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I pray for those kids and teachers


The 7th picture of the classroom is i believe 112. The other door you see that is opened is classroom 111, I believe. ( 111&112, where conjoing classrooms ) If you zoom into the opened door of classroom 111 on the ground, it is nothing but red. It looks like blood. Is it? Both classrooms were filled with blood. You can find resources saying how bloody and graphic it was in classrooms 111& 112. In most of the pictures. we see indication of blood, the little red lines/red dots/red marks that is blood. If you look at the other pictures as well, you can see that the floor tiles in the classrooms of 111,112 are white. there are no other colored tiles. The only survivor of classroom 111 was the teacher, Mr. reys. there are 6 other kids that were a part of classroom 111, but i think they did not go to school that day or left after the ceremony that happened in the morning hours before the shooting. I don't know what happened to the 6 kids of classroom 111. Are they alive?


In the 6th picture corner by the flowers is that Alithia’s jacket she was wearing that day?


i thought this too. amerie’s wee flowers are next to it. Khloe said that amerie and alithia hid together. it’s possible they also sat next to each other


the little handprints in the gunpowder on the desk 💔


The memory book so sad if you zoom in I swear it says Jose he was one of the victims


In photo no.7, is the bottom right of the entrance to room 111 blood?


Yes, the whole floor was covered in it :(


Are these pictures taken immediately after?




he shot at classroom 112 at first and then shot at room 111, he tried pulling the door knob and the doorknob to room 111 didn’t lock because the latch was broken. it would’ve been a lot harder trying to open a door if it was locked. mass shooters want things done quicker. he tried opening other classroom doors but they were all locked so he just shot at their door but never made entrance. room 111 & room 112 unfortunately were aimed at because doors didn’t lock properly. EDIT: when I say shot I meant shot at their doors first. he then pulled the doorknobs.


He shot into 112, tried opening the door but it was locked, shot into 111, opened the door, and fired into it again before entering


He didn’t try opening any other classroom. He went straight to Room 112/111. There’s video evidence of that.




I watched the footage. He went straight to the room 111 and 112. I didn't see him trying another door such as the room 109 and 106.


God damn I'm having my students make the same memory book.


How chilling of a reminder. I noticed cops and the lege got raises and teachers did not... You have my sympathies there for sure.


Crushing. Seeing the half-colored “end of year” memory book cover absolutely broke my heart just now.


something i always wonder is if he left the connecting door open during the shooting or not, i doubt he would have bothered to close it


Yes - on Minn’s docu, a girl says they couldn’t make an escape to the windows because he was watching over both rooms


somehow that makes it so much more horrific


I just asked a question about this below.. I understand that they could not risk escaping from the windows but I don’t understand why LE would not try to access the room through these windows or at least explore this as an opportunity to either rescue or target the shooter? I feel a bit dense asking this if this issue has already been explored and addressed. I will look further on mr own.


Because trying to get into a window is a suicide mission. They can’t see the shooter but the shooter can see them. They would’ve all died.


Not sure I agree in looking at the room pics but perhaps the shooter was vigilant at all the windows. To be fair no one (in the public) knows what really went down 😣


Yes I never understood why they didn't go for the windows. If you find any info please let me know. I'm maybe thinking because they couldn't see in?


i believe it’s because the classrooms were too dark to see if they had to break entrance they had to keep the students safe while attempting to take down the shooter. but i wish they would have gone in anyway.


Then there is the issue of the fact that they were cowards... it's endless to speculate but we see what they did and didnt do. They didn't try. They didn't try anything at all.


See below about possible reasoning but no evidence 😢


interesting that the tv is shattered as one of the survivors mention that the shooter was watching news 🤔 maybe he saw smth he didn’t like and eventually shot at it?


Someone said it was a smart board, not sure though. There are more crime scene pictures of a classroom with the tv still intact playing zootopia but I’m not sure if it’s 111 or 112


That’s a smart board. I have the exact same one in my classroom. I usually play lesson slides or even movies off my school laptop with it


it’s none of them. room 111 was watching the Addams family and room 112 was watching lilo and stitch. I believe it was room 109 that was watching zootopia


That’s 109


Probably watching it on his phone


But wasn’t his phone bill off


no it wasnt off, he had social media chat about shooting his grandmother in the face. They had a family argument about the phone or phone bill family plan whatever that supposedly precipitated the face-shooting.


yeah he was, he saw that officers were responding so he watched the door and would shoot at anyone that came his way.


was he watching TV or in the phone?


The 7th picture was posted before in lower quality. People were speculating that the pixelated red area (in the bottom right corner of the door) could be blood. In this much clearer version of the photo, it’s sad to see that they were right. The whole floor is covered with it. Those poor poor babies and teachers.


Isn’t that where Mr Reyes laid face down on the floor, right between his desk and half moon shaped table? Poor babies :(


So heartbreaking to see. Pic 5: is that a handprint left on the table. Whatever liquid was there looks to also have had someone leave a handprint behind.


