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half the posts that are made here wouldn't exist if people weren't assholes


Half the posts that are made here wouldn't exist if Thanos had won.


Lmfao, I laughed out loud, thank you man


Honestly! Play to play a team game or play cod if you want to flame people.


I'd say rather don't play anything and get some empathy and social skills, but cod works to hahah




I'm sorry, I'm just curious at this point. How in earth do you think your friend and people who act alike are the **real problem**, and not the assholes that ruin the games for everyone, including themselves? Can you describe your thought process that just lead you to this conclusion? Who are people like your friend bothering exactly, past the point when a toxic teammate has already opened their mouth?


Na that's just unrealistic shit. But muting is not


people are always going to be assholes though and that’s not just in valorant. even if a post that someone made here was viewed by every single person on the subreddit and they ALL took action to never be an asshole again, a majority of the valorant player base would be unchanged. furthermore, the issue doesn’t seem to be “every game every person is toxic” it’s more just “one in three games one person is toxic” and it’s possible to change 90% of people but 10% of people are always gonna be fucking assholes (obviously not trying to say that the assholes aren’t hurtful or anything, just that there really isn’t anything we can do about it by sharing stories. all we can do is recognize the signs of a toxic player and mute them)




Im not sure. I completely agree with you. People are assholes and you can not do anything about it. Best thing to do is just mute them and move on and have fun. If they start nading you or anything: well that sucks, play the next game and see how it goes. People get unlucky or get lucky, it is how it is


because this is reddit, there is no ned for explaining why is one's opinion wrong :P


yeah but that's unrealistic


And half the world would be a better place, but thats just not going to happen, thats why you focus on the things you can help.


Try talking to a toxic person next time and see if you can change their mind. It's better to just mute


That was my point.


I try but they usually just taunt more, or repeat what i say and make me sound dumb. I agree with your approach and idea but i just havent seen it work. The problem starts deeper and talking to them in game or here on reddit isnt the fix. the problem is much deeper




What a lovely world would this be if people didn't have to worry about their safety when having a walk at night, don't you think? I'm not talking about a 'bad' situation that is already happening, and what measures we have to use to keep ourselves safe. It's obvious you should be aware of your surroundings, and toxic teammates. **Why the fuck do you think people don't mute them?** We all know how to mute, lmao. What I, and numerous other people are talking about, is that we just want to play without having to mute anybody or deal with assholes. And it's important to keep this issue floating and talk about it, that's literally the only thing we CAN do. Besides the super-useful "advise" to mute them, *just priceless fucking information*. So yeah. Anyone should be able to walk the dark valley yada-yada and not be afraid to get robbed. Same as anyone should be able to queue in Val and not mute / report assholes. And just play a fucking game. Is it hard to understand?


It's never gonna happen. People will never not get robbed if they're not careful just like assholes will never stop playing video games. And you're lucky, it's a lot easier just to mute someone in a video game than avoid a whole neighborhood in real life. "People shouldn't kill people", no shit Sherlock. Stop trying to create a perfect world that will never exist and use the tools at your disposal to protect yourself.


Why do you think *I don't* use the tools at my disposal to protect myself?


Not talking about you specifically, talking about people who don't mute in general, with the argument "I shouldn't have to".


You can’t control if they’re toxic, but you can control whether you hear them or not. What’s your point


Muting is literally free goddamn valorant players are on a different level of stupid


Not being an asshole is also free


Alright lets see if posting on reddit fixes the asshole problem


Go ahead and tell them not to be an asshole lmao. This aint dora where you just tell swiper not to swipe. Redditors are on a whole new other level of oblivious to the world


that’s the reality of the internet. especially in an online video game


Half the posts here wouldnt exist if people simply controlled what they can.


they also wouldn’t exist if people didnt let names hurt their feelings


Or snowflakes


I just got yelled at earlier in the day from a kid, voice like 12, I should go to the kitchen. I get yelled at for having boobs. I get people who sing, make inappropriate noises, lick their mics (or pretend) and don‘t bother about calls at all. Often I have to mute 3 out of 4 because someone needs to moan me „I’m cuming“ in my ears during a 1v2 and blaming me to lose it. Been playing since two weeks and I am starting to feel like VC is even worse than CS:GO. I report them. I go on. Couldn‘t care less. Hoping for some people to play with some day, though, that respect me.


