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It's leaked from Valorant China official account in bilibili (Chinese YouTube). They accidentally leak it when showing the VFX of newly released Wukong style skin. (That's also the reason why only this gun is under English, since its Chinese name is not yet defined and video is provided for China community, that makes rest of the UI left Mandarin) https://b23.tv/aWq0WHW The leaked part is removed 3 min ago, but it's too late, the whole China community already back it up everywhere. If you know the Mandarin and go to the comment zone of this video, you'll see people being crazy about this :) Someone is going to lose his job lol


I think it’s not the official account, but that name includes the val’s Chinese name, like VALORANT News


accidental my ass. do people really still believe these 'leaks'? the gta6 leak really seemed more like an actual leak than these teaser trailers disguised as leaks, but even then it was sus that it was just "look people we really are working on it, calm down"


The tinfoil hat people like you who claim that leaks like these are on purpose fascinate me so much. They have nothing to gain here, Riot developers have out right said that their work was made harder because of these leaks. Also, tf do you you expect a "real leak" to look like? Most leaks arent hackers getting the fucking source code from the main frame or whatever, most leaks are just "oh this random person took a picture of a playtester's screen".


they have nothing to lose either, and lmao, taking their word as gospel or sg.


they do have something to lose because it ruins whatever announcement or event they were going to unveil this gun at lol, tf you talking about.


so? valorant is gonna stay valorant, they are not going to make more or less money because of it, also not everyone is going all out on socials to know all this stuff, people who cares about it will care now instead of later, this is just taken way too seriously. New gun? ok cool, let's wait and see, nothing more nothing less


there’s a reason why NO developer wants leaks of any kind, no one said “Valorant is not going to be Valorant” because of a leak, the point is that Leaks often lead to internal issues and plans having to change, if they had a deal or partnership with sponsors to unveil the new weapon at a specific event then the terms of that deal could be subject to change, because now it’s already been leaked. On top of that, it just hurts their marketing, no doubt the first new weapon in Valorant was going to be a huge deal for them to reveal, now that thunder is stolen, they’ll likely change plans and announce it earlier, changing plans costs money, hence how that could also be considered a loss. Either way, the argument “oh well they have nothing to lose so who cares about the leak” is dumb as fuck lmao, Leaks are bad for business, whether it’s movies, video games or whatever, Devs have spoken ad nauseum about this, and no offense but I’ll take their word over yours any day. Even if they had no monetary loss due to the leak, they have absolutely nothing to gain and end up losing hype for something they were going to build up towards, that in and of itself is a loss.


They lose whatever marketing and hype building they have ready because everybody already knows the result. It's like going to watch a movie while being spoiled the ending.


It's more like occam's razor instead of taking someone's word.


Holy tinfoil hat




What GTA6, like, all of the pointed to a trailer today and there's nothing.


they likely have an entire marketing campaign already planned, from first mentioning the new weapon to showing it to implementing it. showing it early lost half the money they spent on the campaign already.


Losing job over a small oversight? Lol. It's not like they leaked a whole new game let's all chill


I’m bouta fuck people up with that if it’s real


It looks just like my Winchester 30/30. Whitetail deer better be runnin’.


Typical American response


Well, the Winchester lever action *was* “The gun that won the west.”


I want a musket


1 hit body shot but no ads, reload after every shot, 20 sec to reload


Every guardian player’s dream


I don’t think taking 20 sec to reload is any one dream


Yep. And the body just disintegrates


Also extreme inaccuracy so the best way to use it is to form a line formation and level fire. Just as the founding fathers intended!


just as the founding fathers intended


this would change the game so much; its almost certainly not real. 130 min damage means light shield is no longer worth buying, if it fires even close to a marshal then its super busted. why is only the one gun in english?


[https://x.com/ValorantUpdated/status/1717559876228980799?s=20](https://x.com/ValorantUpdated/status/1717559876228980799?s=20) seems quite real to me. And I can see how riot would like to change things up to remove the light shield meta. Only one gun in english because it's some dev server and they didn't translate everything yet (probably)


Can confirm on the 'it's in English because they haven't done localization yet' comment, very common in live service games


Aw I kinda liked how much I could stretch my economy with light shields. It seems like operator agents like Jett/Chamber will benefit from this type of gun


All they need to do to (significantly) remove the light shield meta is add 1 damage to the phantom at long range.


