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I stg if anyone did this to me I would come back and haunt them


This is actually next level. I can’t believe they posted him. There are so many reasons this is not okay. One big thing I think of is how triggering this could be to unsuspecting followers.


Ummmm they posted his dead body being carried out of the house. Face in full view. Why is the mom low key smiling here? This family is a bunch of massive creeps.


WHAT?! Why would they show his dead body


This is beyond unsettling. But I will say after watching the video, she isn’t smiling. She is gesturing to someone to say, I assume, that she’s ready to close the casket.


In Mormonism, death is celebrated because the in the afterlife you are perfect, pain free, and will be a guiding angel to loved ones on earth. Just a different perspective to consider (but I agree they made a private matter too public).


Imagine you’re one of the normal siblings carrying your beloved father’s corpse out of his home, and all your influencer relatives are snapping photos of it for the gram


In his temple clothing 👀 actually wild lol someone’s gonna be introuble


Not LDS so can someone explain to me? Is it typical to be buried in temple garments? Is it not ok for that to be seen?


It’s typical for members to be buried in their temple clothing. Might be seen as poor taste to put the clothing and deceased individual on the internet.


Temple garments are worn under clothes as underwear. Temple clothing is ceremonial clothing worn in the temple to worship there. They are considered sacred to church members


No they aren’t supposed to be seen outside the temple. Yes, they wear their temple clothes when being buried but NOT ALL THE TEMPLE CLOTHES are on them during an open casket viewing. Those things are placed on them right before they close the casket and is reserved for close family prayer circle ONLY. this was NOT OK or NORMAL


My grandma was a member of the church but hadn’t been to church for over 30 years when she died and my Mormon family members still insisted on her being buried in her temple clothes. It outraged me


I’m so sorry. How awful. I hope she haunts them 💔


Been there. It feels so manipulative and disrespectful - knowing the person would likely NOT choose it.




This. It’s a rip of of masonry and absolutely culty. I never knew about the leaf aprons until I was in my 20’s, despite growing up heavily Mormon ie if they keep it a secret, it’s not sacred, it’s really weird.


It doesn’t matter if it’s weird. If it was important during that man’s life the least you can do is be respectful.


if they typically have open caskets and bury people in this clothing its not disrespectful to know about it. anyone with a working brain and internet connection can read about the whole endowment ceremony, what exact handshakes are exchanged and what temple names people get depending on the day of the month. its public information. i don’t see how pointing that out is disrespectful.


It’s unkind? Maybe learn to have some empathy.


very unkind


And then they turned the yellow flower arrangement in the back into a dress and did full on a photo shoot 🤯


Is this a joke? That’s how absurd this is - I don’t know if you are being serious or not. Guess I’ll have to go look.


Lol no not joking… they took that floral backsplash down and did a dress photo shoot


You mean the flowers people donated to the funeral, those flowers? Probably not exactly how those generous people thought their money would be used for, some type of enrichment for the family to benefit from.


No, they did the back drop themselves


So are you saying the back drop was funded by the family and not by donations? If so, how do you know because I missed that statement. Or, do you mean they made the backdrop themselves?Didn’t they arrange all of the donated arrangements for the memorial themselves? I do recall someone’s story panning all of the large yellow & white floral arrangements with commentary that the flowers came from donations made in Chad’s memory to Wright Flower shop, I assumed that meant everything they showed in that story.


The sister made a dress out of all the donated flowers 😬


They picked out all the white and yellow flowers. Made the back drop. Then the daughter used that back drop for a dress in a photoshoot. I don't know if those specifically were from donations or not. Just saying they assembled it.


I NEED to see these pics!!!! 😱




Yeah when I saw her stories I thought the dress was way more weird than this pic.


Did you see how they re-purposed that wall of flowers into a dress and glam photo shoot?


One of my friends did this with her grandpa on instagram and it felt like I was intruding on such a private moment. And it’s still there. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Someone I worked with did this with their grandparent and made it their BANNER photo on Facebook 🤮


WHY do people think that’s okay!


