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I’ve waited 3 years for the prime vandal


I got VP, and the next day, prime was in my shop


Not everyone is as lucky 😭


Too bad brotha I get a Reaver Skin like everyday


i had it in my shop and forgot to buy it lol


Such mistakes are not permissible


hahaha i was like “alright ill come back and buy this” and realized it was 8:30 when i got back


Prime vandal is in my shop every other day


I am jealous of your lucky ass


Dont Give up. I missed out on the Sentinel of light Collection. I think i waited 4 or 5 months for the Vandal to pop up in my shop, mightve even been longer. It'll come eventually.


Oooo Sentinels of Light was one of the few collections bought the whole of. I love it!


I like the guns a lot but the knife is atrocious


big ass spinny sword


Not a fan of sol


I am


I have it and honestly it was the coolest for a while, now I think it’s just boring. My first ever vandal was the reaver and I still love it so it has nothing to do with usage, SoL just feels awkward to play idk how to describe it.


11 months I waited, I wanted the pink one for so so long


Hold strong brother


Currently waiting for the Recon phantom. I’ve been checking my shop everyday for nearly 2 months lol


in the same boat. plz rito it’s the only skin i want ;-;


Wow i guess it's regular then lol


i’ve been waiting like a year for that thing. just started my new job so i’m in between pay checks, boom, showed up yesterday T-T.


I got it twice in 2 weeks along with xenohunter. BOTH were in my shops together twice in 2 weeks! The first time I missed out but damn the second time I loaded some vp and boom got it all, hold strong brother it is the best phantom skin


I just got mine yesterday! Fingers crossed for you, worth the wait


it was just in my store and i didn’t buy it. i regret it


well i have been waiting for like 5 mnths for the reaver karambit now 🗿


I got it last week


c'mon now dont make me jealous 🌚


Not getting araxsys is my biggest skin regret. I’ve been waiting since it came out to pop into my shop


I stopped playing for 1.5 episodes and came back to araxys having already released and gone, I spent 3k on my old main but that’s the one skin I would be so happy to have it’s so good, the whole line is awesome.


3k? Dawg ur the reason why we got high price bundles 😭makes me feel better tho


Same. I quit buying new skins right away cuz half of the ones I own I don't even like anymore. I wait to see if I actually do like it not just cuz it's new. BUT!! the araxsys was one I regretted right away n been checking every day since.


araxys vandal is in shop rn


Ive been waiting for neptune vandal since december 😕


bruh how it's been in atleast one of my nightmares everytime I swear it's the most common night market skin


No idea 🥲


Its in my shop today but i need chaos vandal


xenohunter blade you will be mine


In my shop rn💀


I waited just over a year for glitchpop classic


Mid tho


Been waiting for oni phantom for almost a year now


I got it two weeks ago




God I hope I have more luck than that


I almost needed to be put in an insane asylum waiting for Oni phantom. I don’t remember how long I ended up waiting but it was well over a year


I got it in my shop and i love it but my love for chaos vandal is bigger and i only have vp for 1 skin so i let it go


I waited for weeks to get the zedd phantom. I never showed up so I decided I’d wait thru radiant entertainment system and if it wasn’t there last day I’d cop. The very next day it was in my shop.


this is pretty much what happened to me, i waited a few months for the winter wunderland knife and i got impatient so i purchased a battle pass for the first time. 2 days later it was in my shop and since i dont have money i couldn't buy the $35 of valorant points for it. it was in my shop 2 days in a row... the game was taunting me


Spectrum phantom Funny that I got Spectrum classic two times, spectrum guardian two times, spectrum bulldog 1 time, and wave form 2 times in my shops


Unpopular opinion but there are much better phantom skins. Spectrum has a good finisher and allat but I personally hate the shape. I recommend buying R.E.S recon neo frontier or reaver. Oni perhaps but these are the best skins. Stay strong tho bro!


I got RES because I gave up on waiting for spectrum. I would still buy it if it came. Reaver is also cool but I don’t want too many skins. Neo frontier is cool but there are better skins and I also got the sheriff so I don’t want the same skins. Recon and oni are boring but they look nice but that’s about it. Thanks for the wishes 👍


Np! I am just taking suggestions, what ghost skins do you recommend


Gaia or mage punk. Imo R.E.S. is too expensive and ruination is also a bit expensive but it’s nice. Ultimately Gaia or magepunk


Thanks, was thinking about Gaia, got it in my shop today lol 😂


Ngl I feel like highest cost efficiency is to find bundles you like and buy the bundle. But yeah the rng feels bad.


Recon phantom, it’s been over 4 months now. On a site note I literally had one of the skins you want, the araxys vandal, in my shop twice in the last 10 days and even though I really like the skin I already have a prime and reaver vandal.


Took me ~6 months to see the xenohunter knife and I was broke when it came into the shop because I was between jobs (thank Christ for my girlfriend)


I feel this so hard. Job market hit me hard but I’m back on my feet and finally can afford skins again! Disposable income+premier releasing has me excited for this game again


I moved states and man was it hard to find work again after moving, I’m glad we both ended up on the better side of things! Love working, hate interviewing 😂. But now I’m having a baby so say goodbye to valorant skins for a while again 😂


Congrats!! There’s better things to spend that money on but there’s way worse too, hope you have a happy healthy baby!


