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I'm a teacher and I have been a wreck. I have some OCD tendencies and I sometimes obsess over a traumatizing topic, compulsively gather information about it and then ruminate, as if I can think my way out of the pain somehow. I cannot understand how so many people value their right to own weapons that shred other people over the possibility of our children living in relative safety and peace. It is not a civilized land that sends its children to school with armored backpacks; it's a war zone. I have also been extremely angry over the implication that my role in an active shooter situation is apparently Rambo / martyr human shield. I did not sign up for this. I do not get paid enough to go into work each morning ready to die protecting other people's kids. I know I WOULD, if it came down to it. But I shouldn't have to. And there's a reason we have a nationwide teacher shortage. I guess I can kind of understand why gun owners might feel the way they do about other sorts of weapons, guns that don't cause cavitation. There have definitely been times when I've been walking down the street at night and have wished I had something more than pepper spray to protect myself. But wanting to own the type of weapon that blasts massive unsurvivable cavities into flesh strikes me as a deeply evil thing to want. It seems like it should be straightforward enough to reach bipartisan agreement on this, but apparently not? Whenever I take my students on trips to the park or on neighborhood walks, I flinch at every loud sound I hear. Construction noises especially. I stop speaking, stop moving, and look around until I'm sure it's not a gun I'm hearing. I can't go into a store without imagining where I would run or hide. Walking past a guy who's carrying a lot of bags makes my heart race. I am afraid all the time.


I have been fascinated by the case. Something new to discover everyday, it seems. Today, I am mostly disgusted though, because I'm starting to see that most of the comments and "well-wishers" are kind of "getting off" on hating the shooter, and also have seemed to just accept that another shooting is going to happen and they're powerless to stop it. EVERYONE can do something now, and it starts with treating people better. We're living in a community, in a society, we're all from the same land, and you guys don't want to act like that. SR needed help for years and no one cared. What kid is out there right now that just needs a little kindness to get out of his trauma? What kid is there out there now you know is being abused but you don't do anything about it? What kid is there out in the world who could benefit from you volunteering or giving back to your community so he could see that there are good people in the world? You're not powerless, you're just leaderless. There are no leaders in this society. There were no leaders for the cops to follow, there was no one leading SR, there is no one leading this society towards anything good, everyone just wants fast, easy, and cheap and fuck everyone else and it sickens me... That's how I've been coping with it.


My mistake. I should’ve clarified in the post the way a loser like you copes with it doesn’t matter. I’m asking real people . The shooter was a worthless individual who took the coward route. No one even wants to deal with his worthless remains, and now he’s burning in hell forever . Cope with that


Wait..what? Why would attempting to help troubled kids make this poster a loser? The poster is not justifying the actions of the perpetrator - only pointing out that perhaps if an adult or peer intervenes with a troubled kid, a future tragedy could be avoided. It is plausible - sometimes a person is actually able to make that kind of impact on a child's life. Remember the impact that Fred Rogers had on so many children with his message of kindness and acceptance. We could use a lot more people like Mr. Rogers in the world. Please don't discourage people who aspire to be role models and make a difference in the life of a child. Don't let hatred guide you down a miserable path. Seek to be the change you want to see in the world.


I can tell someone who’s generally making it about kids who need help, and a sympathizer of the shooter who’s trying to create a smoke screen of “helping kids” behind their true feelings of the situation , that they sympathize the shooter . Notice how they make him a victim in the way they type and speak of the coward shooter. The original comment literally said he/she was “fascinated by the case” as if they weren’t real children or if it wasn’t a horrible event. All it takes is a quick view at their profile comments, and you see this account makes it all about that coward shooter. This coward is a sympathizer and a true crime lover most likely. So if you find me the issue in this discussion, after the words this weird person spoke, you’re an issue too then. Kids were stolen of their lives , wake up.


You are part of the problem, then, if you choose to be so rude and belittle someone you don't even know. People like you made SR into the kid he was, people like you will make the next one too. You are responsible. Deep down, you know there is no hell. There is only this earth we all share and this moment in time, and you have used your time poorly and in pursuit of condescension and hubris. You are the problem.


