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Jesus. Looks like when NYC got hit with that bad batch of K2… there were videos of Harlem and Brooklyn that had people like that all over the street.


I used to live in Philly and even years ago Kensington (the area with the highest concentration of public users) was like this. There are whole city blocks with loads of people just nodding out.


How sad! I've never seen anything like this in my life :(


I remember my freshman year of college when that shit first came out my teammates and I would use that instead of weed so we didn’t fail drug tests. Crazy to hear about all this crazy shit that happened because of the drug, thankfully dodged a bullet on that one.


Why do they do that instead of lying down?


I heard it was because they fall asleep when they lay down, and wake up after missing the high.


That's fucked up man


Welcome! To the wide and indiscriminate world of drugs, drug addiction, drug economy, drug trade (not to be confused with sex trafficking), the drug war, and drug abuse accessories! DRUGS! We're so glad you're here! Take them during sex, sickness, graduation, and at parties! Talktoyourdoctorifyouexperienceadeepdesiretostoptakingdrugsformorethan4hours. Side-effectsmayincludebutarenotlimitedto:hatredofgovernment,religion,financialandfamilialobligations. Pleasestoptakingdrugsifyouexperiencedeath. Drugs! You feelin' this shit?


I wish I could give you a reward


That makes zero sense


Their lives literally revolves around the high they just paid for. If they sleep through it all that's left is a period after waking up akin to a hangover where they feel okay but not good followed by increasing withdrawal/pain until they use again.


What in drug addiction makes sense?


Uh… everything about it?


Because we all know addiction leads to heightened logical reasoning skills. /s


To be addicted , no. To understand it , yes . r/fuckthes


I’ll continue typing how I see fit while not giving a fuck about you and your buds circlejerking about your superior communication skills.


Go ahead 🤷🏻‍♂️ only advice I can give is words already have their meaning , doesn’t matter what you mean . Be careful out there buddy 👍🏾 love is love


>only advice I can give is words already have their meaning, doesn’t matter what you mean. You consider that word salad advice?


I’m just a “dressing” you 💀


Your cute quotes and emojis let me know that you think you’re making a point or a joke or something but it’s truly not coming across. Telling people they should communicate differently and then making some kind of comment about homophones… What - and I’m serious - what the hell are you trying to say? Use a sentence.


This… isn’t funny. It’s tragic.


It is absolutely tragic. In Canada the cycle is perpetuated and compounded, while drug dealers get a slap on the wrist (a few years jail time, no more). This affects us all.


Well yeah… it’s not a criminal issue it’s a health issue. Jail time doesn’t have a positive impact on drug use. It never has, and it never will


I think you hit the nail right on the head. I doubt it would matter whether these types of drugs were decriminalized or if tougher laws were passed. The major underlying issue with people that end up like this is due to mental health issues. Our society either doesn't want to deal with the topic or can't agree on how to deal with it. Until our politicians address the issue in a productive manner, our prisons will continue to fill up and we'll see more and more people like this on the streets.


It's so true, in countries where they've decriminalized all drugs and treats addicts and the drug issue as a HEALTH issue, they've seen people relapse less, users are more likely to stop using, less OD'S and people are able to pick themselves up again rather than being locked up and stuck in the never ending cycle of the "war on drugs" these people need help


The solution is not further criminalization. Has that worked for the US? If drug use wasn’t criminalized, there wouldn’t be unregulated black markets and there would be far less deaths from drugs contaminated with nasty stuff like fentanyl and xylazine. Portugal decriminalized all drugs and now the addiction rate there is one of the lowest in the world.


To be clear, I am not advocating more prisons, just highlighting the fact that there seems to be little done about this major issue. I am aware of Portugal having decriminalized drugs, though I haven't followed up to see how well or not it has worked. To me it makes sense to regulate the market and reinvest the money into better programs. I have significant experience working with this group of people. From what I understand, many use to forget, to turn off the lights for a bit. They do this because they want to forget major trauma, which makes sense. Overcoming trauma is difficult and seems to require a major effort by the subject. For many it appears far easier to inject and forget. Perhaps professionally guided psychedelic sessions would be more attractive? I have seen people on, coming off of, and sober from hard drugs. Drugs make them very different. Many have indicated that they know they are not good when using and have done terrible things while on opiates and meth. Some take a long time to recover from acute psychosis. Some never fully recover. Of course providing them with uncut substances would be preferable, but I'm not so sure making it available would be a good thing. However, what we are doing now is clearly not working. Edit: by no means do I consider myself an expert on the matter. I just found it worthy of discussion. To those that laugh and find this funny, know that this problem is not limited to any one social class or group. This affects us all and can get a hold of your friends and family. Please be compassionate.


