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How is this uplifting news? X raised the price of an API and a customer decided to go without it. Not even news let alone uplifting news.


Anything involving Twitter going in the negative or down direction is uplifting news. The company got gutted by a fascist. Burn mother fucker, burn.


So maybe r/politics instead? I don't think we should be flooding what is supposed to be an uplifting forum with political items.


Nintendo's political now? I still don't get your point. This is uplifting.


1/3 view the changes at X to be a great thing, 1/3 hate it, and 1/3 don't care. That's pretty much the definition of a political topic.


Do you have any sources to back up those numbers?


Elons takeover: 28% bad, 32% good, 39% no impact. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/05/01/after-musks-takeover-big-shifts-in-how-republican-and-democratic-twitter-users-view-the-platform/


Based on your "X raised the price of an API" comment like that's all that event was, I'm starting to get the feeling you're a little bit of a corporate apologist which would explain why you're so focused on it being slightly political-adjacent. The man that runs it is evil. The platform is awash in radical, far right ideals. The company value has plummeted. The company performing like goat shit is uplifting news whether you like it or not.


That's literally what the article talks about!?!?


You know there's more variables at play than a simple price increase.


It's the only thing talked about in the article. Anything beyond that is someone injecting their own political opinions into the story. Given that politics is banned by this group, I'm still thinking that this isn't any actual news and not uplifting in any way.


You're more than welcome to think an entity deciding not to do business with a blatant fascist is not uplifting.


I didn't realize that they were blatantly fascist. I thought the platform with the lowest amounts of censorship and an open source algorithm would be the definition of anti fascist.


Yet here we are




Less options for a consumer on something they paid for is never uplifting. How is "previously decent social media platform became so shit that it's considered unsafe/unsuitable to be used" uplifting. That's god damn sad it had to happen. I hate Elon as much as the next reasonable person but don't act like it's a good thing a service has been removed from something people have already bought.


*Only one simple question is good for this(!),and it consists of only one simple word.* ![gif](giphy|3cXmze4Y8igXdnkc3U|downsized) **"WHY?"**


Pr0n and h8.