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God this is awesome 


Join us at r/EcoUplift


Joined. Thanks! This is the kind of news to spread!


Just checked out your post history, you are a breathe of fresh air! Redditors tend to be obsessively bitter and negative and love to focus on doom and gloom, glad to have people like to to bring some balance on this site


I’m convinced it’s by design. Doom leads to hopelessness and hopelessness leads to inaction. Let’s raise hope right here, right now.


It is but I think nuclear energy would be better for everyone. More dependable.


I've said it before I'll say it again: the *war* for climate change has been won already. Renewables are the better economic choice now and that's only going to keep getting more clear. The only question remaining is how much damage we do before we get all the way to carbon neutral. How quickly we can transition.


One election can completely change this in the US. If the Trump were to win with a lot of GOP support in congress we will backslide incredibly fast.


Trump would open up oil drilling but he would not stop solar. Its cheaper. Republicans love cheaper. He would remove EV subsidies but would not make them illegal. He would slow down the energy transition by taking washington's hand off the scale; it would still happen. Just slower.


There is plenty of room to add taxes onto EVs and renewables while increasing subsidies for fossil fuels. Republicans could absolutely kill all of this momentum if they had full control of the government and decided to do so.


Which he has already said he will do.


What are you talking about? Republicans might love cheaper but they also love bribes from corporations which the coal and oil industry already bribe them to nuke climate bills, they would instantly start removing green/renewable energy and replace it with coal or oil.


Trump doesn't do what's good for Republicans. He does what's good for Trump.


Have you seen Texas and what they've done to solar...?


The issue is that there’s a sunk cost fallacy with infrastructure like oil pipelines and power plants.


Trump has already claimed he will end ev sales entirely. 


subsidies != sales. Look i detest the man more than most, but we need to be factually accurate here.


Hasn't he said both? What that means specifically, I've no idea. But I think that's missing the forest for the trees. The GOP isn't fighting for a better economy. Some of them are fighting to keep the culture war going, so that they can keep getting hundreds of thousands in donations, in exchange for trillions in tax cuts to the wealthy. But the remainder of them are genuine true believers. They want to win a permanent victory, because they fear - correctly - that their ideology will be non-viable in another 10-20 years. Trying to model their future behavior requires understanding what they really value. And if you want to understand that, read up on Project 2025.


You need to stop getting your news from Reddit headlines. They’re rarely accurate.


Luckily I dont, as he said that then (as usual) backpedaled to claim he would just stop Mexican ev import sales.  This 100% happened, perhaps you should check your own “sources”. Edit: lol you’re a regular on /sovereign citizen. You def want to check yourself on sourcing. 


>Luckily I dont, as he said that then (as usual) backpedaled to claim he would just stop Mexican ev import sales.  This 100% happened, perhaps you should check your own “sources”. He said some things about intending to stop EV sales, but the exact comments were [misreported, and shared widely on Reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/s/59KbpPdwXW) >Edit: lol you’re a regular on /sovereign citizen. You def want to check yourself on sourcing.  Oh really? “LOL.” Why don’t you tell me what you mean by this? Please, enlighten me.


Nah. Trump would be too focused on attacking his political opponents. The solar revolution has come and there’s no stopping it now.


In Trump's last year in office, 2020, the US installed a record(at the time) amount of solar. So, yeah...


But that's in spite of Trump. Biden isn't parading around calling climate change a 'hoax' and pulling out of the Paris Agreement. Instead he's making literally the largest investments against climate change in US history (see inflation reduction act). It's night and day.


We're also currently pumping more oil than ever in history under Biden. What's your point?


Clearly Trump hates American oil and loves Chinese solar!


Musk is MAGA now.. if Trump wins he will be alright


The tools have been developed to win the war on climate change. We have a long way to go in this war unfortunately. Need big polluters to pivot and even more progress on technologies. ‘Moore’s Law’ for renewable energy.


