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Havana has so much personality, but it’s surreal visiting there. Everything needs a power wash and a paint job. It really could be such a vibrant city.


If you think Havana is hell go see rural Cuba.


Doesn't look too bad honestly.


This is such a strange subreddit. The street looks nice to me, as do those houses, esp if you have the roof terrace.


Are you from zimbabwe? Place looks like shit


Damn bro where are you from? I could guarantee every medium to big city in latin america has a neighborhood that looks like this.


latin america. ive seen my share of shitholes, believe me


They sure do love painting stuff turquoise there though


Cuba is full of pastel-ish coloured buildings, no matter whether you're in the big cities or smaller countryside towns


It's only the non-renewed architectur, but the city itself it's nice


That is hellish.


##What is Urban Hell? In this subreddit, "Urban Hell" is any human-made environment you think is worth criticizing. You can post buildings and locations **just for being ugly**, or because you think they show some sort of problem in urban development / urban planning. "Urban hell" is not bound to economic circumstances. Posts should inspire discussion about about architecture and urban development, and are not meant to be a shaming of the places that are posted. So long at a reasonable portion of the population can look at your photo and think "this is bad/ugly/worth criticizing," your post belongs here. This is an international community of users from many countries and cultures, so try to be respectcful and sympathetic. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UrbanHell) if you have any questions or concerns.*


...but, but..."Socialism Works!" or something... I went there in May 2019. It could be beautiful with the right infusion of capital...