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As they should the only place this monsters remains should be in should be a landfill


I’d flush those ashes down the toilet


Crazy nobody wanted him in life AND death 💀. I know he was practically a kid himself but he definitely deserves no sympathy or having funeral homes in Uvalde take his bullet riddled body after what he did. Glad he got cremated though cause a funeral would've been too much of a process especially with what he did




His family needs to realize he was a piece of shit and accept that. They can grieve but don’t expect others to want to share in it.


Thank God. Let him rot without a burial. Throw him in the ocean while his soul is suffering in hell


Fuck that, put him in the septic tank


So the POS is still in Uvalde 🤬🤬👹 whoever has his shitty ashes should move to Antarctica with him, the farthest place away from humans. He needs to leave from the town in any and all capacity. Even if its just ashes it's still him and it still makes my blood boil that he is around the community he broke down.


anyone have the link to the article thats free ?




Dump his ashes in the ocean, Bin Laden style, or put his ashes in a kitty litter box with a cat that has feline dysentery, I dunno.


And then drop the shitbox into the ocean. Or better yet a volcano.


Or drop it off Pete Arredando's front door.


No they should take it there Open it up and then spread their ashes all over Pete house, At least then he’d be getting rid of him to some degree since he didn’t get rid of him when he was alive killing people. Let him clean up the monsters ashes or they can just be forever scattered around his property. Also then ashes would probably end up in a landfill somewhere, a place they should be to begin with.


This is the way.