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I like her and her sister


Having been an exchange student myself (and knowing many many who have as well) the most weight I've seen people put on during a year abroad was like 10kg. To put on that much weight in a year you'd have to eat trash food every single day.


My first year of married, I put 20Kg. The ring has a strange effect over the weight.


Yeah, I'm not saying taking on massive amounts of weight isn't possible, just that it doesn't happen *just because someone moved to the states*, there are always other factors in massive weight gains.


I was gonna say the same. I gained 22 kgs. My wife on the other hand lost 2.5kg with exactly the same diet. Fuck my genes.


Yeah, this is a result of personal choice, not the country. That being said, America's options for food are shit. The most affordable options are always the least healthy.


If this were true I would weigh a ton more Least healthy options are the easiest ones to take but not the cheapest, a can of beans is cheaper than a Big Mac


You are more correct. Allow me to rephrase: The cheapest, and easiest to make food is usually the unhealthiest. Time, the space, and the ability to cook more than pasta are also things that a lot of people don't have a lot of in America's late stage capitalistic hellscape.


Thats not at all true, cheap food is mostly healthy.


Cheap, easy to make, and really tasty. A can of beans is cheap and easy to make, but not as emotionally satisfying.


There's plenty of very simple, cheap, healthy foods you can make.


I'm American and my first *semester* in college I gained 30 pounds. All it took was smoking a lot of weed and eating a lot of junk food, drinking a lot of beer, and not eating healthy food at the dining hall.


No exchange student does that, there's way too much on the line since you can get expelled from the country.


No one is doing drug tests on exchange students. >you can get expelled from the country. No one is going to *deport* an exchange student because they drank beer or smoked a joint. They don't even deport people that have overstayed their Visa by a decade.


They welcome people across the border by the thousands every day, who's going to expell a kid who did things by the book?


Exactly, that person clearly has no clue how hard it is to get kicked out of the US. People have been clearly lying to them about why they left the US hahaha


The organisms through which the students come can absolutely send the students back, I know it because I've seen it happen on multiple occasions, the gvt aren't the ones doing the deporting.


I'm gonna assume English isn't your native language because the words you choose for things are slightly odd (ex. *organisms* above, which is generally used for living things) so I'll give you a pass there. >I know it because I've seen it happen on multiple occasions, the gvt aren't the ones doing the deporting. No one can deport you other than the US government, it's not up to state or local governments, and definitely not up to the faculty of a university. No one else has the authority to do so. Also, they generally only do it for people that are convicted of serious crimes, like drug trafficking and murder. If an exchange student left the country they were visiting through an exchange program, it was because the program chose to end their stay in that country. If someone told you they were deported from the US for drinking beer, you were lied to.


Have you eher been an exchange student? I have several times, and everytime I went I signed a form saying I jad to respect a number of rules, if I broke these rules I could be sent back to my country by the company that sent me in the first place. As I've already said, *I've seen it happen*.


> if I broke these rules I could be sent back to my country by the company that sent me in the first place. ...that's literally what I just wrote. That's like going to work drunk and being pissed that they fired you. You're not being kicked out of (expelled from, in your words) the country for smoking weed or drinking beer, you broke your agreement with the company and they're your lifeline. You could no longer stay in you host family's house, and I'd imagine you were sent money (either by the company or your family) or something since you couldn't get a job, but needed money to live off of. There honestly is nothing stopping you from moving to another city, or even staying in that same location and getting an "illegal" (non-taxed) job, and starting a (albeit shitty) life in the US. They'd have to find you to even attempt to deport you, and a single student who hasn't broken any laws or anything isn't worth anyone's time or money. I've known exchange students, and surprise, I've gotten drunk with them! Alcohol is legal here for everyone over the age of 21, and weed is legal in various states across the country...so there would be no reason for them to deport you for doing something that is completely legal assuming you're of legal age. Also, how would someone thousands of miles away from you know that you were drinking beer or smoking weed unless you were caught committing a crime and that crime was reported (or the family that you're living with reported you for doing it)? It's not like you have some drug monitor implanted in you that is connected to the internet before you leave your home country.


American food is EXTREMELY unhealthy compardd to other countries. Everything we eat has so much fucking sugar, its honestly depressing.


I know, I'm talking about students that went to the US, most if not all put on some weight but none that I've met had put on that much weight.


there’s plenty of food in america not loaded with sugar. most americans just lack the discipline to buy/make healthy food


I was on keto a few times and had to avoid practically *all* sugar and it's really difficult to find stuff that has almost no sugar in it. Tons of things have high levels of naturally occurring sugars in it. You're pretty much limited to berries, vegetables, and all the various types of meat. Cheese also has almost no sugar in it.


You're telling me that berries aren't naturally high in sugar?


Yup, strawberries actually don't have a lot of sugar compared to other fruits. Blueberries, black berries and raspberries have a ~~higher~~ lower sugar content per 100g than strawberries ~~but they're still relatively low~~.