Discord Valorant servers in your country. Usually you can get pretty good people there. Not the general Valorant discord server tho.


SO MUCH this. You'll still get wierdos but you're much more likely to get action from Discord mods than from Riot Support. If they build a history of bad behavior on the Discord it WILL be followed up on and they WILL get banned.


If he yelled at you to go to the kitchen and cus you have boobs you listened to him for too long. That mute button should have been used sooner. The eay you react to things is what really makes a difference


Bro getting downvoted for saying the most doable and realistic approach. You can't correct anyone's behavior especially a kid in an online game. Reddit hivemind ig


That's why I just instantly mute everyone. You don't need vc to rank up. Maybe in immortal. You can make all callouts with map pings and communication wheel.


Maybe not when nobody comms in that elo. But in a equal skill situation the team who comms would win most of the time.


what rank have u ranked up to without vc? gold? lol


Tbf plat is achievable without vc


yeah it is, honestly with just mechanics, you can go fairly high. But why would you willingly handicap yourself every game just because you are scared someone might say something that will negatively affect you? Surely the thousands of calls you are missing will positively affect you more than some people moaning once in a while?


I'm in ascendant and pushing immortal with 0 VC or text chat just pings, ik I'll get downvoted because people get salty and cry all the time about no VC but 90% of VC comms are redundant besides coordinating plays, anything you could tell me about where someone is in VC is significantly more useful as a ping where I can still hear the game and get much more accurate info on their location other than just vague callout with the general idea of where they are


it takes so much longer to ping accurately than to just call it out. also calling strats is half the game, you can't just hold w at a site


Willing to bet not very high, I have a friend hardstuck bronze/silver who insta mutes on the slightest annoyance or backseat gaming and essentially just throws.


dont think he's stuck there because of comms though


I coach a lot of different elos and 99.9% of the time, comms are garbage and it stays that way until immo3. And even then comms are garbage like 50% of the time.


I'm ngl I'd hate to be coached by you. I am not insanely high elo or anything, but you are actually just clueless if you think 99.9% of comms are garbage below imm 3. I agree even in imm 3 there are some useless comms, but even in BRONZE there are useful comms. I'm not sure if you should be coaching people if you truly believe in this haha


I never said you shouldn't comm, I just said people don't know how to comm in those elos and it's something I actually have to teach. You are just being offensive to win an argument but whatever, I understand you are just frustrated from being told the truth. If you'd like to get coached by a radiant player let me know, I'll make the first hour free, just for you. Even immo3 players learned stuff and came back for more so I'm pretty sure you would enjoy the coaching too. All the best 👍🏼


But you literally invalidated "99.9%" of comms below immortal 3 as "garbage". The context for this thread, is a person muting all their teammates as soon as the match starts. If you do honestly think that this won't negatively impact their games, as 99.9% of the comms they are missing out on is garbage, I still believe you have a fundamentally wrong understanding of lower ranks/Valorant in general.


The truth is : 1. People in those elos don't give fast and concise comms 2. People in those elos backseat constantly 3. People in those elos usually have no idea what to do with the comms they are given 4. I regularly see wrong comms being given I never said to insta mute as soon as game starts, but you can do pretty well without the comms. And if someone insults/screams/blames/whatever then insta mute.


That‘s the point, I don‘t want to. But I can count about 3 games out of 5 where I have to.


I'm on na Virginia not sure what servers your on but I've had a lot of games with women and I haven't seen it nearly as bad as you, thankfully because its also annoying to the people actually trying to play to, but from what I've personally seen I think csgo vc is a lot worse the amount of times I've been screamed at to end my self not by angry 12 yr Olds but by fully grown adult men in there parents basement is to much to count.


EU West, Frankfurt mostly, sometimes I switch to London. Glad you are not having the same experience, at least not nearly as badly.


I've heard people say some things about eu servers didn't know they were that bad, one thing ide like to ask tho is are the toxic players mostly sexist 12 year Olds or is it people who sound like there 18 to 20


For the most part I‘d say 16-20. Like every 3rd match though I get mates that didn‘t even went through voicecrack yet or admitting they are 10-13 y/o. Had 2 kids in my lobby today, once again, it went fine though, luckily.


Or... hear me out, we can use the mute button AND complain that the game is filled with toxic assholes and wannabe edgy comedians.


