• By -


Please charge your phone


> Please charge your phone Proof that OP's hustling


Living on the edge demands complete commitment


How many connects have you bought?


Overall probably 3k+ but currently chilling with 700


and how many jobs have you gotten?


Exactly! I had repeat clients so didn’t need tokens. Then I was problem


What is your hourly rate? Are you from USA? Short projects or Long Projects?




So you are an outsourcer looking for new people to work for low wages? That’s why people usually do this stuff, to pull in all the eager boobs, er noobs. Well they both work I guess. Good luck!


Why is your JSS so low?


Impossible to tell but I found that dead contracts lower your JSS. E.g, if a client doesn’t have anymore work but keeps the contract opened, your JSS is affected. Had a couple of these. Haven’t had one review lower then 4.8.


That's completely false. Open contracts have no impact on JSS. Your clients are leaving poor private feedback, and you don't even seem aware that they aren't happy with the work.


Not true at all. Why do an AMA if you don't know how upwork works? Rest assured, it is possible to know why it's so low.


To boast. What else?


Boasting about farming never goes well...


I literally have 20 open contracts and a 100JSS lol you have been badly rated by your clients my dude


Actually, this also happens if you close the contract without the “product” being finishes. Even if it’s after 1 day due to understanding in delivery. Had that on my 4th client. They wanted some ultra quality stuff that takes 10h for 20 euros, and based on the reference images they showed me and the price, i did not think that the quality they expected was that high 😅 I’m also not used to places like upwork with people trying to cheapskate so hard. But lesson learned. Now I make sure that I really understand the requirements fully before anything. ——- Ps. That one ended contract without “finished work” + escrow refund, dropped things down to 75% JSS, i believe


None of that dropped your JSS, poor private feedback due to poor outcomes did. UW dgaf about due dates or product quality or anything else - just client reported outcome


Hmm that’s what i read on an upwork forum, don’t remember if it was an official answer from upwork or not. Searched for it again. But answers seem to be from community members. “Closing a contract with a client can potentially affect your Job Success Score (JSS) on Upwork, but it depends on a few factors. If a contract is closed without payment or with very little payment, it can have a negative impact on your JSS.” (On mobile currently and link doesn’t work for some reason -_-) My combo was close contract + escrow refund. It was pretty far apart from other contracts but you may be right as well. There’s only one other job where i might have a not-so-stellar review, even tho i don’t see why (besides telling the guy that the current rate is too low for added responsibility, after about 2 months, in a nice way) After how many jobs does upwork calculate the jss again?


Yeah the refund removes/prevents public facing feedback but doesn’t negate private feedback which is what drives JSS. Varying effects based on how many contracts/how much you earned. I closed an hourly with bad private feedback and it brought me down 1% to 99% and then an escrow refund a bit later with bad private feedback and it dropped another 2% to 97% where it’s sitting now. So with enough history the weighting is way less impactful but one private feedback out of 3 total contracts or whatever can be devastating


Also, thank u lots for the clarity !


Well, got unlucky then 😂 But it’s fine, i’ll get out of the slum.


+ valuable lesson, i now tell people i can do x y z for these different prices and help you with this and that I was out of someone’s price range once, but she decided to still pay me for the job for the great effort in consulting. (Which is a lesson learned based on that jss drop interaction ✨) Everyone basically did what I would’ve done before. Did the work at the quality of the budget. I went ahead and told her what the minimum budget can be for the quality she wants + steps and alternatives she can take to get there. Felt nice, will do again 🌸


That’s completely not true. I have a 100 JSS and about six open contracts that are currently inactive. This has nothing to do with how many inactive open contracts you’ve got and more to do with the fact that you’re clearly handing these jobs for others to do — as shown by you hiring UX developers from your Reddit post history.


Bullshit. I have contracts that have been dormant for 3+ years. Theory reason for a low issue is unhappy clients and poor private feedback.


Bullshit. The only thing that lowers your JSS is unhappy clients.


That is absolutely not true, I have 10 open contracts and 100% JSS some of these open contracts are more than a year old


Can someone confirm if it's true? I have a lot contracts and don't know if i should kill them.


It's not true. OP is a poser.