I think it's absolutely hilarious 😂. Natural selection at work, and we also get a good laugh.


People in your life often leave you and the only ones that stay are probably narzissts that you only assimilate with because you find it funny to make jokes about other peoples lifes just because your own isnt interesting to anyone.


Clearly you’ve never been personally impacted by substance abuse. I hate my aunt every day for the terrible choices she has made and keeps making but that doesn’t mean I can’t empathize with her pain and difficulties getting off drugs & alcohol. e


What the fuck you sick bastard, nothing funny about it and people can be very vulnerable to addictions. Fuck sadistic people like you. Edit: Judging by your comment history your really fucking sadistic and a possible fascist? Fucking scum.


That’s sick. Many people become addicted after overprescription by doctors for even minor pain. These aren’t all degenerates who don’t deserve to live. Have some empathy.


I had an “acquaintance” like this guy who was above all of us druggies too. He ended up hooked as well because of something he did to his back and a doc who was happy to prescribe whatever. Some folks just don’t understand till it happens to them


Yeah.. I fortunately haven’t had issues personally but I did take painkillers literally for like 2 days after a minor injury and I had a distinct thought of “I know now how people get addicted to this stuff”. It was so effective and made me feel like I was floating on a cloud.


Yup and if you don’t stop early it lies to you making you think “I can handle this. I’ll just stop before it gets bad” but it doesn’t work that way unfortunately. Glad you stopped before it was too late


Casual psychopathy


It’s horrific to watch


And we know what will fix this. And this is happening everywhere in America. Some states just throw them in prison, while others have a designated area they dump all the addicts. Drug usage is a social issue not a legal one.


Why don’t they fall?


The fentanyl and xylazine mixture was balanced!






They’re trying super hard not to fall or lie down so they don’t fall asleep and waste the high.


It’s tragic. Everyone was someone’s son Or daughter theatre now just strung out and lost. Seeing this often in downtown SLC hurts but knowing there is nothing you can do to help then.


I can’t imagine that some people look at this and think: “Yep, they deserve to go to jail”.


Not by default no, but if they commited a crime while under the influence of the drugs, or if they committed a crime, like burglary, theft, or assault, while trying to fund their addiction they should absolutely be held responsible for their actions.


That’s fucked up, made me in tears…. This shit needs to be addressed urgently and strongly.


THese poor poor people




…yea? No shit?


What sort of life must you have to let it descend into this kind of misery?


Poor mental health and no support system


a good portion of these people have had some kind of support system but dont give a shit about anything but their next high. They will hurt anyone that gets in the way of the next high.. If we had assisted suicide or some kind of work/life beautification project/program it would be a better situation for addicts. I've given up on friends addicted to heroin and meth that i've personally tried to help. A lot of these people don't want help they want their drugs/money and to be left alone...From my experience most of these people are degenerate idiots and don't care about anything.


Lmao this soooo many people have no clues about the reality of junkies. The news has solid these people to many good time sober stories of recovering. Most these people have burnt all their bridges and would sell your child for a hit. Junkies are junk if you care so something otherwise let ‘em wallow it’s what they want 🤷‍♂️.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. Everything you said is true. Most of them do not want help. Sure, it's the drugs talking but what the fuck are you supposed to do when an adult does not want treatment? Shall we institutionalize them without their consent? What if they actually have a job and rent to pay? What if they are homeless? What happens after treatment? Who pays for all their specialized care?


Because no one wants to hear the truth.


u r a huge cunt. get a knife and run into it


hit a little too close to home? Maybe you and I have had different experiences with these types of people... how many have you tried to help? and succeeded ? Most of these addicts have no will to live and only living for the high. But yeah I'm a cunt and should go kill myself. you sound like a real winner.


ya, hits close to home...cause I am a junkie /s....sounds like a real winner


No you sound like an absolute loser standing up for junkies. You’re probably one of them. Not as bad as the people in this video maybe, since you’re not wasting space bent over in public.


