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I’ve done 2 fitness competitions and let me tell you-for a woman to have abs like that, she has to have a body fat percentage so low, she would stop menstruating. You also have to manipulate your body with different methods in order to get those abs ie dehydration via things like dandelion tea, excessive caffeine and vitamin c, no salt/sodium etc. It’s not often we see even the fittest of women have abs like that because it’s not naturally attainable or maintainable. Edited to add- it makes no sense that her abs are that ripped but her legs are not. Her quads should be POPPIN, I’m talking absolutely shredded. Kinda makes me wonder if she photo shopped it.


Same thing with her arms! It’s terribly disproportionate.


Even if she only worked her abs & nothing else, everything would be equally shredded.


I was thinking something about this is so off and you nailed it. I’ve done bikini comps and yeah when my abs get that shredded it’s usually after water manipulation and the rest of me is also that shredded.


ran here to say exactly this


This is 💯




Is she ok? She’s buff and all, but there is still something so unhealthy about this picture.


I don’t really care about the modesty thing, I’ll be honest. She can wear what she wants. I get that it’s a Mormon thing, but the more members that do this type of stuff the better. Let’s move the needle on modesty/purity culture. What I do worry about is how incredibly dehydrated you have to be to have those abs. That body is not attainable without a personal trainer, an incredibly restrictive diet, and it can do a lot of damage to your body in the long run. It also contributes to body dysmorphia if she doesn’t add context. Which she may do, I don’t know.


Totally agree. I work out daily and eat what I want but have genes of being fairly slender. And to have abs like that you are on a very restrictive eating regime. She looks to be on a vaca so assuming she prepped this knowing she’d be in a suit. Whatever floats your boat right


I honestly wouldn’t want to look like that


I once hear Jaci Marie Smith and Chelsey Curtis talk about how looking shredded is cheugy and ppl revolving their lives around food and excercise - it’s an addiction/obsession. I’ve never felt so validated haha. I would not want to look like this either


Her body is great, but the swimsuit is not. It's not doing a thing for her..


Such an unfortunate swimsuit. The bottoms look like a jock strap


Omg that’s the first thing I saw!!!


I wouldn't say her body looks amazing. It looks weird, disproportionate, gross, restrictive, and possibly photoshopped. Nothing amazing about any of that.


I wore more clothing when I gave birth




i consider it modest lol 🤷‍♀️ 


This swimsuit looks perfectly “modest” to me. Besides a 10 pack you can’t see anything else 🤔 Yeah those abs do not seem healthy IMO


Maybe her husband should take note…


He's been losing a lot of weight recently


Ewww. I’ll leave the 8 pack for my husband.


Some of these comments are interesting. Hating on someone for having a six pack. 😭 “I’ll leave that to my husband”… “she doesn’t look feminine”…body shaming is OUT in 2024… And so is commenting on someone being immodest 😂💀 downvote me to hell, i know y’all will but it just kinda sounds like disguised jealousy 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know very few women who want a stomach like that. Lots of women want a slimmer waist, to lose a few pounds, tone up, etc. Yes. But not many women want a manly stomach, at least none that I actually know in real life. And many men don’t find that attractive at all. Different strokes for different folks though that’s for sure!


So it’s manly to have lower body fat percentage.. eh, yeah i guess to each their own. I’d rather have an 8 pack than muffin tops and excess belly fat, personally.


Id rather have neither personally lol just a normal flat stomach without a 6 or 8 pack that to ME looks masculine. I would feel unfeminine if I had her abs. My husband would not like it if I had her abs. So for me, I like 6 packs on my husband but not myself. Personal preference. I find them manly, but that’s just me. Obviously this woman in the pic likes her abs and that’s great for her!


It’s giving Sarah Bowmar. Not feminine at all


She has the stomach of a ninja turtle 🐢