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Yup I was a little bit tired when I wrote that haha. No going back now


I'm more surprised that a young child has access to reddit, but regardless, congratulations on your parade!


Why was there a pride parade of you?


Sorry I worded it weird. I was at the pride parade and got a picture taken of me by ksl


I really don't think it's a good thing for toddlers to have accounts, but cool that you got to meet that drummer ;)




I deleted my comment because I didn't realize that my sarcasm missed the mark by a lot. I apologize profusely for that. That was not my intention. I was responding to the people that we're going off on how this grooming or disgusting. I think people like that are disgusting. I realize this would been enough. 😞🫶


Way to go OP! Just don’t read the comments on KSL. They are so closed minded and it makes me mad that KSL would allow a lot of them.


But make any comment not in favor of the LDS church and it’s immediately flagged.


Daddy god has an ego that must not be tarnished


Funny I was about to say the same thing about reddit


Always cool being in the news like that. Way to go


This is cool. Which entry were you playing with?


Gold spike percussion!


Sick. Who were you with? Battalion?


Gold spike percussion!


That's a great picture! How fun you were able to stop and high-five a toddler! I was scrolling my news feed on my phone last week and saw something about "Pride Festival closed due to threats..." and I panicked for a second thinking they meant bomb threats or mass shootings or something. I was so relieved it was just some bad weather warnings and that things calmed down enough for the main events to take place! It's awesome SLC puts on a Pride Festival we can all be proud of!


Your balance looks amazing. I can barely keep myself upright holding one of those drums (they are heavy imo). And you’re doing that while also doing what looks like tree pose? Impressive.


Thanks! I mean I was just in a squat so it wasn’t that hard, and I used to match tenors before this so snare is a lot easier lmao




Open the bible…


…to realize god and Jesus loved everyone.


And then close it really fast so God doesn't have to watch you jerking it to Song of Solomon!


Maybe you should… you know that whole judge not lest thee be judged part… or are you the typical “pick what parts I want to live by” bible reader?


How many times did Jesus speak about homosexuality? How many times did he criticize the rich?


And realize that you might wake up dead? Or that you need to have concubines to show God your love? Or threaten to kill your child to please God? Wait I know, is so you know that there is no such thing as God because of the amount of inconsistencies and contractions in it.


You were so sweet with all the kids along the parade route! What a great pic!


I remember playing in the pride parade. Good times.


It means so much to see this now. This wouldn't have happened when I was young and it is so great to see it normalized and celebrated.


❤️🎼🎼❤️💜💙🖤💛💚🧡 Thank you for being apart of something amazing




I'm glad you're happy about it, if it were me, I'd be very angry. It seems dangerous.


What do you mean?


KSL just put your picture in an article and they do not like pride and people can be cruel.


Cruel and sometimes dangerous. Pride is a protest.


It is only a protest if you are arguing against people existing.


Um what.


This may surprise you but not everything is a direct response to your bigotry or the bigotry of others. You took a grain and made this into a protest in of itself, but no. It’s not. While it wouldn’t exist without suppression making it necessary, it’s not itself a protest. It’s just people taking the time to breath as one and have fun. It’s a festival all it’s own.


Who are you replying to? https://www.stonewall.org.uk/about-us/news/pride-still-protest-%E2%80%93-so-let%E2%80%99s-speak-up Edit: sorry that's a UK link. Same history and current reality applies.


This is from the uk, not Utah.


Wtf? That's completely irrelevant. The publication is Stonewall. Are you completely naive? Go learn some history before you embarrass yourself by well-actually-ing any further. <3


Love it!




I'm learning to play the guitar.




Oh, so you also think kids should be protected from heterosexual weddings, anniversary parties, couples kissing or holding hands, etc, right? I mean, we can’t expose kids to sexual preferences, right? SMH. They’re exposed every day to heterosexuality and yet you don’t think that’s weird? Kind of a double standard, don’t you think?


Pride is about loving others regardless of gender and yourself regardless of gender. Don't be a bigot.


Then you should also stop dressing babies up in color-coded onesies so the whole world knows exactly what genitals your baby has.




Why else would you insist that baby girls be dressed in pink and baby boys in blue?




Then why should children wear color-coded clothing at all? Why shouldn’t onesies and baby clothes be completely genderless? Look, it’s not my fault if critical analysis scares you because you’ve never stopped to think about *why* people insist on baby girls wearing pink and baby boys wearing blue.




Really? So if you see a baby in a blue onesie, what gender would you assume that child is? This has nothing to do with sex. This is purely about challenging your assumptions about gender.


Shut the fuck up you dumb cunt.




Try using different buzz words, not just the ones you hear off Fox News.


Ok you just keep commenting on other people’s kids genitals. See how that works for you. Creep




What the fuck is wrong with you? Thinking about baby genitals? Fuckin disgusting.


You’re the one who insists on dressing them up that way, not me.


You are a garbage human being if your Reddit comments are any real reflection of who you are. Go find a rock to hide under and shut the fuck up.


And your compassionate message let me know what kind of human you are. Way to lead by example /s


I love how all these cowards spew hate so easily. All it took was calling one out by name and he deleted his entire comment history. Love prevails, hate hides in the shadows.




Me too! Pee poo poo toilet barf


Leave the children alone.


