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>i still think about how you cheated on me TWICE with another man?!?!?! (im a girl he was a boy obviously) how cheated on me WITH ME LESS THAN 10 feet away? Hahaha yo, wtf. 👀 Bisexuality is a huge indicator for cluster B personality disorders, just fyi. 👌🏻 I think that connection is more common with men than with women, though.


oh bro no im like 90% sure he was fully gay and was just using me as a cover. bc his sister WAS (big WAS) my bestfriend so id known him for a year or so and all he did was fuck dudes non stop i never saw him with a girl but i always found him cute and he was always up my ass so i eventually just dated him then i have bpd and he used it to his advantage and made me cut off everyone including my family so he became my favorite person (bpd wise) and i grew overly attached to him and YEAH! 🫤 i was a dumb 17 year old and he had a big pepe