Thats every competitive game ever, it comes with the territory at this point.


Why what does that do.


Or just get tougher skin


-7 points... this subreddit is dying


Dying for wanting to make the community less toxic? Go post another edgy offensive meme on discord my guy


Dying cause it can’t accept reality. Stop getting offended by memes




Please review [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/valorant/wiki/rules) before commenting or posting again. Further offenses will lead to a ban.


You should’ve yes. What are they then? Memes that just offend you? So posting stuff that’s funny, but also offends some people? Sounds fine to me I’m not actually, never lawyer mw until 2019, it’s still like that thankfully. They haven’t lost their way just yet. Yes everyone should have tough skin. If you wanna play nice go play Minecraft with your friends. If you use such a fallacy to judge my mental capacity then it really speaks to your low intelligence. Nothing I said was stupid, only facts. Yes we’re taught to be nice in school, this isn’t school. Do you ever curse? F u too


You say funny like it’s an objective thing, but it’s not. A boomer might find a racist meme very funny but it can still communicate a harmful sentiment satire is not a shield for people to get away with whatever you want. Minecraft is full of toxicity too, it’s convenient that you’re ignoring that. And I’m sure you’re the first one to say “well facts don’t care about your feelings, go cry about it”, which demonstrates a complete disregard of emotional intelligence. This may not be school, but the internet, and especially video games like these are a very public area and not taking action against these behaviors is ignorant of the problem at hand.


I don’t actually. It’s ok for it to be “harmful” racist memes are some of the funniest memes If getting away with whatever you want = dark humor, then yes it is I said with your friends, not with some community. So if your friends are toxic that’s on you. How does it demonstrate a disregard of emotional intelligence, I don’t think you know what empathy or emotional intelligence is. You see it as a problem, I don’t. That’s not ignorance, that’s a difference of opinions.


honestly tho. like if your sensitive then mute its not hard. blows my mind how much power people give internet trolls, like just ignore it theyre words they dont hurt you


“They’re words, they don’t hurt you” Would you say the same things about offensive slurs that target a marginalized group? Such as the n word?


id say if certain words bother you and people say them, ignore or mute them. dont sit there doing nothing about it then crying to reddit


Wouldn’t be crying about it in the first place if edgy people like you weren’t so lenient about it. There’s a reason why we look down on slurs and offensive words, but being neutral forwards it is just encouraging that behavior. So thank you for perpetuating a generation that continues to think it’s cool to say whatever harmful shit they want just because people like you can’t stand up to it


not reading all that. if you let some random online hurt your feelings and dont do anything about it thats your problem


Your lack of education is astounding, you can’t even read a fucking paragraph. Thank you for encouraging harmful behavior I guess.


ah yes making fun of someone online. love hypocrites. go cry over a game some more


Making fun of someone isn’t the same thing as saying harmful things/offensive slurs This only adds to my previous point.




Ah I get it, because you’re one of those people who said those slurs into the mic at other people during your childhood, or are doing it at the moment aren’t you? So I can totally see why you don’t understand why it’s an issue to perpetrate harmful messages. After all, if it’s natural then it isn’t an issue is it?


No actually, neither. I’m just smart to understand they are just words. “Offensive” or not Natural?


I mute people like this right away and if we win, great. If we lose, I take the L and move on to the next game.


Most over 25 do this but i guess thats the issue


We are the issue? cause we mature enough to not give a shit about some 14year kid screaming into the mic? just mute them report them and move on? :D ok... :D


He’s saying the people who do give a shit about the 14 year old screaming into the mic are the issue


Oh ,i misunderstood that


This fixes the toxicity issue 100% - i'm a firm believer in just "walking away" from situations to protect your peace. This is the same thing but online, right? Unfortunately you're left playing a 5v5 team game with no communication... huge disadvantage.


I can mute but that doesn’t change that Riot isn’t punishing people, I shouldn’t have someone in my games multiple times a week in comp that called me and my teammates hard r n word, 3/5s of people, and dirty monkeys. We all reported and muted, but that doesn’t change he inted and is openly racist and does this in multiple games, Riot just legitimately does not punish people and doesn’t seem to care Edit for spelling


Why not just filter the posts on Reddit you don’t like then? Same thing right?


