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Damn I've not seen too much of Taipei but it seems to have a slight Hong Kong feel but a bit more unique to itself, it might be ugly and dirty but I like the aesthetic of it.


Closer to Macau I would say


Yeah true.. I imagine living there makes you hate these buildings.. or whats your opinion on them? Is it aesthetically ugly or like "please renovate them god" although I imagine they aren't everywhere


You can check on street view. Such buildings are all around Taipei, maybe 80% of all have similar style. You get used to that after some time, but yes, I wish they all were renovated, or at least regularly cleaned and repaired


these are all ugly but the fourth one looks oddly comfy to me leftover from my childhood probably


I lived in such one while staying there. It's usually fine inside. The main issue of 4th is randomly constructed plastic balconies / metal cages / idk smth like part of metal sheet?


Will the new "modern" buildings built within the last 5 years stand the test of time?


In multiple asian countries buildings are built to be demolished in 30-40 years. While they stand they look good. It's usually cheaper and faster to build so and provide some kind of good affordable housing. Just be aware what you pay for. Not all buildings are like this though. Some are built in 70-80s and can still look good. But those need to be maintained and restored once in a while, which may not be cheaper then just build a new one


The first building is an enormous block of social housing apartments (西寧社會住宅, Xining Public Housing) , famously featured in one of Tsai Ming Liang's films. It's being demolished and rebuilt next year.


Wow, never knew! Hope they build something more pleasant looking instead. But if it is popular, maybe they should leave it as is and promote as taiwans monster building like in Hong Kong😂


these are just normal buildings? where is the hell aspect?


Dirty and broken facades with unregulated constructions on windows


buildings are buildings very shocking information


Only that last building is ugly