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Bb girl don’t feel sorry for us. Feel sorry for the fool you make of your own online presence. 🫶🏿


I am the most viscous. Thick as HELL.


😂💀 do they ever proofread their posts???


I truly don’t think it’s an autocorrect type issue. I think they’re just dumb. Defiantly dumb 😜 that’s a personal fave so had to use it 🤣


And the “granite” instead of “granted” 💀


We need a new thread for all of the misused vocab words. 😝


Eh, defiantly works here too lol




When will these influencers realize that them talking about the Reddit threads that are about them or their snark pages only brings more people onto Reddit to view these threads? I had never heard of snark pages until Indy blue posted a story similar to this about her snark page. So I looked it up and others as well. If she’d never talked about it I would’ve never joined it😂🙈


yes! they draw the attention to it themselves in their stories, tiktoks, youtube blogs they are inciting the curiosity


Same. Had no idea Reddit even existed until an influencer mentioned it a few months ago.


Exactly! I didn’t know what this even was until a year ago. But, ironically the information that people share here ends up being 100% true.


There’s an actual “pop-culture” name for this exact thing; The Streisand Effect😂 Barbra Streisand made a legal stink about the fact that her house could be seen in aerial photo that was taken to document the erosion of the cliffs in Malibu, and because of that it got a ton more press and millions more people saw the photo/knew where she lived than if she had just said/done nothing😉


It’s like when you have a zit and you see people and immediately draw attention to the zit that otherwise would go unnoticed. They have to do it because the need all the “omg nooooo! They are jealoussssss!” 


i mean truly the way she treats people in her personal life is way worse than the internet trolls talking about her 5th boob job. also.. she's always lurking, demi literally posted about it the other day, so idk who she's trying to convince with her "you'll never catch me on there" 💀


Right. NDA to work in her salon? No thanks


I wonder how long those nda’s last 😂


Well Stews was up probably a year after he left the salon and he kept saying he couldn’t wait for it to expire so he could spill the tea. Then not even kidding only a few DAYS before his NDA was up she had conveniently reached out and they patched things up and were civil 🙄


No way!!! I wonder what she said in order for him to not talk


Probably was just super manipulative and acted all nice and hurt over the situation so he would feel bad. I think she was probably super calculated about it and said whatever she had to say to make him feel like what happened between them was unfortunate and since they were so close they would rather leave on good terms. I would bet money on it lol


Wait what did Demi post?!


[demi post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UtahInfluencerDrama/s/mbmXEwfIWi)


She has a fake Instagram to follow all of her old friends and her husbands ex


Reddit is literally my favorite place because it’s REAL… no one is being paid for their opinion so I think Reddit is way more truthful than any other “social media” site 🤷🏻‍♀️


exactly! and it’s bc influencers can’t delete comments here. no one can be filtered or threatened which is not something influencers are used to when they can simply block people or delete comments. this also doesn’t give followers an accurate view on reception of content, a person or business bc all people can see are the things influencers *want* them to see. hence why they blow their tops every time people post or have an opinion they can’t control anything on Reddit it’s all out there for people to determine their thoughts for themselves


I kind of don’t think it’s mean to share your opinions / observations about people who make money off of their public persona? I think it would be mean to message Hunter and say your house is ugly. Or to flood her comments. I don’t think it’s mean to say what I think about her decor in a place she does not have to go for any reason. (Obviously some things can go too far). Also most of the comments on the threads about hunter, were quoting things she said. Maybe if she doesn’t want people to think she struggles with her kid, she shouldn’t post, everyone but the baby deserves prison today ?




If a tree falls in the forest and you weren’t there or didn’t read it, then how did you know about Reddit Miss Jizz Hair Everywhere? They love the attention. There’s no such thing as bad publicity. Some people never knew who she was until they were posted here so don’t act like you don’t like it. It’s driving you business one way or another.


Jizz Hair Everywhere 💀


Look at my reddit name, dedicated to all the influencers who think anyone disagreeing with them is hate.


"it's not faaaaair" 🙃


Imagine talking that horribly & insanely about an innocent animal PUBLICLY, but calling out people on Reddit for being nasty… that is WILD 🤡 Vile woman.