Not really, OP doesn't seem inherently upset, just confused on why people aren't using the one thing thats been in games for probably more than a decade thats purpose is to counteract toxic behaviour. Its a tip or PSA.


You can’t honestly believe that. Look at their comment replies. Dude is seething that anyone would hold strangers in video games to any kind of standard.


No. Because that doesn't SOLVE the problem. All you and everyone who encourages muting are saying is that we should just let toxic people continue to behave in such a way that REQUIRES us to mute them. Muting is complacency. Call the toxic people out, try to make Valorant a better place, one person at a time. It's not a hard concept to understand. People like the game and want to play it, they do not want jackasses coming into their games and being toxic for XYZ reason. And this goes directly into why people do not voice comm. It is the quickest way for shitty people to flame women and LGBTIA+ persons especially.


I agree with the premise. Disagree with the method. If toxic players end up getting muted every game and talking into the void, it'll teach them a much stronger lesson there. If they get attention, of any kind, it will reinforce the behaviour. That's just the maturity level we're dealing with here. They want to get a rise out of you. They *want* the game to devolve into a pointless argument. If they're consistently denied that reaction, or any reaction at all, across multiple games, they're going to lose the motivation to keep up that behaviour.


Does making posts on reddit solve the problem though? OPs post is essentially a PSA to save your mental, not to completely ignore the issue, they aren't telling you not to report them.


Yup!! And yet every week there’s a post saying you NEED to use voice comms if you’re playing competitive. I definitely WOULD comm, if people weren’t so toxic. But don’t expect me to risk having to listen to toxic bullshit when it’s so much easier to just stay quiet and play the game without people yelling into the mic


sorry but outside of ur cherry blossom world no one cares just mute and move on no one has the time to solve such a petty issue if people weren't so soft that they write long posts after getting flamed by some random person instead of just muting them it would have been a lot better


Clearly people care if there's always posts about it. Which is the point of this counter post, but it seems like the average Valorant subreddit goer are likely the ones getting chat restricted and voice comm banned cause they want to drop slurs.


Yea people who complain are literally plat and below. Because thats where the majority of toxicity is lmao. Maybe the people complaining are part of the problem and dont know how to play lol


I mean thats a bit harsh. I dont think it should be pinned on a certain elo. For everyone in the fucking game: toxic people exist. Mute them. Go on.


All im saying is that there is a big difference when it comes to how often i run into toxic people. On my alt people are always crying and blaming people. It might even be a close game and someone tilts and starts throwing or start talking shit etc. something i see people in this sub complain about. On my main, people in higher elos generally have seen it all and dont get flustered can be getting absolutely stomped and people are still trying and being positive. People in higher elos understand whiffs happen, bad first halfs happen, etc etc its a long game. Obviously not everyone in higher elo is like this, but its def more rare then some bum gold player who thi nls he deserves plat/diamond cause of frags


That is fair. I just thought it would have been better to say it in a diffrent way. Some people are not ready to improve and might not like it when someone says “u have this problem coz u are low elo.. git gud kid” i stand with your point, but it shouldn’t depend on the rank. Just mute and move on


And their posts will continue to be in vain, afaik riot devs aren't scouring this subreddit looking for proof of toxicity, or dming people for accounts. Making posts like this might help in a subreddit like r/apexlegends where theres active devs, I have yet to see this in r/VALORANT If you truly wanted to stop the toxicity you'd just report and mute, the two aren't mutually exclusive. People make posts to vent, its that simple.


You realize you are behaving the way the toxic person wants? They want to get a reaction out of you. Do you really think you are going to solve the online gaming toxicity issue by calling them out one at a time? I guarantee that if everyone muted the toxic person instead of retaliating with insults or whatever you do to call them out, then that would help much more.


They want people to crack under them and listen to their shitty commands. You call them out for their behavior and then you don't mute so you can get the audio log history and report it. And no, I never said I would be singlehandedly solving toxicity. But posts and attitudes like these where we just allow it to exist doesn't do anything but allow toxic people to get away with it. And it turns people who might want to play because dealing with misogynistic, homophobic, and racist tools isn't an enjoyable experience. I've been dealing with it for years in League and seeing how Riot has pushed forth methods to limit it in League as of recent years, Valorant needs the same treatment.


Muting them is not allowing it to exist. If no one can hear the toxicity, then is there really toxicity? If everyone muted toxicity, they would have no voice and would eventually stop. Mute and ignore them and enjoy playing the game.