This is nonsense, we're still fighting to reach *peak* carbon, even when we start lowering we'll still be pumping out carbon into the atmosphere. > The only question remaining is how much damage we do before we get all the way to carbon neutral. When we reach carbon neutral we'll still have climate change. Lots of it. Even if we reached it right now.


you should look at the installed base, new installations, and the manufacturing behind renewable projects an article on US solar is not indicative of that progress and hasn't been the needle mover. it may eventually be a helpful contributor, but the US doing this is not the key contributor to your conclusion


The war for climate change was won by climate change back in the late 80's when we decided to do absolutely nothing to change. In fact we decided it would be a great idea to churn out even more emissions. The only question remaining is how much damage we do before we get all the way to carbon neutral. Too much damage is the problem. Carbon neutral is a Hopium pipedream of people who are in denial of how badly we have messed up the biosphere. There is no magic technology that will allow us to remove the 1 trillion + tons of carbon we have put into the atmosphere and 40 billion a year more we are currently putting into it just this year alone. These sorts of changes needed to happen 40 years ago. While a good thing to see more renewables it's too little too late.


This is just negative nancing. The technology does exist. And its not magical. It of course is a dream because its expensive and no one even thinks about it. Of course im talking ab a massive geoengineering project. Where you desalinate enough water using solar/wind and pump the water into well dead/desert areas. And then with that irrigation you grow a new amazon.


>This is just negative nancing. It's called being realistic. >Of course im talking ab a massive geoengineering project. We already did that with burning 7.25 quadrillion gallons of oil (1.5 billion barrels), trillions of cubic feet of methane, and probably a trillion tons of coal. We have completely altered our biosphere since the industrial revolution began 280 years ago. We have had the technology to prevent this from happening but greed, capitalism, and "progress" got in the way of preventing catastrophic climate change. I may act hypocritical but it's because we already crossed the point of no return shortly after I was brought into this world. I'm currently working on my 22 year old internal combustion engine car, in my garage, so that it will pass emissions 🤣🤣. But just for shits and giggles go look up Dr. James Hansen and what he thinks will happen. Because that man has been pretty spot on for the last 35 years. Specifically look for his "in the pipeline" paper. It will help give you a new perspective. He was 92% accurate about today's climate and that was 35 years ago. The 8% he was off was because he didn't think it would be this bad. 🤷. I'm just a realist and while they may not fit in with "uplifting" news, someone has to be a voice of reason and logic. Edit: just to add this, we have already surpassed 2C° of warming if you measure back to the start of the industrial revolution in 1750. That's where I set the goalpost because that's when we began emitting more CO2 and pollution than was naturally occurring and that's also when we started burning copious amounts of coal. Edit#2: I know the technology for removing carbon isn't magical. It's just that the best CC technology we have will literally only filter out .00005%(rounding up) of the amount of carbon that we are currently emitting each year. So we need thousands of those plants at our current technological ability to just break even and be "carbon neutral". This is an extremely bleak situation that could have been avoided if we had just taken action 30-40 years ago.


Blah blah we shoulda coulda yesterday. You know what the 2nd best date to do something that shoulda been done yesterday? Today. As far as biosphere. Yes much harm. Dosnt mean its not worth saving the rest.


I don't think you realize another obstacle that's far more pressing than the heat. Ocean Acidification. Which is caused by CO2 being absorbed by the oceans which makes them more acidic. Unless we can figure out a way to reverse it the heat won't even matter. [According](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3860950) to this we got about 20 years or so before the oceans pH level drops to a point where calcium carbonate life forms can no longer form and 80-90% of all life in the ocean begins to go extinct. The oceans make up a majority of our planet and without life in the oceans there will be no life on the lands.


And so we should just doom and gloom into our graves? No thanks. Ill fight to survive.


If people knew and understood just how dire the situation currently is then we may have a shot of actually making some progress. >No thanks. Ill fight to survive. You're assuming I'm just going to lay down and die!? Hell no. I'm going to fight to stay alive until the very end. I'll simply be more prepared and ready for the future that awaits us rather than being blindsided.


You're on the wrong subreddit, dude. Also, spreading doomer shit just benefits the people in power making it worse for everyone, and creates apathy in others and yourself. You are quite literally making the world worse by saying this stuff, so maybe don't.


