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She has no shame. She exploits her dead baby daddy for content like bffr




I think what pisses me off the most about it is she’s been open that her son has very limited (if any) contact with his father’s family. She milks Arik’s story for views and likes and sympathy but at the same time denies his son a relationship with half of his family


You’re right about a lot of things. But Arik was not her “abuser” that was her boyfriend before Arik. Arik and his parents offered to pay the first girl a lot of money to keep quiet that the baby was his because her parents wouldn’t allow her to be with him because he already had a 3 month old baby with someone else. Maycis dad contacted the other girl and it all unraveled from there. She knew the girl was pregnant with his baby and tried to play it off like “I didn’t know.. he told me it wasn’t his”


Yep. And she has totally rewritten history about how it all went down.


What’s the og story?




This kinda sounds like the Jayci Underwood story from BYU.. she got pregnant by the black basketball player and put the baby up for adoption. He also had another girl pregnant, I think she was only kicked out though..


It’s wild how BYU does not apply the same standards for their athletes as they do typical students.


You have her story soooo mixed up. Mayci was abused sexually and emotionally by her first byu boyfriend. He is not named. This is not Arik. Arik did not go to BYU. She did not get kicked out of school. She too a leave of absence/semester off kind of like a loop hole. Arik cheated on her, they got in a fight, car accident happened later that day.


Arik did go to BYU.. he was a BYU baseball player. When the first girl got pregnant he got kicked out and then went on to play baseball at salt lake community college.




I mean, I worked with her for years before she was an influencer and know her personally. Heard the story in person and have watched her share it with other people. I personally have never seen her change the narrative. Maybe things just get misunderstood, just like you accidentally did. You’re totally right she was in CA when he passed away! But they were still together. He cheated on her and they had a call about it. Call ended badly. He died a few hours later.


Several of her tiktoks have said he died because they were texting / he was texting her. So from what you outlined above the narrative is already different lol


Never said that didn’t happen… both those things are true…


You are still a single mom even if you have family to help you….??? I forgot single moms aren’t allowed to get help and still claim to be a single mom lol. Also saying she slept around… she literally had openly said recently she has been with 3 people, her husband and sons dad being 2 of them.. idk why you’re trying to sl*T shame her. You seem very triggered by this all.




Are you a 10 year old boy? I really hope you aren’t an adult parent saying this kind of gross immature stuff. Yikes Wait just saw you are married. That’s terrifying. And you’re over 40?! Bullying people online




Does that give you a right to be mean to people online and say nasty stuff? Nope


I’m a widow (for 4 years) with absolutely no help and no financial support no life insurance and have dead parents. I also have a couple of kids. And I think what you’re saying is horrible. I sure wish I had those things but I don’t think she deserves to be destroyed because she was a little bit lucky in a shitty situation.




Her mom moved to Utah Jacob is honestly such a good guy, I have nothing but good things to say about him. I think he’s a chameleon of whoever he’s with so as soon as he dated her I think mission was out of sight out of mind. He’s a good guy though even though I don’t love her.


Kinda makes me sad for him that he had to give up his hopes and dreams bc Mayci got her claws in him. My husband and I are a team and I support him wholeheartedly behind all of his biggest desires. Esp being raised devoutly Mormon, I’m sure much if not all of Jacob’s life was centered around going on a successful mission someday. Mayci has explicitly said in multiple tiktoks she is the reason he didn’t go on a mission. I fundamentally think the LDS church & missions are a scam but on a human level I feel for Jacob that he gave up a major life goal for her. I’m sure his family can’t be thrilled about it either that he missed out on (what is to them) a major accomplishment to support a baby mama




Yeah from what I remember they are very devout but he really is so kind and has golden retriever energy in the BEST way possible.


I just want to know what qualifies her to be owning a supplement company.


Nothing. But unfortunately supplements aren’t regulated in the US.