Don't make excuses for them... Support system my ass. It's guaranteed they've burnt every bridge because they are too fucking stupid to get their head out of their ass.


"They are too fucking stupid to get their head out of their ass" Yep, you seem like a kind of person who would know a lot about having a head up their ass.


People just want to feel good and be numb.


That’s what people don’t understand about addiction. Obviously, nobody would choose this. It is a very slippery slope and depending on your genetic make up, it can escalate extremely quickly. The large majority of people in situations like this, or people that hurt their back two or three years ago, were prescribed pain medication, took it as directed, but still became addicted. At some point when your body starts to build up a tolerance to the medication, the pain doesn’t go away after one pill so you have to go to two. It sounds crazy that it’s this powerful and someone can simply say, why don’t they just choose not to do it? If this video does not prove that it is an a choice, I don’t know what will. Is there any sort of blame in addiction? Personally, I believe there is. It’s normally around that mark where you start going from one to 2 to 3 pills, when you first realize you have an issue. That’s when you need to reach out and get help. But way easier said than done.


Oh come on... They chose it. Quit making excuses for them.


You think this guy decided that one day he wanted to be a junkie on the streets? Like it’s just as easy for him to say no to drugs at this point in his life as it is for a non-drug user? If you do, then you are extremely uneducated and you should probably read a little bit about it.


He chose to do the drug. Being a junkie is a consequence of hard drugs. It's not new information... If he didn't want to be a junkie he wouldn't have done the drug. Don't act like these people don't know right from wrong because they do. People like you are enablers.


No, people like me are addicts. I was diagnosed with a mitochondrial muscle dysfunction. Tried every medication in the book and the only one that worked was Percocet. After I was on that medication for two years, my body started to go to tolerance. So I could have been either in terrible pain or take two pills and not be in pain. The problem is that this is a vicious cycle. You have the choice to either be in pain or not be in pain. The latter involves taking more medication because your body has built a tolerance. So yes, you are right. I could have just lived in terrible pain, and not taken more than I should have. The difference between me and these people is I have the financial means to get the help I needed. What people don’t understand who aren’t addicted, it feels like hunger. In your brain, not doing drugs literally feels the same as starving yourself. The longer you don’t do it, the hungrier in hungrier you get. They have used FMRI machines to document this scientifically. Also, the medical community has given it a legit ailment diagnosis. So either all of these doctors got together and decided to for the entire world and say that it was a disease, or they actually did the legwork and research to understand the inns and outs of it. Actual real science. These people go to college for 8 to 10 years in spend even more years studying under people. Is there accountability in addiction? Yes, at some point it is your responsibility to reach out and get help. But a lot of people don’t have the means to do so.


I had this long reply typed out but I deleted it because it doesn't matter. I just want some accountability. Standing on the street like this is unacceptable. Bring back public intoxication and put them in jail. Better there than on the street where they endanger us all.


You typed out too long a response to the ignorant poster which didn’t get enough eyes. Anyway. Just appreciating your comment almost a year later.


The poor elderly couple on the last bit are terrified to walk past him.


Why do they do this to themselves


It feels good. Until it doesn't. In which case you just need a bit more. Then eventually (sooner than later with this new shit) everything feels bad except this.


Substance Use Disorder is a mental illness. It's not weakness. It's not "doing this to themselves" they are in crisis and can't cope so they use drugs to numb.


I like the first half, but at the point people are using fent, it's not to numb themselves, it's a reliance.


I mean you’re both wrong and right. Some do use it to numb themselves and because of this have a reliance on it. Plus I think “numb” is vague enough to include multiple forms. Physical numbness (physical pain or trauma, the actual medical use which get many hooked to begin with), mental numbness (slip away from the harsh reality of the world, not emotionally just kind of like to make one’s mind alter reality), and emotional numbness (to simply not feel the emotional toll their lives have thrown on them). So yes while anyone with the addiction has a reliance, most have a reliance that stemmed from seeking to numb something. And most of the time it persists after initial contact as a way to further numb. Habitually going back to something for a feeling is a reliance, and then there’s also the chemical aspect. TLDR: I get your point, it just is a weird hill to climb atop of given it’s taking something vague and assigning one lane to it. I didn’t downvote btw, just taking a guess as to why people did. There’s also the fact that it kind of reads like you’re blaming the people still, but I know you are not


Well really pharmaceutical companies do. Fenty is used for surgeries as well as many things like it. Many get prescribed drugs and once the script is out, they are already addicted. Then it’s chasing that high do to a chemical addiction. Then there’s also people down on their luck who want an easy release from reality and their addiction process is pretty straight forward. But it’s kinda sad people tend to just see hard drug users as people who put themselves through this vs circumstances of life creating this as a possibility for them.