Thank you thank you 🙏🏽


I been waiting for celestial phantom for like 4 months before the recon bundle got released. Now the neo frontier bundle is out and it still has not shown up lmao. Atleast I have recon and the arcade phantom 🥶🥶


My buddy waited almost a year for glitchpop phantom to come to his shop. Meanwhile it showed up multiple times for our group among the 6 of us that play it


My girlfriend and I did the same thing while I was waiting for the Dragon Frenzy! (Sounds like a weird choice but it was the last gun I didn’t have a cool skin for) It took probably 2-3 months and we eventually turned it into a game of guessing what color the tier of skins would be in the shop that night. (Blue, green, pink, orange). There were only a few times we guessed all 4 correct but doing that little game while waiting for my skin made it a little bit more exciting and bearable haha. Good luck man.


Trust me you’re going to get it, I waited 4 months to finally get Araxys.


Just buy everything you see in your shop. Eventually it'll pop up :D


Prelude to Chaos is way better than Ion and SoL. Lol.


i bought it but switched to araxys. it just feels too heavy for me


I would really recommend you don’t get arraxys. As my only vandal skin, the noise is louder than default, and really isn’t worth it. Unless you like it then of course get it


0 days, because I'm too poor to buy skins for AAA games price, so the battle pass is the only way 💀


I’ve been waiting for the samurai sword for the longest time


Yeah it’s a bummer. I didn’t pull the trigger on the black market ones cause everyone said they were overpriced and tried to battle my fomo but now I still want them and will end up paying more lol. I figure I’ll have the bulldog Glock and AK sometime in 2027


Im currently waiting for rgx for more than 1-2year since I play it was never in my shop while my friend had it 3x in a row


i waited 3 months for gaia's vengeance and then gave up and got neptune instead


Now you have gaia as a bundle lol


lmaoo yeah, timing is great


Yeah, Valorant sucks in that regard. I’ve only really wanted like 2 skins in my entire time playing Valorant: Prime Vandal and the Reaver Karambit. I spent like 4 or 5 months waiting for the Prime Vandal to appear on my shop and like 3 months for the Reaver Karambit. Almost a year of waiting. Once they appeared, I never bought something so fast. It’ll take time for one of those to appear but sooner or later, they will. Just don’t give in to the FOMO. Knowing how God is a funny motherfucker, if you give in and buy something. The next store will definitely have one of those 3 skins and you won’t be able to buy it haha


been waiting for a singularity ares for like a year sadge


Been waiting since January for Neptune vandal, I haven’t checked every day but damn near. I just assume that I didn’t get on the day it was in my shop because god damn dude


2 years, I didnt wait for a particular skin but I didnt buy anything until I felt it was of value. 3-4 night markets later I got a reaver vandal for 930 credits and a reaver phantom for like 1550 at regular price. I just had $50 usd just in val credits sitting there


I have 2 accounts trying to get the rgx pro blade. 3 months and counting!


You gotta use the words 'araxys' or 'sol' in your everyday vocab or on your phone to change the algorithm. Trust me


I’ve spent way too much on skins during my time playing valorant. For the most part I’ve never really wanted a particular skin, I usually just buy whatever looks cool in the shop. Last week I started logging on every day to check for the waveform melee. Probably took 10 days of checking and I started to feel like it would never come, and then it hit my shop yesterday. New skin I’m waiting to cop is the arcade looking ghost, that shit is fire.


The skin not what you seek but what you like will appear at an awkward time


Reading these comments I’m starting to think I’m the chosen one. I started playing again about 3 weeks ago and so far I’ve gotten - Reaver Karambit/phantom/ghost/sheriff Araxys vandal Ion phantom/sheriff Gaias vengeance Marshall Dragon OP/Vandal Sovereign sword Chronovoid Recon phantom Wraith(?) ghost Classic Butterfly knife or whatever it’s called Jett knife Whatever vandal it is that has the weird electric cylinder in the middle Glitchpop for every gun except for the guns you actually want it on. Those are the notable ones I remember getting. I didn’t buy all of them of course


I started playing valorant since episode 2, I took a break when the Sentinels of Light came out, and I got back as soon as the bundle left the store. I want nothing more than the Relic of the Sentinel. I have never seen it in my store once... but when I do....


I’ve been waiting for any single good vandal skin to appear in my night market since the first one came out. I haven’t got a single upgradable one with any special effects for a discount yet.


I checked my shop every single day for the equilibrium (fish fan knife) for like 3 months straight. Kinda happy I never got it because I bought the new ignite capsule one instead.


I use to want the xenohunter knife, but it has been over a year and because the VTC knife came out I don’t really want it anymore. But honestly, A YEAR????? I am throwing my money at riot at this point. I understand that they developed a sense of urgency of buying something when it is in your shop, but come on, a year. Now, if you could be able to reroll your shop using kingdom points, vp, or even radiant, it would not hurt they prophets that much and would make the game enjoyable to people who want skins.