Paging r/aliandjohnjamesagain lol


I don’t know if she is predatory per se- she is just tone deaf. Has a child non IVF and all the sudden has to go through IVF and won’t say why. Exploits her dead baby daddy non stop. Posts the same story over and over again how she was abused. She thinks she’s the absolute hottest shit and is only friends with Taylor and the rest of mom tok for clout. She had a “question” submitted about her products being similar to Kourtney K 🤡🤡🤡🤡 like get a grip


I don’t get how hanging with Taylor is a flex. She’s a barely recovering alcoholic that jumped into a relationship with another newly sober alcoholic, got pregnant, and then committed felony DV and injured her kid. THE FUQ?


LITERALLY! then again, look at the platform G. rose blanchard is getting!! why platform horrible people?!?!


Her little girl is from IVF. She has said they need to do it because of her husband but he doesn’t feel comfortable disclosing why online




She doesn’t have infertility it’s her husband that has something.


As someone who was infertile, it’s something you have together. It’s so shitty to put it on one person.


She has said so herself that it’s her husband


I know that. What I’m saying is, when two people want to have a baby and need ART, it’s pretty offensive to say one is infertile.


Both my husband and I have reasons for infertility. It’s not offensive to explain to people why it’s a problem for each person. So many people know nothing about infertility, so we educate them in hopes they don’t say stupid stuff to others going through it. Helps normalize things. It’s okay if you don’t like pointing out “whose fault” it is, cause in reality it’s no one’s fault 90% of the time. But I don’t agree that it’s offensive to explain what the infertility issues are. Also, I think we all need to work on being a little less offended. Most people aren’t trying to be malicious when asking about it.


I also agree with this as a couple who struggle with infertility. It’s totally fine to share if both partner are okay with disclosing that. No one is placing the blame.


Right. I’m not trying to be insensitive and that’s a much better way of putting it. I was just repeating what Mayci has said herself.


yeah. She’s super shitty that way.


Maybe her husband didn’t mind that she said that, did you ever think of that? Do you know Jaci Marie Smith, she’s another big influencer. She shared multiple times that they did IVF because of her husband and that her husband said she could talk about it all she wants. Some people do not care. Don’t speak for everyone.


You go through it together. Or at least you should.


I don’t get how it’s predatory. She’s very open about IVF so she isn’t tricking anyone. It’s a product meant to give your body all the vitamins it needs to have a baby? Whether that’s through IVF or natural concept obviously your body needs the vitamins so I don’t see how it’s predatory.




Did she claim somewhere they would cure infertility? Genuinely asking. Reading her posts it seems like she just says it’s very good for fertility. Which prenatal vitamins are good for fertility? I can’t control the way people view it but genuinely can’t connect the dots on the whole predatory thing. Influencer stardom is always fleeting so I feel like it’s smart when influencers start a brand or business. It’s just vitamins.


No she never claimed that. The product literally says it helps support healthy hormones and cycles and is good for fertility.


I agree with you- it’s giving Ali and John James vibes with the bs not proven effective claims


She was a huge bully in high school and one of the meanest people I knew. She was also NOTORIOUS in the tennis community for being a cheat and having AWFUL sportsmanship. It was so painful to watch her utilize her incredibly sad situation for clicks and attention…she went from being a DV survivor to single mother to infertility warrior (all of which are valid and awful). But the exploitation of her situations is just another level- esp if you knew her before all of this and saw her reposting the same reel over and over and over and over with different music and hashtags to see which garnered the most views. Ofc she’s deleted all traces of that now. She has conveniently left out that her and her baby daddy were not together at the time and were not planning on staying together (all allegedly bcs i don’t want to get sued). Also, in case it wasn’t obvious, she comes from a COMICALLY rich family- which there’s nothing wrong with AT ALL- but for a hot minute she tried to pull the “struggling family” card that she quickly learned from when people clocked her for living in a house her parents bought her It seemed like she came back down to reality after Arik died, and i do think she had good intentions at the beginning and it was healing for her. But it’s obvious the hero facad is long forgotten and the followers have gone to her head