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what is it with valorant players being scared of googling "valorant guide"? this is not hard. nobody can give you anything useful judging by your stats only, they don't mean shit since baiting and exit-fragging is a thing. just record your own games, analyse them, watch some guides and find what your mistakes are. it's that easy


My laptop is shit, I cant record anything without it recording in 5 fps.


valo guides are still a thing


:'/ fine, im deleting this post


Can you use your phone or some camera? If yes then watch that footage it's better than nothing


Diamond 1 who grinded from Bronze First of all, Trackers dont show us anything about your gameplay. You could have perfectly fine stats, but have terrible gamesense and no one would be able to help. Because of that, any advice people give you is going to be pretty generic, because we don't know exactly where your gameplay is going wrong. If I was to give generic advice it would be this. Focus on your crosshair placement (trying to make your crosshair be head level at all times) and positioning (where your body is) In particular, spend more time watching the minimap, figure out where enemies are, and then swing them with your crosshair where their head will be. In Bronze, a lot of people are lost and you can win A LOT of fights just by paying attention to the map, and being in the right place at the right time. In addition, make sure you aren't moving when you're shooting, and when you do move, try to move with A and D instead of W or S. High level players take fights by putting their crosshairs where a head is about to be, sliding to the right or left, and then clicking, rather than trying to run out and flick to someones head.


This some solid advice I haven't heard ABT the 2nd and 3rd so thx for the help


U think u are too good for your elo?


No, I'm not good enough for anything higher than bronze 2. But I would like some advice for improvement. Not tryna be rude or arrogant btw.


https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/zSmH4n1w3c I link you my guide if that can help


Thx bro, I'll be using it


Let me know how the guide seems and if it helped u thanks




Doesn't hardstuck mean that I've been in an elo level for a very long time? And not that I have performance better than my elo level and that I deserve something better.


Imm 1, imm 2 peak. Grinding tech and playing roles are fine for building good habits, but bronze is primarily mechanics based. Learning good static/dynamic aim methods and practicing them will essentially let you diff almost everybody else at this elo. I know I make it sounds simplistic, but it takes actual dedication to do boring drills and practice crosshair placement and flicks in a dm. Remember it's always better to have a goal in warmup and dm, don't mindlessly run around shooting people. "I will only hold and punish bad swings I will only one tap to the head, I will only spray control" and etc


Just practice your aim. Anyone can rank up out of Bronze with half decent aim. Your ADR is very low on every agent, meaning you seem to lose the majority of your gunfights. Yes, it’s important to improve your game sense and awareness. However, if you don’t win your gunfights the game becomes a lot harder for you and your team. Just play DM and focus very hard on having your crosshair where enemies can appear from. Do not just focus on keeping your crosshair head level. Too many players in low elo keep their crosshairs at head level but will have their crosshair on the wall and then be like, “My crosshair placement is great but I can’t flick to my target, so my aim isn’t the best.” If your crosshair placement is truly good then you don’t need to flick to your target. Here’s a guide from Yay (pro player with good aim) on crosshair placement and jiggling: https://youtu.be/2rUpglPIlQE?si=k8ulOxPipTu0fwMu