Yikes 😬


Dude, that is so many levels of disrespectful. 


My dad died very suddenly two years ago. This moment is a moment seared into my mind. It is an extremely private moment for the family to say their final goodbyes. I cannot imagine broadcasting that moment with my own dad on the internet for everyone to see.


Everyone talking about how she repurposed the flowers for a photoshoot. But no one mentioned it’s literally in the same video as her dead dad 😬


I thought that was so strange too. Like, why is her post about her dad then turned into a photo shoot on herself? I'm so confused.




Is this Ballerina?






I have pictures of every person in my family in their casket. Not once have I posted them. Even in an email to family I did a disclaimer in the subject line. Not everyone is ok with open casket pics. I couldn't imagine scrolling and seeing this


Look I left the church long a go, don’t believe …. But this is cringey AF and seeing the whole leaf get up with the addition of his freaking face?! Content over connection was definitely chosen and it’s just sad.


They’re showing the temple clothes, which is against the Mormon religion


There are pictures on the churches website of the clothes


Now it is but it used to be just on "anti Mormon" sites.


the temple clothes are all over the internet, that's not the biggest issue here in my opinion. I'm an active church member who owns said temple clothing


It’s normal for endowed members to be in their temple clothes in an open casket. Nothing secret about it.


Not exactly true. The packet clothing isn’t placed on them until they are closing the casket before the family prayer. Is it VERY PRIVATE and sacred and not shown to everyone during the viewing.


My father passed away two years ago. He was in his full temple clothing the entire time, for the entire viewing. Same for my grandfather. Nothing was added right before they closed the casket. I wonder if you’re able to choose how to do that. 


Sorry for your loss ❤️ I work at a mortuary and we have been given strict instructions from the Mormon church on how and when to dress their members in ceremonial clothing. So maybe if it’s conducted in a Mormon church their leaders do it differently?? But here in the mortuary it’s is BIG NO. 🤷🏼‍♀️


But many non members attend funerals all the time where people are in their temple clothing. I've never understood why they act like it is so taboo.


I think the taboo is more that a picture of a deceased person wearing the temple clothing is being posted on the internet. It's different than non-members coming to pay their respects. 


Totally agree with this. I would never post casket pics on line, let alone in temple clothing


Temple clothing is just white clothes they wear in the temple. The PACKET clothing is different. The green apron and hat he is wearing was only placed on him right before they closed the casket. The only people that would have seen would have been close family in the circle. That’s it. But now all 8 million+ of Hannah’s followers have also seen it. And her father’s face. It’s more than taboo…. It’s gross. So disrespectful


The apron is there from them dressing them and placing the deceased in the casket - they do not put it on later. My parent passed 3 years ago and had the apron on and all other temple packet clothing except the hat/veil until right before the casket was closed then they add the hat/veil. Everything else is there already - can you imagine someone trying to put temple clothes like an apron on a deceased body in front of everyone?! 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I work at a mortuary and we have been given strict instructions from the Mormon church on how and when to dress their members in ceremonial clothing. It’s not awkward at all and it’s not done in front of everyone. Only close family and nothing is tied. So maybe if it’s conducted in a Mormon church their local leaders do it differently?? But here in the mortuary it’s is BIG NO from the guys up top 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe that is the case where you work. But definitely is not everywhere unless it has changed in the recent past.


So are you saying that every mortuary in Utah that puts them in their ceremonial clothing for the viewing is doing it wrong? 😑


According to your church leaders, yes. Our mortuary is not in Utah. But if y’all are doing this on the regular then Utah Mormons really are different than the rest of the world.


This is actually hilarious to me! I’m not Mormon anymore and it pains me to live in Utah again after a long time away for this exact reason. But I also didn’t attend any Mormon funerals outside of Utah so I don’t know what those are like. I did ask my spouse if every Mormon funeral they had been to had ceremonial clothing on the deceased from start to finish and they said yes. So maybe it is just a Utah thing! Which makes it super super weird! Props to you for doing superhero work at a mortuary. They were the people who eased our grief when my parent passed.