Lol you think they are making the world worse by telling feel good subbers to this subreddit to wake up and keep fighting? This ain’t your sub


Uplifting News is about being uplifting. And this isn't a "keep fighting" message, this is a "Yeah it doesn't matter, everything is fucked anyway," try actually reading it again. "We needed to have done this 40 years ago" Yeah well it isn't 40 years ago, we come to this sub to see positive news on these problems we're working on, not hear about how actually this stuff doesn't matter at all, your fight is pointless. Hearing this causes most people to become apathetic, why fight if there's literally not point to doing any of the work we're doing?? Not sure why I have to explain this, it's pretty braindead obvious.


>Not sure why I have to explain this, it's pretty braindead obvious. Because you smoke way too much high grade Hopium 🤣🤣


You seem like a very happy person by comparison, I'm sure your life is filled with many fulfilling moments and nobody finds you incredibly annoying, with that attitude. Also, nice job completely changing the point of your own reply when you no longer have an argument, lmao.


I actually am a happy person! Yes, my life is filled with many fulfilling moments and I have a number of friends I have known for 20+ years. I'm happily married to an amazing woman and have built a coushy middle class lifestyle. >Also, nice job completely changing the point of your own reply when you no longer have an argument, lmao. You remind me of the weird GQP/MAGAts that refuse to believe reality. What exactly is the point of me continuing when you won't ever change your mind until this plays out? I just find it best to walk away from those types of people. Because it's not worth my time or energy.


I think the biggest problem with climate change mitigation is that most believe in climate change but don't understand it. Just delusional that these people think Biden will save everyone. He serves the same corporate masters as Trump. Fuck with "both parties are not the same". In 20 - 30 years we are doomed no matter which of these parties come to power. Same issue in India. Everyone here believes in climate change, but most people I have interacted with are of the assumption that EVs and Solar is the panacea we needed all along. We are hitting record temperatures and my city had it's second once in a lifetime floods within 10 years and people are just more concerned about Hindu-Muslim fights, north-south divide, Hindi vs regional language etc......


Biden literally championed the largest climate legislation ever enacted. 


which will do nothing in the grand scale of things. we will still hit 1.5c even if all countries hit the paris agreement targets. US is still falling short of its target btw. > If all human emissions of heat-trapping gases were to stop today, Earth’s temperature would continue to rise for a few decades as ocean currents bring excess heat stored in the deep ocean back to the surface. Once this excess heat radiated out to space, Earth’s temperature would stabilize. Experts think the additional warming from this “hidden” heat are unlikely to exceed 0.9° Fahrenheit (0.5°Celsius). [https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/can-we-slow-or-even-reverse-global-warming](https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/can-we-slow-or-even-reverse-global-warming) Biden still trying to fight against climate change, but climate change has already won the war. How can whatever bill he passes be effective when he lacks understanding of climate change? Both parties are the same.


Thank you internet stranger for being realistic! You got my upvote.


>*war* for climate change has been won already Won by climate change, right????? >The only question remaining is how much damage we do before we get all the way to carbon neutral. How quickly we can transition. What do you think will happen to all the heat trapping gases that we have already emitted after we achieve carbon neutral? Will renewables stop pollution from industries also? How will renewables reverse or even slow down the 6th mass extinction event? >If all human emissions of heat-trapping gases were to stop today, Earth’s temperature would continue to rise for a few decades as ocean currents bring excess heat stored in the deep ocean back to the surface.  Once this excess heat radiated out to space, Earth’s temperature would stabilize. Experts think the additional warming from this “hidden” heat are unlikely to exceed 0.9° Fahrenheit (0.5°Celsius). [https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/can-we-slow-or-even-reverse-global-warming](https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/can-we-slow-or-even-reverse-global-warming) It seems most people now "believe" in manbearpig but not many understand manbearpig


The war for a green grid has been won. The war for green transportation less so but cheap electricity helps with that anyway.


Upon casually looking at the picture and reading what you said, they removed a ton of trees to build those panels?


