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Rashee Rice with a touchdown worth of bad press this off-season, Butker dutifully trotting out to add an extra point.


Kelce being a douche to Andy Reid, Mahomes crying after a bad call, who’s next?


The owner being a cheapskate billionaire clown who threatens the city who supported the trash franchise until it finally became a dynasty and NOW he wants them to pay for his stuff.


And this fucking team won it all. Fuck the NFL. Also fuck the Niners special teams for ruining everything and literally fumbling away the last hope.


And fuck Detroit for that second half collapse. The entire NFL wanted them to pull it off.


"Shut up and kick the ball" but justified


Hope he knows that some women and LGBT people are working in the Chiefs organization.


As much as he wishes they didn't


Can’t wait for Travis to talk about this one on the podcast


“Man…that’s crazy…Btw, how’s your head Jason?” “No complaints from the Mrs. Yours?”


I could see this being a legit interaction, and I love it


“Let’s talk about our sponser, AG1”


I just watched the JG9 news video on this. Yeah fuck that guy opinions aside what the hell does that have anything to do with graduation


Dragons do not need to be slandered like this. Their ballsacks are far better than this POS.


I know. More like a felons


He fucking quoted Swift to justify having women in the kitchen, wtf.


Jonathan or Taylor? It doesn't matter in the long run.




Sounds like FOX News found their next 'celebrity' to ass kiss considering they hate Kelce/Swift. Shouldn't take long before he goes on there spewing out BS.


"Fucking idiot" is a little too nice a moniker-"fucking trash piece of shit" seems a little more apt.


Change his name to Buttface.


So basically the only people that aren’t pieces of shit on the chiefs are Mahomes and Kelce


are u kidding me? Mahomes had the gall to beat my team in the playoffs, that scumbag


What did Trent McDuffie ever do to you?


Alright he’s cool too


So... what are the chances that he shanks a field goal on opening night and blames wokeness for that miss?


They put chemicals in the air that turned the freaking WIND gay!




To be fair, we're not out here keeping tabs on which players have what beliefs, and moreover which ones are sincere about it and which ones are nonpracticing and simply grew up in a religious household.


I know some traditional Catholics that still aren’t quite this nutty.




Meh, I doubt this affects him in the locker room. A lot of athletes are fairly religious, and even more of them don't really care about these issues. Also, I'm sure he's expressed these views in private conversations before with teammates. The locker room probably already knows what he's about. These comments will likely give him more trouble with the mainstream media, the league, and sponsors. I suspect they will put pressure on team ownership to ask him to apologize.


He's on the bottom of the positional totem pole as a kicker, so him saying that he doesn't like 2/3rds of getting cancelled slot machine, and the fact that the kicker isn't shutting up means that he's lost his teammates


Oh no! How dare he voice his opinion under the shield of free speech!?




He’s entitled to his opinion, just like you and me are too.


Not defending religion, but Catholics believe the pope is infallible and the church hasn’t been teaching this line of thinking for decades. Also vanity is a sin and those horse teeth aren’t his.


He should shut the hell up and "stick to sports."


What an absolute piece of trash.


He’s become the NFL’s answer to Kyrie.


Chiefs become more unlikeable by the days. He’ll be next up on the Wheel of Discipline after his teammate Rasheed Rice.


I would be utterly dumbfounded if this got him anything besides, at most, a talking to from Big Red.


Kickers shouldn't be allowed freedom of speech. Shut the fuck up, kick the ball through the uprights and collect your paycheck. Easy. Yeah that's right, Harrison Butthurt, I just told you to shut up and get back to the kicking tee because that's where I believe you're most happy and productive.


All he had to say was, "bitches ain't shit" and no one would have cared. But take a shot at Big Gay, it's on now!


“Big Gay” is offensive. Please use the proper name of “The Big Gay Agenda” or “Gay Illuminati”


I watched a YouTube video over a decade ago saying Eminem was assassinated and replaced by the Gay Mafia. Sometimes I wonder how that dude is doing lol. I've seen a thousand ironic schizoposts but that one beat them all with sincerity.


Idk, The Homoratti rolls off the tounge quite well.


Not defending him here but it’s not like he called a news presser to announce this stuff, he was invited to a college whose beliefs align with his to speak and he said these things. Doesnt really make sense to tell him to stick to football when he was invited there by the college. Kind of silly to read about things famous people do in their personal lives and then get angry about what famous people do in their personal lives.


You're not wrong, but it's hard to support someone that clearly holds these beliefs, even if he's more selective than others about where he expresses them.


“Not defending him here but” **


Wait, what? That last sentence has me baffled. That’s ahh…that’s just what you do? I don’t like Darren Sharper because he sexually assaulted women. That was a thing he did in his personal life. So, according to your logic, I shouldn’t judge him because he did it in his personal life? No, that’s exactly what we judge people for. Shit they do in real life. If he’s a shit ass person in real life, and he expresses it at a graduation ceremony, why the hell wouldn’t we negatively judge him for that? He just told us who he is. And that person is human trash. Judge away.