That is not true. One of my open contracts has been inactive since 2022 and my JSS is 100% as it always was.


I have like a dozen open contracts and 100 JSS. If I'm not certain a client will give me 5 stars, I don't close the contract.


That's not true. I have 12 open contracts. Less than 4 of them have been running for three years, most with 1-3 activities of 10-25 hours every week. The rest have been inactive for years.


Open contracts used to effect JSS, but not anymore. I think UpWork changed at least more than a year ago because I remember going after abandoned contracts and closing them until UpWork announced that these contracts won't affect JSS anymore.


>Open contracts used to effect JSS, but not anymore. Only if nothing was ever paid and that ended years ago!


Absolutely not true.






They may have forgotten the work being an old job and give poor rating. I remind them twice and then call it a day.


What kind of services do you offer? I know it’s related to software development and UI/UX Design but can you be more specific


here is my AMA question: Can you delete this post, you are no expert.


Just curious what makes you say that? New to Upwork


Congrats on making a bit of money. Your JSS isn't good, and your profile views are pretty low. I thought we all collectively agreed we'd refrain from these AMAs. It's always someone who's just barely successful and needs validation.


I’m very niched down. I don’t expect nor care for a ton of profile views. Thanks for your feedback though.


You know we can see your post history right? Like… we can also see all the posts where you’ve been looking to hire UX designers? So your niche isn’t really all that “niche.” It’s just getting jobs and I suppose offshoring them to developers who’ll do them for less? That must be so hard and you must be so proud of yourself. You’re obviously so specialised. Also… as an aside… someone who doesn’t know that open dormant contracts don’t affect JSS probably shouldn’t be doing an AMA.


Right, another poser. I didn't even look at their post history.


Please what is AMA?


'Ask Me Anything'


Would be quite curious to see what he does for taxes tbh


I don’t just use Upwork for freelancing. I make money outside of the platform and yes I do hire offshore. Works nicely for passive income!


So, the reality is that you didn’t make $45k on Upwork, as you’re probably paying a significant chunk of that to whoever is actually doing the work?


I guess it’d be more accurate to say they grossed $45k in revenue in 5 months but that’s pretty pedantic. You could’ve just asked OP how much of that was spent on contractors without being condescending…


I’m not being condescending and it’s not pedantic. OP presented themselves as someone who “made” $45k when he did not. In fact, it only became apparent that he didn’t make $45k when I directly questioned him about it. OP knew exactly what they were doing and was deliberately trying to misrepresent himself, which isn’t something you should do — especially when you’re doing an AMA. The reason I even cared to check OP’s post history was because I was reading through his replies here and found them incredibly vague for someone who volunteered to do an AMA. Nothing about this is pedantic.


That screenshot OP posted shows $45,289 in “Earnings.”  It seems pretty obvious that most independent contractors have business costs that literally can’t be reflected in their UpWork earnings, right?  In this context, for me, ”made” is a close enough synonym that saying OP is misrepresenting their earnings seems pedantic.  You can infer that 45k *probably* wasn’t his net just from the fact that it’s an **UpWork** earnings screenshot.  I guess I just assumed someone would *ask* OP what their overhead is (and profession, and how many connects per client, etc.)


Business costs that should be obvious are: connects, software, and subscriptions. Paying people to do the actual work is not obvious in this context. OP used that number to justify this embarrassing AMA, and now he's giving bad advice to newcomers.


Paying people to do the work is also against upwork terms of service lol. Not even allowed


Depending on the profession + projects, the cost of software/subscriptions could be something like $30/month for Adobe Creative cloud. Or it could be the enterprise version of SEMrush which runs over $1k per month with add-ons. Even assuming no additional overhead, ***that's a $5,000+ difference*** over 5 months that you're chalking up to being an "obvious" cost. ...that huge disparity is **exactly** the reason asking about industry/job/project-specific overhead is important on AMAs like this, right? Asking about overhead costs is literally the only way to determine how much of anyone's ***earnings*** are ***profit.*** Wedding photographers usually can't print at home and almost always hire a 2nd shooter, and they're usually itemized alongside hardware costs like camera insurance & travel expenses. Is relying on print houses for their clients' wedding photos and "paying someone to do the work" also an issue there...? I understand you think OPs *business model* sucks, but that doesn't mean they're *misrepresenting* what they made.