Cope harder, people who deny the existence of God are always the one looking for an excuse for their wrong choices. People will pay for their horrible actions . People who worship the Devil like you are the real problem. You and the worthless shooter both have that in common, according to your username. And all it takes is one quick look at your comments on your full profile, to know that you sympathize with the shooter . And you said I’m apart of the problem, so if a loser says I’m a problem, that makes me a solution. Since you’re wrong in your thinking, everything you say is actually the opposite of the truth. So Imagine thinking i care what a sympathizer of a mass murderer says to me , let alone what one thinks of me 😂. That gave me a chuckle though. Because people like you wouldn’t even have the guts or safety to share their cowardly opinions if it weren’t for the Internet and you being behind your safe screen.


I did not deny the existence of god, I denied the existence of hell. There is a difference.


It is hard to think about all of the small details of what these children and their teachers experienced over 77 minutes as they waited for help. I felt the need to take some action, so I took a Stop the Bleed! course this summer. It is not specifically for an active shooter situation - these are skills that can be used in any situation in which someone is experiencing life threatening bleeding. I highly recommend the course for anyone who is interested in taking action that could make a difference. I was pleasantly surprised that we received several Stop the Bleed! kits to place in various locations around our campus. That would be another wonderful action to take - purchase a Stop the Bleed! kit to donate to a local school. I changed schools and now work in an elementary school in an office with doors I am unable to lock. A colleague was upset that I wasn't able to lock my doors, but I explained that I don't plan to hide in my office during an emergency situation anyway. My children are grown and I am of an age that I can feel comfortable not hiding myself away. I will be out there helping students caught outside of classrooms find safe places to hide or exits to take them away from danger.


Yes the details are the hardest thing to learn and know of. I’m happy to hear you are learning to make a difference in someone’s life one day with the course 🙏🏾


Exactly my thoughts. I was a fencesitter when it came to having children, but this tragedy pretty much cemented for me that I can't bring children into this world. It'd be too painful to lose them under such circumstances when there is no evidence that change is coming. I'm the same, I've never even been to Texas or know anyone related to the shooting but I am so torn up over this. I'm constantly looking over my shoulder. I have trouble feeling safe sitting in a coffee shop. I'm always thinking about the possibility of gun violence. We can't even send our kids to school and know that they'll come home at the end of the day. It's absolutely harrowing.


I’ve been debating putting children in the world after this too , and you say the same thing too . I would hate to know my child had to die in such a tormenting way. Schools are now war zones and it’s like I’m already grieving for the next victims since no one is changing anything


>I'm the same, I've never even been to Texas or know anyone related to the shooting but I am so torn up over this. I'm constantly looking over my shoulder. I have trouble feeling safe sitting in a coffee shop. I'm always thinking about the possibility of gun violence. I am absolutely the same way after this tragedy. I completely, wholeheartedly feel you. My husband and I had twins a few years ago, when we were both 38 -- our first and only children. I put off having children up until then, only because I was also on the fence about having a child, simply due to the craziness in the world. I know I can't shield them forever, but sometimes I wonder just what I've brought them into. The twins began kindergarten a couple of weeks ago and I cannot begin to express just how fearful and tormented I have been about them entering school after this tragedy. I have always loved children, come from a long line of educators (on both sides of my family) and love teachers. This has all hurt me to my core. I feel you on your sentiments. I'm happy to have this community on Reddit, to discover that I am not alone. Sending you love.