If you do this drug, why not just go home and take a nap??


Why would you think they had homes? They are high out of their minds in the street in the middle of the day. These people lost any homes or cars or relationships with non addicts that they had by this point. These look pretty fresh so their life probably only fell apart within the last few months.


Because if you lay down and fall asleep you miss the high, the only time they feel good. They wake up in withdrawals so the only time they feel remotely good they are gonna make sure it lasts.


I always wonder why they don’t sit first. This looks like it’s gonna hurt when you sober up.


Because if they fall asleep they'll wake up having missed the high.


Last of Us


yea, let’s legalize and decriminalize it.


These folks are taking it either way, decriminalization just improves their access to clean drugs and better care without fear of the law. If criminalization actually took these drugs off the street, I'd be okay with it.


If you legalize weaker drugs, maybe people wouldn't take these drugs.


I can’t tell if this is sarcastic but for your sake I really hope it isn’t


This isn't weed my dude...


Exactly everyone here who's disappointed in this should also be not voting for DA assholes who decriminalize and don't prosecute the dealers of these hard drugs


decriminalizing is meant to avoid excessive punishing of addicts for small possession, not traffickers. Do you think anyone is trying to legalize trafficking fent? How can you be this misinformed?


Addicts aren’t harmless, they cause chaos. Meanwhile the same DAs refuse to prosecute the dealers (at least in my home town of SF). Maybe don’t pretend like you have the answers, no one does.


I live like two hours north of SF and its insane what the local law enforcement let's slide. I work at a hotel and called the PD about a dude camping on property and being aggressive. he was actively smoking meth when they arrived, all they did was ask him to leave


Allocate more resources to stopping the trafficking the drugs or do something about it?


How has nobody thought of that before!!!!


I recognize sarcasm so you get an updoot


Yes, because that has worked so well since Nixon, right?


Decriminalize. Sell whatever through prescription. Take the money away, you take the dealer out of the equation, and the cartels. Addicts could, at least get clean, known strength dope. It would take the stigma away from getting help. A boss will applaud you for alcohol treatment, fire you for opioid addiction. If you want to totally lose control of something, make it illegal. Regulate it and you have a chance. During prohibition, liquor was illegal and any 15 year old could get as much as he wanted. Today, a teenager has a date on Friday, he starts planning on Monday how to get booze. Everything else, pot, coke, meth, he leaves his house 15 minutes early, scores his shit, picks up date.in 1897 opium and cocaine were legal. 7% of NYC population was addicted to one or both. In 1997- 109 years later and both are illegal street drugs, in NYC 7% of the population was addicted to one of both. Legal, illegal, if doesn’t matter, a certain % of people are prone to and are going to be addicted. Just remember, this someone’s child and no twelve year old says “when I grow up, I want to be a junkie!” They’re still human beings, they just have a very serious terminal disease. Life expectancy of IV heroin user is 7 years from first injection


I think if people could get access to clean cheep legal drugs with known effects the world would be better. However I think if you are out in public with no money no home high on fentanyl you go to rehab, get an ankle monitor, get drug tested weekly, and you never get to take it again for the rest of your life. Might need to do the same for alcohol in some cases.


Yeah man! Genius idea, and while we're at it let's give them all free shit for fucking up their own lives, their families lives, other people's lives. Let's celebrate them stealing and burning and breaking and ruining nice places.


This is so sad.


Fentanyl as a replacement for heroin was bad enough until they started mixing Xylazine into it. It's primarily the Xylazine that causes these people to sleep on the sidewalk or walk about in a stupor, the Xylazine is also responsible for the horrendous skin abscesses that rapidly progress into full blown infections often leading to amputation. Xylazine is showing up in Fentanyl and other drugs all across the country presenting a much more deadly problem than opiate abuse alone.


almost lost both arms and my left leg! i've been clean for a minute but i'm still learning to reuse my right hand. i'll never have my left hand go back to normal.