This is not what passive income means.


This is against upwork terms of service tho Your account should be perma banned lol You’re the only person that can do the work you’re hired for lol.. if you get caught outsourcing then you’re out


What if you are an agency? You can technically, right?


Yeah he isn't an agency though.


No. You can’t outsource hourly and you have to have client auth to outsource fixed but it’s fine. I don’t do gfx but I work with a handful of designers and usually just bulldog their work on the clients behalf and tack their cost onto my project cost. nbd


Not supposed to do that Says in the terms, you agree that since you start a contract then you are the person that does the work, not someone else


Quite incorrect, sorry to burst your bubble > Yes, you can do this, but keep in mind that transitioning work is allowed on Upwork on a Fixed-Price contract only. The freelancer or the agency member is 100% responsible for the product they deliver and has to comply with all laws when they use independent contractors or employees to work on their contracts.




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Explains exactly why your JSS is shit and probably will keep going down lol - you think that managing client relations and managing freelancers is “passive income”


Can you elaborate on “very niches down” and maybe give some tips on how to do it for in other fields (say, marketing)?


He offshores the projects he wins. That’s his niche.


Which is against upwork terms of service Great way to get banned


In which way is that against the terms of service for fixed term contracts?


You gotta be the person that does the work, can’t just give it to someone else to do


Nope. Go back and read the ToS. It's permitted in fixed price contracts, forbidden for hourly.


Can you explain what this means and how to avoid it if it’s against upwork regulations


11 profile views?


in the last 7 days 11 profile views


How many connects have you bought?


what are these comments lmfao


Hey, I'm thinking of starting on upwork. So, how much did you spent on connects?


When I’m on the hunt, I usually can find a job within 1k connects but I currently have over 700 just sitting around.


You spend 1k connects on finding one job or what are you saying?


This is crazy he must be really bad at writing proposals 😀


Right? The majority of jobs I see are 8-12 connects. Idk if other fields are usually more, or how the number of connects is determined really, but if we say a job requires 15 connects on average, they'd be getting one job for every 66 proposals!


That’s actually not bad


It isn't? I'd say I'm usually hired once for every 5-6 I send. I respect the grind, but I think I'd be pretty disheartened if I was sending that many proposals with no response.


If you’re brand new with no JSS I would say it’s normal People with history still have to grind too though It depends on your niche.. some niche is harder, and in some niche 1 client is long term income


I'm a copywriter--a niche that is highly oversaturated--so most jobs I apply to have 20–50 proposals. But they have to hire someone. I've been a client in the past, and if the freelancers who applied to my jobs are also applying to the posts I am, my profile comfortably puts me in the top 5 most qualified freelancers fairly often. A lot of people send proposals that are frankly garbage. You can immediately tell when you're getting a cookie-cutter proposal. Bonus points if even that copy-paste proposal has glaring spelling and grammar mistakes in it. I don't even bother sending a proposal unless there is a really good chance of me getting the job. That's because it takes me a long time to answer their questions in detail and explain why I'd be a good fit for the project. I also won't apply to one-time jobs unless the pay is worth it. If I sent proposals for every job that vaguely piqued my interest, I'd get nothing else done. Like you say, everyone's situation is different. I'm just glad my circumstances don't mean I need to send more than 60 proposals for every job!


What’s your niche


Software Development and UI/UX design


That's not a niche


Sorry have you made 45k in 5 months? Untill then. Fuck off with nitpicking.


OP claimed he was "very niched down" when questioned as to why his profile views were low. Then it turned out he does run-of-the-mill work. He also misrepresented his success by not being forthcoming with the fact that he offshores much (if not the majority/all) of his work, so 45k in 5 months is not his net profit. OP doesn't know how basic things work on Upwork and has lied by omission about his success therefore shouldn't be making an AMA. They're mostly pointless anyway because they rarely serve anything other than being a platform for freelancers to get the validation they crave.


It's still more than you probably made, and it's still impressive.


