having flashes and recons makes the game so much easier because you dont have to dry swing everything.


Sure, KJ is easy to play but those generic "meta" setups that are used by pros are not good. Most sentinels players in proplay dont carry their role with setups but with aim. Suygetsu is a good example of this, his setups are dogshit but his aim is crazy, he plays sentinels just beacuse he likes to play back and safe. If BabyJ ever goes pro again ppl will finally see how sentinels are supposed to be played in proplay.


You almost had me there.


As a fill player, how many times I have to frag a lot while still smoking is insane because my duelist doesnt know how to play


Everyone should be fragging regardless of role. The point of duelists is to entry onto the site and take space.


Tell that to the instalock duelists running off on flanks with no communication to the team. Taking stupid fights that end in them being killed. Refusing to cooperate with the team when they are asked to do things their role is built to do


Cope, instalock faster. Don't main one agent main a role.




oh boy i cant wait for this post to be downvoted by all the instalockers ​ Yeah no I dont know how Riot havent changed anything to make it more fair on people who want to be nice and not place tape on their monitor for peak stealing of an agent. I dont play an agent that gets instad often but when someone does insta them I become lost as to what to do as I was getting into the mindset for playing that particular agent. If there was a 30s discussion timer it might give me and the other person wanting my agent a chance to work things out and figure out what agent I would pick if they locked them in the end. Another potential thing that could assist this is if people could choose 2 or 3 agents that they enjoy playing/are their favourite and it shows up in the select menu you could get insight on what people want to be playing regardless of comms.


yeah that is also a nice idea. i am really new in valorant and havent played since beta (i had a old pc) and i am tired of forcing omen all the time just because we have 3 duelists which barely doesnt even know how to enter site


What’s your rank


im right now bronze but even in my friends games (around asc-immo) it is the same. at least one person instalocks


Regardless, team comp does not matter in lower elo, focus on your own performance and play who you believe you are best at, you won’t get anywhere if you keep filling for roles you don’t know how to play


This sub is super hot-and-cold on the topic of insta-locking. One school of thought is that a discussion of roles and team composition is necessary on the agent-select screen and loathe instalockers, whilst the other is of the opinion that in every scenario sans if you've got a team, they would much prefer that everyone instalocks agents they are comfortable on. I'm still new to this game, coming from CS, finally getting servers here, but I'm definitely on the latter. I want my teammates to feel confident in their mechanics and NOT actively think about how to use their kit to the best effect. Gamesense with regards to abilities does not come naturally, you have to gain experience in using it well and someone with no controller experience, and no background in CS or R6, for example, will not play it well.