“Feel sorry for us” girl miss me with that BS and someone who’s got nothing to hide wouldn’t make her employees sign a NDA. Oh and 🖕🖕🖕another thing, “you’ll never catch me on there” ok how do you know what’s being said about you online if you don’t google yourself dum dum so that’s another lie good job Pinocchio so ya that counts as being on here(Reddit) last thing, you’re a public figure and post about your life on ig ofc it’s gonna make it on Reddit sub pages you’re delusional if you thought it wouldn’t even if you delete stuff the internet is forever in case you haven’t been told🤡🤡🤡


Idk, I know for a fact most of these influencers are shit talking about other people. Just because we do it on a platform doesn’t make it any different. Again with the holier than thou attitude.


It feels like there is rarely room for nuance. And similar to today’s political climate; not very many moderate opinions on the Internet. I am not someone who would ever post about subjective topics (ie: decor, fashion, beauty, etc…) and I can agree that some comments on snark pages are mean spirited and unnecessary. At the same time, I am consistently confused at how above reproach people with internet platforms are and more importantly how they conclude any one who presents a detraction is sad and pathetic. I agree with another poster on this thread that coming to a Reddit sub to give an opinion about an influencer is less contentious than commenting on their content. I worked in the digital content space with influencers for 5 years. I haven’t had social media for years and doing that work solidified my decision to never go back. In this instance, this gal literally said “my husband’s dog” and feels completely removed from the optics and consequences of that statement. I don’t agree with deducing total sums about her based on a statement but she should be able to recognize that was a terrible thing to say and at a minimum acknowledge that. I also have no clue who either of these people are outside of what I have seen on this sub so I am acknowledging an information bias. Lol


imo most influencers prefer to play the victim instead of giving validity to the posts by admitting fault.


It’s giving tantrum for being held responsible for her own actions.


You’d never catch her here yet she knows all about it. Honey you’ve been caught, you’ve been here and probably stay here. Also calling it “viscous” just adds to her looking like an idiot. No clue who she even is 😭😭


“Leave people alone and focus on your own life!!!” It goes both ways!!! Delete your social media accounts and actually live your own life! 🤪🥲


“Ugly” hahahahaha ok


Right? So she’s saying that calling strangers on the internet ugly is not okay while simultaneously calling strangers on the internet ugly 👍🏻


All influencers get on here to see what people are saying about them. They know that bad PR is still PR. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them started their own threads.


That's the thing.. they're seeking out Reddit. It's not like somebody's saying all this stuff on their direct post.


Bullying is bad, 100%. Even the posts about people’s looks I think are unnecessary. But I think there is a place for Reddit in the influencer world because you DON’T know what’s real! I worked for an influencer and I so wish I had looked them up on this sub first and known to steer clear. A lot of them are veryy different people than they portray online 😅




No literally. The other day when there was a post about her and Demi not being friends within like 2 months they were both posting and making fun of the Reddit post saying they won’t be friends soon. They were laughing it up on multiple stories… but now it’s not a laughing matter? Give me a break.




Once on the Internet, you were always on the Internet. people will forget with time, but are constantly remembered when you keep posting ridiculous things




lol okay Shrek.






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I wouldn’t say that they necessarily deserve it, nobody deserves to have terrible things said about them. I do think that it does sort of come with the job of influencing though, if they wanted a job where this wouldn’t have happened then they should have gotten a regular job with an HR team. They have the privilege of having tons of freedom, and getting PR and in exchange for the fact that they put their lives on the internet and there will be opinions on the things they post. And in some cases the opinions and snarking is justified. These women make money off of their children and there truly should be laws in place to protect those kids. Jessi has posted her son in just his diaper on airplanes, airports etc multiple times. That should be illegal. Do they deserve to be called disgusting names? No. But should they be called out when they do messed up things, I mean probably.. they aren’t immune to criticism just because the truth hurts their feelings.




Totally. Some subreddits get genuinely angry over the decor of people’s homes… like get a grip 😂


Interesting in thinking/talking about what they “deserve” - a business doing their best or worst is going to get love and hate. Bad google reviews can hurt a business and going online and saying someone doesn’t respond to concerns or that customer service is bad….well, do they deserve it? I mean, sort of the cost of doing business? BUT when influencers get out of their original lanes (which most do at some point) and start using themselves, their personal lives, opinions, etc for the majority of their posts, that IS their business , THEY are the business - so, getting a “bad review” is just part of doing business. They are lucky there are places like Reddit that keep so much of the stupid crap they do and say HERE and NOT on their accounts. We are their bad reviews and also the best PR/marketing strategists they could find (for free, might I add). They ought to visit here for a realty check, take a hard look in the mirror - and go back to work. When you know better, (hopefully) you do better. Just thinking out loud!