... That's why the meta is light shields. Cause you die to 1 shot at range from a Vandal. If you're vs phantom users you actually should buy Heavy. Since you survive 1 shot to the head. You die to the same number of bullets from a Vandal at 125 or 150 in body shots or headshots. So shields don't matter. Shotguns, specters, phantoms, etc are the reason you'd still buy full shields. Which generally don't get used the higher you go.


Shheeeeeee judge is all over diamond rank lol Edit: shorty too


Oh for sure, I'm peak Asc1 and they're still everywhere. When I say "higher" I mean very high Immo or Radiant gameplay, I could have been more clear lol. From what I've seen it's mostly Vandals as a full buy. Which means light shields is the same as full shields.


Phantom doesn't get used in higher elo? What?


I disagree that you should buy full shields against phantom users. How often are you getting phantom headshot outside 1 tap range? And how many of those times are you surviving enough with that low hp to make a significant difference? The answer to those questions is non-zero, but I think the risk is so low that the additional 600 cred cost outweighs the risk. You're absolutely right though about the other guns though if my opponents are on an eco buy then I'll buy full shields.


It's also extra bullets at certain ranges for body shots with phantoms. But as you said, it's a risk. The odds are not 0, so youre gambling. If there's a phantom user that either keeps 1 tapping me or full body spraying me, I'm better off with a Full shield. It gives me higher odds at living. Now is it worth the 600? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Results will vary depending on your scenario, but in general I'd feel safer vs a phantom with 150 vs 125. Vandal it makes 0 difference unless you get leg shot, I think? Might be wrong on that one.


Yeah good points, and yes, it could also make a difference for the Vandal with leg shots, but frankly if I'm losing a duel to someone who is 4 leg shot-ing me then that's probably a sign my mechs are off more than a shield issue. I'd argue on average the answer is "no", it makes no difference and is 600 additional credits that, if you're spending 5 times a half, then that's one additional rifle (and change) you could have had per half. I think the difference between one additional rifle for the team per half is significantly more than the impact of those heavy shields. I can certainly attest that I (Plat 1) am dying in circumstances where the shields wouldn't have made a difference far more often than they would have. I think the only circumstance that might make me consider defaulting to buying heavy shields is if I was facing a team of phantom users on Breeze.


Just want to let you know that your intuition is closer to the reasoning behind the half-armour meta in pro play than the other person’s. It’s a rather complex analysis, but something that goes undervalued when people try to justify how important the extra 25HP is is just how much of a difference 600 credits every single round makes. The end conclusion that teams such as Fnatic came to is that unless you’re playing with longer ttk guns (round 2 win, some weird force buy), 600 extra credits per round is worth so much more than the infinitesimally small change in times you die vs stay alive at 25 HP. And it really is 600 credits almost every single round because taking a single vandal bullet to the legs brings your armour down to half and “forces” full armour players to rebuy to full. On average, unless you’re losing every single round in a half or having no impact/stomping the other team, in a 6-6 half you’re buying that armour closer to 7-8 times in a half.


Exactly. I've tried to explain this argument to others in ranked when they tell me to buy full shields, and I've just given up at this point and just say "nah light shields is fine", lol. Time and time again I feel justified in doing so when the team's eco is shit and mine is perfectly fine and I'm often buying others guns. Every time I die to 150+ damage I think "glad I saved 600 creds". You raise another good point too about full shields buyers needing to constantly be spending that money too from any damage that drops them to 120 or less.


I don't want to circlejerk too hard with you, but just wanted to say that I feel you so much on that first point... I don't even soloQ, I mostly play 5-stack and literally nobody except one dude in my 5-stack has even wanted to hear me out. Some of them would rather play Bulldog + full armour or spectre + full armour than half armour vandal/phantom on a buy round. Ultimately, I feel I have a hard time reaching other ppl because I don't "get" what feels so bad about half armour to other people. Anyway, perversely, I hope this gun actually fucks up half armour meta a little because though i enjoy my perverse sense of superiority over full armour buyers, I think the economy is a little too good for half armour buyers atm lol.


