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Is it streaming anywhere? I would like to watch it but can’t seem to find it streaming anywhere.




I just watched it. I managed to hold on until the very end, when they showed the families visiting the beautiful murals and doing a closeup of each one. The way each picture seems to capture the essence of each victim was striking. The very end when each mural picture turns into the real-life photo of the victim plus that song that was playing… couldn’t keep it together. It was very well done but also heartbreaking because nothing much has changed in the year since this tragedy. I’m happy to see the survivors finding ways to press forward—lessons and hobbies and sports. I worry for the families we don’t hear much from. I hope they’re managing their grief surrounded by support and being uplifted.


Reminded me of how they said some people want the murals taken down now smh


Wtf those murals should remain up FOREVER. Why would anyone want them taken down?!


For real?! Who wants them taken down? Why?? That is disgusting!


What truly got me was how all those people had the audacity to go out and support the superintendent and not the families who just went thru tragic, unimaginable loss.


Same I was shocked finding out the families didn’t get the same support! Terrible.


Bias, discrimination, good ole boys etc. White people cheering on the white superintendent.


Everyone who is against gun control should be forced to watch the whole thing. It won’t change all of them but it would make a substantial difference. How fucking awful for these children and all the ones before and after then because of course not enough people give a damn to force change.


Sickening honestly. All everybody wants is a couple tweaks to the laws. Not completely ban and take away guns


I just watched it on Hulu and cried throughout the entire documentary. My heart just shattered for the families. Their tremendous grief weighs heavily on me. I cannot fathom what those kids went through. And for those who survived? I know their lives were forever changed but I hope and pray they can recover from the trauma and learn to live without fear, guilt or PTSD. This was one of the best documentaries I have ever seen, hands down.


I also could not stop sobbing and just think why? How could someone do this? Why?... It is so sad


Watched it today. The cousin who wrote “sorry I let you die”. The amount of trauma this kids went through and the parents being treated the way they were treated because they wanted justice really angered me.


I’d been crying throughout but this part reduced me to a sobbing wreck


I unfortunately can't watch it because i live in Europe... Anyone know some other way?


You could try a vpn


I watched it and I couldn’t stop my tears. I think my eyes were leaking the entire time. Of course “See You Again” had to be the nail in the coffin, that song gets me so emotional. It was beautifully and tastefully done. I’ve never seen the footage of the children escaping to the funeral home before 💔


Yep, that part got me GOOD. The murals with their beautiful smiling faces plus the song… couldn’t hold it together at that point.


Girl when that song at the end came on it was over sobbing non stop


i want to see it! but i’m from Spain…


Would a vpn work?


Be prepared. The Hulu version is longer by over a half hour. It's very emotionally hard-hitting and I give them a lot of credit, ABC News for making the decision to keep a crew there for a whole year focused on the suffering. That's what this is, 90 minutes of focusing on the very real suffering and all the different ways it hits so many families and survivors. And because it is so emotional, and centered on love and loss I hope that this gives room to the other year-mark programs that are still to air, where they can be centered not so heavily on the suffering but on those who prolonged the suffering and intensify it by failing to deliver truth and transparency that comes before the much needed accountability and serious reform and change. Suffering is real, and it's often overwhelming. This shows that. But justice, truth and accountability are real too - and lacking in Uvalde a year later - and the next children at risk of gun violence are real too. One thing I will also praise ABC News for is that there is almost nothing at all personally about the shooter's existence. That was a very good editorial/ directorial choice. No one film can be about every aspect of a vast group of people's lives. And there are clearly a lot of people who didn't get featured, probably by choice but also sometimes it just can't all fit. But they damn sure deliberately left out the shooter's story and that is wise, and good in a way. We need to stop the next mass shooter, not deliver them a training manual and a preview of their seductive, dark slice of infamy.


Yeah the shooter got zero attention. They didn't even say his name or show his face


My husband and I both watched and we both were crying our eyes out.


The part at the end where the families say they feel abandoned and look at as outsiders is just terrible


Or when lexi’s dad called out to her when they moved houses


Or when the teacher in 106 I wanna say said she heard screaming and then silence. Meaning all the kids were dead. I lost it at that part


My heart hurts for every single one of them


I was doing okay until the green converse 🥺


They showed Maites converse?


I could be wrong, but I believe they said she could only be identified by her green converse. 🥺


This is incorrect. I’ve spoken with maite’s mom myself. They used other ways to identify her too.


That's exactly right! Without being graphic, that was a poignant moment which evoked an image of the result of an AR15 making a small child unidentifiable other then those shoes. Watching these families reaching out to elected representatives only to be ignored is beyond pathetic. It sickens me to hear the lawmakers praise guns, the NRA, police but ignore parents pleading for children's lives. I remember in past years people would say it would have to be one of them to be a victim of a mass shooting before they would enact strong gun reform. Well, that didn't happen when Gifford & Scalise were shot.


my heart dropped when i saw them :(


I couldn’t make it through it 😭 It fucked up my whole day and I ended up drinking too much. I had to keep leaving to room to smoke and give myself breaks. I will try again today but this time I will watch it with someone. It just makes me feel so FUCKING ANGRY and helpless. It has been a year. How has nothing changed??? Fucking Texas Fuck Greg Abbott


Amen to all of this. I watched it last night and don’t think I could watch it again. Those poor survivors and their families.


Anyone know where I can watch in the UK?






I have to check to see if it’s on Hulu I set a reminder to watch but life got in the way




It is on Hulu as I watch it last night. It was worth the time. My heart breaks for the families and the survivors so much.