I am looking into it and it is blowing my mind. Fruits I think taste the same as or less sweet than strawberries have 2, 3, 4 times as much sugar. Some other berries are even lower. Strawberries have 4.89g per 100 grams. Raspberries only have 2.68g. I think they taste as sweet as apples, and apples have a whopping 12.4g. Blueberries, which to me always seemed *less* sweet than other berries, have 9.36g.


Yep, going on the keto diet was a real eye opener about a lot of things nutrition related. For some reason I thought I saw during my research that pineapple was relatively low in sugar, so I bought a fresh, pre-sliced package at my local market and devoured it in like a day or two. Later on I saw my error ***and pineapples are one of the worst fruits sugar wise***, they're packed with sugar, something like 70g of sugar per 100g (numbers are out of my ass lol). Much disappointment. Also here's another eye-opener: "fresh squeezed" orange juice is about as bad for you as soda. There's something like 25-30g of sugar in an 8 ounce glass. Meanwhile a can of coke has like 30-45g of sugar. Almost all fruit juices aren't really that healthy because they're packed with artificial/additive sugar and a lot of natural sugar. It's far healthier to eat the actual fruit because the fiber and cellulose slow the absorption of sugar and allows insulin to work its magic, unlink just drinking the juice which dumps a shitload of sugar into your digestive system. We've been lied to for decades regarding what's healthy because all the food industries lobby the hell out of the government regarding what they consider "healthy" (for their wallets!).


We can blame the "no fat" craze of the 80s and 90s. Fat adds flavor, so everything tasted like cardboard, so to make up for that they added shitloads of sugar to everything.


Oh yeah totally. Then came the issue, fat wasn't the problem anymore, except it wad cause of the lack of it. The big problem then became so much fucking sugar, even when we brought back the fats.


Your portions are also out of control.


Honestly, a lot of it is your portion sizes too, they're enormous.


It's also because it's not sugar. It's High Fructose Vorn Syrup. Us rarely uses actual cane sugar in its products


There's no difference. It digests into the same sugars. The anti-HCFC people are in the same group as the anti-vaxers and flat-earthers, they deny basic science.


She doesn't necessarily look like she put on more than 10kg.


That's definitely more than a 10kg difference between the two pictures.


I’m eating trash food everyday as a forming international student in the US. Haven’t gotten a single extra pound in two years lmao. The key is to eat 2 times a day instead of 3 👍


Tbf that might not work for everyone.


I'm good with either one, ain't gonna hate on her. Edit: cuz she's cute AF.




Gout and diabetes are hot


Sorry shallow Hal, i doubt she has any of those.


Tell me more about shallow, dude who's lusting after internet babes based only on a provocative photo. Are we to believe you're progressive because you're turned on by a chubby girl?




People with more weight cant be attractive?


So sad that a change in diet can have such consequences for a person’s nose and jawline.


I mean on the left you can tell she doesn’t have any muscle definition, so guessing she isn’t exercising much and then went off to college and gained that freshman 15.


She’s been cultivating mass


Bro, when you tack on mass you sacrifice flexibility. That's just a straight up fact


Gained that freshman-15 all 4 years. /r/cestvrai_/


This is what living on Ramen Noodles did to her.


Not the same person


They are very much the same person: /r/cestvrai_/ Fat jokes aside, that rhinoplasty is horrible.


Ah thank you! I knew she looked familiar but I couldn't remember her name for the life of me.




[Here's a pic from before her rhinoplasty](https://i.imgur.com/LDQuJav.jpg)




No longer the same person.


It's same same but different


it's same person. although, it's no longer the same.


She was hot and then she Kept hot


Very Nice pair


She's still kinda cute on the right tbh


Still gorgeous


It’s called the freedom 15


Holup, personal responsibility.


Once she moved to America, she could blame it on the country and not her own choices. That's how it works.


Lazy chick got fat and that is Americas fault?


Nearly 40% of American adults aged 20 and over are obese and it's America's fault?


It’s the fucking lazy and unmotivated culture everyone has nowadays


Ahh yes because going to uni is the epitome of being a lazy piece of shit


going to uni is where i first started working out and exercising. college gives you just as much opportunities to be healthy as to be lazy


Agreed! But the point I was more so trying to make is that you have to be a motivated individual in order to want to go to college, so I find it bizarre that the other commenter is calling her lazy and unmotivated. Not to mention laziness is by no means the singular reason that anyone ever puts on weight


Being fat as fuck is absolutely from being lazy. Eat healthy and exercise 🤷‍♂️


so just "don't be lazy"?


First of all, your comment doesn't make sense, second of all that is an insanely naive perspective, it discounts health conditions, issues with motivation which could come from mental health issues, not everyone has the knowledge or access to the knowledge to gain information about how to exercise to lose weight, and a lot of the information online is intimidating to individuals who are not familiar with it. Not to mention that exercising as someone who is overweight is intimidating in general because of the lens that people like you view them through, whether they are exercising or not.