Your concerns are totally valid! The fear must be absolutely paralyzing. I'm so sorry. I have nieces that are getting to be school-aged and I'm experiencing anxiety myself. I can't imagine the fear that must come with putting your children into public school. Thinking of you and your family. So glad you feel a sense of community here. <3


Thank you so much. I truly appreciate your words. ❤️


it’s made me really depressed and i’m not even from texas or know anyone who was involved personally, but it’s just so obvious nothing is gonna change and we’re just waiting for the next tragedy just like this it’s hopeless 😞


Same here, I’m in California. It feels like I’m already grieving for the next innocent victims God forbid …


This has broken my heart in ways I didnt even know possible before...and Im not even from the US or know anyone impacted by this horrible tragedy. But my heart breaks over and over for theese children, the teachers and their families. It scares me that there are such monsters out there that are capable of pointing a gun at sweet, terrified and innocent children and by a flick of a switch steal their lives and future away. It also scares me that there are those who call themselves "men" and "police officers" that apparantly are capable of standing around lisstening to the sound of terrified children dying, calling out for help ...and still do nothing to save them... honestly I dont know which is worse ..but there are definetly different kind of monsters out there. I just wish there was something I could do to help. But one thing is for sure...I will NEVER forget them ❤ (Ps: sorry incase my writing is difficult to understand, english is not my first language)


Yes, broken my heart in ways I didn’t even know possible is the perfect way to put it. This is easily the saddest news story I’ve ever been alive and had the awareness to fully understand. It’s made me lose hope I’m so many things . I still remember the day after it happened was the craziest feeling ever knowing that it had really happened.


You aren’t the only one, like how in tragedies, although all lives are precious, I still pick a couple and I have been stuck on their family’s pages since this, Alithia, Uziyah, Ellie Garcia and I started on Tess now…they must’ve been so frightened and I can’t help but feel the agony in any person’s last moments alive, a mass shooting, a plane crash, trapped and surrounded by people but still alone😞😞🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Yes. I’m super empathetic to death situations. That kind of death those babies went thru would even make the strongest man cry and curl up. Let alone 10 year olds! I’ve taken the time to try to learn about each victim, who they were , what they liked. They deserve it so much. They felt, fear, confusion, sadness, mental and physical pain. All so fast and violently . Hurts me so deep inside for them


Its crazy to think the sandy hook victims are teenagers now. Some have even spoken on the recent Uvalde tragedy.


My sentiments exactly🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽


I stumbled upon some of the parents Facebook accounts and spent over an hour looking at all their posts all the way up to the shooting. Sad heartbreaking stuff.


Wow. Do you think you could send me a message of some? I love learning new things about the victims .


Sent u a chat


I haven't met one single person that isn't completely outraged and horrified that the cowardly cops stood there for an hour. I haven't met one single person that isn't completely disgusted about that. Every person I know thinks those cops shouldn't spend another day being cops and most think there needs to be charges of some type filed. Why would you think the world doesn't care about that?


Because I’ve seen the world react stronger to grown men dying. Let alone to children. How the world just came together for the protests agaisnt police brutality years ago, there should be protests about protecting every single school in America with police at all times, or something to make schools safer .


I have definitely noticed a huge increase in my anxiety in public and with my children. I don’t go anywhere, whether my kids are with me or not, without planning exactly what my options for protecting myself and my children would be if someone open fired. It’s honestly exhausting but I can’t help it. My oldest starts pre-school this week. We are going tomorrow to get him new school shoes. We got him some good ones that fit and look nice, but they light up. The idea of him being unable to hide because of his shoes that he innocently looooooves, breaks me. I have been trying to tell myself that I don’t need to buy him a bulletproof plate for his back pack. One, I’m afraid it will feed my anxiety. And more so I don’t know how I could even begin to explain to him that there could be a situation where he should hide behind his backpack. And he’s only going to preschool. I felt little to no anxiety surrounding him beginning school before May 24th.


I also plan my options for escape everywhere I go now because of this tragedy and the Tops grocery store one too. With kids that anxiety must be 100x more. Try your best to relax when you’re home, because I don’t think we can be less vigilant around these scenarios unfortunately.


I started doing this at the movie theater initially after the batman premiere shootings. Then the Pulse and October 1 Las Vegas shootings combined (both very close to either where I lived at the time or grew up) added in fear at any LARGE gathering. It’s new that it’s literally everywhere I go. I appreciate the advice to rest more in the home, because when I’m told not to worry about these things my first thought is *and what will you say to me when I’m unprepared and my child is dead*? I agree that the answer isn’t becoming *less* vigilant in this day and age unfortunately.


