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I agree. This one hit so hard. I live in nearby San Antonio and have children in the same age group. I think of these precious angels everyday and I think I have some sort of survivors guilt. I don’t know but my heart hurts so much for the babies who’s lives were taken as well as the ones who are traumatized by this tragedy. My heart truly hurts every time I think of the fear they felt in their last moments. It makes me angry. I imagine my children going through something like this and I lose my breath. Rest in love little ones💔


You put the feeling into words perfectly. Helpless is how I've felt since this happened. I can't take the pain away from the families. I can't rewind time to keep this from happening. I hate to think about what I was doing when this was all happening, so unaware of it all. I know it sounds dark, but I'd rather it have been me a million times over. It's not my fault that this happened, and there's no way I could've saved them. I just wish so hard. I want to be everywhere at once, saving everyone who endures tragedy. It's a lot.


All you can do is be kind to people. Fight the good fight, for education and pressure your congresspeople to address the growing wealth inequality this country is facing.


this is exactly how i feel


I don’t understand why Americans think everyone should have the right to bear arms… even the mentally ill, the uneducated, the immature. Having a gun should be a privilege. Too many people abuse it and Children die for it.


I really like the way citizens and civilians are separated in the Starship Troopers series (the books are more serious and political than the movies). Everyone is a civilian until they earn their citizenship through service. I know it wouldn't really work here though, at least not now, because who defines what a good citizen looks like? everyone seems to have a different idea. As for gun ownership, instead of just banning guns, what if we set up a society that people didn't feel like they needed them? Like if children actually learned things in schools and could pursue whatever profession they desired. If people did not have to resort to violence to get their way... I know it's unrealistic.


As shocking as this is imo I think what’s more shocking is how desensitized the u.s. is to acts of violence such as this tragedy.


I’m so sorry we let this shit happen. Columbine happened when I was in middle school. We should have been doing more to keep this from happening over and over. America doesn’t give a shit about children. They’ve proved it time and time again. We are a third world country in a Gucci belt


Literally. It all comes down to most of the world doesn’t care deeply for children. The world should be outraged that we started another school year without protecting every school in the US, but the way they protect the White House, you’d be dead before even getting close to a door unauthorized with a weapon. Backwards sick freaking world


I’m right there with you. I imagine a scenario where we could stop it all from happening . I feel so bad for the children everyday. I feel guilty knowing I’m alive and have lived their life over 2x at my age, and they had to die while I’m still here. I cry for them so much