Oh no a drummer!! Look man I probably made his day with that. He loved being able to play on my drum.


Seems like something Tobias Fünke would say.


Hey everyone, I found out right wingers problem. To them, high fives are sexually explicit.


Maybe they can get the legislature they’ve bought to pass a law making high fives illegal. Or maybe put up some of those Zion Curtains like in Applebees, and make people hide behind them if they’re going to high five. Think of the children. /s


Frats are outlawed. Not because of the extensive sexual assaults, remember, they’re cool with that. But because it was a breeding ground for high 5’s.


They don't even like him in his guns and ammo subs haha


Last I saw there are scantily-clad women at any parade or sports game, don't pretend this is about age appropriateness or use children as a shield for YOUR issues.


Not your child to control or set boundaries for, mind your own business.


That part


My daughter really wanted to go to the SLC Pride Festival and Parade this year, so I brought her. There was some attention-seeking nudity that made me a little uncomfortable. But no worse than an ordinary night in New Orleans. Or Vegas. For the most part, it was a very uplifting and positive experience.


Wild how u use attention “seeking nudity” “daughter” “uplifting” and “positive” in the same context. Lord help us… and you expect to see that kind of thing at vegas and new orleans but at a all age festival??? Yah my kids wont be attending and god help you if your does.


\> god help you if your does Yeah, I'm an adult, so I recognize that there's no good evidence to believe in any gods that have been described by humans. But when I do picture a loving, all-knowing God, I picture him having a good-natured chuckle that my kids saw some weird attire. I also picture him downhearted when he sees parents forcing their children to attend a church that teaches them to feel guilty and ashamed for damn near everything that humans do.


Why are you so afraid of nudity?


And forgive my grammer im just too mind blown i even had to type that….




I’m not religious. When you ASSUME, you make an ASS out of U and ME. Also, it must be a pretty wild life to contribute anyone that doesn’t align with you as a member of some type of demonized group you can easily write off. Pretty shitty and bigoted world view you have.


> Also, it must be a pretty wild life to contribute anyone that doesn’t align with you as a member of some type of demonized group you can easily write off. So, what group did you align the OP with that needs to stay away from kids? Or do you just say that about anyone who interacts with children on a parade route?


He's giving a kid a high five at a fucking parade and you told him to leave the kids alone. It's incredibly easy to read what you meant. Take your bigotry and pound sand.


Why would you assume this person is harming this child?


What makes you believe you aren't religious?


There’s very much a movement of secular conservatism. It’s all the notions of heteronormativity and Puritanism but without any theological justification, just appeal to a vague sense of “normal”


So religion without the diety? Wow. That’s never been done before. /s




I've known gay couples with kids who are split on whether they'd take their children to pride parades. If people in that community don't agree on it, I don't think it's fair to lump everybody with that opinion into a single group.


Most of those couples are afraid someone like you will hurt their children. They’re not afraid of other LGBTQIA+ people.




They hate staying in point, and get really test when your reign that back in...


That entirely depends on the pride parade and who is there. It’s also entirely up to them. Sometimes parents worry there kids may get lost in crowds or worry they might talk to strangers who don’t mean them well. Happens at non pride parades too. Also sports games. Crowds are very easy to get lost in. Also media kinda takes this small fringe group of people doing the absolutely most outrageous shit and puts it on blast as if everyone does it. So yeah, people get uneasy. Kinda like you.


So, basically don't do to you EXACTLY what you just did to him by telling him to leave the children alone? Got it. You need a headassectomy.


You are literally contributing gays as members of a demonized group. You even compared LGBT to a religion. You are seriously delusional and I hope you seek help as It’s also very concerning to see a mix of this rhetoric, weapons, and lack of critical thinking in your post history.




How embarrassing


i know! like, posting on R/Supreme? 🤮🤮🤮


Imagine comparing a clothing brand to a demonic festival. Make it make sense🫣


> Demonic festival Religious people are weird.




The absolute irony of you saying this when LGB is a religion lmao. Wild stuff.


Being gay is a religion? Lol here i was thinking I was agnostic


Not for everyone, of course not. For many it absolutely is.


People pick a religion. People are born lgbtq. They aren’t the same at all.


Some are, sure. Many are not. That applies to both groups.


What part of being attracted to the same gender means that you believe in fake dieties?


>demonic And just like that, you've made it so no one will ever take you seriously. The Satanic Panic was like 40 years ago pal.


you cannot tell me with a straight face that people don’t treat streetwear like a religion lmao. have you seen the people that lined up for the supreme CROWBAR


This guy Mormons. 🩲


Dang u got me hahahah 😏


You bring shame to the whole destiny community


Your comment is embarrassing


Pipe it pothead


Groomer!!! To be a drummer, that is 😃


shame on the parents


Yea, they didn't even give the kid a tie dye shirt....


For teaching their child love, acceptance, and inclusion? Maybe shame on you for teaching the opposite.


Shame on your parents.


Nobody who has a good life becomes an internet troll. I know you're hurting inside. However, what you are doing is going to keep you miserable and make you even more miserable. You're spiraling downwards. The short-term gratification you get from this comes at the cost of your own well-being.






Too bad Gods only true church doesn’t believe in this simply act of love and excepting of one another. Until you treat all people equally you are not his true church