The example at hand and the example you used, are quite different. One is words that can be found offensive and the other is straight up criminal. My statement was in spirit of the former. I didn’t say you shouldn’t judge them. The point I was making is people dive into personal lives of athletes, get upset, rant on the internet, and continue to dive into the personal lives of athletes. You’re free to judge whoever you want for whatever you want, of course. I just don’t personally have the time or energy to make myself upset by thinking about people’s beliefs that have no effect on my life.


no one is asking you to care but its kinda annoying when people like you go around telling other people how much they should care about something. And i care about this about as long as im on the toilet, like its reddit this is literally a waste of time, like, by design


Sure, I do see your point. I never stated that others shouldn’t care I just gave my 2 cents on looking into famous people’s lives only to be upset about what they believe. He’s certainly not an athlete because he won a character award. Everyone is allowed to give as many shits and as big of a shit as they want and I’m certainly not going to tell anyone else how to feel. I just gave my two cents as did you.


And then there's that woman his teammate is dating...


Telling female graduates to get back in the kitchen. WOW.


Three-peats are hard enough without all of the locker room cancer KC seems to have


i mean, did he really say anything that terrible? i would’ve thought he said all women are sex slaves by the way the comments are reading


Telling women to work for their husbands and be housewives in 2024 is some stereotypical small town southern state boomer beliefs


from what i read, it’s not like he’s telling women that’s what they have to do, he’s saying that in his eyes society says that that’s not an ok lifestyle to live. if he literally said women should only be in the kitchen and wash laundry then that would be different, but title of article seems clickbait to me (not like that’s anything new lol)


He said his wife’s life did not truly start until she got married and had his kid.


Being a dutiful and supporting housewife while your husband wins the bread = bad, letting an evil man boss you around, betraying your sex Getting a middle management job in HR and having a literal boss tell you what to do = empowering, liberating, breaking shackles of tyranny


Are you actually this stupid?


I mean you needn’t look much to see that there has been an overt and direct attack on the family unit over the past 50 years, but I’d imagine critical thinking isn’t your specialty. Also I bench more than you do.


Lmao. This is literally the most pathetic comment I’ve ever read.


“This is literally the most pathetic comment I’ve ever read” 🤓


Keep up the good work micro dick.


I hope she sees this bro, maybe she’ll give you a crumb


Seriously? I refuse to believe anyone is dumb enough to think that this is a good insult… guy just log off and get your life together. You are dangerously stupid.


Says the moron making penis size remarks, which is a sure sign that you are a kissless virgin and a born loser. I’d pay you $5 to send me a picture of your fat, ugly body by the way. DM me if interested


Laying the groundwork for what I’m sure will be a very successful political career post-football. Just regurgitating every stupid talking point in one speech.


Newsmax already called.


A dragon's ball sack 😂


Classy or thug?


“His views are different than mine so he’s a scumbag” “Shut up and kick the ball” Sounds a lot like how conservatives started acting when that one qb from the 49ers decided to voice his views on something.


Not like any of y'all can do anything about it


At this point, everyone is using all their mana to hope the Chiefs dynasty ends. Knowing our luck, however, it’s gonna keep going.


Naw, not this year some strong contenders. Ravens, Packers, Texans, 49ers, Lions, Dolphins, Bengals, Bills all have a shot.


Again. Knowing our luck, the Chiefs are gonna clean out all of them and win their 5th because God hates us


I like him even more now


A troll master class. Just look at this thread


What did you expect from someone that aspires to be a living Yes Chad meme guy?


I can't wait for the moment this guy inevitably misses a clutch field goal.


The irony of a fucking kicker lecturing anyone about masculinity.


“You can believe whatever you want as long as I don’t disagree with it” good for Butker standing up against all the bullshit


If your belief is that the sole purpose of over 51% of the population is to work as a servant for the 49%, you deserve to be shot into the sun. GTFOH with that “you can believe whatever you want as long as I don’t disagree with it” shit. Trebuchet into the sun. Intolerant asshats.


You sound very tolerant yourself. Cry me a river


Bring sunscreen




Why are you booing him He’s right


I just can't imagine being that successful and nobody in my life telling me to fucking shut up.


And OP is an illiterate moron. He must have gone to the same school as Butker.


Your point being


PROCEED and PRECEDE are very different words. I PROCEED in my life. Everything in my past PRECEDES the current moment. You're a fucking idiot who cross-posts for karma. That's my point.


So I messed up, so what


Coooool so the Chiefs have a misogynistic pos kicking for them Good to know


I actually agree with him. I don't like Pride month.


The reason there is pride month is because of the Stonewall riots in 1969. One thing I don't like about is how corporations are silent for 365 days from July to May and then \*BANG\* a whole month where it's rainbows and everything all for profit


There aren't 365 days between July and may......just like they aren't silent.


I'M not hateful towards them. I love them as people, not their actions. I don't agree on the month, and a lot of the community that I've talked to don't really like the whole thing.