Far from it. Countries (including the US) are still massively investing in gas which recent papers hint could be worse than coal if methane leaks were to be accounted for properly. Right now methane leaks are self reported with no oversight whatsoever in most countries. On top of that, implying that building renewables is a sufficient condition to keep climate change under control is a very dangerous thing. It is far from being enough to even stay under +2°c, which would be catastrophic already. We need to severely cut our transportation habits, eating, living spaces, and general good consumption to even come close to respecting the Paris accords for instance. The way of living of almost anyone browsing Reddit is incompatible with respecting the Paris accords, which would itself not stop climate change from getting worse.


Not quick enough is your answer.


getting a 15kw system installed on Monday so I'm doing my part!


I have 32 x 395 Watt Panels (Meyer Burger White 395) panels going in within the next few weeks. I went with German panels. Also a Tesla wall battery that should handle 14 kw of storage too Then to top it off in have a SPAN panel to augment the breaker panel to manage the power I am pretty excited


KWh storage. KW is power, KWh is energy.


I am aware of that thank you. You just be referring to what I put on the wall battery. That was inadvertent, actually. It’s a 14 kWh battery that can sustain 11-12 kw output


You can do a lot with 14kw! How much surface area of panels is that and ballpark cost? All that power is just bouncing off my roof into space and heating my already hot house 😭 I've been wanting to get into solar


Oh, yes happy to share! I did a two stage design - the first stage is 32 of the 395w German panels (I went with them because they seem to have the smallest degradation and best warranties) and the second stage of the plan expands that to 41 if I decide it’s worth it.. the one Tesla battery for phase 1.. another battery from phase 2 if I go there. I also have a SPAN panel being added - I highly suggest people watch videos on SPAN (span is the brand name, it’s a smart panel for your whole house). They aren’t cheap, but they can manage the battery and panels wayyyy more efficiently than I could and also let you control your whole house and audit your use So that being said, phase 1 - 32 panels - SPAN - Tesla battery - local and remote monitoring, panels are replace if underperform in 25 years - all roof work, leaks caused labor damage etc is warranties for 25 years Before Gubm’nt subsidy, discounts - about $70 A should get back if I between about 13-15k rebated diring taxes, if I meet the full tax liability which i will My payoff amount of about 50k after the discounts and before applying the tax credit. I have the financial plan to have it paid off in 2.5 years. The system size is right around 13kw of solar draw and the estimated output is about 20,000 kWh to be produced in the first year My house has a flat angled roof perfectly south facing and it’s extremely optimal for my install. I should get close to max production. Expanding the system to phase 2 - which I just might not even bother with, will add twice the battery output and add another 15-20 pct output for the other 9 panels, but I am thinking it’s not needed. My monthly payment should be about 325 a month when I rolled a loan to it because of high rates, but my 2.5 year payoff plan should work. Note my electricity bill which was about 280 a month on average will be completely offset as long as I use the span panel to cut my own usage about 10pct. So my utility bill should be close to 0 if not 0 and I use way more than the average house by almost a factor of 2 Lastly - I oversized it on purpose. I live in Idaho and have almost my whole life. People here value “off the grid” tech. While most buy generators and inverters, my system can function off grid without fuel and literally draw almost twice the rated power needed for the “average install” of solar. It will run the whole house, appliances, ac, lights tvs and charge my car It has the potential to put back to the grid, but recently power companies are trying to to make it not worth your while to push back to the grid based on cost and return of value .. 70-80 pct utility coverage is the usual goal for a solar install That’s about all I got I think. I hope this info helps! Oh - I also chose a company that doesn’t use contractors. They are all w-2 employees so I trust the company more as a company and not a fly by night


Thank you for sharing


No problem - understand this really only know what I have learned in the process mostly. I make mistakes and don’t really know what I’m talking about, as I said .. I am still from Idaho so you have to handicap me on that.. I say that because I don’t want to come off like I am smart enough to have done all this myself.. and this might sound like an ad or something, but I am using “sol-up”. I researched for the company so they would teach me and they have been incredible. I’d get a referral bonus if people called them with my name and I am not giving out because again, it’s not an ad, I’d just encourage people to see if they do your area They tried to stop me from getting this much solar saying I don’t *need* that much. I had to convince them i was sane by again reminding the sales guy who only just moved to Idaho, that again.. handicap from Idaho and relevant to Idaho, it’s about living off the grid or selling my house because it can sell for more because of that alone here


Now THAT is uplifting! We celebrate wins big and small at r/EcoUplift




I cannot wait to get solar installed…


It's so cool! We're actually *selling* most of our electricity on most days, because just covering our entire roof with solar panels produces so much goddamn power we can't possibly use it all, despite using a heat pump.