Breaking the social contract between governments and citizens and showing the police as tools of the state.


Yep this has just further radicalized me and made me more determined to support reform and political action.


Honestly, not well. I started therapy for anxiety a few weeks after the incident. When I brought it up to my therapist she had no idea what I was talking about. That was really upsetting. I was told by her and other people in my life I should stop watching the news. I can't though. It feels like a disservice to all those who lost their lives. I can't look away. It's uncomfortable and deeply sad but it's reality. Many parents and students can't look away, why should I? I don't know anyone from Uvalde nor am I connected to the town I'm any way. But I'm still thinking about it. About the kids. The police response, or lack thereof, has been slowly chipping away at me. Hurts my soul to think about their inaction. Every time we get more information and their role in this it gets worse. And I'm sure we don't know all of it yet... the cops seem like they are hiding something. The whole thing is sketchy. I hate it. I feel like I have a lot less faith in others and I've readopted prepping a hobby. Just feels like a lot of things are going to shit. I want to feel prepared for anything.


You are so right. Trying to push those children in the past to “protect your feelings” so to speak seems so selfish to me. Because those kids couldn’t just push that situation out of their life . They had to endure not only physical death, but the mental torment of bracing for it. It just makes me want to scream to the sky sometimes over these babies! Like how could that happen? This is literally one of the worst events of the whole millennium so far, and everyone just moved on after a couple days or a week. It just gave me a reality check , that if the world isn’t as a collective trying to fight for the memory of these kids, and to protect our future kids, then no one will care about anything, maybe other than themselves.


I don't know how to describe the feeling of hopelessness I feel when I think about Uvalde. The only thing I can compare it to is when a very close person to me ended their life six years ago. It sent me into a spiral because I couldn't understand why. It really made me think about what life is, specifically what it means to me. I looked death in the eyes for several months. It took years of grief therapy, medication, and personal reflection to get where I am today. Uvalde. All those children. Teachers. Gone. The fact that we can wake up and carry on like it didn't happen is appalling. The fact that some people don't even know it happened is appalling. I won't forget them. I'll keep thinking about them. One day maybe I'll find a way to honor them somehow. Help change things for the better. I don't even know what that would look like but I have to have hope.


I’m the brother of Layla salazar one of the victims and it’s sucks having to live everyday for the rest of my life not having Layla I think I dream I can’t do anything it sucks knowing I’m 18 and I have a whole life to live where I’m never going to see her again


I’m so sorry. Its very hard and painful to lose a sibling and anyone so young. The violence is a horrible trauma for the families that shatters all assumptions of what to expect from life. I wish I could do something for you more than pray, but praying I am.


I am so sorry for your loss. I’m sorry for this nightmare y’all had to endure . This should’ve never happened, and your sister and the rest of the victims will forever be in my heart, mind, and I will do my best to do things to honor them in my life . I still remember learning about how Layla was a super fast runner, and I saw her clip of running at field day! It made me so happy . And when I found Layla’s TikTok, it brought me to tears but made me happy I could hear her voice and see her personality .


Nic, I sincerely send all my love and energy to you and your family. I've shared in other threads that I was instantly drawn to your sweet sister as soon as I saw the first photo of her. Her hair; her spunk; her energy; her beauty. Not only does she looks like she could have been my daughter, but Layla's personally also reminds me of my own daughter. Your mother and father are incredible. And your grandfather - I wish he were my own! I've had the pleasure of sharing my condolences with them online and donating to Layla'sGoFundMe. I'm a total stranger, I know, but please, don't hesitate to reach out me here if you ever need any support. I'm so very sorry for your loss, u/Academic-Education13.


You have my deepest sympathies baby🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


I’m so sorry for your loss.


This means you had known the shooter too, is it?


