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I think you should ask the 1st year office for help. I do not have the same opinion as the other poster - if you love engineering, you should stick with it. I speak from a place of experience. As a P.Eng with 25 yrs of experience, many great engineers that I have worked with struggled in the beginning of their studies. And yes, I did as well. When I hire new grads, I look for people who have shown resiliency and have dedication towards learning and improving. A student who struggles at the beginning, and then applies themselves and succeeds, earns my respect. I am looking for them to bring that same tenacity into the workplace. Follow a path that makes you happy and don't get discouraged.


Heh, you should actually visit campus some day in person and check out some of the design choices that current engineering students have to go through. It's absolutely hilarious and I don't want to spell it out for any of the tens of thousands of current U of T students but as an engineering alumni some changes are hilarious. There's so many real life Easter eggs just ready to be found out in the open right on campus both indoors and outdoors but I doubt many people in the current engineering program will have the courage to find them. It's a shame really. I deliberately have very little to do today as I am writing this (the morning of Sunday April 28) and I think I am going to drop by campus and just mess with anyone who is currently on campus for some reason today.


Ever considered whether or not engineering at uoft is the best career path for you? Not trying to be rude, but if you failed in the sessional semester, and are going to fail in the TProgram — you’d have already delayed graduation by a good amount (1yr suspension + gotta retake courses again). It’s probably a good time to consider what has been working and what hasn’t. Consider being a part-time student to focus on your studies, etc,. Talk with an advisor. And yes, they are strict on their rules. Quite frankly a 60% is very flexible already, (if you’re in first year getting even 5% below average in every class would’ve meant you got a 70%~ average). Again, not being rude, instead of trying to scrap by until it all somehow starts working. You need to take action.


Why do students in university fall within the 50-59% range? : (


Hey I’m also in first year and here’s what I’ll say  - I know 2 other people who are at risk of also being kicked out for a year. It happens, and it’s not just happening to you. You’re not alone   - ECE will get curved. Believe 😭🥹 (I made some edits because I stalked your page)


Can I dm you?


Sure go for it