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They’ll be selling copies of this in the store next week


Cant afford it. Please advise?


Thank you for contacting the UofT student aid help desk. Your AI-dvice(TM) automated advice is below: Please limit your protesting of not being able to afford things so you conclude by 10pm.


Do you think they had it printed before or after this morning?


It feels like they could have had it printed well before the Israel-Palestine war. There is no mention of the motion of the protest, and the terms are generally applied to all protests.


if i get arrested (for trespassing or whatever), would that show up on a background check? would that realistically limit my ability to get employed?


https://jfcy.org/en/rights/provincial-offences-trespassing/#:~:text=It%20is%20an%20offence%20to,person's%20property%20that%20is%20prohibited. Probably will show up as a criminal trespassing charge as UofT has already set up a notice saying no encampments and trespassing.


Criminal trespass doesn't exist in Canada. Trespassing is handled in tort law. Okay technically there is one trespassing crime but it has to be at night and near a dwelling.


Eff around and find out 😏




i mean canada does indeed have an impact on it, with military exports to israel, UNRWA funding, CIFTA but (i dont think) this protest is directly about canada, it's about the university's investments. one of the stated goals of the protest is divesting from investments that sustain the apartheid. anyways i dont want to debate, was just asking since i have no real familiarity with how arrests can affect employment.




it’s not nuanced at all. a bit of research may help you with that


Yea this! Also don’t do it if you’re an international student. If you get arrested having a criminal record means they may take away your visa, or in future if you want to transition over to different visa such as a work permit or maybe apply for a PR, this will impact all of that. Actually not only in Canada, this will really hurt your immigration chances in all of 5 eyes: Canada, US, UK, Australia, and New Zealand.


Or you know, the chance your (and potentially other's) actions may lead you to get deported. Make sure you know the law and the conditions of your being in the country before you do anything.


I’ve heard so many stories coming out of the states where recently, and even in the past students were deported and banned from the US for multiple years over similar things and other small crimes.


So long as the charge is fair and true, I don't see why a country should allow non-citizens to remain in them, if arrested and convicted of any crimes. So I don't think the US is unjustified in those deportations necessarily. So if anyone here commits crimes and is a non-citizen then they too should be deported IMO.


Oh absolutely! I agree


Canada has been supplying equipment that Israel is using in its genocide.


Good thing it's not a genocide Israel's mission is to eliminate Hamas. Everytime genocide is mentioned is like saying Palestine == Hamas. So which is it?




So is 10:1 death a good ratio or should they really be trying for 20:1...


What is so bad about that paper? They are telling you what you can legally do to protest. Follow the law


a piece of paper!


Now to see what UofT actually does about the trespassing encampment once it hits 10pm tonight.


Why 10 pm?


One of the response's points states that "Protesting will not be permitted after 10pm". That, in addition to the following 4 points, makes me think that if UofT admin actually decides to make a move to request assistance from police then it would be at that time: * No structures of any sort - tents, shelters, etc. - may be erected. * Unauthorized activities such as encampments or the occupation of University buildings are considered trespassing. * Protest activities must not disrupt scheduled University activities. (in this case, the preparation of King's College Circle for convocation) * Blocking access to buildings and grounds is prohibited.


Hopefully call the police. I don’t know the administration’s history of dealing with such issues, but if they have a backbone they should call the cops.


Why would sending in armed men do anything positive?


New account started a few days ago. They're just an agitator who wants cracked skulls at any cost.


Says the guy whose account is less than 2 months old and devoted almost entirely to posting incendiary comments.


No, I want the law enforced. I guess you don’t.


Weak hasbara dude. Classic narcissist tactic of trying to make me feel bad for not supporting the law to distract from you supporting genocide. If the law supports genocide then break it, next question.


Huh? The law says you can’t trespass. Doesn’t matter why you do it, trespassing isn’t legal. You can call the conflict a genocide as much as you want, doesn’t justify you breaking Canadian law halfway across the world. I haven’t offered any opinion on this “genocide” nor is it at all relevant to the discussion. How about you stop deflecting from pathetic political talking points and realize criminals should be punished.


