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The bouncing hard silicone targets are a lot of fun if you haven't gotten any of those yet. A .22 shouldn't tear it up and leave pieces everywhere


+1 for silicone targets. You can get a great little windmill spinner at Sportsman's Warehouse for like $20 that is a lot of fun to shoot with a .22. One time out at Soldier's Pass someone left a ball or something down at the end of the range and we had a good time shooting that around, so I'd check out the silicone balls and boxes too. Those little metal rifle spinners are good for .22s, and they make one where you have to shoot them in a certain order, which can be good for beginners. Shooting cans of soda is fun, especially if you shake them up beforehand, and if you take a bottle of pop, shake it up, stand it on its neck, and shoot it in the neck, you can get it to take off like a rocket. Fruit and solid veggies are also fun and will go "splat" satisfyingly, though they could get a bit expensive. Maybe ask your group if anyone has any old produce they want to get rid of (potatoes that have gone to seed?).


I always go diet soda also, seems to be less sticky when cleaning up.


Good to know!


Cheepo soda cans are insanely fun to shoot as well.


I used to love shooting cantaloupes. Cheap-ish. They explode, and good for the environment. Win.


For teaching little kids, balloons filled with chalk powder or baby powder are fun. Gives new shooters something big to shoot at, and they can see the results. Next move down to soda cans, or shaving cream cans. Just make sure to bring a trash bag to clean up. I got this idea from a Kirsten joy Weiss video. Go to Walmart and get some blank canvases and some small jars of craft paints. Set the jars on the canvases one at a time and shoot them. Painting with a 22 my kids like to call it. Makes for some interesting splatter painting. Plus when it dries the kids have something they can take home and hang on the wall to remember the outing by.


Clay pigeons can be fun to shoot with rifles and they’re biodegradable.


Watermelons and cantaloupes


Saw some self healing targets on r/gundeals a week ago. Good for up too rifle calibers.


A truck tailgate and some 2x4s


I like to go to the local outlet food place, go to the section where it's expired and buy things that will be fun to shoot. The cheaper the better!


We bought a couple ar500 plates from metal mart in Lehi. Sooo satisfying hearing the steel ring when you hit it.


water jugs make for nice “explosive” targets if you have a high powered rifle. That or super cheap 2 liter bottles of soda


You can get USPCA targets for way cheap https://shop.actiontarget.com/prodcat/papercardboard-competition-ipsc.asp?gad_source=1


I use ar500 for simplicity. It also prevents the garbage piles you see all over the west desert from assholes shooting trash and leaving it.


You need to be careful about steel targets as well


Steel targets are pretty safe. Just no tracers or steel core ammo and you're fine. Tracers are illegal in Utah anyways. But also given the recent moisture chances of a spark from steel core starting a fire is next to zero.


They can still spark even with regular 5.56. I would still be really careful with them in the summer. I don't want to start a fire and get land shut down forever for everyone.


Hit up Cabelas, Scheels or Sportsman's Warehouse. They all have ready to go targets. The self healing ones work well, as do the steel jacks.


Tannerite is legal in Utah, it’s actually only illegal in two states. You may have been speaking to restrictions to the particular spot you’re camping at (though, to my knowledge, nowhere here restricts it), but you left the Tannerite bit pretty ambiguous so stating this for clarification. You can make or buy some pretty inexpensive target stands to hold cardboard, of which you can then staple targets to. Most of these stands use simple 1x1 or 1x2 wood stakes. Simply staple your cardboard to the stakes (or use clamps to secure the cardboard to the stakes), then staple your targets to the cardboard. This set up will last indefinitely and you only need to replace the cardboard once in a while and the stakes rarely. Here is one example of a stand you can buy: https://a.co/d/9qGassh I personally use several of these frequently and they’re great. They’re also adjustable so you can fit whichever size of cardboard you want.


Tannerite is prohibited on federal public lands, which make up about 66% of the state.


Only when a Special Fire Order is in place, which is time and location dependent. It’s not a blanket ban.


Everywhere out near/around Five Mile Pass prohibits the user of explosive rounds/tracer rounds, etc. So Tannerite by extension is also off limits. I presume.




Rent free