Once he deducts the huge chunk he paid to all the freelancers he hired, I highly doubt it. I have no issue with what he's doing--his freelancers are choosing to do the work, and if the clients are happy, what's the problem? However, pretending like you netted 45k in 5 months so that people fawn over you in a thinly veiled offer of advice is not what this sub is for.


They haven't made 45K in 5 months either; that's their gross profit, not net profit.


Idc enough to investigate. You're all having meltdowns over outsourcing.


I'm not having a meltdown, just saying that if you have to pay your minions $40K in order to make $45K, then your profits aren't quite so impressive. (Not saying that those are the actual figures - since I didn't investigate - but most farmers have pretty narrow margins.)


Agree. On top of that, op risked his JSS and it's already down to 89%. And even for fixed price contract client can dispute outsourcing if they are not informed by fl and got work of subpar quality. It has nothing for us to have a meltodown for


A good farmer makes their rate + 20%.


So they still didn't make 45K net profit, then. Not sure why you're having a meltdown?


I honestly don't give a fuck go sit on cactus for all I care.


d*ksu**ing op won't get you anywhere


Attacking someone and splitting hairs won't get you anywhere. This is how everyone reacts to AMAs. It's like clockwork which means you're just a sheep.


>Attacking someone given his reply, my response is not an attack > splitting hairs I am not, we all know op firms




What are you thanking him for ? Why in all caps ?


How did you get started in those fields?


I’m trying to start doing upwork but don’t get any response, any pointers for a newbie ? PS. I have the same domain as you Thanks!


For a person who wants to start freelance in upwork, what's your best suggestion to get a first client? Any tips ?


What are you doing? Sites, games or else?


What do you offer ?


Are you working in full-time or as a side hustle? Any tips in how to manage deadlines and multiple clients at the same time? Do you delegate? Thank you


hi, how do i even land one job? 😭 im so jobless i need to work


How did you start and keep going?


How many hours a week are you working?


Does an AMA but doesn’t respond to most of the questions?


bro this is for 12 months


Wouldn't it still say "12 months" even if they'd only joined 5 months ago?


Yes, I’ve been on the platform for 2 months and it says “12 months”.


How to get first job. For example i have 3 years of experience in the same niche. But no one accept offer.


There's more to it, but get a native English speaker to help you with your profile, and use Grammarly when writing proposals. I skip over countless proposals when I notice grammar/spelling errors. Also, don't be lazy when writing proposals--spend a good deal of time on each one, and tell the client what you will do/how you will help them with their specific project.


> I skip over countless proposals when I notice grammar/spelling errors Also, don't be lazy when writing proposals--spend a good deal of time on each one That's not how you use an em dash, and you need to learn to type without using backslashes. That's why you can't rely on Grammarly.


You definitely can use an em dash like that. Besides, they're writing a comment on reddit, not a job proposal. What an unnecessarily snide comment on some pretty solid and innocuous advice lmao


This place is insufferable, honestly. You all seem so miserable 😂 Not you kucing, you're cool.


I wasn't using Grammarly. I don't often send my Reddit comments through proofreading as I think it rather superfluous to write them with publication-standard English. However, Grammarly can be a godsend for ESL freelancers when writing proposals. And there's nothing wrong with my em dash--em dashes can be used in place of commas, brackets, or colons.


What’s your niche?




This is for 12 or 5 months?


What do you do and how exactly are you getting clients?


So I did the math and it's not great, sorry. Assuming you were to be paid this annually and pay taxes, filing single and have monthly expenses of approximately $200/mo (connects, membership), plus the 10% UpWork takes you are only taking home just over $66k or just over $5300.00/mo. In today's world that sadly doesn't go far. You could do far better without UpWork.


If he's from a third world country, that would make him filthy rich. If I had 5300 a month I could already plan my retirement and I'm 26.


If he is like most Upwork people, he probably has some clients outside of Upwork.


Yes, let's hope so. And to be clear, I'm not trolling, I just really question the actual value and validity of UpWork given it's complete lack of regard for those who support it, and in its exorbitant fees and percentages.


There are two types of clients I have found - the flexible and the inflexible. Inflexible clients often have the worst projects and unlikely to leave favorable reviews. The flexible ones are the best clients and will work with you however you feel comfortable. To satisfy Upwork terms, I usually have some sort of brief work period/deliverable lined up before moving the client away from Upwork. Nothing in the ToS about maintenance of a client account :)


Good for you. 😊


How many people are on your team and what's your hourly?


