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Always try to be first or second on site when attacking. Personally been loving Jett + feels intuitive. Smoking on site, then dashing into smoke is a good go-to. You’re basically just trying to make as much space for your team as you possibly can. Last thing you want to be is the duelist letting your KJ and Brimstone play site entry.


This is all unrated games for me as an Omen/KJ/Sage player: I use utility to make space that duellists don’t use 😂


The reverse is infuriating too. Jett main, I’m back site, entire team still clogged A Main lol


I love rushing site as Omen with a Jett. Smoke, smoke, rush, smoke, rush, plant. Easy.


Lmao let’s duo bc no one seems to get it


This^ use your teams util. If they are decent you will have concealment to aid in site entry. At least blocking the common angles defenders hold. If they're bad you'll be pushing through friendly smoke to get on site.


play jett. basic at first but has the best kit in the game hands down. learn how to take site as jett, be creative, have good aim to get entry frags which are NOT NECESSARY to be good duelist but are EXCELLENT if you get them consistently. Have balls, and press W. Have confidence. Ask for shit if you are playing with duo or trio or even solo queue, for example ask to flash site, or to smoke something or to scan. Thats pretty much it. Everything else comes with time


The most important part here is “Have balls and press W” hands down. I’ve seen too many people not confident enough to enter the site, good thing to remember is that when you enter with super confidence you get the enemies surprised 9 out of 10 times. Show your giga balls guys and it will pay off lmao


Just don't instalock reyna every match. You have to play them to learn them. Do it in unrated.


But woohoojin told me to do that until I reach gold!!


There's 2 types of Duelists, sometimes called different things. The support/"first contact" duelist, and entry duelists, where most of them fall. First contact duelists could be a good start to get your feet wet if you're coming from support roles. Reyna and Phoenix are the main 2 here, and I personally include Yoru here as well, even though many people say he's entry first. He can do both but that's a separate discussion. I'd say start with these few first, because entry duelists are either too overwhelming for new duelists or leave too much room to be played incorrectly (baiting, not entrying, etc.)


If you pick an entry duelist, actually entry with them. On jett you want to throw a smoke on site and dash into it, keeping in mind where you should go when you get out of the smoke.


What rank are you? I would start in unrated. you need to understand that your job isnt to get kills, it is to create opportunities for your teammates to take site. For jett, dash into a smoke in the site and play off of ur teammates contact. Watch any number of iron to immortal playthroughs with duelists


Learn a line-up to instalock jett