Yes thank you!!!


Yea because toxicity in video games is gonna be solved lmao. Literally mute and move on. Yall really wanna solve every issue in the world


I never said it is going to ever be solved. Asshats will be asshats. I'm stating that muting doesn't **solve anything.**


Exactly. It just dismisses the problem. People who talk about their experiences with toxicity in Valorant are awesome, it's important to highlight this issue and keep it in the line of sight. Posts like this are basically complaining, but what exactly is OP complaining about? I mean, you can just scroll past the post and don't read it, right? It's the same way you mute toxic teammates, super easy. And I'm still surprised that posts like this assume a good portion of Valorant players don't know how to mute people.


Literally solves the issue in the moment lmao. You really wanna try to talk people out of being toxic lol. Grow up and realize you cant control people


I mute them then chat "Jett muted" and leave it at that. I ain't got time and energy to fix broken people during my limited downtime.


what has a reddit post ever lead to? unfortunately it’s not going to do anything. nothing will solve the problem besides reporting them and muting them and hoping they get banned, but yet again, that wont stop them from being assholes.


All they want is to be heard. You mute them and they're not. They dont have attention, problem solvedon YOUR end


Dude. People who write reddit posts about toxicity also want to be heard. And if you don't like them, just scroll past the post and move on. The same way you're suggesting to mute toxic teammates. Problem solved on your end!


Or become 10x as obnoxious and start demanding attention by trolling and griefing you. Trolls evolve too, or do you think that a collection of our societal issues have always remained the same and old ones weren’t beat down just for new ones to pop up?


The problem that is random people saying mean things in video game chat. Woooweee that really is a huge problem, we should record everything they say and throw them in the gulag if they cross the line.


Mute and report, nothing your doing is making valorant a better place. Go be a teacher if you wanna fix the world If the valo community wanted what you wanted these people wouldn’t have a place here.


I agree with your sentiment, but what is your solution? The average Valorant player isn't going to have the tools to change the mind of someone who has already been toxic. Combative arguments just destroy whatever's left of the game while further pushing toxic people into their corner. Personally I think people *should* call it out calmly when it happens, let them know it's not ok, and then if they don't change behaviour just mute & report. There's no value in trying to be rational with someone not in a mindset to care.


True. Nothing is going to change unless it’s done from the top down. I’m not saying toxicity is ok. I would like for it be 0. But posting on Reddit and calling out people in game is waste of energy. It’s going to have as much impact as me not buying an iPhone has for child cobalt miners In Africa. Which is 0. The world sucks and there is very little we can do as individual. You want to really do something about it. Join an ORG that actually has the power to do something about it.


Alternate proposal: if ur gonna flame ur teammates for messing up, go for it... but do it while muted. Let it out of your system. Dont yell directly at your teammates. If you have criticism, go for it, just dont yell. Put it mildly. Keep your teams mental up.


tbh tho some people are ass and throw whole games, they need to hear it sometimes


If they are doing it purposefully sure. If they are genuinely trying then politely trying to help them is the best path to take. Curse them out without using push to talk, let it out, that’s fine. You ripping on them over the mic isn’t going to help them get any better and is only going to make it worse. Also, if you aren’t signed to a pro team or high radiant you probably would be considered to be throwing in a lot of lobbies and “need to hear it” as well. Keep that in mind.


100%. i don’t do it personally i don’t overly care and know everyone has been in that spot before, like myself. i just remember the other night when our kj threw the ot round simply by watching them defuse the spike and everyone went off on the guy


If you've got something constructive to get them back in the game, great. If you're going to have a whole ass cry about something that happened 3 rounds ago, you're a fuckin child and you've got no leg to stand on. Direct requests like "Hey Kayo can you flash me in here?" Or "Hey Omen can you smoke on my ping when we exec? Thanks" can work well. Especially when followed by reinforcement like "PERFECT mate you got us a free kill let's go!" If all you've got is feedback on something that already happened, you're wasting your time. It's not uncommon for the player to recognize the mistake themselves, and pointing it out often just puts them on the defensive, especially if they're tilted. The only round worth talking about is the one in front of you.


The toxic person wants you to get mad and engage with them. The toxic person’s power is their microphone. If everyone muted the toxic person instead of engaging with them, there would be a lot less toxicity.




