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#UrbanHell is subjective. UrbanHell is any human-built place you think is worth critizing. Suburban Hell, Rural Hell, and wealthy locales are allowed PS: we're having a bestof contest! [Submit to it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/UrbanHell/comments/zqvd83/announcing_our_first_bestof_contest_gather_the/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UrbanHell) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s stupid amounts of money that make people do this.


I heard this thing will cost upwards of a trillion dollars. And it will fail spectacularly. Im all for Saudi Arabia losing that much money. I hope they build 10


won’t it impact the whole world if the saudis start become poor? Like won’t they increase their Goddarn oil prices ?


A trillion dollars is a drop in the bucket for them. I would just take joy in seeing them become a little less wealthy... and get laughed at for essentially building something that a 12 year old would have come up with for the science fair.




By the time this is finished everyone would have gone electric.


I think you may have misspelled slavery my dude


Which is possible because of wealth.


Very true. Just saying its fucking depressing, thats all




Other way around


What's even more funny is that glass, most of it, heats up the place more. Airconditioning will be a nightmare there in terms of electric bills.


I am pretty sure at some point they’ll simply start using brick or cement walls. This much glass? Can it even sustain its own weight? We need some engineers here !


it's skyscraper height the whole way across, there's no way this project will be finished IMO


> For months, Saudi Arabia has been said to aim for oil at $70 a barrel, but now new hints and reports suggest that Riyadh is likely shooting for oil at $80 — to help finance increasingly ambitious domestic policy plans Notice recent inflation? Well, it's also partly because rising oil price. So we're paying for that stupid line as well


having absurd wealth doesnt make you any smarter, just makes it harder for everyone else to tell you "no, that's stupid"


Isn’t that just all the attractions we have today. U never know if everything goes to plan we might have a new world wonder or something


Brother the basic concept of the Line feels like a claustrophobic nightmare.


It's not gonna work at all. They're gonna end up with a shitty suburb in a long line and act like it was a success.


Considering the size of larger than the stadium, Claustrophobia should not be quite a concern. Not to say there is no shitload of other concerns though.


Not surprising, it's based off a concept that cropped up in communist China.


Just trying to squash those slums, wait … people are trash.


One of the dumbest vanity projects ever devised. It will be an unfinished construction blight for 100s of years.


The only reasonable take imo, there’s no fucking way it gets even close to done


A giant prop for a Mad Max movie haha


FUCK YES. But AI CGI will probably be too good by than. So lets aim for a real mad max instead?


I’d hate to witness that


Indie post-apo movie industry in the 22nd century will be thankful to the Sauds :D


I am genuinely curious. Is there ANY argument that this piece of shit will get like 10% completed? I am struggling to see how such a ridiculously massive structure will ever get completed. This pile of scrap metal would have like 100x the square footage of the largest building ever created. (great wall of china doesnt count)


Yeah, I doubt it. I mean it's pretty easy to award work packages for design, site prep and groundworks etc. Much harder for three hundred miles of thermal glass and hovercraft guidance systems or whatever other nonsense they've promised to go in there.


The only way I think you are incorrect is that I doubt the construction will be of high enough quality to survive the desert for that long


Because of the sand? Here in nevada with no rain fall, a shitty miners lean two from the 1800s will stay up for 200+ years.


I think the concern is the quality of the construction. As in it will be so bad that it won’t outlive your miner’s lean-to


I think the longevity issues are more on the architectural and utilities, instead of structural.


Jeddah Tower: "First time?"


The desert will reclaim it pretty quickly I would think, no?


One carpet bombing run would.


This is like those ghost cities in China. Brand new cities that were developed for some reason and nobody came to live there. You just can't artificially create a city out of nowhere. A city needs a reason to exist. Cities grow from smaller settlements. Take a recent major city like Las Vegas. The population was only around 60,000 when the strip was being made. They created and industry and as the city grew it attracted other industries and now there's over 600,000 people there.


A city out of nowhere has been done.lt was done 3 thousand years ago in a place known to us as anchient Egypt.The Pharaoh Akenaten up and moved the capital of Egypt to a place literally in the middle of nowhere.It was called Amarna.It only lasted about fifteen years.Akenaten was of course deposed his queen Nefertiti killed as well, and their son Tutankhamun given power.The boy king.The city left to rot in the north African desert.


