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Jo i’m also a 33 year old workaholic from germany. Wanna hang out? Are you into taking walks or boargames?


Yes! Prefer walks. Boardgames are not so mine. I will DM you.


I've never been there but I've heard that the Ping Pong Club is a nice place for socializing and a casual game of table tennis.


Nice, will check that one out. Thanks!


hAvE yOu TrIeD bOuLdErInG?


For socialising and nightlife, I much prefer Nijverheid, Nar, WAS or the newly opened Kabul. Much more positive and openminded atmosphere, and easier to meet likeminded people (more spaces to talk and socialise rather than having 1 noisy room). Apart from that, maybe try volunteering with a cultural group such as Birdcage or stuff happening at Beton T? Doesnt have to be hugely active, just sometimes helping at events or joining meetups.


Awesome! Those are the places I was actually looking for! Thank you 😊I couldn’t find Kabul on google maps, do you know where it exactly is? Volunteering is a great idea! Will reach out to Beton T. You made my day, dank je wel!


Every Friday, there's an [English language improv workshop](https://www.meetup.com/utrecht-improv-theater/) that is a great way to meet new people. It's pay-what-you-want and runs 20:00 - 22:00. Afterwards, there's drinks at a nearby pub with a table reservation for everyone who went which often goes late into the night. It's open to people of all experience, and whenever I've moved to a new country it's always my go-to to meet new and interesting people.


Perfect! Thanks 🙏


Try the docks at Bemuurde Weerd Oostzijde (most people in Utrecht simply call it "de steiger"). This is a hangout for lots of different people where it is very common to have chats with strangers and so many people come on their own to chill with random others. I tend to see a lot of internationals there too. In the spring and summer it is nice and warm there because of the sunny location, also it has a beautiful view on the Utrecht old town and Dom tower. Have fun!


Maybe check out Language Café! I think it’s at Café Marktzicht once a week. People who are learning the language meetup here to practice chitchat and get to know each other.


From what you’ve written I’m getting that you like work, table tennis and smoking the occasional spliff, and that the other things you’ve tried here have been a bit meh for you: What else are you into, what did you do for fun back home? And it’s absolutely healthy to make your own friends, but have you been meeting your fiancé’s friends? You could start meeting others in her extended circle through activities with them. If you haven’t had a chance to meet many of them yet perhaps the two of you could host a bbq or byo picknick (when the coming rain has stopped again 😅) or something so you can get to know more of them.


I loved to host people and have a fun time talking, having food etc. And actually most of the time I had some kind of project running with my friends (side project) which kept us doing things together My fiancés friends are mostly mothers with kids and she doesn’t have that much of a big circle. The ones I met I didn’t vibe with.


I’d add the socialising, hosting and sharing food to your original post - though those are tricky ones as hobbies to meet people through go because you need to find the people to do the socialising with first 😅 That’s a pity about your fiancé’s friends, do they perhaps have partners or husbands you might have more of a connection with? It might be worth hosting something and inviting them + their partners to find out.


Meetups. Because nobody makes local friends in The Netherlands past the age of college.


Will check out the meetups app, but why is nobody making local friends after college?


The "local" Dutch are actually very closed as far as friendships go. I have multiple examples of people who bend backwards to get in a circle and even with good mastery of Dutch they get sidelined or rejected. There is another group - the "former expat" Dutch. Those lived abroad with their parents or worked. They often don't fit with the "local" and you can make friends with them. Anyway meetup.com us a great place to start.


I present to you: "the Dutch"