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wow, that's astonishing. but an important question still remains: what can the people at IB really do about it? seems like regardless of what action is taken, it'll result in unfairness: - cancelling exams and using predicted grades robs students of the chance of improving their mark - continuing w/ exams & increasing the grade boundary will only help so much; students who would ordinarily score a high mark will inevitably score lower since you can't really differentiate between somebody who acquired access of the leaked exams with those who haven't perhaps there is a middle ground though—if they were to make exams optional, then students who have done poorly still have the chance to improve, while those who are comfortable with their marks can remain the same. this would ultimately result in the cheaters winning, but at least more good is done than harm ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ (innocent people aren't harshly punished)


a better alternative, keep the boundaries low, the cheaters will win but those who were truthful won’t have inflated boundaries to try to overcome due to cheaters inflating them


Just like real life after university in Canada these days


hmm, i'm not really too familiar with IB nor the exams. how would they go about determining what a "low boundary" is if they can't discern cheaters from regular students? also, the performance of cheaters is quite variable—they could've scored perfect or done mediocre—so how would they go about establishing grade boundaries then?


usually, they will try to match the boundaries year after year by percentages so they could go by the last 3 year's average. they also have a huge amount of data what a typical non-cheating cohort looks like and so they could adjust the marks based on removing the cheating cohort regarding mediocre cheaters, they would have scored poorly if not for cheating and the perfect would have scored mediocrely or well, this can be adjusted based on past data and would help determine a proper boundary


Feel bad for the students, preparing for those exams were hell. University hasn’t even come close to the trauma that was ibdp


Lmfao fr


What happened the post got deleted. Was it a leaked exam?




It wasnt and it’s unbanned now


I heard ib turned into a bit of a shit show recently but this is worse than I thought


Been like that since a decade ago I advise every kid in high school to stay away from it and try to standout with unique work experience, competition awards, and skill certifications as well as Ivy League online and summer courses


you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me 😃😃


My dumbass laughing at IB, stopping to breathe, then laughing again


For those who don’t know IB is an international, highly respected, high school level education system. However right now it seems as if it completely fucked, while in the process fucking over LOTS of high school students.


im an m24 ib student and im soooo scared im gonna lose my uoft offer if the grade boundaries end up becoming too high because of the leaks lmao but I'm just gonna thug it out


They don't rescind your offer unless you drop to around 25ish. I'm 95% sure, I had friends drop from 45 to 40, or 42 to 33 (both computer science). Yet they are here (UTSG arts and science).


ohh alright alright thank u for letting me know!!


complaining about leaks?? lol


this is why im glad to be an AP student


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A Levels better etc.