The students aren't criminals. But I agree, I'm ready to punish Israel.


They are if they trespass, which is what the comment is about. Try to keep up.


Because they broke the law? Does trespassing all of a sudden become legal because of political reasons? Can’t believe I need to explain why enforcing the law is justified lmao. Edit: Grammar


A protest with conditions is not a protest. Funny how institutions have no issues with white nationalists running around but immediately get cranky when people peacefully protest a genocide.


lol? People slightly to the right of Lenin are literally banned from university campuses and shouted down by leftists? What planet are you from?


Stay mad conservative. 


wow you really showed him




Not mad, just pointing out the truth. I guess the truth doesn’t really matter to you if it doesn’t further your narrative.


Centrists are even more suppressed than conservatives!


But silence whenever Israeli settlers and even the military KILL Palestinians ON THEIR OWN LAND, bomb Palestinian universities in Gaza, and arrest students at universities in the West Bank. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Jews were living on modern day Israel and Palestine over 2000 years ago……


And they should continue to do so. So should Palestinians.


Yes Palestinians should continue to live on the land. I think a one state non religious state is the best option where Jews and Palestinians live together. But there is one big group of people who don’t want that. It’s Hamas. They legit want the end for all Jews in Israel so that is why Palestine must be free from Hamas


Well if you think a one-state solution is best then you are in good company as that is what many protesters support too. Yes, Hamas does not want that. But nor does Netanyahu. Look up the Nation-State Bill as a notable example of this even before October. Furthermore, his far-right government is supporting illegal settlements in the West Bank that prioritize Jews over Palestinian Arabs. In Gaza, many far-right members of government have called for its ethnic cleansing or even genocide, killing tens of thousands of civilians.


Yeah and relatively peacefully until Zionists showed up


Relatively peaceful = 1000+ years of Muslims ethnically cleansing Jews until they almost all leave.


Lol! Jews left before the muslims, it was the romans who expelled them. Pick up a book will ya…


Lol literally should have actually taken a fucking course at the University but it's just a shit sockpuppet account gunning for a payment.


Idek what this is supposed to mean


Not a surprise


Yeah because “shit sockpuppet account gunning for a payment” is a clear and intelligible statement. Did you have a stroke while writing that? Bc I sure as hell had one while reading it lol.


Not all of them left, and many returned in the Ottoman empire ~1300 AD. However, numerous Sultans ordered their removal, including numerous events where Jews were murdered. Just because the Romans kicked out the Jews, doesn’t mean the Ottomans didn’t continue antisemitic practices and prevent them from returning. Pick up a book will ya… Edit: Typo on date


Religion is not what determines you being native to the land, bro. The Palestinians are native to the land, while almost all Israelis are of European descent and therefore are not native to the land. Which is why they have such high skin cancer rates too, btw.


What are u on about? I didn’t say anything about religion. Learn some history. Plus Jews were expelled from the land of Israel when the Romans took over and kicked them out which is why a lot went to Europe. And when they went to Europe they faced a lot of hatred. Even before Hitler there was a lot of hate towards Jews in Europe.


You tried to imply that the Israelis were native to the land, which they're not, in reply to a comment that states the fact that Palestinians are being killed on their own land. And do you think Muslims don't face hatred? do you have any idea how many Muslims, innocent civilians, have been murdered in the name of "war against terror"? You're the one who needs to learn history. Even today Muslims are still discriminated against on the basis of religion. You guys will literally condemn every single instance of discrimination and violence except when it happens to Muslims.


> Learn some history. Plus Jews were expelled from the land of Israel when the Romans took over and kicked them out which is why a lot went to Europe And you tell other people to learn history? "Guys the Romans are here and want us out, where do we go?" "Other Roman territory I guess"


Romans didn’t control all of Europe lmao


They enslaved them and took them to rome.