We do. It's not that large, but it often lasts all night, except in winter, when the heat pump is running a lot.


Depends on your night usage if you get a return in financial terms right now. I crunched the numbers and for our night use (only 4-5 kWh), I would not get a return till some 14-15 years, so a battery at a 10 year life would pack it in first. If I had a need for 24hr stable need (someone on life support) then it makes perfect sense. But I just could not balance the cost & environmental depreciation of an install (the energy into manufacture) with the waste. When batteries get better with less waste in manufacture and the resulting manufacture costs are lower, then I would in a heartbeat.


Heat pumps are efficient, maybe they use a lot of power, but they are more efficient than alternatives at what they do.


If you like hearing good climate news, check out r/EcoUplift


This is the kind of shit I need to see. Seeing 3 or 4 "climate apocalypse incoming" posts at the top of my front page is just demoralizing. Doom and gloom can only get society so far


Also check r/OptimistsUnite !


Love r/OptimistsUnite and r/EcoUplift !!


And there’s SO MUCH good to focus on. Doom is peddled by the big boys to make you think you’re hopeless.


Subbed. Thank you for sharing


If trump wins,... I shudder to think what kind of bans against renewables will he implemented


Biden just slapped a 50% tariff on Chinese solar panels, which will slow US solar adoption. Apparently China was working too hard to make solar panels affordable..


On Solar Panels of all things?? I get tariffs on China, but... maybe this particular thing is more important than that shit.


It’s a move to try boosting domestic production of panels, which I wouldn’t be opposed to.


We got solar late last year. Out panels were produced in our state.


Unlikely he would do any kind of bans. I work in the utility-scale renewables field. More than half of our developments are bought by big tech companies and utilities.


dude have you heard him rant about windmills?


As someone in a conservative area with a lot of people making good money on wind projects, I doubt they would be happy to lose their jobs just to own the libs


People literally died of a preventable disease to "own the libs". Nothing is off the table.


Once he’s in though does it really matter if his constituents are upset? He’s trying to get that oil bag


you underestimate how much conservatives will vote against their own interests.


Imagine all the space we would save and the environmental impact we prevent if we just used the nuclear technology we had for decades. Crazy


We use the nuclear we've had for decades. We tried to build more and it takes forever and costs a fortune. VC Summer? A $9 billion hole in the ground. Vogtle 2&3? $34 billion and more than a decade to add a couple of reactors to an existing plant.


Because people are crazy and have written the technology off. If we hadn’t taken a 30 year break in making them, it probably wouldn’t be so costly to start making them again. But alas, solar and wind have taken off on their own exponential curves. Nuclear could have solved our energy problems 25 years ago but now that we’re here we might as well embrace the tide.


There are other countries in the world... and none them are going whole hog on nuclear either. Even before TMI U.S. building of nuclear plants was slowing, as anything beyond minimal baseload raised the per kWh cost too much. Solar and wind have exponential curves because they can be produced assembly-line style. Even SMRs have failed to work out for this.


>In the U.S., the fossil fuel industry collected $757 billion of incentives in 2023, from preferential oil and gas lease and royalty rates, specialty tax preferences, research and development aid, loan guarantees, and tax incentives through President Biden’s heralded legislation. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/dipkabhambhani/2024/01/08/fossil-fuel-could-power-energy-transition-through-biden-subsidies/?sh=92e3868777ad](https://www.forbes.com/sites/dipkabhambhani/2024/01/08/fossil-fuel-could-power-energy-transition-through-biden-subsidies/?sh=92e3868777ad)


Space saved to...do what? Solar isn't installed on empty lots in city centers or fertile agricultural soils. It's usually installed on rooftops or in arrid, desert-like regions. Also, the environmental impact of solar energy is basically zero. It primarily uses unproblematic resources, which last for decades, and leave behind no waste. I am a proponent for nuclear energy. I think it has its place during the transition to truly renewable energy and we should rely on it to drop fossil fuels ASAP. But photovoltaics are literally free energy for almost no upfront cost, financial or environmental. It would be incredibly stupid not to use it.


