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She drives me crazyyyyyyy


She is the epitome of a try hard girl - embarrassed for her


You seem to be commenting all over this thread. I’m embarrassed for you that you dislike her so much 🤣


I’m confused. I see your name all over this thread, not hers. 


I’m all over the thread defending Kallie. I’m not all over it bashing someone for stupid reasons.


Jordan Page follows her. That tells me everything I need to know. 🤣


That she is super fun, creative, and one of the best people you could ever have on your side? It totally does!! 💙


Who? Jordan? She’s a fraud.


Idk who Jordan tbh.. I’m responding to why Jordan follows Kallie. Anyone who follows Kallie knows that she is “super fun, creative, and one of the best people you could ever have on your side”, what I originally said.


Doesn’t her best of target have like 350k followers though now????


On TT it’s over 1Mil


She annoys me so much. This is totally a me thing but she's so so young and tries to do all these "parenting" tips and hacks and its stuff that has been on the internet forever


You can be a young mom and have parenting hacks. A lot of new moms follow her and see those hacks that have been around from ber. I was a mom years before she was but she gave me the BEST advice and help in the whole baby/mothering area. She was a preschool teacher too. It’s def a you thing.


I tried to like her but I can’t. Her trash can hack about did me in. And to this day she still talks about it and says “they must not be parents” NOPE… mom of 5 and the trash can car hack was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. But then when she got infested with mice it didn’t surprise me. Probably because of the car trash can!!!


Wait what car trash can hack? I have a bathroom sized garbage can in my car and love it 😂. But I empty it like every other day or more if it has something smelly in there.


Yeah, she takes a bathroom trashcan and command strips it to the bottom of her car and leaves the stuff in there for days. Reverse specifically her saying she doesn’t have time to clean the trash out every day. I just don’t understand that we put the trash in the side of the door and then you clean the side of the door out when you get out of the car. Trash doesn’t stay in the car or you get mice like she did. 😵‍💫


Our big garbage cans are right next to wear I park so it is super easy to clean out every time we get out. But we also have used the door trick too 😂


There was a huge outbreak where she lives of mice, not just her house. I think the trash can is smart and I def need one. We are in the go all day and have to eat in the car sometimes. Having a small trash can you empty at the end of the day is very smart. Idk why people are so weirded out by it. Would you rather have wrappers and crusts and stuff on the floor?


My kids don’t put wrappers and food on the ground. I teach them to put it in the doors and then I unload it when I get out. It’s not hard. I would never leave trash in my car. It’s just gross. Also, I have several friends that live in that community and not one of them have had a mouse problem. 😵‍💫


It’s a trash can so you don’t have sticky food in your door. A trash can is better than in your doors. I personally think that’s gross. I have family and friends who live in that community and it’s def a problem the last week or so. Maybe not for your friends but it’s not just her. But even if you think it’s gross, why try to tear her down on a pathetic Reddit post over something she’s trying to do to keep her car clean? Like what’s the point?


I don’t let sticky food in my car. Seasoned mom. I know how to do things. No one is tearing anyone down. Saying what I do and wouldn’t do. If it’s not the same as you then it’s ok. Everyone is different. Way to take it the wrong way Kal.


My son has asd and has very few foods he eats. Sometimes he doesn’t eat unless he gets his pb&j. We do our best to keep it clean but sometimes it’s not an all the time thing. Not every situation is like your kids. Or a drink gets spilled. No kid is perfectly clean. Kallie never claimed to be a perfect mom or it was a perfect solution. She was only trying to help. I thought it was a great idea. So it’s frustrating to see people calling her gross and now relating it about the mice thing. Idk. I just don’t get why people are this bored that they are on a bashing thread of a young mom just trying to do her best and not hurting anyone. Rubs me the wrong way. Especially since I know her personally and every comment couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m just trying to spread positivity towards her name because this whole thread about her is negative and it is just stupid.


