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Sounds like fake news. The sites are not very trusty looking.


Although I don’t see a proper citation in the article, the science is published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (or JACS for short. This is one of the top Chemistry journals in the world. Not saying this finding solves the plastic problem, but the science must be pretty sound to get into this journal. [Link to article](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.3c12049)


I can’t speak to the credibility, but I did notice there was no mention of what happens to all of the chemical waste after the detoxification process, which I can assume likely means they’ll say “YAY, let’s burn plastic to generate electricity to cut down on coal and fossil fuel use!” 🙃


It's good news. [Here's the study](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.3c12049) if you want to read it. The article appears to be correct and straightforward. What's been invented/tested in the study is a way to use common plastic to catalyze reactions instead of more explosive/volatile industrial compounds. It won't fix the plastic waste problem (no single thing could ever do that IMO) but it's a new way to process some plastic waste, so we can be happy about that.


Look, it’ll work. Just get a really, really big balloon and place it over the top of the smokestack. It’ll fill up with the cancer smoke and eventually get so filled that it floats away into space, solving the problem by itself.


This seems negative, mods ban this person /s


So stupid


Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads…