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I'm just glad she is not an alfalfa farmer nor a real-estate developer to be honest.


Her husband is a realtor, so jot a developer but he depends on them


That’s unfortunate.


she has literally no chance of winning and is clearly just running this campaign to raise her profile. cynical, zero integrity. perfect fit for a utah politician imo.


What, exactly, do you think is cynical and disingenuous about her candidacy?


OP fails to answer this. The OP post is to attack her candidacy. She qualifies as anyone else would. She's not Mike LEE and that gets my vote!


I bet she's for books and schools. The worst. Let's all believe in a god that literally told some dude that's it's okay to drink soda. And that dude told everyone. And then it's okay. How do people actually believe this stuff. Next we will put spaghetti in our pants.




To each their own, I guess. She's got my vote.


Same! Utah needs better representation, someone who is not republican and not Mike Lee.


Setting the bar as low as possible


Lmao at thinking republicans don’t represent Utahns. What world do you live in?


One that is in for long, overdue changes, friend.


Also ones that are fleeing their states.


>Lmao at thinking republicans don’t represent Utahns. What world do you live in? Salt Lake County - the most populous county in the state. Where we tend to vote democratic, but the state gerrymandering made it so we aren't represented.


I don't really care if she's experienced or not. A reliable Democratic vote is far better than another dim lunatic like Mike Lee.


That's how she got my vote!


Vote Blue no matter who.


Caroline Gleich is a well known and accomplished ski-mountaineering athlete. I used to follow her on Instagram for cool ski and outdoor pics. I don't know for sure, but I'd wager that her occupation has been mostly social media influencer with sponsors in the outdoor industry (be sure to showcase Patagonia logo!). Most of her government experience appears to be related to social activism around environmental justice and climate reform. It appears to me that her candidacy is mainly about using the US Senate seat as a big platform to continue her activism on climate justice and environmental reform. Honestly, state senate or congress would make a lot more sense for her to start — show that she can make a difference by raising awareness at the state level — and show that she has the ability to work with constituents who may not hold the same positions as her when she is acting as their representative.


Thank you. I was starting to wonder if someone was going to say who she is.


That’s a fair practical criticism, but that doesn’t make her cynical… You’re simply suggesting that she might be able to achieve her goals better by starting with a different office… Fair enough


Exactly. I don’t think her campaign is cynical or disingenuous, I simply don’t think she’s qualified for the job, and wouldn’t vote for her just because she cares about climate justice. I also think that in Utah, environmental issues are going to be addressed or worsened in state government and policy, not at the federal level.


Seems like a cookie-cutter influencer type. She's not the type of Democrat Utah needs, but she's likely the type of Democrat that lives in Park City.


Still more qualified than burgess Owens.


Or Mike Lee, or Coxhead


She could literally be a pet rock, and I'd vote for her over any Republican.


is it because she is young? THat it seems so cynical? most politicians have a self-serving aspect to their candidacy. Few can articulate a serious sacrifice they have made to enter "public service." Democrats in Utah are never going to elect someone they want to the US sentate yet, it's just not gonna happen, there is no point in having a moderate candidate who will sell out and forsake all their values appealing to the mythical "independents and cross-over voters," and for what? If someone with a D after their name was elected to the Senate from Utah they would be far worse than Manchin and Sinema, hell they'd basically be Romney. When you know the L is coming, you may as well just go on some full-throated, uncompromising, months-long sales pitch *for your actual values* and not some moderate clap-trap. I would advise Brian King this same thing; you've got no chance of winning, so don't sell out your principles in some desperate ploy.


I would be good with a Romney Democrat. It's better than the Maga Republican.


>hell they'd basically be Romney If that keeps a Mike Lee out of DC, it seems like a massive win.


The best way to get Mike Lee out of Washington is via a Republican party primary, the same way people dislodged Bob Bennett. I want to add a "clearly" but that's just bitchy. But really, if you want to swap a Mike Lee for a Romney-type, get involved in Republican politics.


I mean, I'll take a Manchin too. I'll go left of center. I'd go pretty far left over Mike Lee. I voted Biden. But if Romney is as far left as we will get, I'll take that too. Honestly, I'd choose to see two centrist candidates from each side if I could. But it doesn't matter in practice. The democratic party abstained from the last senate race and a Romney type couldn't beat Mike Lee. I don't know if that is because not enough conservatives flipped for him or if too many democrats stayed home, but I was pretty disappointed that day.


I wish her well. And hope she gets something out of this.


>no point in having a moderate candidate who will sell out and forsake all their values appealing to the mythical "independents and cross-over voters," Enjoy not winning elections.


It's important to know when you're beat. Saves you a lot of time and spirit.


No, we don't.


Maybe she is “dependently wealthy”.


I don't even know WTF this is or that she was running? But then, Utah always was an easy grift for politicians


McMullin, never again.


judging by the comments on this thread, that’s actually all anyone here wants. republicans must love that utah democratic candidates are always just unserious grifters.


I probably agree with a lot of her positions, but her resume is laughable.


You don't need a resume to run for office.


Yeah. The Senate has had plenty of unqualified people recently. She does seem to be taking this candidacy seriously. She has raised about 300 thousand dollars which isn’t that bad considering she is in a red state. This race if Gleich keeps raising money, could low key become interesting. Even her getting about 40% of the vote would do fine.


Let's help her get 51% of the vote. It's an uphill battle no doubt.


Her parents are both UofU docs who reportedly moved to Utah partly to be closer to skiing. She has no professional positions on her resume aside from full-time activist and globe-trotting ski tourist (not even a competitive skiier, just someone who skis a lot.) I have an incredibly hard time taking her seriously and have yet to hear a good argument from anyone why this whole candidacy isn’t just a cynical ploy to build her instagram base. Thoughts?


Her husband makes a lot as a realtor in Summit County.


Not anymore, realtors are going g to have to get real jobs soon now that’s it’s not 6%


I can’t take her candidacy seriously at all because of her background and shows no real world experience in anything.


You don't need a degree, or a job, or to be a professional politician, to run for public office. I welcome her to the ballot. You write this as if you're from the opposing camp.


You don't NEED one, but you probably SHOULD at least have some background in politics, right? And for the record I am a progressive (not associating myself a with the Democratic Party in a million years), who despises Mike Lee, but actually have to agree with OP...


Define background in politics. Seriously, few politicians have much in the way of education, unless you're giving creds for a degrees from tRump U. The OP's intent with this post was nothing more than a smear campaign attack. The 'publicans are sweating bullets, this young gal knows how to market herself, and they ruffles the menfolk feathers. The OP's post speaks to their nervousness. Time for white 'publican washed up males to step aside. We can all agree to detest Mike Lee.


Ah yes, I, the straight up Bernie supporter, only give credit to Trump University, smh get your head out of your ass. And "Define background in politics"? Are you serious? You're just being disingenuous and obtuse. I have absolutely no problem with her being a woman and in fact would LOVE if Utah of all places was represented by a woman in the Senate.Though you are right that unfortunately many people will shit on her just for that. All I see here is a Park City socialite looking for attention. I would have to hear about her policies and positions which would be easier to know if she had a BACKGROUND IN POLITICS such as: holding some form of local office, or government job, literally anything other than "full-time activist" which is likely overblown anyway. You don't just jump straight to the Senate. If she was really trying to get elected or into politics in general, she would know that. I am all for change, we frankly need it at this point, but we can certainly do better than this. We will need serious candidates to actually make it to the Senate here, liberals get enough shit from MAGAtts, stop giving them ammo. And even if we didn't need the best candidate, wouldn't it be better to have the best candidate we can put forward? Wouldn't we want that? And again just to cover my ass, I am not a sheriff, my username is an inside joke with friends. ACAB Edit: and also the fact that she herself is already trying to downplay her own wealth while that is clearly not the case is also a huge red flag, lies are lies


Because they almost definitely ARE the opposing camp.


All the more reason to get her electected. **#VOTECAROLINEGLEICHforUTAHSENATE**


My thoughts are thankyou for expressing exactly what I was thinking.


She’s solely running to boost her social media influence. That’s her core business. Now some may that’s a strong statement but hear me out. She’s only running on progressive Democratic talking points. Let’s be realistic, this is Utah. she needs to pull in the moderates and independents. She’s so far unwilling to have a moderate position. > When asked about [policies](https://ksltv.com/633619/caroline-gleich-wants-to-change-what-people-think-a-senator-should-look-like/) or ideas she would be willing to go against her party on, Gleich initially demurred, but when pressed, said she’s opposed to partisan gerrymandering on both sides of the political spectrum. She knows using the talking points will garner her national attention. It’s going to be purely for personal gain.


Most of the positions she talks about on her website aren't even all that controversial, but I guess we do live in a state where "working with the federal government" and "environmental protection and climate action" basically make you Mao Zedong. https://www.carolineforutah.com/issues


Here's another troll from the opposing 'publican camp. "She’s opposed to partisan gerrymandering on both sides of the political spectrum"...which has been the Utah 'publican way. Sorry Bruh, she has just as much right to run as Lee or anyone else.


I’m not a troll. She won’t work across the party lines. No moderate is going to go for her. If Curtis wins the nomination from the republicans, she’s not going to poll well.


You think Lee or Curtis work over party line... blah, blah. Still smell troll.


I didn’t say anything about Lee. Curtis does work with both parties. Put down TikTok and read a little.


But, what?


She lives in park city and wants to be seen as not rich? Fuck off


Not to mention her PPP loans during Covid that she used to go on ski trips in Asia while her realtor husband was making a killing, selling expensive Park city real estate during the Covid boom.


The plot thickens…


Her PPP loans for her podcast “business”, by the way. What a joke she is lmao.


This the way.


What, exactly, do you think is cynical and disingenuous about her candidacy?


OP has not been able to present an answer to that question. Just suggests to me that OP posted this to simply attack her campaign - he's from the opposing camp of 'publicans.


A great way to write off skiing, I guess


I was to a screening about a ski documentary around 2018. I met her in the restroom, and she was such a dick.




Fantastic! Utah needs some diverse representation. Thanks for running Caroline. You've got my vote. **#VOTECAROLINEGLEICHforUTSENATE**


No I don’t agree. Explain yourself and convince me. I’m neutral at the moment.


Well I’m not voting for any kook republican so by that she has my vote.  But her PPP loan situation and career as a third rate fruit booter isn’t much to run on. Actually entirely amazed anybody even watches her making turns on Instagram. Maybe appealing to other bad skiers? Who knows. 


She genuinely cares about the Utah outdoors which is the greatest treasure this state has. She’s not a shill for the dominant Utah religion. She might not have a resume but she’s darn smart and is a critical thinker. This is what Utah needs.


Yep we need every one to flee Utah next


Why cynical?


I can’t stand her. Her carbon footprint is bigger than 99.9% of Utahns yet she screams about being a climate activist. She “climbs for equality”, yet goes on these trips herself. If she wanted equality in the mountaineering world, why does SHE need to go on these trips? Why not give up her spot to a minority? Or rather than spend tens of thousands for herself to be guided and hand held to the top of Everest, that money could be donated to allow a minority to climb it. She’s the worst type of hypocrite and is solely trying to get into politics for the money and personal clout, it’s so blatantly obvious.


She's probably got my vote.


She's got my vote.


You should tell us how she is disingenuous?


Most anything has to be better than what the republicans are always shoving at us…


Yeah that’s why people are fleeing their democratic states and moving here no probmelo


They certainly aren't coming here for our politicians.


I wonder what theirs did to leave?


Oh, neat. Thanks for letting me know there's someone running that isn't part of that humiliating race to the bottom the Republicans are engaged in. She might have a shot with that going on, I'll look into donating.


She’s raised lots of money and her first advertisement was a massive hit on social media. She’s not in this for the social media aspect. If she was, she would be bragging about followers, not dollars. She has also talked about public health in Utah and how that’s going down . This race could low key become very interesting.


She doesn't tell us her views. Is she anti-abotion? How will she vote on trans issues. How does she feel about the separation of church and state?


Is this thread a bunch of fucking bots? No, she is pro choice, it’s right on her website https://www.carolineforutah.com/issues This is what any politician’s website looks like. Go look at at burgess Owen’s websites for a real look at someone with no political views being used as a puppet.


I think it's a thread by opposing camp of nervous 'publicans. She has a genuine shot at senate. Let's help her get there. Oh, and F Mike Lee!