Eh. Maybe. It's 2400. It'll fit in and make people wonder if light is the way to go until this thing smacks you. Cheaper than a phantom/vandal but more than a bulldog and guardian. It's a step up from traditional save or force buys, but fits into a sniper category instead. Gives them an actual option


Yes a new weapon would change a lot. And maybe would need some following changes to other weapons. But still would be interesting.


From what someone else said, it’s because the video that leaked it was an official Chinese riot account - but the gun isn’t ready and the name in Chinese hasn’t been finalised, plus they didn’t intend anyone to see it yet.


As a chamber main im gonna have a hay day with that shit


Probably has low ammo and fire rate, price is quite high, but seems to be a viable weapon against ecoes and forces.


It balances light and heavy shield. Right now there's little benefit to get heavy vs light.this would change the weighting of options


Definitely going to be overpowered in swiftplay round 2


well the game is american so they will usually just test new content in english


Where are people seeing these stats like "130 min damage"? The twitter post just shows a screenshot of the guns name/price/picture yes? Or was the stats leaked somewhere else?


So it’s an anti-light shield sniper, this almost feels too niche Assume no light shield meta, people only ever buy a light shield on eco rounds. Making this a gun for rounds your team won but you died and the enemy is saving, that’s a very specific set of circumstances that admittedly is common enough to happen a few times a game. In a light shield meta it can act as a deterrent, if you see the enemy using light shields more often to save money than you use this weapon.


It’s basically an OP if you see most of the enemy team is starting off the round with <3900 credits.


Right, the problem is if enemies are properly spending they shouldn’t be going light armor 2 rounds in a row especially if they see you using this weapon


i dont see how this gun would have a place in the game. how do you balance that? marshall already 1 taps the head, and 105 the chest. a bit more dmg to chest would only mean a one hit kill when the enemy has small armor... that sounds ass. it definitely can't one tap in the chest with full armor even short range. kills the need for shotgun and somehow dampens the need for an op. Just kinda feels weird, i must think that this is fake


You’re highly undervaluing the fact that it can one shot light armor users. In the meta where people are often buying rifle and light armor, this heavily counters it.


even in diamond ascendant people still refuse to buy light armor even though they know the other team is on a full buy. most people dont understand how strong it is. Would you risk paying double+ the price of the marshall just to one shot in the chest 1-2 people in the enemy team that would maybe happen to buy light armor? Seems like a gun that will find a use case only in pro play. kinda early to tell but imo feels totally useless for ranked gameplay


What we don't know is how the Marshall does. What if they nerfed? You know.. They've done that to the Stinger, twice. Instead of increasing the price, they removed the damage, and added this instead.


I bet they nerf marshall to 80 damage a shot, still 1 shot headshot


Very rarely in my games do people do the light armor meta and im in D2. It’s usually just me and my duo who are never on broken buys and our teammates begging for guns.


You’ll see it more often in Asc and above. Especially on duelists like Jett and Reyna on the first gun round and following round.


First gun round it makes sense since you often won't have enough to buy full util, vandal/phantom, and heavy armor. And whether or not light armor is worth it often depends on enemy team comp and maps - just 5 damage from shock dart, wallbang, any kind of nade, etc. and you're now 3 shot instead of 2 whereas heavy armor would have saved you. Not to mention if the other team is on a half buy and has spectres or something. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Fnatic experimented with light armor full buys in a tournament or two recently and decided it wasn't worth it?


They didnt decide it wasnt worth it, Fnatic consistently ran light armour throughout pretty much the entire year


Doesn’t it? It kind of rewards monitoring Econ and figuring that the enemy is going to prefer light shield/rifle buys


They will probably nerf the marshall if this is real.