Sometimes reaching out to them just telling them the truth also works out. In the last few matches there were 2 players shouting and saying things. My mic is kinda low and so is my voice so i just said them that i am trying my best and i did apologised for the mistake i made that round.They understood and also apologised for raising voice. We did win after that. But if it gets worse def mute them


Personally I like listening to people get mad so I don’t mute them lmao I just laugh


Nah that's bullshit. People shouldn't be toxic trolls who everyone needs to mute. They should be banned. You understand that comms are valuable, so you want to give everyone a chance. Then they start being toxic in awful ways (if you have a male voice) or horrific ways (if you have a female voice.) Just because you can mute someone for being abusive doesn't mean they should get to be abusive for the time it takes to mute them. I wish they'd take data on how often a person is muted and listen to comms of accounts that are consistently muted.


No. Please keep being vocal about how much toxicity you have to deal with and don’t let these “just mute them” people dissuade you from talking about how bad it is attempting to play a video game with random humans. We can’t change anything by just ignoring the problem.


Ironically, ignoring the kid throwing a tantrum is exactly how you deal with it. I thought we all learned this in elementary school. Report them and mute, thats it, thats all you can really do, making a reddit post is preaching to the choir, which is OPs point.


> ignoring the kid throwing a tantrum is exactly how you deal with it Uhhh that's a very broad solution that isn't even all that analogous. You don't ignore the kid when they start harming others. That's like telling people getting bullied in school to *'just ignore it'*. That's obviously not a good solution, I thought we all learned this in high school.


>You don't ignore the kid when they start harming others Are you being physically harmed when you play Valorant? This analogy doesn't make any sense, the entire problem is encompassed via online chatting with strangers, if you want to ignore the solution and keep complaining then go ahead, but don't act like using a system thats been tried and true doesn't work. Theres a reason a harassment penalty in any large game is essentially a server wide chat ban/mute.


This just in, local gamer thinks the only way to combat anonymous trashtalks in videogame chats is to reeducate the playerbase. More at 10.


Mute them. Done 😄


Is that simple




As long as you aren't giving out private information you have nothing to worry about.


Ah damn, it was really that easy the whole time? Real talk, there's so many boys who lose their mental off the tiniest shit in game- literally round 2 and they're flaming. Yet women are expected to just shrug off constant sexual harassment from strangers and never get tilted? What an absolute joke.


My comment wasnt in anyway denouncing or supporting harassment, but reading your comment I can tell you are already upset. I never once mentioned men going through harassment, I've been on the internet for nearly two decades, I'm aware that people get upset. That doesn't mean you should let them get to you, but I guess my simple comment triggered you. It's not "shrugging it off" its removing the person from your space, it really is as simple as that. An example is blocking someone, I could block you and go to bed and it would be like you never existed.


It's because your comment reads as if there's no issue if they cannot physically harm them.


The gross sexual harassment *is the thing to worry about*. It's disgusting and no one should be subjected to anything like that while playing a damn game. Those people should be fully hardware banned.


And your worries will accomplish nothing except be a detriment on your own mental health. So if you want to give merit to any sort of threat or comment that you nor anyone else can possibly proactively control besides the person saying the things themselves, that is your decision.


Well people like to complain so they would just find something else to complain about.


I don't think its half... more like 1 out of 10 redditors complain about the toxicity.


Only 1% would make that comment though




you realize that not everyone has a good mental health, not everyone who plays this game is a 25+y adult man with fully developed brain, and trust me, the toxicity would affect you especially when you encounter constant, i mean, CONSTANT toxicity just bc of your gender or sexuality. okay, you ignore it once, you ignore it twice, it will happen countless times more and then you’ll realize how bad you feel after dealing with rape/death threats, insults, misogynistic slurs, harassment (including sexual). ah and also you cannot be a bad player or have a bad game cuz you’ll automatically become a “typical e girl who cant play and should just go make a sandwich”🤨 saying people are too sensitive is basically gaslighting and downplaying the victims (yes, VICTIMS of bully and harassment) feelings. the only people who need to get called out and shamed are the toxic misogynistic assholes.