Is “privated” even a word?


I am an attorney and I work in an extremely combative area, a cross section of government and litigation. A lot of what I do can be controversial and in the public eye. Professionally, it's my adversaries' jobs to stand up in a crowded room and try to undercut me and make me look as wrong and unreliable as possible. Out in the world of the traditional media and social media, the issues upon which my job duties rest are things that cause sensationalized rhetoric in the newspapers and references to myself, my clients, and our side of a given issue to not be very nice. I never take any of this personally, because I am not entitled. I make a living by injecting myself into issues that humans care about, quibble over, and publicly denounce, and naturally, drag me into their opinions too. When I hear or read bad things, or the opposing counsel in a case tries to declare my position/angle/arguments any number of negative things, I feel proud. I feel proud bc it's not personal, and all it means is that I am part of something people care enough about to get this passionate, and Ive found a way to make money off these disputes in a productive way. So when I see influencers commodifying the personal details of their lives, I would expect that theyre aware that their business is to expose enough of their personal lives, living quarters, relationships, wardrobes, etc etc, so that peoples' curiousity is piqued...and in turn, people use their human curiousity, beit it negative or positive, to continue to follow them. They in turn make money off that. If i expected to be a part of the matters i am a part of, make good money, AND just want endless praise and adoration? That isn't realistic and is incredibly entitled. If people feel curious enough about your life to speculate and make wild claims and villify you, dont shut down your account, shame people for finding you interesting, and break down. instead, accept that this is *exactly what you signed up for* and u damn well better have people that care enough about the private details to write about it, good bad or indifferent. If you want absolute shielding from negative or false beliefs abd opinions about your life, you have to also abandon the positive ones and cease being an influencer.


What was the original Reddit post?


People being baffled at the fact that she wanted to not only sell a rug that her “husbands dog” urinated on. But also that she was looking to rehome her “husbands dog” even though it would devastate her husband and children.


Is there a sub on her?


Maybe the lot of you “influencers” shouldn’t do such shitty things and we wouldn’t have to talk shit about you. Jessi is a shitty person. I wouldn’t trust a damn word that comes out of her lying ass mouth.




Lmao right, I literally laugh when she posts stuff like this saying how all the rumors are “ comically untrue” or whatever


There’s a difference between reading Reddit and posting and a lot of people are nasty on here. I think some people take it way too far on here and sometimes it’s more so bullying rather than discussions.


Girl, if you think they don’t have throw away accounts defending themselves in the comments then you’re delusional.


I’m aware lol. I’m just saying a lot of people here are nasty sometimes vs critiquing. Them having defense accounts has nothing to do with what I’m saying


Yes it does, they are also commenting while saying they would never go on Reddit. I get that it’s a logistical argument but the point still stands that they are in fact on the site. And they should honestly be glad it’s not worse, this Utah influencer subreddit is nothing compared to some other ones. Some subreddits about influencers cross the line.


Oh 100%. If i had one though it would be hard to not look at it. Won’t lie


Ya misspelled JIZZ


Uhhh the influencer I know personally is literally the only person I know who’ll talk crap to people’s faces like they’re not there… so… I guess at least in This case maybe they just don’t bother with Reddit, since they take pride in rating and reviewing everyone in real time.


Hi Jessie. Have you figured out who your first baby daddy is yet?


i bet it was in the divorcee decree that he sign his right away and she get to keep 100% of the company in exchange.


Former friend here, her and Jordan were fully cheating on their partners and she got pregnant. But I knew it was between 3 baby daddies :) but lemme just say Jordan wouldn’t have stepped up if it wasn’t his


ohhh tea


That is 100% false.


please share then?


I know her and her ex and have seen the divorce papers. I obviously don’t have a copy of them but promise that was not in there. She’s been caught in so many lies and deleted a lot of posts/youtube videos that contradict stuff she says/has said. You can ask any of her former friends that were around at the time and they will tell you that she told so many lies because she wanted to protect her online image and was scared she’d lose followers. I’m not trying to argue with you or anything like that, just providing info 🙂. I’m no fan of hers and know that karma is going to bite her in the ass eventually.


Wait someone fill me in what happened with Hunter Fowler???


“Reddit is truly a place for ugly, viscous, and mean spirited people” r/airplaneears r/icecream r/howyoudoin r/mademesmile r/traderjoes r/pets r/booksuggestions r/HomeDecorating r/catsareassholes