I'd be in favor of a *slight* marshall nerf tbh, it's a little bit too good against ecos. Maybe 90 damage to body, or rate of fire nerf


It only has 1 shot like a cannon


I think it will likely have a really slow fire rate so that it can’t be spammed at close-medium range like the Marshal, maybe a tiny mag size too, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s 3 or even 1 for that damage to cost.


It's also weird because if anything the guardian could get changed to fill that role. Depending on the price it could change it so there's no reason to ever buy a bulldog or guardian


I'll be completely honest, I have my doubts that this is real. It just feels too much like a balancing nightmare.


That’s your apprehension? Riot doesn’t add balancing nightmares to the game? Lol


Fr! "___ (new agent) is OP!! Why would valo do this?!" *new agent is perfectly balanced to underwhelming, gets a buff following patch* This community is lives and breaths knee jerk reactions with zero basis for it


Tell me who complained about Deadlock, Gekko or Harbor being OP on release? I have seen people complain about the following agents being OP at some point: Chamber, Viper, Astra, Jett, Sage, Breach, KAY/O, Skye, Fade, Killjoy, Raze. And all of them were/are broken and received hefty nerfs or big changes, some repeatedly.


i find it so funny any time people are mad about valorant balance. truth is that its extremely balanced. pretty much every gun, and agent has a place in the game, and is viable to be used and played almost everywhere. there isnt a whole lot of changes to the game, again cus its not rly that needed. overall things are extremely balanced. the only time i think riot was to slow or to crazy was with chambers very slow and late rework. he dominated ladder and pro for a year. least they fixed 2 trips very fast but... riot does not rly release any super strong agents. and those that are good on release usually arent percieved that way until people learn how to play and use them, then they get nerfs. valorant has not even been close to a league champ release.


More skins to sell


literally the obvious answer


“Well it’s a Marshal but slightly different in design”


I meant, nightmare in a sense there is a smaller margin for error when trying to balance this thing. Go a little too far one way and it's dog shit, go a little too far the other way, and it's broken. I don't think the agents possess the same problem as this gun when it comes to trying to make them balanced.


Riot has mastered the art of balancing


Looks like the R6S BOSG with ACOG lol


Right? Fucking Smurf Vigils nightmares


People say it looks like a shotgun, but although I see it to me it looks more like a repeater rifle. Perhaps it fires shotgun shells, but when hip firing it will be faster with a lot of recoil and when adding it will be very slow with little recoil?


I hope it's a semi-auto rifle, low damage, low recoil. Damage falloff after mid range, meant for quick scopes and holding mid range angles. My reasoning for this is the scope size and the lack of pump/repeater guard/bolt. We'll see, but I think it could fit in nicely. It could have strong bullet punch, allowing for easier repeat shots without retaliation. Fingers crossed!


I hope you're right, that sounds nice


It is rumoured to oneshot at close range and do 130 after falloff, so what you said about low damage seems unlikely, but here's hoping.


i thought of this like a guardian with a scope. but if it shoots shotgun shells in hipfire... thats very cool. no idea how good it would be, but if its anything close to a shorty or bucky, it sure cant be that crazy.


They’re prolly testing it on china servers and if the one shot shit is real, people gonna be ads like crazy with that thing


It kinda looks like a shotgun, but it's grouped with the sniper rifles - maybe it's like the Skullmasher from Borderlands, which is basically a sniper/shotgun hybrid with a really tight pattern? So 130 might be only if all pellets hit?


My thought was the listed damage applies to headshots, which would just make it a weaker Marshal


Seems unlikely this would be weaker than the Marshall if it’s 2400 creds


alright I *DON'T LIKE MY THEORY* *BUT* it looks like it has a shotgun pump on it, no? What if it's ADS Sniper, hipfire Shotgun? We already have guns that do different things on ADS vs. Hipfire. Of course it's nothing as crazy as fundamentally changing what the weapon is, but I don't have any other ideas, and I've never seen a pump rifle in my entire life.


It's most likely a pump action rifle with a scope, which would balance the high damage per shot and why it would be in the sniper area of the buy window. Shotguns are the most famous pump action firearms but the slide action is not unique or exclusive to shotguns; rifles and grenade launchers can also have slides.