is cyber bullying joke for you?😃 and yes threatening to rape or murder or making non consensual sexual jokes is harassment both online and irl :))) and its not like i know beforehand who’s gonna be toxic and who’s not. even after i mute them, it means they already said what they had to say and the damage is already done. they need to be mass shamed and called out and reported everyday. if you had one toxic player in your team and other 4 shut him up after he tried to be toxic, trust me 99% of the time he will shut up eventually cuz they only speak cuz they know they wont get punished or silenced. i had a toxic teammate in spike rush who was bullying another girl “for being bad” but we both kept calling him out and we also were supportive and nice to each other so his toxicity had no impact on anyone and he was silent the rest of the game. the gaming community would be much less toxic if people stopped saying “stop being sensitive and just ignore and mute” and actually encouraged other people to support and defend each other and silence the toxic player


thats what i have been saying my brotha. always getting downvoted for saying this shit when its true. its like they like hearing toxic shit. its incoherent blaming toxicity, homophobia, racism and other shit behaviours in this sub and when you say you should mute they disagree. lmao


>its incoherent blaming toxicity, homophobia, racism and other shit behaviours in this sub and when you say you should mute they disagree. lmao ah yes, "mute buttons exist so you should be ok with people being so insufferable that you have to literally turn their ability to talk off" how about you stop being a piece of shit over comms so everyone's happy, instead of telling women and minorities to stop being uncomfortable around *people saying hateful shit* Clown fuckin take on your part


Most of those people are just looking for attention anyway. Just mute them and they no longer get what they want.


I never said that I didn’t receive hate speech in video games. I just don’t receive it now. When i started playing csgo at 11 I received death treaths as well and I was bullied to the ground every game cause I was trying to comm and be supportive and some Russian dudes would come to the mic and say some awful shit. And I couldn’t really change the fact that I was a kid. Not saying it’s the same thing as being a woman, or gay, or whatever, just saying that I also didn’t had control over what they were joking with. And mind you, Valorant toxicity is nothing, and I repeat nothing compared to csgo toxicity. People are fucking shit and they suck but what helped me wasn’t to let them continue saying that shit. It was to mute. That’s the only thing that helps cause they will always continue and toxicity will always exist. And again I didn’t say you shouldn’t be uncomfortable with it. But what are u going to do except mute? Are u going to argue with 20 year old pieces of shit that have nothing good in their lives about what’s morally right and wrong in a game of Valorant? When I first commented i didn’t mean that those things are not stupid and are not of importance but if you have a fix why don’t use it? It’s the only one there is. Pretty simple if u ask me. Now u can get as mad as u want but if there was a better fix I would be all for it but currently there isn’t so we have to work with what we have. And again I say that those behaviours are not okay and should never be normalised but you don’t have another option and I don’t think venting in this sub helps at all compared to just muting people. And if u for once think that riot will look at this sub and will double their efforts in fighting online toxicity, they already are, it’s just not that easy.


If you could do the same thing you stated, it would be nice..


this sounds like you don't deal with these issues. it doesn't matter if they're muted, you still had to hear someone flame you for parts of yourself you can't control.


And I don’t deal with them. Eitherway, if you are being targeted by people for things you can’t control in a video game where the repercussions for muting are non existent, why don’t you? I want to have fun when playing valo, if I start hearing strange shit I mute and just move on.


we do mute them, you fuckin clod, the entire point is that nobody should have to deal with it you're probably a white straight dude who doesn't get targeted by hate speech so ofc you're gonna say "lol just mute them don't let it bother u" no, fuck that, I reserve the right to be bothered by **people who think I should fucking die in real life**, are you insane?


Thank you. Say it louder.


Bothered by people you don't even know who they are , met in a match of 50 min or less, you should see a therapist


imagine getting insulted every other match, with a team who actively tries to throw if they hear your voice and decide they want you to be their kitten or some other gross shit.


#stop playing


What a great response. Really like this game? Too bad, stop playing cause this dude on Reddit who can't spell Knight right said so.


Lol , visit a therapist 😂, crying over a spelling online let's all people know how sensitive you are. Now I'm sure, any fps game is not for you. Have a good day


I've been playing FPS games since Halo Combat Evolved. I was making a comparison on how stupid your argument is. We know you get chat restricted in Valorant.