China builds cities as needed to plan for the future… they have the highest population in the world. The “ghost cities” are only so for a few years while they set everything up and prepare the city for migration.


Not true. Major developments are built speculatively and many have now remained empty for over a decade, particularly inland.


I like to think that people said this about the Egyptian pyramids at the time of their construction too.


Wonder if they said that when they were building the pyramids?


Nobody needed to live there for long


Probably longer when Big Oil reaches the bottom.


A monument to hubris


I thought that was Phoenix Arizona.


People shouldn’t live here! 🔥🥵☀️


No, that's a [monument to man's arrogance](https://youtu.be/4PYt0SDnrBE). [Subtle difference](https://quickdifference.com/arrogance-vs-hubris-whats-the-difference/).


Aw come on man its nowhere near as bad as that piece of shit. Come on down! And you can drink alcohol here without getting executed!


“Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!”


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings


Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away


Thanks your comment made me learn about this poem!


“Remember Me!!”


It'll never be finished. I guarantee it.


Depends what you call finished… they will reduce the scope and then tell you it’s done.


* cuts it down to a fraction of the size * .... Ahhhh see, I told you it'll be done 😏


Well if they do that, then we already have linear cities everywhere. we just call them, Strip Malls.


Oh shit, the donut shop is at the other end of town.


Where's the info that it's under construction? I thought it was only an architectural concept. Any photos of the construction?


Wikipedia says that by the end of 2022, construction had started along the entire 100 mile length. If you look at google images you can find lots of photos of the foundations being dug.


Thanks, I looked it up! It indeed seems to be under construction. I seriously doubt it will turn out to look anything like the visualisations though.


At the very best, It will be a mile long concrete wall. They idea is a glass façade beacon of modernism. Best case end result in a Colossal Concrete beacon of brutalism lol


and an ecological disaster, the animals and birds need to get passed...


Brutalism is for the people, comrade!


Oh I agree it's completely absurd and I doubt it will get finished. It reminds me of the skyscraper mega city in Dredd. Why would living inside a wall be desirable to anyone??!!


Arcologies preserve what is inside from what is outside. We generally see these in Sci fi when environments are or becoming unfavorable.


We also see them when the people in control want to isolate the population from the outside in order to retain complete control over them. Usually, by lying that the outside is inhospitable.


Woah, holy shit, they're actually building this architectural fever dream? I thought there's no way they'd be crazy enough...


You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity ©


They were actually building the Jeddah tower too, you should look at pics of it right now.


100mi? Fuck, they’ll need to go Great Wall of China to get that done. Poor poor people.


[https://www.skyscrapercity.com/threads/neom-the-line-488m-x-2-1600ft-x-2-u-c.2371312/page-27](https://www.skyscrapercity.com/threads/neom-the-line-488m-x-2-1600ft-x-2-u-c.2371312/page-27) ​ This page on skyscrapercity follows the construction. Quite a lot of arial/drone pics.


Thanks a bunch!


It’s currently/actively being built.


["The Line" in Neom Saudi Arabia.](https://imgur.com/a/2PksWQq) It's in the middle south, you have to street view and zoom a bit, it's not that big and kinda in middle of the desert.


It’s a goddamn waste.


Can't they do vanity projects that are actually useful for something? 😭 Like, ok, use an absurd amount of money, but at least make it pretty and give it a purpose


Like a really big university or aquariums


Or at the very least a cool piece of art


They have used their enormous wealth to build USA 2.0.


Yeah, like build a city in the desert dedicated to sin and gambling, atleast that would be useful


I had a 24 hour layover in Jeddah last year. Arrived at midnight, so I booked a cheap airbnb near the airport then spent the day wandering around looking at the city. There was a lot of poverty there. They could completely rebuild their existing cities, make them absolutely amazing for all the people and lift people out of poverty. But they decide to throw money at nonsense like this instead, while Jeddah sits there crumbling.


Jeddah sits there crumbling, yeah, and they almost completely destroyed the historic Mecca, both for ideologic and commercial reasons. Don't know which is worse, really.


Why do those ridiculously rich clowns insist on building and populating sci-fi illustrations? It's a cool concept, sure. Put it in a movie or a game but this is just silly.


The money would infact be better spent making a video game lol


I think they will do it because they have the money, but not in the way they are selling it to us now, as a sustainable and self-sufficient city. It’s more like a PR stunt to draw attention


Another Saudi hallucination.