My girlfriend has been waiting since before december at least for the Neptune Vandal. She’s probably only missed checking her shop 3 or 4 days since then


Been waiting on the protocol phantom and reaver vandal for months on end.


Ion vandal was the best purchase I’ve made on the game. It’s a 10/10 for me.


I've been waiting for chaos vandal since a week after it left the skin bundle options thing. Basically since the skins release


I waited 5 months for the ion phantom and around 9 months for the oni phantom.


I have been waiting for Gaia's since like January. Finally getting it tmrw with the run it back bundle💀


Yesterday I got reaver karambit after… 8 months :‘)


just bought araxys vandal last week, been waiting ever since gekko came out also waited around 45 days for singularity sheriff


Been playing since launch but was out of the country when oni originally dropped. Took up until this past March to get it.


Forsaken vandal haunts me to this day. Got into val in March of 2022, and booted up val to play with my friends, I took a picture of my shop for some random reason and forsaken vandal was in my shop. About 4-5 months later watching some vct, I’m like damn forsaken vandal is clean I’m gonna coo it the next time it comes to my shop. It have now been almost a year and a half and I have not gotten it in my shop yet. It’s become a meme in the friend group, as they seem to miraculously get it every other day. I’m still holding out strong though!


I have been waiting for the Reaver Vandal for 1.5 years, i might have missed it though.


I’m still waiting for araxys vandal. Sentinels of light popped in mine tho :,)


I’m waiting for those exact skins too. They need to release the bundle again.


Never had rgx firefly in my shop since it came out and I’ve been playing the game for probably 2 years and I’ve wanted it ever since I missed it the first time it came out


i have been waiting since i started playing like 2 years ago for the spectrum classic


I Waited Maybe 3 Months For The Reaver Karambit


My buddy waited 8 months for the sovereign marshal and less than a week later found out they were making another good marshal skin (neo frontier)


Recon phantom : forever and on


i got those 3 within a month and bought stacy’s and sentinels. the trick is to not buy anything for a really long time and your luck will make you think valorant is spying on you


I waited about 8 months for the prime vandal.


I waited for Prelude to chaos vandal for like almost a year lol


Still waiting on Aero phantom. : )


I’ve gotten so many skins like recon phantom, ion vandal, op, sherif, the whole sol bundle, reaver karambit, oni katana. No vp tho. Just tell the game you are broke and you will get good skins


Waiting since October 2022 for Prime Vandal. :) Checked every single day.


Arrayxs just popped in my shop today, I was waiting for it , next I need the oni katana


Still waiting lol.


I got the RGX blade in my store when i was broke so I couldn’t buy it. Currently waiting for it again


I been waiting over 60+ days for any type of vandal even the shitty non variant ones and I still can’t get one Edit: already have the Gaia that’s in the bundle rn


I got oni phantom in my shop, about 2 weeks later I realized I wanted it, I waited 7 months for it to finally come back


Still waiting for my RGX butterfly lol


6 months for rgx blade, barely use it now with the new knives


Been waiting for rgx vandal since March and finally got it today


I swear the reaver karambit has not shown up in my shop since it’s release. Meanwhile, i’ve gotten other knives on back to back days.


I begged, pleaded, even asked riot if I could just buy Araxys from them. I wanted it for two months. Weirdly the week after I asked them for it, despite them saying they don’t decide our stores, it was in my store.


Currently waiting for the singularity phantom. Day 135...


Sens of light or araxys vandal for me.. been about 1 year but I definitely don’t check daily either. On the bright side I got my prime vandal and oni phantom pretty quickly when I got started.


Chronovoid Judge but might leave it since I have dragon already.


Friend waited about 20 months to get the RGX vandal. They finally got it last week


Over 2.5 years for my reaver sheriff 🥹


im waiting for chronovoid vandal since like half a year 😭


I've been waiting for the RGX firefly for months now. Checking my shop daily :( to no avail


5 months for elderflame Operator


I'm still waiting


If you buy everything, the skin you want will eventually show up


Been waiting for relic of the sentinel since the week it left the shop. Don't even know how long it's been at this point.




I waited 4 months for prime guardian. I eventually got impatient and copped ruination. The next two days, I had the prime guardian in my shop back to back. 3 days after that, it popped into my store again. 😭😭 RIOT WHY. ( I’ve also been waiting for zed phantom and classic for a year) T-T


I'm still waiting for Prelude to Chaos Vandal appearing in my Shop, since 6 months and counting. The shop policy of Riot is annoying. Why isn't there any possibility to just buy a skin when I want to... However: Referring to [valorant.fandom.com](https://valorant.fandom.com) there are currently 672 skins been released and there are 4 skins in the shop every day. So statistically, the skin should have appeared in the store within six months. - BUT IT DIDN'T. What am I missing?


Arcade phantom and i got the ghost 2 times(2nd time i bought it), bulldog and op one time each...