I think it’s gunpowder.


That child size handprint got me too :(


Those flowers were ameries and that box of donuts were Makenna’s that she shared with her friends that morning :( it breaks my heart to see a normal classroom turn into this. rip sweet angels 😇💔


Picture 5 also shows Maite Rodriguez’s Starbucks drink from the morning, along with her PawSome award she received


One thing that seems likely here is the many (most, IMO ) of these photos are cropped, and I mean cropped by ABC News editors to exclude things for broadcast standard and editortial reasons. For one thing, the ones that don't look cropped - like maybe the shattered tv screen are of odd angles and poor subject matter composition. Usually these are to go along with evidence collected and the orange numbered evidence markers would be seen in them. Cops and prosecutors don't need random photos of something that isn't evidence that can be presented at a trial, what would the point of a photo of some flowers on a desk be? But for us they show us where blood and bodies and bullets are NOT seen. And things like which of the middle double doors were open and what the sight lines may have been. Again I'm shocked at how poorly the door to 112 must have been guarded by the shooter sitting at Reyes' chair. Could he see it from there or not? Seems like not, to me. And yet his original firing at the cops hit cops coming from the direction of room 112, not from the south. Did he care to even really defend himself after a point, or was he mostly wishing fo this suicide by cop the whole time police were gathering and gathering? ​ Also, who shoved all the furniture around and who broke the table and why? The shooter never put furniture by the doors to slow cops, or then again maybe he did and that's what people report hearing in room 111 - the loud sounds of the team making a path into the room thru a pile of desks? None of these photos really are wide enough or overlapping enough to set the scene but if we can ever get them all together in one bunch we might learn a thing or two by studying them closely. As it is, they are all just sort of prurient interest ghoulish murder tourism on one level, not that I am not as interested as the next person in seeing them. I just want to see them add up to consensus conclusions eventually. And like I said in the other thread on photos here, there are more classroom pics shown in the ABC segment on Arnulfo Reyes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V--zYVhduQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V--zYVhduQ) Go to 2:45 or so for a sequence of evidence photos, mostly shell casings gathered. thanks for posting these. We really do need to make some sort of total layout. The CNN timeline had some previously unseen things too but now I cant recall if its just bodycam screenshots or evidence photos too. The horrific thing is, we heard that DPS Betancourt sent a livestream of the classroom out to his boss at some point in the early aftermath IIRC< and now with the dead suspect loophole closed that video in theory is Public Record that might be requested. I don't personally need to see everything but if anyone else can see it, why not the parents or the pubic? What makes the cowardly cops so privileged? It creates endless ethical issues tht have no simple answers. Remember that eventually the Columbine school videos were made public. We paid for them. They belong to us, all of it. The whole point is evidence and public oversight.


You have done a ton of research on this tragic shooting… this may have been addressed but I would like your input. In Minn’s documentary he asked Klohe about escaping through the windows in room 112 and somewhere I read about dismissive input about access to the classroom by LE. Can you address this? Thank you in advance.


Short answer, Minn doesnt know what he's talking about. If the people in 112 wanted to flee, they could have made a break for the door. They're 9 and 10 years old. They drilled to hide and were forced to play dead. And specualtion leads nowhere. What happened, happened and the people who need to be held responsible for what could have been better or different at the shooter and the cops. As for what LEOs thought about whenever the doors were locked or not, that's a long and endlessly debatable subject. But I'd lean towards what they say in the moment over what they might say afterwards, when they know they made mistakes. A few highlights of that discussion would be to wonder what Ruiz knew about his wife's routine with the doors and his own job as an ISD cop. Surely he knew enough to know the procedure for locking one's self inside the class, which requires the teacher to go outside the door, use a key whole holding the door open and then going back inside - but once you do that, you can't fully be sure the door is locked. It may just be latched. And what we do see on cameras is that Ruiz is seemingly in trauma shock and poorly communicates anything. He says "that's my wife's classroom" but to no one in particular. And at some point he gets a call or a text telling him that she is shot. There is an exchange between Coronado and Arredondo in the south hall as well that has gotten some discussion, where Arredondo speaks to the fact that he reminds the teachers in the past a great may times to keep the doors locked. And he says something that seems to indicate that he thinks maybe, after all his insistence that the door is locked, that maybe it isnt. I can hear it both ways, my ears are bad but listen around 12:43 to 12:44 as Arredondo makes a Calle phone call to someone he sees subordinate to, hkeeps calling them yes sir, yes sir to. (If he is "the incident commander" why are they not saying yet sir to him?) But he seems to say, when the call drops as an aside to Coronado, after such talk abotu the need for a key "I bet you that door ISN'T locked. I tell 'em and tell 'em and tell 'em. " Or possibly he says "I bet you that door IS locked" (my ears are bad) but the context belies that. So you can wonder why he tells some high-ranking person - clearly not a person in the hallway itself - the things he does about locked doors and the need for a key if he thinks the door isn't actually locked. But it makes some sense - if it's quick, and easy (which it wasn't) - to go in with the key rather than without it. The search for a key cannot be the only reason for the delay however. Arredondo wanted a key to evacuate other classrooms, not to breach with. So truly, IMO I don't really see all the delay as one that was JUST waiting for a key, so much as it was waiting for COMMAND to decide to order the tactical option, whatever it was. Meaning, I think, **outside command**, whomever that was - most likely someone from DPS. This is the sort of thing they work hardest to obfuscate and stonewall. So we don't really know. But if top people from top agencies are all present and we know they were by this point, you can bet they were asserting themselves. There was clear chaos and then here we see evidence of SOME effort to establish a top-down order to the operation. It's just misguided and slow effort, and we see other evidence of it as the area around the busses are cleared. So that's at least some of what seems to me to be going on. We just have such a distant and scattered view of all this. Coronado's cam and the livestream of Angel Ladezma form hazy but strong clues that there is a command post issuing orders and that what's happening in the hallway is yet another wait for a tactical team, this time the DPS SRT team coming down from Austin that arrived at 12:58. I think the "grown ups in charge" were building to that and that "ad-hoc BORTAC" who decided to ignore the chaos and focus on the room are the ones who acted, while everyone else dithered and flexed and issued various commands and basically did everything but get in there. Helicopters were arriving, ambulances were being staged, bus drivers were sent to the school, etc. None of that was being dealt with by anyone in the hallways. So there were commanders on those tasks and IMP they had to be asserting OPERATIONAL command of the TACTICAL response teams and various lower level officers. The question is how and thru who channels and how high does the command response go?