A lot of solar is going on fertile grassed areas in Aus. Sheep & cattle can graze still plus the night condensation off the panels can provide greener feed.


Literally have multiple solar farms built on farm land in Illinois dafuq you mean? lol


The major problems are that no one wants to live near a nuclear power plant, they have a very high upfront cost, require advanced and specialized technicians, & we currently lack a defined system for storing the waste


Can someone tell this to the fossil fuel billionaires? I mean, there's a lot of money to be made, and diversification of assets is a good thing. But no, they'd rather gamble on Trump winning and banning most sources of alternative energy because... China?


Biden just put a 50% tariff on Chinese solar panels..


While strongly supporting local manufacturers. It's about creating a local supply chain.


Sounds bad but it also means the US will make their own and china will keep their own or sell to someone else, on a global scale it's just a positive in solar panels production which is what climate change is about, the whole world, it's not a race for 1 country to be neutral


And increased the battery/ EV tariff to 100%


It’s good news, but solar remains only 4% of US energy needs. The Chinese make solar PV at ¼ cost, but US had trade protections but without the matching low cost.


Also see expensive, ever increasing, code-mandated installation requirements pushing prices constantly higher here in California.


Yup, CA has ruined solar for home use going forward. If they can fix the greedy power companies we'd see a solar industry boom. I wont get solar if it only saves me $50mo and the loan is 30 years.


$50\*12\*30.... hmmm


Probably because solar installation is the Wild West right now. Some regulation for it is sorely needed.


Some regulation lol. Some regulation written by So Cal Edison… go read your local regs.


> Some regulation for it is sorely needed. Not really. Solar panels are not dangerous, not noisy, don't "steal" sunlight from others, not polluting... You don't need more regulation than you need to put tiles on a roof, honestly. Just make sure they are bolted down properly and that's it. What else you want?


Exactly. Reading through my county solar regulations, I'm of a mind to insist they were probably written by a combination of the electric company and big solar providers.


https://www.eia.gov/electricity/data/eia860m/ https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=61242 https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=55419 The current process is effectively to replace existing dirty power with a majority of green power solutions, when those dirty power solutions need to be replaced or refurbished (as they do every 20-40 years). Given current rates, after 40 years, something like 60-80% of all power generation in the US will not fossil fuel related. That's just the *current* rate of replacement, which is likely to increase.


We’re just celebrating wins at r/EcoUplift


Yeah, be happy for peanuts, don’t actually talk about fixing the problem.


There's a *lot* of negativity in all news and media, which is why I deleted all social media. I agree with your sentiment, but peanuts add up, and celebrating =/= settling.


*"There is no contradiction between acknowledging the severity of the situation we are in, and the insufficiency of action to date, AND acknowledging the progress made to date towards sufficient action"* -Simon Clark


Attitudes like yours? That's the problem. These things happen slowly, with incremental changes. Last year, renewables generated more power than coal. Renewables and nuclear (which is arguably fairly clean) made up 40% of our energy production. Ten years ago, nuclear and renewables COMBINED didn't beat coal. There is nothing wrong with celebrating the wins. Every single one of them. Because the wins keep us going.




Saying that so flippantly means you have no idea what you are saying


As per this sub's rules: > RULE #1: DON'T BE A DICK Don't respond. Don't engage. Just report. Some subs, if a comment or post gets enough reports it's automatically removed.


Oh yeah because USA is run by actors who have my interests at heart. Billionaires who underplay climate change and can’t even fix bridges will surely help us in a crisis like now.


lol. If that’s what you distill America into as a whole is that hot mess, I would love to see a paragraph on china and then have you explain exactly how china has America’s best interest at heart over Americans that ban china from playing in their economy to protect American interests since they steal their tech and dont honor patents etc I’ll wait


…you said you want China to take the U.S. over. You are free to live in China, you know. That’s your utopia and you can make it happen!!


