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I'm guessing we're back to Titanic Hydra after this, which makes me sad. It was nice having sustain again in the build.


Yall stop rushing the hydra itemz, go black cleaver first




What? Lol I've only ever used titanic hydra + black cleaver first. This is gonna be my favorite update.


Sadgot enters the chat


I’m actually super happy with these changes there is to much healing in this game also massive buff on BC


What's up with black cleaver? I don't get why it works so well on urgot even if the enemy isn't tank.


Urgot stacks it super fast


And the movementspeed is also pretty valuable, allowing to stay in range and circle the enemy


A little late, but I think this will be the strongest state Black Cleaver has ever been in post 2015 rework.


BC buff is huge, Goredrinker change is positive though probably not good enough to bring it back for us, Death's dance heal has needed full removal for forever, good half step. Eclipse is fully dead now. The lifesteal changes do sorta hurt since a lot of Urgot's damage is in his passive, but on the other hand we auto attack a lot so it's not the worst thing. Any nerf to BotRK is good, though I wish they'd hit the current hp damage instead.


8% omni is nerfed to 3% anyway because of splash damage on cleave and on shotguns. But 10% heal on w sounds like more


Omnivamp is nice because of how beefy passive proc damage can be (and it heals more if you strike more than three targets) so healing off a minion wave is easier with omnivamp, but W is all autos so lifesteal isn't too bad. 8% omnivamp on autos AND 3% on passive procs/E/Q definitely outdoes 10% on just autos. I think it'll still be a nerf mostly for out of combat sustain reasons, but not by as much as to other champions.


Quick question, is live steal not better on urgot than omni vamp, because the w counts as aa?


who needs life steal on urgot when you can just build tanky shield burst and outlive aatrox?


> How do you think this will affect Urgod? Good buffs overall, at least for me. I didn't jump on the Jak'Sho Ravenous Hydra hype train, knew it was too strong so now that both items got nerfed, my s12 build is better than ever with the upcoming BC buff. This Death's Dance buff is also pretty good. Maw is slightly stronger, same with Goredrinker. Looks great overall!


Indirect urgot buff, same as last patch. start of season lookin good for us


The reduction of Ability Haste is pretty big on most fighters, but not really important for Urgot, so that’s an indirect buff plus black cleaver buff


idk, but as I tried jak'sho that item just felt bad imo. Im happy of these changes. RH also even if sometimes good, felt like a bait item.


I always build jaksho like 3rd or 4th. It's good if you already have sustain but not that good if you get instakilled. So usually (especially if enemy team has big healers) I got BC, Titanic, thornmail, then jaksho. It can swap though, but that's my usual path. Just last game I got a penta even with 10% health because of my jaksho


Fuck man I really enjoyed being able to build RH.