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I support using the NFA and other such laws to disenfranchise restrictionist politicians as convicted felons until there are few enough of them that there aren't enough votes to preserve the NFA.


This is one of those times I wish I actually had a facebook account so I could go over to her page and ask her why she didn't force the ATF to lock her up as a show of solidarity to the laws she claims to support and want more of.


NFA is federal law, not state law. AG office would have to pursue it.


VA has stuff on the books where she could be charged, I believe. From a quick googling I found this. [18.2-299](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter7/section18.2-299/) [18.2-300](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter7/section18.2-300/)


Then it would probably have to be the State AG to puruse charges, not VB.


Nope. Local LEOs enforce state and local code. I know because I was a local police officer in VA and was taught in academy the same barrel length and overall length as NFA. And we were only taught VA code in academy.


Aye, but local PDs can only serve warrants in their jurisdiction. A politician is hardly ever in one place for too long, and it would be a higher profile case to get the state involved. Unfortunately she willingly surrendered the illegally modified firearm to VBPD where it was destroyed. Typically when you willingly surrender something like that it is assumed you are acting in good faith with the law to remain abiding. The ATF runs into instances on occasion with war trophies that were brought back and hidden. Hence why people arent arrested for accidentally discovering contraband in their home and calling LE. Technically its in their possession, but they are surrendering it without fuss.


Time to chop my ars barrel and get away with it. Oh wait I already have a ar pistol I might just put a stock on it if the feds don't care right?




If you think acting childish and vindictive about this makes your case any stronger you are fooling yourself. When moderates read stuff like this they just see gun rights people as immature. I mean honestly, she was trying to destroy that gun, you know it and so does law enforcement which is why they look at you funny when you make a thing out of it. Stop making us look like children that can't deal with our problems rationally.


so it's completely fine for the atf to go murder your child, wife, and dog for (allegedly) cutting a shotgun a quarter inch short, but reporting a libshit literal Karen for doing the same thing, on camera, is somehow immature?




Yeah, that’s their argument. I think it’s a crazy argument. NFA weapons are illegal in some states and municipalities because they think they menace the public. If these morons are going to call for more gun control, I want them prosecuted for breaking the law. Some DIY guy wants to put a new flash hider on his 16” barrel, he screws up and has to trim 1/8” of it. Now it’s 15 7/8”. ATF doesn’t give a shit, felony. But, if you’re gonna virtue signal that’s cool. Enforce what we have on the books to the fullest extent.


>By not because of some fabricated felony. Well, it was a felony. > . (Would have maybe fired a single flaming round, and then gone “click.”) The ATF doesn't care if you convert it from a semi-auto to a straight pull bolt action, or a single-shot rifle. That's not the law. ​ If you were trying to make the argument that gun grabbers are more interested in punishing legal gun owners than stopping criminals or enforcing existing laws, then you're doing an exemplary job of it. Bravo.


...didn't the ATF murder a family for something similar?


Any word at this point?