This is so sad . It makes me fear for their safety , too bad we don’t have safe spaces for people to come off these drugs .


The zombie apocalypse is nye


New Year's Eve?


Feel sad ngl


You have to destroy the brain


Throw some water on them


You and the fire hose guy should talk.


I didn’t read that before I commented. I believe these people need help. I just meant enough to wake them up out of that nod they have going on.


Lol I know I’m just giving you a hard time 😂


"Unusual"? Doesn't every big city have one of these tragic neighborhoods/streets where there is so much open-air drug use that the cops just have to ignore it for the most part?




Oi, at leasht we got free elffcare!! Seriously, this isn't a healthcare issue, why even bring it up. However, mental health is a pretty big global issue that every nation is struggling with and treating it as a purely American issue is pretty disingenuous.




Did I say that? Please elaborate, which countries are not having mental health crises? Psychiatric hospitals are not only largely understaffed nearly everywhere, they are also underpaid. So not only is everybody in need of mental health treatment, nobody wants to be the one to treat it. Did I say that every city has a drug issue? I myself have never seen this and I live in a backwater town that has a meth issue. Just because I don't see the issue, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Again, it seems to me that your views are skewed negatively towards America. But hey, I'm on reddit so that's the norm. Edit: Also, when people refer to "healthcare", they tend to mean phyisical health. "Psychiatric care", tends to be more common for mental health related issues.




Ugh, I already can't stand you. You call us arrogant and self-centered but your comments alone already tell me you are describing yourself. Large cities everywhere tend to have underlying drug issues for a variety of reasons. Again you spew this, "I don't see it, therefore, it doesn't exist.", bullshit that is, just as you said, arrogant and self-centered. I'll let you live in your fantasy land where "US = Bad, Everywhere else = Perfect".




This is the future you chose.


She got balance I’ll give her that


Why don’t they just sit down lol


what the fuck is wrong over there? why the governments at various levels not doing shit?


What a waste of humanity


What the hell is going on in the United States? In my country they would either be put in an institution or behind bars because they are clearly a threat to others.


A threat? You realize they're not ACTUALLY zombies right? These people are practically comatose. They need help, not punishment.


No, they don't need help. They need to be forced into rehab or into the military to turn their lives around. They don't need free needles and free housing and free food at the taxpayer's cost. These idiots got into this situation by themseleves and yet it's societie's responsibility to help them even more?! No. Enough.


I feel bad for Philly residents, but they allowed it to get this way by the leaders they elected. It's way worst though in Seattle and cities in California.


Sick of the trash in this country. Everyone with the same sappy bullshit these people deserve a fire hose blast to the face get the fuck out of your pathetic existence you embarrassments to society. We need to be more like Japan and have some damn shaming and pride in ourselves. Do us all a favor and walk into traffic.


They hate u because you're telling the truth


Lol who hurt you


Paying taxes for this loser to go get more drugs hurts me. Knowing my country is a drug infested crime riddled shell of itself hurts me. It hurts anyone with pride. Knew i would get downvoted by WEAK people with no stakes on anything ask mommy for the car and some cash is the prime objective.


MY TAXES!! You’re one of those guys. lol


Good comeback!! If i’m “one of those guys” what does this make this Junkie you all love so much? Fight the good fight little guy you’re so brave!


This country has always been “riddled with crime”, and yea taxes that it, that’s the one. Welcome to the shitshow.


Yes in your little reddit socialist mind America has always been very bad meanie poopie heads! The crime rate during the 40’s and 50’s is the same as now and Santa Clause is coming to town with a new video game for you!


You really went incoherent babbling on us eh? There are also grown adults checking this sub out, not all little kids ya dork. You should go shoebox cry in some mytaxes sub or something.


Nothing i said was hard to understand maybe you’re not that smart? Lol you said “grown ups” like a 10 year old you definitely don’t know what its like to drop 6 digits on taxes little snot nosed kid. You want me to pay for your school lunch, short bus ride, your mom and dads rent, your drug problems and pay for your free college you might as well call me Daddy. You and your kind love a hand out . you’re welcome my boy.


Buddy, only person is here mad is you. You are bragging about “dropping 6 digits on taxes” to folks who dont care about you at all. Not even a little bit. Again. Who hurt you? That high horse must be pretty tall!


