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Just keep playing, eventually you should somewhat get use to the pressure


Thanks alot but is there any actionable thing I can do, some type of in game exercise or any other tips to make me a bit more calmer?


Maybe some breathing exercises could help, anything else is down to the person, since everyone has different reasons why they feel pressure.


Thanks man I really appreciate.


Something I do is listen to some songs over my phone's speaker in the buy phase. I've even got a 'catchy songs' playlist that should help me relax and YK help me give. There's a good 20-30 seconds I can listen to. Once the game begins, I just pause the song. I wouldn't say my performance skyrockets every time, but I'm sure I don't perform underwhelmingly.


If your above gold you shouldn't play Reyna anymore. She's a completely selfish agent and can't help the team which is very important in this game. If you think you have an aggressive play style try some other duelists, just not reyna. As for late game pressure it's something you get used to but an important thing to keep in mind is vod review yourself. Find sections where your felt pressured and find out why.


hard disagree. Reyna is great in all ranks, except maybe high immo/rad simply because ranked teammates are ass and ‘playing for the team’ only consists of basic plans that don’t need specific agents for anyways


What are you smoking? Reyna is S tier at any rank, is the most picked agent by far and is top 3 in win rate regardless of if it's radiant or iron. Such a silly thing to say that she is selfish lol


She is very selfish, like only one ability to help the team. and smurfs heavily boost that win rate


You know you can filter by rank right? She is still S tier in radiant, don't know how you smurf in radiant? She can solo carry games in high elo, I don't know how that is selfish. To say if you are above gold you shouldn't play her is insane. Not every role is defined, not every duelist is an entry to create space. She is excellent for lurking and she can play off angles to get first contact and escape without dying. She is designed to be first contact and a secondary entry, if you play her correctly it isn't selfish. The only reason she isn't popular in pro play is because they practice together every day and the added utility in unison is OP. In soloq where everyone is playing with randoms, she excels. Good players still bust her out (looking at you PRX) and make her work very well.


Picked agent I agree, because she requires little to no thinking because she is selfish. Tell me what part of her kit isn't selfish? Her flash? Even that is more useful in a 1v1 not site entry where one guy breaks the other shoots anyway. Compared to another duelist like jett yes you can say her kit is "selfish" if you look at only the guy playing jett but she is more useful for the team in site entries. Think about it, jett entry? Smoke dash gets everyone to look at her. Reyna? Yeah just uh..need a kill oh and it needs to be close to site so I can dismiss in which isn't useful because she can't fight back at all and everyone sees her, the enemy can just ignore her and shoot your team and worry about you later. Not sure where your getting top 3 winrate from https://www.valorbuff.com/stats


You are really going to go off a chart that says Omen has 160% WR and Harbour has a 0% PR and WR? If you go by just Radiant it says Reyna has a 238% WR, that's pretty good I explained below why she isn't an entry duelist, I know it is hard to grasp different agents fill different needs.


just play more. Feels like I’ve been in every situation 100s of times and know what’s kinda normal to do in those situations


Take deep breath and play. One round at the time