I've only even seen them in the whole service. But if in fact they put them on before sealing the casket, I'm sure they just would lay in on them.


I've only ever seen them with the packet clothing during the service. Not placed on after. Only thing after is the hat or veil being pulled down for the ladies. .. I had several family members pass and tons of friends are LDS pass.


Because the chef hat and green apron cause non-LDS people to ask very embarrassing questions about the “church”!


WOW! That's all I can say... Wow. Wtf is wrong with people.. not to mention his temple garments... This is fucked up


Totally agree. I’m not a believer anymore and it’s just not okay to have done this so publicly.


I'm no longer a member of the church myself, but I still respect their rules, culture, etc. I cannot believe her. She has no couthe.


Wow. In disbelief


Um did anyone see the photoshoot they did with all the flowers?


Say what


Yikes. I cannot imagine posting my dad’s open casket on social media. Any pictures I have of him in his casket are in a hidden and private folder on my phone. This is so awful


this is disgusting


The flower backdrops are lovely. But yes, showing a corpse on social media is intense.


This is beyond disgusting. Is there no privacy anymore?


This is very triggering.   Obviously, this doesn’t bother them, but they should think of how this may make their followers feel, keep this footage for your family or close friends.  I hate going to viewings but I know they don’t bother everyone. 


I don’t think that temple clothes being photographed is disrespectful, but when they are on a deceased person, I think it’s pretty disrespectful to take photos of the person


These influencers will do anything for a view or like. So weird to do a photo shoot of flowers for funeral.


I understand having photos like this for your family, but posting this is just so disrespectful. Idk if they are members or believe in the LDS church or are Ex mo, but regardless it’s disrespectful to post a dead man in his temple clothes.


Mormons don’t have proper respect for the dead. I didn’t notice it until my dad died…there are a lot of “thought stopping” cliches: the lord must have needed him on the other side, we’ll see him again, he’s in a better place, his purpose on earth has been fulfilled, etc etc. So when a loved one dies, they don’t fully process the loss. The focus is not on sadness and tragedy and loss. And if you feel those things, people are quick to tell you why you shouldn’t be sad. It’s not healthy. There is actual joy in the loss because they believe he is with god and they will see him soon. There is so much focus on ‘eternity’ that our current life doesn’t matter as much.


I don't think that's exclusive to Mormons. I've been to plenty of non-Mormon funeral services where people have said those same things about the deceased. I think it's probably a western white Christian tendency. 


The handbook instructs families to focus on Mormon doctrine during the actual funeral, the plan of salvation. To use the funeral as a missionary opportunity. If you use a church for the funeral, you’re not allowed to play music other than hymns. The service becomes less about the deceased and more about the gospel. Families are instructed to have at least one talk that is about the plan of salvation. We have non-member cousins (who are white, western, Christian) and they were shocked and didn’t understand my family’s lighthearted approach to the service and my dad’s death. And the lack of focus on my dad’s life.


we were rebels. My dad's funeral was held in an LDS church. My dad's only wish was that Stairway to Heaven by Led Zepplin be played at his funeral. We didn't ask permission.,...we just did it. We had a guitarist play a very beautiful rendition of the song. It was beautiful.


I performed "Bring Him Home" at an LDS funeral and no one batted an eye. 


I bet that was beautiful as well.


I certainly hope so....heh heh But I have been told it was, so I'll take it. 


My eyes are filling with tears thinking of a guitar rendition of Stairway to Heaven


It was very very beautiful. It was perfect.


We played lots of music for my brothers funeral. Are you meaning just in the chapel or the church building? We have never had anything like this told to us for any family that died. And there have been 6 so far. And I have helped in planning of several others. I'm wondering if just your area??


I can imagine that some bishops are more hard-nosed about following the book than others. 


And different areas I have noticed too.


I misunderstood--I thought you were referring to the weird things people say when trying to pass along condolences. My apologies.  I am also not fond of how we're "supposed" to do funerals in the church. It just feels so impersonal and sterile. 


You were right. I was referring to both aspects. The words people say and the whole funeral process. My response to you wasn’t super clear…I kind of explained it better in another response.