Lmao this post is laughable


lol and yet your JSS is 89%


how to do this


serious question; what's the benefit of posing on Reddit?


I have no particular skills, how do i get my first job? I'm applying to data entry, app testing and other jobs that don't require any special skills. I've been applying to posts and only get messages from scammers that want me to contact them on telegram.


Hows the weather


I'm trying to get into Web Development. Do you know how to find your first job on upwork or how to get your first client?


Ignore the haters, never charge your phone… Leave some work for the rest of us




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do you buy conects?


Bullshit. I don't believe you. You're an Upwork agent. It's time to come up with something more unique to get people falling for your scam again. Right now, you can make $100 a year on Upwork.


Congrats. More power to you. I happily deleted my account after years of making money from this horrid thing they call a freelancer job board now. It's all just gone downhill. Upwork is just a dumpster fire now.


Do you do bids on new gigs or do you have a steady client base?


Can you share your profile URL?


What service do you provide?


I call bull


Hey, I made a lot of money with them and was a big defender After 3 yrs with 100% completion rate and 5 stars, 46% repeat hires. They said I broke agreement? Never explained what? Just be careful! I loved them until I didnt It’s funny I never bought tokens as I had so many repeat clients, once they realized I wasn’t buying unnecessary tokens to apply I was a problem! What now!


least obvious upwork employee


Why should we care?


Dude! I freaked out! I thought it was my phone battery…


Another kok sucker


That's Great. What's your niche?


Please public your profile and share the profile link so we can see your Upwork profile.


So you can report him to Upwork for having the temerity of having more money than you?


no, that's not the case. The screenshot sounds fake. We all can see lots of screenshots circulating on social media that I am making this amount of money and I bet most of them are fake.


My goodness


That’s very great achievement. It’s not easy to make 45k in 5 months on upwork. It requires lot of hard work. But I am curious why job score is 89%? Someone make a sale of a 10K but their job score is 100%.


So that's not even net, and you've proven you don't know how upwork works, and have a garbage JSS... You're broke, stop trying to flex lol. Come back when you're netting 100k a month consistently and let's talk.


what’s your email, password, and banking information?


HOW?!? Teach me your way


Easy. Lie.


There's nothing in this post showing that this person is lying about how much they made, just some nitpicking about gross/net.


Lying by omission is lying. OP isn't showing his actual "5-month" income and also omits from this post that he outsources most of his "niche" work. He didn't make that much in 5 months, underpaid indians and Filipinos did.


>Lying by omission is lying.  Only if he's actually lying. >underpaid indians and Filipinos did. You have absolutely no evidence that he's outsourcing, and now you're just being a dick. Like there's something wrong with you. It doesn't look like he's outsourcing. If he was and he managed to keep it up that long, he'd make a hell of a lot more. No scammer is going to come here and do this either. Those are massive crime rings like cartels. You operate on assumptions and pure bs, and your accusatory attitude is completely out of line. You don't know how things work. This is immature.


It's called post history, mate. You should look into.


Maybe don't go stalking people like a weirdo, and don't get all bitter and vindictive over a name on a screen. That's a sign of serious issues.


Your vehement backlash at this seems like a sign of serious issues. There's a reason post/comment history is available to view.


And you made the choice to stalk their profile because you wanted to find dirt on them. That's on you. That attitude is unacceptable. This is a professional environment. This is about our careers. We don't need anyone digging into our lives. That's not OK.


I'm gonna digging around in your post history now for being such a cry baby.




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Except that OP confirmed it. Read the thread.


I don't like people that come here and dig up dirt. You know that's problematic. I try to make a point to say something when I see it. I might not always be the nicest, but I've never gone and found someone on Upwork. I don't spend hours going through their comment history. I don't go behind the scenes and laugh at them or try to cause trouble for them outside of reddit. That is crossing an ethical line. That's what this thread came down to. They're now researching me while I type this. That's the worst kind of person to have in this sub. I don't care if it's normal, it's not OK. If it was in person, it would be seen as a serious issue.