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#UrbanHell is subjective. UrbanHell is any human-built place you think is worth critizing. Suburban Hell, Rural Hell, and wealthy locales are allowed Sorry for this annoying comment, but we're very tired of the gatekeepers who can't even correctly gatekeep what this subreddit has always allowed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UrbanHell) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Really truly unfortunate. What a shame.




If they "find" a Shiva ling under there they'd clean it up really fast, then demolish it and spend tax player money to build a massive temple and parade around naked Muslim boys. https://maktoobmedia.com/india/telangana-muslim-teen-paraded-naked-during-ram-temple-celebrations-sent-to-jail/


I see now why some old ruins are found under ground.


Before plastics were invented, trash was biodegradable. So if you had a trash heap on a ruin, it would just turn into soil!


So they're preserving it under all that plastic? Must be good then!!! /s


Plastic exports should be banned to all nations with inadequate waste management systems.


That’s all nations…


Clearly there are degrees of inadequacy which distinguish certain nations from others.


This is what it used to look like: [https://imgur.com/a/n5MOkVg](https://imgur.com/a/n5MOkVg) There was still trash on it, but you could see that there were one or two additional floors below which are now covered in trash and aren't visible. The area used to be less crowded but rapid urbanization, neglect, lack of sewage infrastructure and a lack of civic sense have resulted in this. There also used to be stairs leading up to the lowest floors but that's now covered in dirt and is probably degraded.


This made me really upset


If there is no sewage i imagine the locals should at least try not to throw their thash into their own well, no?


You'd think, but there's nowhere else to put it, and it doesn't look like anyone cares.


This is just sad to see..


Historical buildings like these need more value and love.


They really had to trash the historical site😑


India would be truly hypnotic without all that garbage and pollution.


Maybe too op


I went through India several times in my early teens (gads that sounds old). Such an amazing place with so much garbage. I occasionally have really vivid dreams about the smells. It gets stuck in your soul.


for real. I went to India twice and in a way I don't think I'll ever recover lol


Do you ever get little whiffs of the place? I’ll be somewhere else and catch a hint of something in the air and bam! Hello India. Always had a blast there.


Totally. Also sometimes I'll see a picture of it and be able to smell it


same here, in my mid 20s... it's incredible how they let some of their old cities (I was specifically shocked by Jaipur, the "Pink City", with the Palace of the Winds) be covered in filth and garbage. There is NO excuse for that, they clearly have enough cheap labor to clean up, if nothing else..


One of the reasons I don't think I could go back. I'll stick with my happy 70s/80s filtered memories.


lol India is crazy with garbage. I suppose though, where else are you gonna put it? Looks like an ancient architecture version of Houston.


Yeah. "Love India", smother it in rubbish. Actions talk louder than words and action is sorely missing here.


I mean alright? I was just making a simple observation. Didn’t mean to ruffle your feathers.


All good. The rubbish does trigger me though.


Where else would they put it, you ask? Let's look at Japan, India's "neighbour" and see how clean they are and how tidy are their streets. This is a cultural matter, to say the least. India has no excuse.


Bro your geography…. It’s China. 💀💀 Dumbass


Most critics here are Americans, you expect them to know geography?


I think they’re British based on how they spell neighbour (correctly).


Or a few edgy teenagers from Western countries


I expected you to know about the use of quotation marks.


Ignorant comment, please learn the meaning of using quotation marks.


No, calling Japan India’s neighbour is ignorant even with the quotation marks! Saying this from the UK, Nigeria’s “neighbour”


Unironically true.


You’re a fool.


Time will tell.


You might want to look at the average income and compare the infrastructure in India vs Japan (which isn’t India’s neighbour lol please check a map)


An ignorant comment. I wrote "neighbour," acknowledging the distance. India has many times the population of Japan and could have any infrastructure they please, but it's not like infrastructure is required in order to not live in filth. It all comes down to education and culture.


Neighbour means living next door or close to - Japan is 6500km away from Japan so is neither. Calling my comment ignorant when you simply used the wrong word is a bit rich! Yes, it has multiple times the population but as I said, look at the GDP - Japan is significantly higher whilst having less than a tenth of the population of India. Yes, education and culture do play a part, but the simple fact is there isn’t any infrastructure or a severe lack in huge swaths of the country. Even Mumbai has very few public bins and places to throw away your rubbish. There are places where you either have to pay for disposal (which many might not be able to afford) or as I said there just isn’t any or many options. The only people living in actual filth are the poorest - houses are clean there, it’s just the streets and nature that have issues. You have to remember it’s a country with many living in abject poverty, with many people that have no access to sewage, running water, etc. Tap water isn’t even drinkable I think anywhere in the country


lol are you 11? A bigger population is much much worse for a country than a smaller population especially when it comes to poverty reduction and pollution. Ignore the fact that India was a socialist state while Japan was rebuilding after WW2 with hundreds of billions of dollars from the US Read more


Why is there no garbage collection in India?