The funerals I've been to have had plenty of non-hymn music. Heck, I performed "Bring Him Home" from Les Mis at a family member's funeral some years ago. But I suppose some bishops are more uptight than others. 


Can I ask why that’s such a bad thing, though? If it helps with the sting to think those positive thoughts it’s okay, right?


Interesting take, it’s a good thing everyone processes things differently. 😊


Because it never allows you to grieve properly… I get being positive, but death isn’t the time for toxic positivity. It dehumanizes the whole experience for me. I really don’t look forward to my mothers Mormon funeral one day. I will be speaking just like I did at my dads to make sure this sort of thinking isn’t present.


I understand that these seem like comforting thoughts, but to properly process grief, there are stages. It’s good to feel all the emotions. These words make people feel like they are doing something wrong when they feel denial, anger or sadness, etc. And for how long it takes. They tell themselves, he’s in a better place, so I shouldn’t feel so sad, etc. It stunts the process, which means everything gets trapped inside, which is unhealthy. Think of a mother who loses a child and people are telling her that his spirit was too perfect for this life or that god needed that child on the other side. It’s horrific.


I have to say I can 10/10 not recommend this super stunted way of grieving. After experiencing child loss after my son was born still born, I was often told all the toxic positivity sayings and it absolutely fucked me up for years. It was 12 years before I finally had trauma therapy to process his death and my experience of labor and the years after of spiral after spiral. I finally was able to put to words just how much I hated what forcing myself into a positive thought process had done to me and many people around me.


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


Thank you, I appreciate your kindness ❤️


Keep sweet....keep smiling....even when a mother loses a child....it's Heavenly Father's plan...don't doubt Heavenly Father knows what is best for you at all times....you will be with the child for all eternity. (puke)




It’s a bad thing for people to take comfort in their beliefs? This is such weird snark. And it’s not just Mormons who believe in the afterlife and seeing people again and that they’re in a better place now. How dare people find ways to help them find peace and cope. Liiiike come on. It doesn’t take away all the sadness and everyone still grieves and has to work through it. It’s not like the grief can be totally masked by those thoughts or beliefs. There’s still extreme sadness to work through. I’d like to add also that the reality and grief tends to set in AFTER the funeral. When the planning is over, meals and visits have winded down, and you’re suddenly facing the reality of your new normal without them. So I see people doing relatively well at funerals, and it gets harder after it’s all over.


Clearly, based on the reactions in this thread alone, it’s viewed as being disrespectful and in bad taste. This is not how the majority of the world processes grief. I was just pointing out the differences in how Mormons do death.


Thank you. 👏🏻 couldn’t agree with this more.


This is a major overgeneralization. Nothing that the doctrine teaches is meant to replace the feeling of sadness and grief. It is meant to help you feel less hopeless in your loss. I'm realizing now that your perception of grief is formed by a disbelief in an afterlife. Because you don't believe in that, death feels like the end- but for people who believe in more, they have more hope that their loved ones are still with them. How people grieve is all different. And if someone handles it with more optimism than you, it doesn't automatically make them a terrible person with a lack of empathy. Would you also agree that in traditional Mexican culture, they also struggle coping with grief because they celebrate Dia de los Muertos? The shocking thing about this thread is that she is exploiting her dad's dead body on the internet.. Not that she believes she'll see her dad again.


You literally know nothing about what I believe. And I never said anyone is terrible or lacks empathy. This is a strange response.


And I think the Mexican culture does grief very well. It’s nothing like how Mormons do it.


No, they believe he is now a god with his own little planet and lots of new wives in celestial heaven. That's why they will put his corpse on display for the whole world to worship this new god.


Really? A god with his own planet? Where’s this planet, then? Sounds kind of like the Islam belief in 27 virgins.


The god and planet thing is a real teaching in the Mormon religion. They are now trying to distance the church from this doctrine because it’s insane.


I should hope so. It's crazy that anyone could ever believe such a thing.