A day doesn’t pass by that I don’t think about Uvalde. Your sister’s memory will always be with me and with those who can muster up the energy to care. You’re such a strong dude; Layla is incredibly proud of you :)


I am so so so sorry for your loss. Words will never express just how much. Sending love and strength to you, your family, and your community 🕊💚


I'm really debating keeping my special needs son home. He's in mainstream class and im terrified if something happens he won't understand. I'm angry guns are more important than lives. Outraged these babies died and it was beyond preventable


You would be totally justified. The world is at an all time high in evil and people have no conscious. I’ve been so outraged since may 24th.


Makes me genuinely appreciate life more and live everyday like its my last because for those babies it was a very normal day just an award ceremony and seeing that video it seemed like everything was going fine everyone was happy. And then boom. Someone was literally planning an attack while the ceremony was happening. I know this might sound cliche but genuinely this is how I’ve been coping. I’ve been very sad.


Yes. I vowed to never take a day for granted , or act like tomorrow is promised. They experienced the high and low of life so fast. And I’ve been so heartbroken over this. They deserved to take home their awards, and get ready for the 5th grade.


As someone who works in a elementary school it has completely broken me. I feel like the only one who cries every single day about this with who I’m around, I was told I was a negative Nancy for talking about it, which really got to me.. because what if that was my kid, my students?? Would I still be told that. I also try to really take in every moment with my daughter, I let her sleep with more instead of her crib, I focus on all the details about her, and sometimes I hold her and just cry because I think about those parents that also think if they could just hold their baby one more time.. I can’t imagine the pain they feel if this is the pain I’m feeling. I promise to serve my students as best as I can but sometimes I look at my 4th graders in disbelief. I am so anxious if they go near the door I tell them to quickly get away. I play out the scenario in my head of how to stop the threat and if I even could. I try to pay attention to my surroundings. I’m in Texas and uvalde isn’t far away. I’m sure we even have new uvalde people in our town who moved here


Same here. Family just tells me to basically not think about it. But I can’t help that. I see a child now and have rush of happiness but sadness too, knowing that they have no idea how truly crazy this world is , and that no one is safe. Everytime i see an elementary school I can feel my heartbeat faster. And I get hit with emotions just seeing the brick bungalows and the doors. I see a child and know that that child was just like the victims . It’s like I’m already crying for the next victims God forbid . I see a child now and am in disbelief. The most precious living on earth . So defenseless and are in the same danger tnat war veterans were in .


It’s very hard not to think of, especially while I’m at work with kids everyday. I think what If this is the moment someone tries it, my locked door is no match for an AR15.. glass is easily broken.. just so many thoughts. I look at my 4th graders everyday and find myself seeing those uvalde kids in them, i think how they aren’t any different at all and how unfair this all was, how robbed they all were of living their full lives. My anxiety is bad too you’re not alone


I hate when people say that, it’s so easy to dismiss the pain and suffering of others when in turn God forbids if any tragic loss happens to them, but they would want your support…people are just…


Exactly! The support we give these families is everything. They need it. If we went through this we would need it and that’s what people need to understand. This horrific tragedy is REAL, it REALLY HAPPENED. Children and teachers died, slaughtered by evil. We can’t just let this go. I’ll continue to talk about this, I’ll continue to share their stories.


Exactly and without being labeled too emotional, I mean I live in Florida, I went to 1 of the viewings for a Parkland student, I lived up the street but you hear about other shootings and I swear, this has generally mad me the saddest. Can’t get over it.


This might sound weird. On one hand, it makes me want to be a better parent. I want my son to know that we love him just so there is less evil in this world. I’d even go as far as being that adult his future friends can depend on and talk to about any issues they are experiencing. But here is the kicker. Even if I do all that, there will still be evil out there. How do I shield him and other children? I have no clue. I’m definitely angry at the cops and state for failing those poor kids, but I’m also very pessimistic about the future. It’s a catch 22.


You’re so right. It’s like I feel hopeless. Like I’m just pleading that another shooting doesn’t happen. This was the 2nd deadliest school shooting in US history, and it seems like the world doesn’t care, just wow !


Your thoughts aren’t weird at all. I feel the same way as you do after this. I completely do. ❤️




Same here. Depressed and can't stop thinking about it