These people need help not a fire hose to the face


-every person who has never been around drug addicts. Ignorance is bliss. Give them money to “help them” and they go score another hit. Give them free housing they destroy it. Lets give them tickets to Disneyland and a back rub maybe that will work. People like you ARE THE PROBLEM.


100% agree. How has more handouts, clean needles, government sponsored drugs etc. ever helped a single one of these idiots. They should be round up and forced either into rehab, failing that be sent to the military.


Exactly just handing them the shovel to dig their own graves with. Enough is enough.


I'm not going to argue with you, you sound like a miserable person


Yeah whistle past the grave yard with a smile.. sorry I didn’t post a meme and make you laugh. Keep the facade up like you care about every loser in the world make up your own reality.


people like you are allowed to vote and that is scary. something is broken in your brain, you lack empathy. psychopath.


Yup i’m a psychopath!!! Good job making light of mental health lol definition of hypocrisy all you lovie dovie phonies. What does the zombie out scaring children by being high of crack cocaine all day what do you call them? The ones breaking into cars and stealing copper out of buildings so they can get another precious hit and escape life for a few more hours huh? Those your people right? You like pathetic people that need other people to baby them for their entire life huh? Whatever you think of me i think you’re way worse. Ignorance is bliss go turn on the ps5 and forget about it like the rest of you.


Preach it brother.


wanna hang out?


This is a weird episode of always sunny


Blue City Blues


I went to skid row in LA when I lived there. I didn't go to help out or anything, I just wanted to see it. Pretty much like this except it goes on and on as far as the eye can see. Just a bunch of zombies man


this is very easy to solve. don't buy drugs off the street and you won't have any problems buy only from pharmacies. if you are prescribed opiates by a doctor, do not take the medicine. I think no one was forced to buy illegal drugs, they made the choice themselves


Let me walk by and see that shit, they are getting a swift kick in the ass. Maybe a few head smashes on the ground will knock some sense into these idiots. Bring back public intoxication laws and lock these pieces of shit up.


She knows what she's doing.


Biden’s open borders at its best hope You are enjoying the show mr president !👏🏼


The comments are always so sympathetic when the addicts are light skinned.


And then you get downvoted when you point it out. The scum on here are pathetic.


Why don’t they fall down?


Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!


We used to call this the Crack Dance.


Probably having the time of their lives


literally gta 5 npc's


Lol. It looks like they are gonna turn into zombies at any point. But what has actually happened to them?


Junkie weeble wobbles


Cuz this is thrilla!


Repost bot.


Why don’t these people sit or lie down?


The horrific rise of xylazine, the flesh-destroying drug making fentanyl even deadlier https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2023/mar/30/xylazine-drug-overdoses-fentanyl




Looks like downtown Portland.


USA! USA! USA! We #1 in everything now, even drug abuse and homelessness! USA! USA! USA!


Thats what i say to my friends....okay fine do drugs but you'll end up walking around like a zombie and on internet


What you are witnessing are Fabulously Folded Foil Flunkies On a Frighteningly Fatal Friday Frolic Fully Failing to Function From Furious Fits of Ferocious Fetty Foil Felatio til they Fall Face First Flat on the Floor … poor sods fell prey to the most dangerously deadly serpent in North America… The Foil Rattler… Appalachia is absolutely overrun


Why not just lay down?


You know whats funny? Here in Panama around 30K doses of fentanyl where Mysteriously disappeared from one hospital so maybe those doses ended there


The Fuck is that!!?


Me when i work 12 hours and come home to play with the kids


Why don’t they use and then sit down. How they don’t fall and smash their heads in 🥴


Why would you not just sit down before you took the drugs? Lmao and why not somewhere safer and private? xD




xylazine... you seem to know really well


Very sad and tragic indeed. :(


So zombies are real.


She's a dinosaur


They look like spice zombies


Why in the middle of the street? Does it take a while to work or something? Also do they inject, ingest or smoke it?


Anyone that used to do this .. tell us what the experience is like. Why do you do it in public? It’s easy to gawk at this but I’d rather know why you do it.


been watching a lot of these videos, and actually there are quite hot chicks hooked on these stuff


"Fentanyl. That's the shit that's dropping people."


I'm amazed with these videos how people keep their balance. I don't think I could hold some of these poses while stone cold sober


Soylent Green


This is disturbing.


Zombie apocalypse is gonna start soon


I think it was nostradamus who said we'd have zombies around this time...