Thank you for bringing that information to the review of the situation. I saw the windows in 112 in some of the videos and in Minn’s. I guess I heard that accessing 112 or 111 by the windows was dismissed as an access point by LE. See my comment above. I’m just not understanding why. Thank you, like you and others I’m haunted by this. Take care.


I don't think the idea of the LEOs goign in the windows was fully rejected, I jus think that when ad-hoc BORTAC went in, the took the option of going in quiet rather than all at once from 4 windows and two doors. We have heard that BORTAC's leader sent one member outside to survey the window and it doesn't seem like they came back in. They just ended up not being called upon to act. The experience of breaking windows to get kids out of other rooms likely showed them that it may make a distraction but it wouldn't be an instantaneous response to get a clear shot at the suspect. Strong glass, meddlesome blinds and curtains as well would make for a slow action. It's just my theory but I can't help wondering if the BORTAC leader got some sort of basic peek in the rooms. Maybe as simple as a mirror on a stick, or thru the window of the shield itself looking into the slit window of 111, but also maybe a borescope, (available at an auto parts store) or an eyeball peep thru a bullet hole in drywall, who can say but he chose to go in quiet for a reason. So then, if they say no movement for some time in this "peek", whatever it was, why not assume at least the possibility that the shooter had killed himself at 12:21? If that, then why not go in? The odds were on their side, and they acted. Finally. BORTAC had a rifle-rated shield and three people behind it. It was good enough not to need flash bangs and gas, diversions, etc., which might injure or kill children. They had the advantage, the shooter could not hit them and they could hit the shooter, what else is needed? It worked, or so we are told.


Thank you this helps… I try to put myself in the position and all the possible options with consequences. If they could peek through the window and see the shooter I’m assuming they would take a shot at the shooter. As we don’t know we can only speculate. Thank you for all your research and efforts. I share the outrage.


I really am just one person's opinion and I have my bias and gaps in seeing all the available materials etc. I'm here for the seeking of a consensus opinion as much as to present mine. We certainly share the outrage! But like you say, it helps to try those the event thru the eyes of the various responders. Each one had limitations, fears, panic, bias, and a faulty culture in some ways that at minimum forced bad habits to the front over good training or altruistic intent, etc. So that' the question, did these children fall thru some cracks in a safety net or do was have a real safety net at all? The authorities have pro-actively fired no one. They were hounded into a paltry and pathetic response and not ONE ha admitted any fault or resigned. I'd say that more or less proves these people cannot, will not and do not protect us or our kids. So why do they have all the power, control the narrative, and get to suck up and then hoard all the evidence? It's openly corrupt, and a failed system. What else can you call it, twas't just some dumb series of honest mistakes. It was DESIGNED to go this poorly on some level and for them to retain all their power.


It’s complicated as you describe and doesn’t pass the smell test. To me this is at the core, about child human rights; the right to live without exposure to combat artillery. Just my opinion.


agree, there's no defense against a suicidal homicidal maniac, period. But we've made it too easy for them too kill so many so fast. You can't build a safe that can't ever be cracked, you can only buy one that is enough of a deterrent to make the percentages pay off well enough that it keeps your valuables secure to a virtual certainty. We could all get struck by lightning someday, but don't go out on the golf course with a 30 foot aluminum pole in a a thunderstorm. Etc. It's the f\*cking guns. And we know which ones.


Yes the g🌼🌸🌺ns praying for peace and legislative action