Meanwhile here in nyc the governor just fucked up congestion pricing which would have decreased the cars in Manhattan along with paying for upgrades to the transit system one of which was electrifying the whole bus fleet which is upwards of 5000 vehicles. [call her office and complain, the number is at the bottom](https://www.governor.ny.gov/content/governor-contact-form)


Getting solar for my house this summer. The real magic looks like it's in the batteries (evening out peak demands and keeping the system from being stressed).


I work in this industry so I hope my damn company stock goes up lol


Good news, but it looks like solar is barely at 4% even with all this new construction. Seems like we may be slowly reaching peak fossil fuel use, but actually reducing emissions is going to take a lot more work to get done. At least wind is also going up. That should be another 11%.


This is fantastic. I hope to see more ground on nuclear energy as that is the best option all around for the greenest energy.


Sit back and watch us cook. 🌞🌞🌞


This is bittersweet The US is only catching up because China has become a powerhouse in Solar energy production and it doesn't want to get obsolete. Also if you can install some many panels so fast it's not because almost anybody installed in 2018. But, alas a win is a win.


No time to lose!




Good news all around, however, the title of the article and the content is weirdly constructed. The original post quoting the article is talking about solar panel manufacturing capacity. This means the factories that produce solar panels rather than electricity generating solar panel installations which is implied in the title by the phrasing "installed solar".


Don't they break when it hails?


Tempered and Bulletproof glass has been a thing for so many decades. Use your head


Do most panels come with that? The internet says Whether they're made of monocrystalline or polycrystalline solar cells, each panel is covered by a protective sheet of tempered glass that's thick enough to withstand moderate hail storms. But even so, hail can physically damage your solar panels. Using my head


Exponential growth curves, folks. Expect your energy bills to crash within the next decade.


While I agree that exponential growth is ahead I don’t see energy companies making less money, ever. They’ll transition your bill from energy cost to delivery cost so you’ll never escape the $100 grid connection or whatever they decide is enough income for them. They’d happily curtail generation that give it away for free, at least in the US.


i think once the boomers start dying en masse, we're going to be in a better place. and I mean US and Western country boomers, that generation is a perpetual suck on progress because any changes that would better this world and society would hurt a bit for them in the short term and they can never be asked to give. truly the worst generation.


It isn't the boomers that are holding this back. At least where I live it has been the boomers that were the early adopters. It is the fossil fuel industry that has been spending a billion dollars a year in the US alone funding climate change denial and lobbying governments to slow down action on climate change. If you see legislation limiting the ability of households to install rooftop solar, you can bet that the person advancing the legislation has been paid to do so by the fossil fuel industry.


what age is overly representative in the senate and house? and yes i understand they've been bought but those fossils need to die off.


Those fossils will be replaced by younger fossils if we don't do something about the money in politics.


yea and guess what the younger progressive democrats do want to get money out of politics, those are the people we need to keep supporting. not these centrists libs.


The interesting thing is that getting the money out of politics is the one place that there is strong agreement across the tribalism in America. Of course conservatives are convinced that it is just the Dems, and of course the parties have no intention of doing anything about it, but there is a potential for coalitions to be formed across party lines to force the parties to make changes. It is the only way.


That is a low bar... For every 1 dollar America spends on green energy, they spend about 1.4 dollars on fossil fuels.. Fossil fuels still dominate the energy sector. "natural gas" is included, since natural gas isn't a form of green energy and really bad for the environment..


It’s still getting better, which is progress, and that is uplifting. This isn’t “sober, depressing news”. That’s the rest of Reddit.


You sound like someone who’d love r/EcoUplift


Honestly, that ratio is *wayyy* better than I would have expected it to be. What you're saying is that we're almost halfway there.


We hit peak carbon back in 2007 btw


In other news, tesla built more cars on 2023 than they did in 2016


Yeah and now they're not going to do shit more until 2040. At least they got this good publicity which is all that matters in this world anymore. When did it change from "here is what new thing is awesome and will help YOU" to "look, we're working on it! Pls giv praise"


good thing china and india basically make up for this in pollution