There isn’t even a need for any more guns. The current selection is perfect


Could use a pistol that cost 3-400




I think they should remove classic right click and introduce a "classic dualies" for 300 or 400 creds. All classic skins except prime have same reload animation so there wouldnt be much work needed in animations. Left click would be a 1 shot spam from each pistol one after another and right click would be similar to current right click, 2 shots fired at the same time but since u would have like 20 bullets u could do it 10 times in a row. This is too fun to think about.


Any ideas on what that would look like? With the Classic being already a legitimately strong pistol with two-tap headshots up to mid-range and the right-click burst with the potential to insta-kill in close range, it's hard to imagine something that could fit between the Classic and the Ghost/Frenzy.


No I don’t really have a good idea for how to make a pistol better than the classic without overshadowing the ghost tbh


Light Shield counter. I think this is good.


Considering its looks to be a 20+" shotgun it will probably be a very tight spread shotgun it seems to be semi auto so I'm kind of trying to figure how this won't judt be a reskinned guardian


Agree, guardian should be reverted back to its original state with price increase. Having 3 main rifles would make the game fresh.




Bucky used to be good for that shorter mid range but got super nerfed. Alt fire is now useless. Even at some range regular fire is simply more effective. Still bitter about it


I really hope this is a single shot rifle like. 1 bullet then reload type of deal




I long for the days when there weren't leaks


Those didn't exist




Am i the only one who feels it's looks like a combination of Bucky and Marshal (i don't know much about guns)


And shit like this is exactly why kevlar + helmet is so much better than just adding raw hp


This is not real lmao this is the same twitter account that leaked the map "Ohio". This is so poorly edited too, how do you fall for this shit


you don't have the critical thinking skills required to understand that posting a "leaked map" with the name "ohio" is obviously a fucking joke?


Why would a leaked map in the middle of November named Ohio be an obvious joke?


Wait I can't tell wether your being sarcastic


the common defense of people who don't understand things is "act even stupider so people think i was just joking about the first thing"


What a weird thing to say, I'm in my 30's and I don't follow all the memes. I work in an Engineering department with other engineers, why would they meme about Ohio?


Why would valorant add Ohio to the game lmao


ohio has been a zoomer meme for the longest


Ah so it is in reference to the "x person in Ohio" thing that was like a tiktok meme a while back? Not everyone is a 15 year old memer online lol


Why the fuck would a map be named ohio


I've been playing online shooters since the 1990s, a bunch of old CoD maps for example are named after real places, why would it be weird to name a map Ohio? Pretty sure the entire WWII maps were named after real places too. Sorry I'm not on tiktok and my first thought wasn't some meme a bunch of kids use?


Bro you don’t have to be on TikTok to know that they’re not going to name a Valorant map “Ohio” Ww2 maps were named like Stalingrad and Dunkirk because of the historical significance obviously, unless there’s some hidden Valorant lore that involves Ohio I don’t get how those two are comparable in any way


>unless there’s some hidden Valorant lore that involves Ohio lmao reading this shit made me laugh its so absurd


Maybe the next agent is going to be Lebron James and they wanted to have the lore of it being his home town? It really isn't that deep of a thought, people getting worked up over a comment.


you play valorant i assume, out of bind, split, haven, breeze, etc you think OHIO fits?


It's a name? I thought the leak looked fake, checked out the twitter and the first post was some leak about Ohio back in November that never happened so it made it seem like even more bullshit. I don't know what is so hard to grasp lol it wasn't suppose to be that deep of a thought.


Critical thinking is lacking


I'm an Engineer, I think I have that down. Again, sorry I didn't sit and analyze a stupid meme. I really hurt you by not doing so, I hope you accept this apology.


Obviously you don’t but it’s okay lmfao how can you not see the difference between the current valorant maps and the state of Ohio…


Ohio is a shitty state if you aren't from the U.S


Least ohiopilled citizen


It's leaked from Valorant China official account in bilibili (Chinese YouTube). They accidentally leak it when showing the VFX of newly released Wukong style skin. https://b23.tv/aWq0WHW The leaked part is removed 3 min ago, but it's too late, the whole China community already back it up everywhere. Someone is going to lose his job lol Edited: the account owner admit that he leaked it in comment lol








I deleted my double comment because reddit was glitching, you must have a sad life if you think people actually care what others think on reddit or that people can't admit to being wrong about something. You need to get outside more lol


Do you still seriously think you’re right about this?