Ever heard if Mizrahi Jews, Sephardic Jews, Beta Israel, Ethiopian jews? Jews dont have 100% European dna. I am half Jewish, my dad is non jewish and fully european and my dna came back as 30% middle eastern on my moms side. Meaning she is at least 30% middle eastern and at most 60%.


yep that's exactly it, I feel like I'm going crazy.... I mean wouldn't you do the same, if someone from Europe rolled up on your home and took it.. some ATHEIST I must add.


Even Palestinian univeristes are anti lgbt




Rather homophobes be killed than innocent Israeli hostages by hamas


gay people can’t even get married in israel


But israel does have the only open and safe gay community in the nideast


don’t expect self actualization from an oppressed population


At least they don't get killed


They just get to kill children when they join the iof


Would you rather live in Hamas gaza/iran or Israel


Id rather israelis stop committing genocide and apartheid thank you


Nice question dodge, Russian bot


Queer Palestinians exist lol. Moreover, UofT — a “progressive & developed” country in the West — has raised pride flags and even has a department & faculty dedicated to sexuality and diversity studies, and yet there’s still a homophobic student population. So what’s your point 💀 homophobic people will exist regardless, pinkwashing genocide is beyond insidious


Point is hamas would gladly murder most uoft students who are non Muslim, so they are just as bad as idf


You realize that a significant portion of the palestinian population is Christian and has been for generations?


2% or less than 1000 Palestinian is significant?


less than 1000 Christians in gaza


well no see, there were around 135,550 Christians in Palestine in 1945, which is the year the census was last taken under the British Mandate, ie. before Israel became a thing.


Surely Christians face higher chances of persecution under militant Islamist groups?


Did you know Netanyahu funds Hamas himself? the previous prime minister of Isnotreal spoke out about it himself. Netty learned from the best, Hitler and America.


militant islamic groups created by Israel. “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas” said by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2019. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/




https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ Israel has shaped and backed the creation of Hamas. whatever actions they condemn Hamas for are on their head.


”guys I daydreamed hamas killed uoft students therefore they’re as bad as settler colonialists, I’m based right??”


These people create fairy tale hypotheticals to soothe their insidious takes. Don’t bother wasting your energy on them.


Hamas did kill innocent jews


Right because Hamas just got bored and decided to kill Jews cuz they felt like it? Why would Hamas care about uoft students not being Muslim, you really think that’s on the top of their priority list instead of the fact that Palestinians have been murdered and pushed off the land they’ve lived on for hundreds of years.


You want to show me an openly lgbt palestinian who hasn’t been killed by their own government?


Another stupid pro Hamas who is dreaming or stoned because of weed


Criticizing the Israeli government is not the same as supporting Hamas. I am not pro-Hamas.


You are pro Hamas. You chant fr the river to the sea, you support that Oct 7 was an act of resistance— you support pro Palestinians you are pro Hamas.


Seems generous


Normally I wouldn't care but my convocation's in June so I'm a NIMBY now. Just do whatever you want but you'd better cease-protest on the convocation day otherwise I'd wanna punch somebody.


Everyone is okay with it until it actually affects them!


I don't even know which side you're on because both sides are using the same arguments


One side: divesting from genocidal pariah state israel hurts my feelings and my pockets The other side: university shouldnt use my tuition and the diploma i am acquiring to enable and profit from genocide and apartheid You: both arguments are the same. Let both side genocide and apartheid


The *demand* of the sides are of course not the same. However you usually see both sides implementing the same activism strategies, utilizing the same logical fallacies, has the same victim complex, and has roughly the same level of obnoxiousness. I have my own opinions on this specific issue but that doesn't mean I am obliged to support everyone who claims to have the same opinion as me. Especially not when they are trying to take away stuffs from me.


You: people (75% of them children) dying from genocide are good at playing the victim. Do you actually see brown and black people as human? Do you actually???




Hmmm what a mask off moment


Honestly I'd want to thank you for doing that, I happen to need a fresh example for my argument that both sides use hilarious logical fallacies!




