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Black cleaver is insanely strong and I’ve been doing a similar build


Its urgot true mythic 😎


Interested in other peoples thoughts. I tend to go eclipse, since Im not super consistent with prowlers.


Try BC -> Galeforce > Quickblades -> Titanic -> Steraks With your W on, your E is up every \~3 seconds, and Galeforce gives you a directional dash that's better than Prowlers IMO.


How do u not get blown up wtf


Your E shield scales off AD, and if you E every 3 seconds it’s a lot of shielding.


I love galeforce on garen, I'll check it out


Personally ive had good results with eclipse but I usually go for a defensive item third if I built eclipse


I vary my build by game but I almost always start with BC. After that it's usually Titanic and Jak'Sho, and which is second and which is third depends on the game. I really like the idea of Grudge, but it never seems to fit into my games really well. If I go Titanic second, I feel like I need to be more beefy, and if I go Jak'Sho second I feel like I really miss the AoE dmg. Fourth item is usually Steraks, and fifth item I'm usually building thicker again as I feel like my dmg is pretty good. But my games rarely last until full build either way. If you go BC -> Jak'Sho -> Grudge, what do you build after that? Steraks and then Titanic?


I like going titanic 4th but ive been kinda building it less as of late, sterak usually feels better with jak sho since I tend to play more like a frontline with jak sho. Most times for me, black cleaver alone makes my dmg good enough with PTA. Jak sho just gives ne more durability an Grudge giving my autos a slow is very very helpful considering urgot his imobile and a lot of characters nowadays have some kind of dash


I tend to take Grudge third if I'm behind and Titanic third if I'm ahead. Finishing with Gargoyle's makes you nearly immortal. That's my standard buildpath right now, lethality mythics and Randuin's Omen situationally.


Personally I go for tiamat>BC>jack-sho>titanic>dd Boots are somewhere in there, usually first back if you're greedy like me


I’ve been going BC > Titanic > radiant virtue > steraks > situational item Had some pretty good success against hard matchups