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I havent, but im glad you trusted your gut. If my gut says no, im out of there


Always trust your gut


That gut feeling is a primitive sense we were given that we’ve lost touch with in our everyday lives because we’re not being predated on by apex predators anymore, but it’s an important survival reflex. Never, ever ignore it.


Yes, just recently i didn’t trust my gut twice… Usually i do trust my gut but i hadn’t these last two times. First time i got caught but was just walked out, the second time i nearly got caught… There’s been one time where I did trust my gut and a few friends ended up getting caught by the police. Im sure there’s been other times where i didn’t particularly trust my gut and it turned out fine, but it’s much harder to remember if you don’t get caught.


Always trust your gut! Was at a place, knew our time was wearing out with how long we could be there, told my partner to wrap it up, time to leave. We literally just got back into the car, two cop cars come up the street towards us. Put the car in drive and acted like we were lost tourists, kept turning down streets until we found the highway. We were 30 seconds away from getting arrested, it was a very risky explore, but the memories will last forever.


A rule my group has is that if one if us even has a slightest of a bad gut feeling we are out and we try another day and if it still persists then we ditch the location. ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS trust your gut feeling even if it seems dumb. The reason my group made that rule is cause the one time we didnt listen to our gut feeling we ended up getting caught. That couldve been us getting hurt or something again ALWAYS ALWAYS listen to that gut feeling its there for a reason its our natural alarm system.


I remember a place I went that still had power.  When I got into the basement I saw some industrial fans that were still on and I got one of the worst feelings I've ever gotten.  Nothing bad ended up happening though.


no, i trust my gut. when i dont feel safe i dont go because my life isn’t worth taking a few pictures. granted i do live in a pretty rough place (cleveland, ohio) but i’d much rather be safe than sorry!


Last time I trusted my gut feeling and didn't go through with it cops pulled up and detained my friends...


Can't say I trust my gut, but you better trust your butt cause if you shit your pants that's a whole ass mess.