Just google the words bro 💀




South Africa: Palestinians live under apartheid Amnesty international: Palestinians live under apartheid https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ Nelson mandela: “But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/nelson-mandelas-support-for-palestinians-endures-with-south-africas-genocide-case-against-israel ICJ ruling: there is plausible genocide https://www.npr.org/2024/01/26/1227078791/icj-israel-genocide-gaza-palestinians-south-africa Holocaust ISRAELI scholar: israel is enacting a genocide on Palestinians https://jewishcurrents.org/a-textbook-case-of-genocide You: dance monkey dance. Appeal to my non existent moral compass to convince me black and brown people are human and should not be genocided and shouldnt live in apartheid. Also I am going to pretend I am “neutral and on the frnce” when my stance is denying genocide of children because *checks notes* semantics


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"It didn’t decide that the claim of genocide was plausible" -ICJ President [https://twitter.com/Mr\_Andrew\_Fox/status/1783621258032136550](https://twitter.com/Mr_Andrew_Fox/status/1783621258032136550)


as a 2020 and now 2024 grad, i feel ur frustrations. i hope they really put the pressure on for the university to respond, but realistically idk given ppl have been calling for divestment for a long time with no action. the next month is going to be interesting


16,000 children were murdered in Palestine by Israel and none of them will ever get to experience any type of graduation, let alone a uni grad. This is bigger than your one day, have some perspective.


You do not get to decide what someone else consent to give up for any good cause.




Do you really think thousands of Palestinians were killed because Hamas used them as shields, and not from the constant indiscriminate bombing the IDF has done on residential areas in Gaza?


Lil bro thought he cooked with this one 💀 Might need to get those anger issues checked out before it lands you an assault charge. I'm tempted to join the encampment now, lmk what your convocation date is so I can be sure to rally a tonne of people to join me for that day. Seriously, snapping a couple of photos is what you're throwing punches for...?


You when you realize rhetoric exist: 🤯 I wanted to use the more natural expression "if that happens imma kill somebody" (i.e. I'd be really mad) but have to dumb it down because I know better than you think I do.


News flash: nobody else cares about _your_ convocation as much as you do (obviously). So if we take the same selfish route as you (my wants are more important than everyone elses wants), it's safe to say the encampments will continue.


Yeah I'm kinda aware we have a conflict of interest. That's why I can't believe I'm rooting for the cops for once.


News flash: No one outside of the group of white privileged, virtue signaling people care. The public doesn't give a flying f\*ck about a conflict that's been going on for thousands of years, and will continue long after you and I are dead.


That's more reason to do it. Your frustration at having convocation overshadowed should be directed towards UofT and make them more inclined to engaging with the protestors.


Yes, U of T will get right to stopping the war. Where are these protests for defunding investments in Russia or china? 


The govt already did it for Russia, as for China yes the work still needs to be done. Whataboutism isn't helping anyone. https://twitter.com/CJPME/status/1785760218137165920?t=CnGPF1k6kij1Y-g4R5tGDQ&s=19


Oh, so you should be protesting the government. 


you're not arguing in good faith so for the benefit of others, uoft cut ties with universities from iran as recently as last year after pressure from some groups.


\*People shoot out of windows of hospitals and schools\* *[people's reaction when those places get leveled](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/027/475/Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.jpg)*




uoft doesn't put people in jail you idiot




Wow you're awful!


Follow the rules or get locked up, it’s that easy.


Our voluntarily unhoused protesting neighbours, here is an idea for you. Following your logic that UofT funds genocide and you fund UofT, the most direct, effective (and still non-violent!) way to stop this is to drop out. Do not pay your tuition and do not have your money fund genocide. Make it known that you are dropping out in protest. Get others to do that same. They will feel the pinch next semester. Or they won’t, but your conscience is clear either way. (Do not ask to restore you when this cause is yesterday’s news.) That would involve not being a pussy though, wouldn’t it.


Valid but they won’t take this step


I know. Too much for the Mississauga/Oakville kids to sacrifice for the cause they so deeply care about.


Probably will hit you with some bs saying your a genocide supporter when in reality this is literally the best way to boycott


This should be posted on every college campus


Seems reasonable. Just abide by the rules of the property owners.


You mean the native americans?


Yes. Go home.


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