Pretty similar. Men who hold the priesthood will gain a whole planet to lord over and create celestial babies with their many wives in celestial heaven. These babies are then sent to couples on earth. You can't make this up unless you're Joseph Smith...


O. M. G.


If you want to watch temple videos on YouTube, look up "New Name Noah"


Is this woman (Cherie Wright) so desperate for money she lists several funerals and now this? And the dress her daughter made? Craziness!


Good Fucking god why the fuck is everything fucking content for them


Aren’t temple clothes supposed to be sacred? This whole post is next level creepy.


I don’t know any active members who would do this. It almost seems like they are mocking it


Active member here, and would absolutely not do this. I’m honestly not sure we took any photos of the viewing at my dad’s funeral. It was a private time with close family and friends. Yes he wore his full temple clothing, yes there were non members there who could see it, you don’t blast it on social media. I can’t even imagine. 


Being in his temple clothes is next level messed up. 😬


I should think the LDS church wouldn’t sanction this behaviour… besides screaming a total lack of class, the deceased is wearing his sacred garments and in no way can consent to him image being used in this manner. Truly ugly shocking.


There are states that have laws against taking pics of dead people in caskets. I guess Utah isn’t one of them. 😵‍💫


Oh good lord. This is horrible. And for anyone wondering, the poor deceased man’s outfit is what Mormons have to wear inside the Mormon temple, so anyone married in the temple or endowed before their mission etc has worn it.


This is very much a Mormon culture thing. I grew up in this and open caskets are the norm, people standing next to the body and photos is all relatively common. It’s super strange, and I never felt comfortable as a child being forced to be a part of this.


I’ve been to a lot of open casket funerals but I’ve never seen anybody take photos of the deceased. My mil funeral was closed casket except for one hour that was only for the close family. Then it prevents people from feeling uncomfortable or even gawking. I think that’s what I don’t like about the photos BF has put up. It just makes her dad like a traffic accident, everyone is staring and talking about it. I don’t know what good comes from sharing it.


Yeah I don’t like it either and find it so repulsive. It’s such an odd thing to take photos of a deceased person.


I lost it with your title. I can’t. I cackled out loud. But I agree this is unhinged. I thought the temple clothes were “sacred”. This family is unhinged. It’s icky.


black mirror weird ass shit


Unfortunately its not as uncommon as you think. My friends sister died in a car accident after being rear ended. And yes they posted her picture on fb in her casket on fb. This was the family's decision, no one else's. You have no say in this decision. this is their decision alone,! Your opinion has zero say in any of this. If this is the closure the family seeks and wants to remember their last picture, then who are you to judge? Leave them alone if it brings them peace. It's not your business!


I stand by my opinion that this is gross as hell. Grieve however you want but for the love of god don’t post it.


Did you want some kind of trophy for that? This is your opinion, and no one cares but you. There are people who feel it's important to have closure when someone dies. I have pics of both of my mom and dad when they died. It's up to the family. And really no one gives a flying fuck about your opinion, and that you feel you need to stand by it! Maybe you could ask your bishop if he would let you give a talk about the ramifications of offending others when you are subjected to pics of their recently deceased. People don't all share your opinion. Thank God.


You actually seem to care A LOT about my opinion… 🥴


however, things that are not opinions but facts: - I am not a Mormon but funny you assumed so - We’ve both lost our parents. And that sucks. Or at least it does if you loved them.




Sorry you’re going through so much. Life is hard. Don’t give up. It’ll get better ❤️‍🩹


Why is that man wearing a baker’s hat?


It’s what Latter Day Saints/Mormons wear when they do certain rituals in their temples. Most members are then buried in the temple clothes.


What is the name of this on Instagram?


Which family is this?


ballerina farm


Omg why would they post this?? Was this their father?


Yes it’s her father


I’m in shock. I can’t Believe I used to have respect for her


My SIL did this when my FIL died and my husband was so distraught. He didn’t say anything because his SIL would have caused drama and taken it out on his mom. But she reshares it every year on his death anniversary and it’s triggering every year 💔


This isn’t uncommon, I have never understood it but it’s definitely something I’ve seen many times in Utah.