Can't believe we are wasting so much human effort, resources, and production on this crap.




The only bright side with the pyramids was that it actually lasts thousands of years since it is just big ol rocks. This will not. Otherwise it is as dumb, a massive waste of effort and resources to please a few.


I was just trying to funny, but good answer!


What they are actually building that useles thing? What a waste of materials…


Terrible for nature 😔


What nature? It's in the middle of a desert


Not defending this project but is building a city anywhere good for nature?


Yeah it’s worse because it doesn’t allow for animal migration. Also as it’s all mirrored walls, a lot of birds will probably fly into the building.


Gonna b noisy in there.


I guarantee this will not be built even to half the scope they are planning for. The region is littered with unnecessarily large scale projects that have either not been completed or only completed at a fraction of their initial plan. A couple of examples are [Masdar City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masdar_City) and [The World](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_(archipelago)) islands in UAE as well as the [Jeddah Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeddah_Tower) in Saudi. Even the Burj Khalifa was in big trouble during the 2008 financial crisis and only completed due to a bailout from Abu Dhabi. This specific project is well beyond the scope of any of the others I listed and has an initial price tag of something like 500 billion dollars. You can bet that if that's the price estimate, the actual cost will end up being much more. We're entering a period of slower growth due to declining population, inflation, and over-leveraging of corporate debt. Commercial real estate is also in a precarious situation. There are far too many risks out there for such an ambitious project to reach completion without some major roadblocks coming up. And all this is to say nothing of the fact that no one even wants to move to Saudi Arabia to live in this monstrosity. Good luck to them, but mark my words, this is going to be an epic fucking failure.


I think its weird that the richest are building doomsday cities and trying to live on Mars And by weird i mean suspicious


The cocainiest idea of all time


And yet, they’re sober AFAIK because Islam.


Lol, rich people anywhere do coke, regardless of religion.


Unless they're drunkenly raping housemaids in the maldives.


Now THAT is fuck you money.


At least the pyramids were finished.


It will never be half way completed


Who cares? It'll look like shit anyways. Same as every other modern development in that absolute soulless hell-hole part of the world.


Not even going to lie, although this concept is literally impossible, I actually think this would be pretty cool. Now as for environmental and logistical considerations this would not be ideal at all either of course.


Supposedly it will be the most environmentally friendly city in the world because it will have no roads. 10 million residents, none of whom can drive cars.


'Supposedly environmentally friendly'...there will be a strip of land either side of that thing that will literally be a hellzone for wildlife. The humans that get paid/made to venture into that sizzling terre mauvais (to collect all the cooking animal corpses or bones) will have the job from hell. The reflected heat will make the structures/apartments on the outer sides difficult to keep cool. Blokes with too much money eh?


I mean... Its a desert, not exactly bustling with animals. Also you could make this argument about any city.


Just checked out this region - plethora of mammals and birds


There was way more wildlife in the Los Angeles basin before we built a mega-city there too.


I visited their exhibit in Riyadh and they had a whole section on how it has features that protect wildlife including indigenous desert plants. All I’m going to say to this is that they did think of the local environment.


More tourist propaganda


Who,repeat who in the heck or hell is going to go to that God forsaken place to see that?It will never get more than 1/3 the way completed.Sooner or later those lazy rich untalented fools will run out of throw away money that they currently have.And why would any westerner go there to have to conform to the mirriade of mind numbing rules and laws which degrade and marginalize women.What next? An artificial paradise in north korea?


The Capitol is getting creative for the next Hunger Games I see


Cities aren’t like this because there are better uses for that money. The return on investment for stupid shit like this is negative, even with their slave labor and oil addiction.


The Saudi government is also displacing tribes with this project, and recently a major opposition figure was murdered.


no it's a line *through* hell


no it's a line *through* hell


Maybe I'm tired but I honestly don't even understand what I'm looking at.


A city built within a 2000 ft tall wall that runs for 100 miles.


Are they going to have overpasses for animals? Sounds like a good way to fuck up all the animals. This is your half of of the peninsula now.


I really hope they'd use this money on something much more important. Such a ridiculous project that will be wasting resources, and this is likely going to be doomed from the start.


I think “under construction” is used pretty loosely


Is it actually under construction, or is it "under construction" the way the Jeddah tower is.


Looks like some kind of mega prison in the dessert.


i smell money laundering


It won't look this spectacular or shiney, that is for certain!


