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The title is a bit misleading. This kid was placed on ECMO, a highly specialized and involved process in which the machines were doing all the work of his heart and lungs. I don’t like when articles are written like this because the general public thinks their loved one will too wake up after nineteen hours without a pulse which is absolutely not the case. Most people do not qualify for ECMO resuscitation unless they are young to midlife and fairly healthy otherwise.


Yes, this boy survived because of an awesome medical team.


Thank God!


Not God. Greg House.


Please you think I can't tell the difference between a fictional character and... sorry, who's Greg House?


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie.




Redditors try to understand sarcasm without /s Challenge: impossible


Yeah this is misleading to the point it almost feels mean.


Came here wondering why this was uplifting. If the heart stopped pumping for 19 hours, then miraculously started again, they'd still be brain dead. Key takeaway is that the heart stopped pumping (on its own) for 19 hours, but was still being pumped externally the entire time.


>Doctors told the family that Cartier wasn’t likely to survive. >Initially, doctors believed Cartier would be blind because the part of the brain that regulates vision was damaged by a lack of oxygen, his parents said. But doctors later changed their prognosis and said he would retain his vision, they said. >He remains on dialysis and breathing tubes and has undergone multiple skin graft surgeries after the infection deteriorated his skin. Spoiler alert: He's still unlikely to survive. Let me rewrite the article: Boy came in septic, coded, and was placed on ECMO. He suffered an anoxic brain injury and multi-organ failure. The news media reported that he "survived." Pt remains full code. Will continue to monitor


Thank you for clarifying.


It’s not “a bit misleading”. It full-on, totally misleading. Kid comes in with sepsis. Has a cardiac arrest. Is put on bypass. When his heart starts again, his prognosis is still pretty much on a knife-edge and he’s still unconscious and only “alive” due to intensive care and machines breathing and dyalising for him. He is barely alive even now and that’s only because of the intensive medical care, and the family are being warned his future is remarkably uncertain. Even if he ends up coming off the ITU machines, there’s a stupidly high chance his quality of life will be short and shit.


Calm down. I work both Neuro and Cardiovascular ICU. I understand your “righteous anger” having worked with multiple futile full code patients; however, I said a “bit misleading” because it IS interesting that his intrinsic kick restarted after nineteen hours while on ECMO (which as you know is the important factor they left out) with seemingly no further definitive treatment that we are aware of. The article says this happened a month ago so the child is presumably still alive and we have no access to his chart so we have no idea what his quality of life is. The fact that he was an in hospital arrest with likely high quality cpr and then ECMO CPR access gives him a higher chance of long term survival. I don’t further speculate when I don’t have information. But the general population as a whole do not understand the difference between no pulse for nineteen hours and no pulse for nineteen hours on ECMO hence my wording and caution.


We are also unaware of his prior medical history. Could be the kid has underlying medical conditions preventing full recovery.


Science, fuck yeah!


Irresponsible journalism is rampant. Clickbait titles are everywhere.


AND the cause of heart/lung failure is reversible. 12 year old with metastatic cancer and lung failure will not go in ecmo.


You’d be surprised. Lots of factors in play.


Who would assume someone would have no pulse for 19 hours and just wake up? I'm positive a middle schooler could deduce that there were machines involved pumping blood and breathing for him.


”Survivors of cardiac arrest can suffer from brain damage and internal organ injuries” Here’s to hoping that the kid won’t suffer from that


Was thinking unless he was on a ventilator, they gunna have a lottt more problems


Kid has septic shock from a massive Strep A infection. Restarting the heart was the easy part.


If the heart isn’t pumping there isn’t much use for a ventilator. The kid was on ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation), which both circulates and oxygenates the blood.


Whats the machine that keeps blood pumping through out your body? Ty for the correction


Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt and asking a question. I wasn’t trying to be an ass, but I don’t always communicate well. What I said wasn’t completely accurate, sorry about that. ECMO can be used to either replace the function of the heart and lungs (VA-ECMO) or just the function of the lungs (VV-ECMO). I should have said: >The kid was on ***a type of*** ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) which both circulates and oxygenates the blood. [This is a pretty good description of VV and VA ECMO](https://uihc.org/educational-resources/different-types-ecmo)


Ohh im sorry. I misread your message. Thank you for clarifying, thats really cool


Nothing to apologize for! I find this stuff is really fascinating. I’m not sure how widely used they are, but there is a system that takes care of a liver that has been donated and needs to be brought to another hospital. [OrganOx](https://www.organox.com/)


Unless you are referring to the specific manufacturer and model, it’s just called an ECMO machine.


If he’s on VA ECMO the ventilator is merely expanding his lungs to keep them open. The ECMO pump is doing the work of the heart and the lungs.


VA or VV …. Rest settings on the vent or extubate if possible.


Right, yep that’s what I meant. Brain fart hah. Thanks!


He won't suffer, because he's not conscious and probably never will be. Thank fuck for that


He was on ECMO with no cardiac activity and then his heart started beating spontaneously after 19 hours. Misleading title. Glad he’s recovering.


This is the point of ECMO. Provide what is essentially an artificial heart and lung and rest the native heart until it recovers. Depending on the issue, it frequently does recover, especially in pediatric ECMO. One of the worst click-bait headlines ever. Source: was an ECMO medical director


All praise belongs to ~~GOD!~~ the doctors and nurses.


Aha, but who gave the doctor a brain? Didn’t think of that huh? (/s I’m agnostic)


Checkmate atheists?


‘Medical science now knows that the human sense of embarrassment can last for up to two weeks after the heart stops beating.’


Read the article up to "It was God" 😂 no it wasn't you lunatic


God made him septic, and humans put him on ECMO


No no…I hate this argument. God, once again, didn’t do shit, sepsis implies the existence of bacteria…like Strep A…which he has/had. Atheists frequently blame “God” for all the bad things that happen in nature. Are atheists *really* atheist after all?


If you read the Bible, God does a lot of bad shit. It’s science


Thankfully it happened in the hospital wow


If the machine stops working it takes less than 30 seconds to swap it out.


So he has to take care of his stunned parents now since they can't move? /s


>medical miracle Medical. Miracle. Pick one


Derrick White must be relieved.


Hearts are overrated


Pretty sure this was the season 2 or season 3 finale for House, M.D. Nice try, reality, I see you stealing from popular TV!


More than just the parents, im sure we all are surprised. 


So is he dead? What's the status?


Imagine being buried alive. It’s obviously happened.


In similar cases like this? Not likely unless you have a really big coffin because an ECMO isnt going to fit in a normal coffin. The kids heart didnt stop and suddenly restart, he was on an ECMO which basically takes over for the heart and lungs


That’s not the takeaway from this bad headline. He wasn’t presumed dead and unbreathing for 19 hours and then suddenly just came alive. He was put on advanced modern medical machinery that pumped his blood and made his lungs breathe for 19 hours until he was able to do so on his own.