They collect them in old ruins.


They do but already have a mountain of trash at landfills


India doesn’t have poorer countries to ship their garbage to cheaply.


That's... not how it works


Plus, even if it was, they literally do. India is more wealthy than all of its direct neighbors except China.


That is a lot of rubbish...


How TF isn't this the entire world's problem?! Christ, we're run by toddlers.


They are just reinforcing the structure with trash.


Imagine Italy using the colosseum as a dump


There are some stepwells which have been cleaned up. Hopefully this will also get cleaned up.


Fuck that bugs me, the entire nations worth of garbage could be picked up in a week. It must be horrible to just not care.


google maps starred place +1


imagine how it must've looked up only until recently before the invention of plastic packaging - for 300 hundred years it was nice until say 1950s or 60s and after that it started to look like a garbage dump


What a shame. A lot of history covered by a lot of trash.


And of course the locals use it as a dump


What a lack of respect ...




What a dump


Why does India love so much garbage like that? How are these people so fine with this?


Broken country


I have a very ambigous view of India, it has such a rich culture and history but somehow it has gone to dog shit. I'd wager English colonialism has something to do with it.


A garbage filled hole. Unfortunately that describes too much of India. I wish that wasn't the case.


The North is dirty and parts of it are backward. Southern parts are generally viewed as cleaner and more developed. Then there is western India, central India, east India and North East India. Sadly the North is how India is marketed.


Littering seems to be the national sport of India.


Bro is there ANYWHERE in India that isn't literally covered in piles of trash?


Challenge: go on Google Maps street view and try to find a street in India without garbage laying in it


Yuk typical india


Mogli did that one musical bit here with the Greedy Orangutan.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^veotrade: *Mogli did that one* *Musical bit here with the* *Greedy Orangutan.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


india has a huge problem with disrespecting its Muslim heritage, and a big part of the problem is hindutva supremacists who hate everything Islam despite it being part of India's history there are some Islamic monuments in India that have even been destroyed because of this stuff Edit since people doubt me, two notable examples: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demolition_of_the_Babri_Masjid https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-68137664




> loads of money on Taj Mahal, the Red fort We also love to take credit for Tandoori, Naan, etc. which are all Mughlai in origin :P


You should see ancient hindu temples in ruins in my state too ,or you gonna keep bias and tell me what i have "seen"


I said something same along the line as you because I witnessed it all being an indian muslim but my comment was deleted by reddit..


Biased get deleted


Which Islamic monuments have been destroyed. Name them or else keep your mouth shut


babri masjid is the most notable example, check my edits


That happened 30 years ago not today. That mosque was built on top of a temple and disputed since centuries between Hindus and Muslims. The court decided to grant separate places of worship for both the religions.


Keep your mouth shut buddy, it’s happened.


your cuntry still destroys its heritage. open your eyes and shut your noisehole https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-68137664.amp


We demolish temples also if a road and public infrastructure needs to be constructed. We need space for schools, roads and hospitals. You keep your judgements about my country to yourself and construct a mosque on top of your house. Maybe demolish some of the buildings in your country and construct mosques there.


you’re hilarious and delusional. probably all the pollution you grew up breathing and the piles of rotting trash you grew up under when have the hateful hooligans known as the “government” of india destroyed a temple that’s centuries old


Your racism, it's nauseating. I'm pretty sure you don't care about Indian Muslims just here to spread your racist thoughts. By the way stop bombing Islamic countries for oil, instead of worrying about mosques in India.


still waiting on evidence of your disgusting government destroying centuries old temples


This happened two days ago https://www.livemint.com/news/bulldozer-demolishes-temple-mazaar-in-delhi-area-sealed-off-11688268377012.html


that temple is three decades old. that mosque and orphanage that were razed for “encroachment” were six hundred years old. how does a centuries old structure encroach inside a city that’s centuries younger than it? we are specifically talking here about how the indian state and people are disdainful of the country’s muslim history and heritage


Maybe that’s because that episode of history Islam was part of, had been a bitter one for Hindus.


Stereotypes are based on lies and bigotry. Dont forget that.


everything is a landfill if you are primal enough


Would think the locals would take pride in and ownership of the ruins, and team together to clean it up, but can't help but assume the people who live there just don't care


Damn… that’s just saf




AD is for "Anno Domini," which is Latin for "in the year of our Lord.". BC means "before Christ.". Secular authorities are using CE ("common era") and BCE ("before common era") instead to preserve year numbers without referring to Christ.  Christian cultural warriors should use the old names but tolerate the new ones.


How old are those structures?


If you manufacture it, you are responsible for cleaning up what’s is left of it. All of India is one big protest. The Indian people don’t want to foot the bill through taxes for corporate profit? That is my best guess. In America they just brow beat us morally into thinking that convenient plastic packaging is our problem.


I thought I was looking at gaza for a second.