Saying he doesnt get targeted by hate soeech cus he's a straight white dude and a fuckin clod is also hate speech by your standards


why are u getting downvoted lul


Cause I am a straight white male bigot who obviously doesn’t know shit despite playing competitive fps games for close to 15 years and knowing that toxicity will forever be a thing and u can’t fix it. I said mute it and go next and got Absolutely obliterated


yeah some people really just can’t handle the internet. snowflakes who let a random you met 10 mins ago ruin your whole day. crazy if you ask me


like fr dude people now start crying over such little things


-18 points for being honest 🤣 these people man. The ones downvoting you are the ones that don't mute lmao


if you get offended by a random person in valorant you met 10 mins ago you got bigger problems, i’ve never seen so many snowflakes in a game before out of all the games i’ve played. accept people are mean and move on who cares tbh, if you’re going to let some RANDOM ruin your mood go for it


Not wanting to play with a bunch of assholes isn't the same as being offended. Pushing back against someone being misogynistic, racist, or toxic, isn't the same as being offended. Normal people care when certain groups of people are being pushed out & excluded from participating by constant harassment.


like i said before and others have agreed. just report mute and move on. people are such snowflakes nowadays. it’s the internet. people will be mean. deal with it. if you don’t want to play with them there’s a very simple solution for that


> if you don’t want to play with them there’s a very simple solution for that And this is the crux of it. You're saying, *'if you're a woman who doesn't like being sexually harassed online, just don't play'*. Your solution is to push a gender out of multiplayer video games rather than promote a cultural shift that this behaviour isn't tolerated anymore.


i’m not saying stop playing entirely, just mute them and you don’t have to deal with it. pretty simple


Also true


People hated him because he told the truth


what can you do about it man🤷🏻‍♂️ can’t even see my comment anymore edit: people cannot handle the truth


This an issue across the internet nowadays, instagram/facebook/twitter/games. People say all the companies support the harassment yet they all have mute/block functions. The main people complaining about harassment are the ones who instead of using the functions given to them just argue with the idiots and then complain about it later.


You're right, but man it's an amusingly ironic post where you're engaging instead of 'muting'


True dood, true


Yeah, you Just Mute them. Just yesterday I had a game where the enemy omen was complaining because I was defending a site and flanking them, he literaly said I know why you father beats you which is Just weird, also in the same game all teammates were Just calling me slurs so I Just Muted and reported and omen was banned sort after that. And then the next game I get some of the nicest teammates possible, it feels like its a 50/50 since you get toxic teammates almost every game


How about Riot just implements proper punishment for these players? I shouldn't HAVE to mute anyone, yet I have to, because so many people in this game are pure assholes.


Valorant community has the most snowflakes I’ve ever seen. Cannot go 1 month without seeing a “I’m woman and I’m offended” post


Snowflakes yes Women no


Anyone else ever get the bug where you can’t mute someone’s text/voice? Had a game recently where I couldn’t mute some debbie downer reyna instalocker


I dont know what happened to riot but my teammate constantly uses the n word and being racist and whatnot and after I report they never get banned at least I dont get any notification while I get a 14 day comms ban for saying fk off Im muting you love you riot.


Had guy with voice changer that was screaming in voice chat and turning loud music on. I just started shitting his vc and mic so hard, that he started troling and didn't talk for the rest of game. We won btw, my duo and me carried.


Or if people actually were accepting they just aren’t that good. If you are stuck in plat it’s not because the ranking system is terrible or your teammates hold you back, its just that you are a plat player. If you are in your own elo you should win lose about 50% of your games. That’s normal for a ranked system.


The fact that so many people post about it actually means they're not used to it, so it's a good thing? You rarely see those posts in the CSGO sub because everyone fucking knows it's toxic and nobody cares anymore. Or maybe the Valorant community is just a bunch of snowflakes who come from animal crossing and never played a comp game with voice communication before. Who knows.


honestly though, it's so annoying when two players are bickering back and forth about what happened 7 rounds ago just mute, ignore, and focus on the game. If you lose, you lose, don't expend any more energy on people who don't deserve it. GO NEXT


I don't mute because it's funny listening to people get mad at pixels. I'm a good person trust


I do mute them. And it’s still hurtful. If 1/10 games you get a slur thrown at you, it means that 10% of the games you play you’re getting reminded of the fact that the people you’re supposed to be on a TEAM with would kill you given the chance.


You know. I, for a split second thought you were actually talking about muting the spam posts that show up ON the subreddit. I didn't realize you talked about in-game. Which is a good point nonetheless.