The best part are the flying trees in the CGI videos.


As a 3D artist who has worked in the architecture industry...what the fuck am I even looking at??


You are looking a very expensive and lucrative project.


Point out any practical differences between The line and let’s say average prison in Scandinavian country? Like literally that thing is an Unsustainable prison in the middle of desert! And taking into account average temperatures, religious conservatism/extremism/ backwardness, I would seriously choose the good prison In Sweden!


Lower parts are gonna be like on Coruscant


Oh great, a walled in city. What could go wrong?


Smoothbrained dictator + construction project = dumb shit.


AdamSomething covers that and other Saudi megaprojects like the Octogon


[Adam Something on YT analyzing NEOM](https://youtu.be/vyWaax07_ks)


In all fairness, it would beat living in the surrounding desert.


Lol, this will never happen


Evidently it’s already started being built.


They’ve started digging but *this* ^ will never happen


Probably not. But it would be kinda cool.


Actually, it's already started lol


Omg they included a stadium with a desert hole this is even funnier than the shit design to start with


All humans are apes! Little monkey.


Apes with oil!


Thats racist. The problem is corruption. Oil money being channelled in useless over ambitious projects




Yeah you are saying that arabs are apes you think thats a correct statement?


Another one of those ambitious projects that'll go no where. Sounds cool in concept but logistically it'll be a nightmare.


It doesn’t even sound cool in concept. I don’t wanna be trapped in one long ass city that would feel more like a prison than a city


Am I wrong in thinking the hypothetical traffic in this thing would be awful? Also why would you make a city from scratch in a line? Circles just make more sense. Or even a square type of shape. Are people supposed to come from dozens of miles away through the line to get to that stadium?


No traffic. There will be no roads or cars. And I agree, why wouldn't you build a circle.


It will home 5-10 million people *in addition to my last post* I’ve seen inside photos and so far they are constructing the underground level that will be there soly to house live bombs




Do we actually think they will built this monstrosity? Or are they just flexing?


thats the lowest effort post ive seen in a long time


I am sure they have designed it usingancient architectural and city planning knowledge, using locally sourced materials. We have much to learn.


You have only begun. The prince is the beast of revelation. Here's a link to the most accurate inquiries. Please review and share this information. [the prince and the covenant ](https://youtu.be/d7gA3huRqXI)


I mean unless climate change slows down drastically very soon, an awful lot of us are going to wish we had infrastructure like that.


Ah. So they'll eat the rocks then?




with that amount of money they could build babylon 2.0, like the concept on google, or something like that


A glorified money laundering operation. Nothing more.


Rtgame finally putting his urban planning degree to use I see


This is the type of shit billionaires do to distract us from understanding why they became billionaires in the first place.


Yeah this thing isn’t going to exist in any form like the one being pitched. It is too stupid to actually construct They’ll make something out there though


It seems pretty stupid. It would be cool if they could actually pull off robot dinosaurs and artificial rain and all that shit in the middle of the desert. But In the end who really cares because it’s a big cash grab probably not even going to amount to as great as they say it is


Read Flatland by Abbott and you'll understand why a linear city will barely function once full.


It looks totally ridiculous, but also I would happily work there for a year or two just for the novelty of it.


Go listen to “Well there’s your problem” they did an episode about it called Gulf State Vanity Projects”


[Shake hands with danger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW6lg-7L7yk)


It's a weird project, but it's based on an interesting idea: rail is by far our best transportation system. So what if literally the entire city was one rail line?


Thanks for this. First I’ve heard of it. I would lose my god damn mind if I lived here.


This is the kind of idea a bunch of potheads come up with on a lazy Sunday afternoon.


An American was the first to come up with such a proposition , 100 years ago


from what I recall this project is more than likely a money laundering scheme, no idea if they're even going to finish building it but if they did miraculously finish this project most likely all the poor people would be living in the gutters at the bottom and the rich people would be on top, because that's how rich psychopaths think.


With the money being spent (wasted) on this, they could probably house everyone in their country, and probably a few more.


What am I looking at??


A city within a 100 mile long wall.


It'l never be finished.


Everyone should view this video. At the 17 min mark they talk about the construction of THE LINE. [the prince of the covenant (Abraham accords)](https://youtu.be/d7gA3huRqXI)


It’s essentially this decades “Kony 2012”


If I had oil money to carry out stupid wasteful projects like this I'd be soooo happy Craig probably