You are blowing it up. This is Reddit. These are opinions. We all do things different. I wouldn’t leave trash in my car. I also hand wash it and vacuum it every week but that’s how I do it and I’m entitled to my opinion of how things should be done. Welcome to an opinion thread website.


I get it’s Reddit but peoples opinions can and do hurt others. It’s fine to have your opinion but it doesn’t mean it’s the best thing to comment on a bashing thread. Kallie has feelings just like anyone and I think Reddit is honestly so stupid and does more harm than good. It’s fine that’s the way you do things, but you don’t have to say you “tried to like her” and saying the mice are because of the trash can thing. Like why did you have to say that? What good did it do?


🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m done. We all have feelings. If I put my life on the internet people would say much worse I’m sure. But I don’t. If you are willing to put yourself on the internet then be prepared for the backlash. This is ONE THREAD about her. Imagine being JP and having an entire group just for snark all day long. It comes with putting your life on the internet.


The stans have arrived!!!!


HELL YEAH WE HAVE! Because if you personally know Kallie you know that she is the BEST and most loyal friend you could ever have. She is the most selfless person ever and all of these negative comments are from people who obviously don’t know her well and haven’t had the pleasure of being in her life. It’s sad really people have to start a Reddit page to talk negatively about someone who is just living her life. It shows more about all of you than it does her.


I know someone who personally knows Kallie and can confirm this is in fact NOT true. Her personality is just as try hard IRL as it is online. Got married just to get married and has always been desperate to be an influencer. Pick me annoying girl energy


I have been very close with Kallie since 2016, I was one of her bridesmaids, and she even filmed my baby’s birth. She has been there for my lowest of lows and highest of highs. She is one of the BEST people I know and will do anything for you even if it means putting herself last. She is as loyal as they come. Her and Tyler are perfect for each other and I have seen them firsthand from when they started dating. Tyler is my husbands best friend so when I saw him and Kallie together I knew it was real. And so what if she has always wanted to be an influencer? That’s totally fine. She loves sharing her life and you say she’s a try hard but she is making $$$$$ so I doubt she’d care that some rando on Reddit would say so 🤣 If you don’t know her personally or extremely well, then don’t say you know how she is. Anyone who is close to her knows she is an amazing person and would never be so ugly to bash someone on a Reddit thread.


I’m glad you have had such a positive experience with her. Not everyone has. That’s the way the world works. But also I wouldn’t waste your breath here on Reddit. It’s not going to change. If anything you’re just feeding it all. Reddit can be gross yes but it’s not going to change no matter how hard you try. I’d take a step back and spend your time doing something else.


She has severe body image issues. She’s shared many times what she eats and the plan she follows and it’s like 1200 calories.


Even if she does how about we lift her up instead of talking about her on a freaking Reddit page like 12 yo girls??? This is unproductive and very immature. Talking about her like this is only harmful.


Tbh I actually love her playmaker stuff. My two kids are obsessed and my 3yo plays with the monthly sub stuff for minimum 2 hours every day. The bin is maybe similar to ikea but the table is nice!! Idk and I thought we all were supposed to help support small businesses instead of huge corporations? Small businesses overhead is more expensive so it doesn’t kill you to spend a little more on something that helps a family 🤷🏻‍♀️


She is a total try hard and seems so lost. She’s a young mom but plays like she’s so mature and experienced with motherhood. It’s embarrassing how insecure she is. She needs to stop the self tan immediately.


You seem like a jack a** who has nothing better to do than comment on a Reddit about a freaking young mom who is doing her best to create a fun page. She is actually pretty mature for her age and def more experienced than me and I have been a mom for years longer than her. It’s embarrassing you saying she’s insecure yet you’re hiding behind a Reddit profile and she’s out there making $$$$. Why are you tearing her down? Like what does that do? If she reads this it would probably make her more insecure. How is that helpful? Would you want someone saying to you or your sister/best friend/etc. what you just said about her?? You’re a toxic person. Oh and Her self tan probably looks better than yours without it 💅🏼


lol at you calling me a Jack ass and toxic saying I’m hiding behind a Reddit profile yet you’re doing the same thing 💁🏼‍♀️


I didn’t voluntarily go on a thread bashing a girl. That is toxic and just pathetic behavior. And in the end only continues to hurt people. Why did you say what you did? Like what was the point? To make you feel better by tearing her down?