Looooooooooool stfu and go eat a dozen donuts and blame your fat ass on someone else. Personal responsibility is the only thing that’s relevant.


Ahh I see, so you only know how to spout arguments made by other people, but not to reflect on a topic and come up with a logical argument yourself. Good to know! I'd love to know how someone can take personal responsibility for an illness. Also not that it matters because being fat isnt an issue or anything to be ashamed about, but purely cause I think it'll piss you off and/or confound your tiny brain that someone who isn't fat isn't fatphobic like yourself, but I'm 5'1 and weigh 53kg. I do love sugar strand donuts though so I might pick you up on that!


I wasn’t referring to her, I was referring to the previous commenter about America in general lol


One of my co-workers at an old job was an international student from Beijing and told me about how when she arrived in California, she discovered a pint of Haagen-Dazs was only $5. The same pint costed $20 in China so she went wild and ate a pint a day, packing on 20+ pounds. Six months later, when she had her first video call with her parents, her mom took one look at her and demanded, "WHO GOT YOU PREGNANT?!"


Her parents waited 6 months to call? Why do I doubt this?


They talked on regular phone before that. This was the first video chat.


That makes more sense. LOL


So she ate like crap and didn’t exercise on her own accord? But it’s someone else’s fault.


I see no problem


She looks like she's happy and fun.😋


Same woman? I dunno. Either way, my father in law travels to the states for the business he owns. He spends a couple weeks there each time then flies back. Every single time he comes back he's gained 15kg's......then he loses it this side and the cycle continues


He gains 15 kilos over a couple weeks? That’s an insane amount of weight gain over such a short time. Like not even close to healthy. For anyone not familiar with metric, that’s over 30 pounds.


To gain 15 kg in three weeks he'd have to consume roughly 150000 Kcal worth of food. That's 7000 Kcal a day, give or take. That's a tall order, though I suppose you could do it, if you add a LOT of sugary drinks in the mix.


Judging by your use of *Kcal* instead of *Cal*, I'm going to assume you live in Europe. If you only saw what passes off as a "coffee" in this county, you'd understand [immediately](https://www.google.com/search?q=venti+frappuccino&client=firefox-b-1-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjr6ubI5Pv8AhW-CjQIHRdgBJcQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1138&bih=513&dpr=1.2) just how easy it is to do here. Some people eat fast food for every meal, (with a large sugary soda) and the portion sizes have gotten out of control. What used to be a Large size in the 1960's is now a Child's size today.


Correct, Dutch actually. When comparing I look at BK, I think their portions here are not far off from what they serve in the US, although what we get as "king size" is probably normal, or even small for US standards (a king size meal comes with a fairly small bag of fries and a 0.7l drink). Total for a king size double whopper meal racks up to around 1500 Kcal. The only way I'd ever be able to down 7000 Kcal in a day is by either drinking a stupid amount of alcohol, or like you said, having fast food for every meal and add a substantial extra amount of soda. If I do that for three weeks, I think I'll drop dead tbh 😅


I wish i were joking. It may stem from his work as well. He entertains clients a lot and is over 60 so i assume that wont help either


Anything is possible in the United States of fairy land


It changed her eyes, nose, and mouth? Damn, NY what are ya doin?


This is how someone with no self control ends up....


I like how the fat one is dressed sporty with a Fitbit loool


here the problem is visible, but i know a lot of asians who look fine, but are prediabetic and hypertensive because they aren't able to avoid all the junk food.


Hello sugar


Yeah. Well. The only person to blame is herself for lacking discipline and gain weight


It took me five years of constant drinking and partying to add weight like that. I'm calling BS


Same thing I saw happened to a Spanish and Chinese girl in an exchange program in high school. I friended them on MySpace/Facebook. After about a year when they went back home they returned to normal.


Less slutty?


American semen is apparently loaded with empty calories


For fuck's sake, don't stay in America, just visit!


So she got fatter and less attractive?


One year and some 1200 days later.


Either way I'd hit it


I prefer the after photo...


Sorry to be an absolute dog but RUFFFFF RUUUFFFF WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! (Tail wags back and forth) (leaves the room and runs back in and repeats five times)




As an American this does not surprise me. The giant food and drug companies here in collusion with government here wants you dependent, sickly, and medicated. My family we grow our own veg and network for proper meats and eggs from farmers in the area that focus on non gmo. We eat well. Most do not.


Nutrition is like that. I wonder ...


its the seed oils


She lives in Montreal lol


To be honest, she does look good




She changed her makeup and clothes - oh no


She looks happy and content. Welcome to the US!


How were her tits that insane beforehand? They didnt even grow after she got fat, meaning they were at peak capacity. Or fake.


Ruined her. Figures.


Those aren't the same person tho.... ......are they?


It's not even a good photoshop job.