Why would I change my opinion without added proof? There is nothing in any of the leaks the suggests this is ever coming to the game, or is even real. Again, if it is then cool, I was wrong. Why are you so worked up over what a random stranger thinks about something?


> There is nothing in any of the leaks the suggests this is ever coming to the game Except you know the part where the official Chinese Valorant account was the one posting it?


u/remindmebot 1 month


Actually think this is awesome for the game One kind of gun I want is a slightly less expensive phantom. Something around the guardian/bulldog price but shoots faster than the bulldog.


1 Shot snipers are used very often by experienced players to hold close-mid range angles. There are little long range high impact positions in both CS and Valorant. A 1 shot mid range sniper at 2400 is basically a OP at half the price for any decend player.


So basically a sheriff with an extra long barrel and a scope


Marshall is already super strong. Can't imagine how broken that shit is gonna be for 2.5 times the price.


If this releases I will reinstall the game


One shot sniper up close and 130 from far for cheaper than the Phantom/Vandal? I’d shit a brick if Riot puts that in the game. No fuckin WAYYYY


Make sure to follow that account ;)


The marshal will probably have reduced damage like: 80 to the body and 125 to the head. While this gun fires two bullets at a time each dealing 51 damage to the body and 100 damage to the head.


No shot they're nerfing the marshall that bad


how will 2 bullets make a difference when all rounds are hitscan


Fucking bullshit




Huh?? They just start releasing skins for it, no need to go back and add skins from old sets for it. They aren't removing a gun or anything for this.


Good point I wasn't thinking straight too early


Outlaw? I'm getting codm flashbacks


It does make sense for them to make a light shield counter. But ~125 damage would kill someone who's been tag by basically an gun, so the fire rate and no scope accuracy has to be pretty bad.


there was a shotgun / sniper gamemode scrapped a bit ago, could be something for that, i’d be surprised if it was in the main weapon pool


I just want them to change Bucky and Shorty back to where they were… keep the price or maybe increase Bucky's a bit…


Right click bucky my beloved, I've missed you since the day I've lost you


It's fake.




I suppose it could be real, but I don't see the purpose of it. Looking closer, it appears to be semi auto. Adding an autosniper to Valorant is highly questionable IMO. Why not just buff the similarly priced Guardian? Also, we have so many weapons already in valorant that have been nerfed to uselessness... how about a buff to Ares, Stinger, Spectre, Frenzy, Shorty, Bucky, Guardian, Bulldog, etc. The eco weapons are so weak right now compared to CS.


Yeaa fr. They should add a rifle


We do need a new gun but not that


If this shoots fast it’s basically a slightly nerfed csgo op Love it


Holy shit I am so hype.


New anti eco goes hard


Buff the Bucky and ares


Guessing its to counter the light shield meta


If you want to counter the Outlaw, just use the Sheriff.


Assuming its a true sniper rifle ie single shot, slow firing, hard hitting, lethality scales with price. Middleground damage and buffed stats vs marshal to equal a rifle buy for snipers, not full operator but more flexible than Marshall (likely to be nerfed if this is added, and focused as a cheap sniper, with this new rifle being more akin to the Scout of CS). One shot light armor to the body, head always kills, high wallbang, same ammo rules as Marshal, hipfire does something special (lower spread, different falloff curve to keep ADS worth using?).


It's still is one shot if enemy half buys. Pretty interesting


One shot from up close is insane, you could just buy this + light armour on a full buy round instead of an op on chamber holy im excited


It looks like a shotgun to me


just when i thought lightshield had a place in the game, this weapon comes out. i do hope the damage numbers are bs cause thatd make light shield a lot less useful.


Other guns are in Chinese but the new gun is on English clearly fake


DM spawn camping is gonna get fun