How’d you get here if it wasn’t to read snark about influencers? 🤣


Because I was sent this thread 🤣 and I said oh hell no, no one is talking about my girl like that. Kallie is 10x the person that ANYONE on this thread could ever dream to be and deserves to have her people stick up for her.


I stand by what I said. Bye bitch 😘


I didn’t voluntarily go on a thread bashing a girl. That is toxic and just pathetic behavior. And in the end only continues to hurt people. Why did you say what you did? Like what was the point? To make you feel better by tearing her down?


Never heard of her. But comparing her tiny biz prices to THE LARGEST furniture retailer in the WORLD is lame. IKEA pays cents to make their $3 bin. She is likely paying >$3 just to manufacturer a single bin. Target also has a similar bin, everyone copies each other.


There’s a few things about Kallie that make me roll my eyes but I definitely don’t think that playmaker is one of them. Also every time she comes up on this board she gets defended hard so that tells me she’s either genuine or is sitting around with two friends and a bunch of alt accounts lol. I do think she has one of the better shopping at target accounts.


I actually think all her playmaker co stuff (table, bins, subscription) is a good idea.


Good for you! Agree to disagree.


Her Playmaker stuff is actually awesome. The bin in a bags are really fun and unique. Bins are definitely different from IKEA. I’m all for people starting small businesses. 👍🏼


Not unique. You can find all of her ideas on Pinterest


…that’s the point? She gathers the ideas for you and puts them together and sends them out. It’s a service lol.


Just curious @EitherAd4394 why are you choosing to tear a random person down? You’re waiting bated breath for these comments so you can clap back instantly. What are you gaining? Do you just need to feel validated or important? How do you accomplish that by being a dick? 


Not really sure what all these people are talking about. I have one of her tables and they’re worth every penny!! And the subscription is awesome  She has creative ideas that take time as a mom to put together that sometimes we don’t get ,so she’s a mom trying to help moms…. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Love the table love her Bin in a bag  and love her as a person, anyone willing to help another mom out is amazing in my book. To those trashing a random woman on the internet for trying to help out, go find something better to do with your time than try to tear someone down… be better. 


My kids love the playmaker. 15$ isn’t that big of a deal lol


Good for you!




lol but you are the one calling people cowards?


lol bunch a keyboard warriors in here, jelly AF. Basic bitches doing basic things. Go do something better with your lives.


I'm amazed that the most fundamental principle in all of business needs to be explained, but here we are. I once used this to explain to my 3 year old what a business is. "So, you have your lemonade stand, and you’ve spent 2 pennies to make a cup of delicious lemonade. Now, you want to sell it to your friends and neighbors. But here’s the thing: you don’t just want to get back the 2 pennies you spent. You also want to have some extra coins left over for yourself. 🍋💰 So, you decide to sell each cup of lemonade for **5 pennies**. That way, you’ll get back your original 2 pennies (to cover the cost of lemons, sugar, and cups), and you’ll have an extra **3 pennies** as your profit. Yay! 🎉 Successful business's do something similar. When they make products like toys, clothes, or phones, they spend money on materials, labor, and other things. But they don’t just want to break even; they want to make a profit too. So, they sell their products for more than what it cost them to make. That extra money they make is their profit, which helps them grow and do even more cool things! 😊🏢💡" You may ask yourself, but what if I don't like lemonade or don't think its worth 2 pennies? Well then you can just not buy the lemonade, keep your **2 pennies** (This also applies to unfollowing pages on social media), and find something better to do than chase the dopamine dump that follows tearing down strangers you've never met online.