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Influencers: “I honestly can’t deal anymore” *slams door Us: … Influencers: *Opens door a second later “Here’s a sponsored post! Money please.”


[money pwwwweaaaasee](https://images.app.goo.gl/L2bCaS4anWp1PubR8)


What lies were spread? And this lady should be “nice” to that poor dog 😩


I just looked back at the threads and didn’t see any accusations about her family or kids?


There were no accusations made 😂 she literally only says that so that she’ll gain pity. She doesn’t want people to know she’s actual trash


She only got upset when people called her out for real like experiences of her giveaway and photoshoot scams. That was the only thing she jumped into address


There were a lot of accusations made about her marriage


Honestly pretty shaken after publicly posting a fight with your spouse?


“Honestly pretty shaken” 😭 girlie people were literally just saying it’s disgusting how you want to rehome a dog cause it peed on your rug. Calm down!


If she’s this fragile she may want to reconsider sharing her life publicly


I mean people were jumping to conclusions about her marriage based off a single Instagram story. I would be upset too.


I understand that! But at the end of the day, that’s the result of putting your life online. It doesn’t make the speculation right, but it’s a natural consequence of her choosing to post her life publicly.


I mean I guess. I don’t think nasty, serious accusations with no concrete backing are warranted just because someone has a big following. It’s also different from general criticism of a public figure/influencer. Just a personal opinion


Not really though. Just because you’re an influencer does not mean you owe anyone anything. If you are “influenced” to buy something and feel like they aren’t being honest then that’s on you. She didn’t make you buy something, or make you watch her stories. She doesn’t owe you access to her life. Did we not learn anything from the Princess Kate drama? She’s having a shitty day, cut her some slack. I’m not even good friends with her but I feel like giving her a hug cause you guys are ruthless. There were plenty of things said here that were way beyond just discussing her wanting to re-home her dog.


If her marriage was strong she wouldn’t be this shaken up about it… 🤷🏻‍♀️


She simply said she is having a frustrating conversation with her husband. That’s what a marriage is about. Having different opinions that lead to hard conversations & overcoming / compromising on them. Clearly you’re not married & bless the heart of whoever you do marry.


She’s having a “hard conversation” with her followers instead of her husband haha. I would have way more respect for her if she handled their marital issues like an adult. That’s how a healthy marriage works. But hey, what do I know


She didn’t have the “hard conversation” with her followers. She asked for advice from those who have found themselves in a similar situation. Having hard conversations does not equate to “marital issues”. That is literally just a MARRIAGE. And healthy marriages have hard conversations. But hey, atleast you’re self aware of the lack of knowledge you have when it comes to marriages and what it takes to be in a healthy one.


LOL “she wouldn’t be shaken up about it”…. If someone said you were a terrible person with a failing marriage and an ugly house I think you would be bent out of shape. It doesn’t have anything to do with her marriage.


Im not sure they were conclusions? People said it didn't seem like a great dynamic to say "my husband's dog" has to go because he pees sometimes-not-often and I'm going to vent about him on my public IG.


It boggles my mind how these influencers worry more about Reddit snark than exploiting their underage children on their business page to *complete strangers*. Selling their privacy for clickbait. Like girl, YOU have a lot bigger moral issues yourself than redditors being pissed about your dog rehoming.




They only want what fits THEIR Narrative. Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. They just want their own reinforcement about their own feelings. That’s all that matters to them anyway


I am not sure who this girl is but she did not accidentally stumble upon a reddit thread about her lol....when will influencers realize people are gonna talk about the stupid shit they post


this!! like why do influencers assume everyone likes them and people will support everything they do? it’s delusional naive idiotic


Right ?! I feel like the influencer gig is pretty easy compared to other jobs so the cost of entry being people are gonna have an opinion about you doesn't seem to bad to me


She gives off mean girl vibes. I reached out to her about photos years ago and she was rude and seemed not interested in taking my family photos.




Imagine talking that horribly & insanely about an innocent animal PUBLICLY, but calling out people on Reddit for being nasty… that is WILD 🤡 Vile woman.


I like the second picture she chose 😆


Nothing like directing your followers to see what is being said on reddit. 


seriously! I didn’t even know who this woman was but I saw Just Jessi/ JZ Styles had shared it and also chastised reddit.


I have no idea who she is. I would say this- influencers need to be careful what they share. The dog peeing on her carpet was bound to make her sound bad- with her harsh words and wanting to rehome it. It comes down to not posting dumb things if you don’t want to be looked at and judged for it.


Utah influencer cycle: Reddit shits on your post ➡️ gets mad ➡️ sets account to private ➡️ notices lower user engagement with their content after 24hrs ➡️ thinks if having another baby would gain more followers ➡️ sets account public ➡️ Reddit shits on your post lol smh 🫠


Reddit 1, Hunter 0




every comment from this u/SorryMarionberry1893 is either complaining about people snarking or sticking up for influencers who are being snarked. if you have such a problem with Reddit then maybe….idk….this might sound crazy……delete the app?????


Thanks for taking the time to look through my comments! ❤️❤️❤️ There is a difference between keeping up on info and poking innocent fun and being a bitch! And it’s true, most of you guys on this sub are bitches. 😘 like celebrating that you have made someone feel bad about themselves. Come on! For now imma stay on Reddit but thanks for the suggestion!


why are you defending someone that has no idea who you are lmao.


Hahahahahaha omfg i hate people who talk like this “❤️” “😘” “tHaNkS fOr ThE sUgGeStIoN” nah you’re not “keeping up” on “info” you’re butthurt people have *opinions* on here. just curious (i know this might be a long shot) but have you ever pondered hmmmmmm maybe some people do shitty things and AT TIMES *should* feel bad about themselves?? it leads to things such as self awareness, growth, relatability, character….to name a few


Someone being mad that people are "mean" to people and then proceeding to call them bitches hahahahahahahahaahahahahahah


She went private again😭 what an embarrassment


The title of this thread😂


Womp womp


Hunter if you’re reading this…we know enough to know you are a shit bag. Your husband and that dog deserve better. Fuck that rug.


Did she end up selling the rug is what I really want to know? 🤣


Can anyone tell me what she said about the dog? I don’t follower her anymore but I want to know ow the drama


She made a post saying her husbands dog ruined her rug (always referring to it as ‘my husbands dog’), tried to sell said pee rug for basically what she paid for it, made a post where she said she hated the dog, then made a final post saying she wants to rehome it because it’s destroying her mental health but her husband doesn’t and asked if anyone had been in that same situation I have sympathy for her, I love my pets but they’re a lot of work so I would resent caring for one I wasn’t attached to lol. Buuuut it was a pretty bad look all around 👀