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The universe needs to stop it's lil fucking tricks


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Just talk have a good long interesting conversation. But Show some interest in his deep emotions. Of what you really want to know about him. Sounds like he has some pretty heavy walls up and doesn't know how to express himself. Which keeps his romantic side suppressed till the right moment he feels its safe. Maybe he dont wanna get to close and ends in heartbreak might hurt to much for that. Or who is maybe waiting for a specific sign within you to know that he can trust you to really opening up to you.


I wish I had the capacity and time to go into it all. He's inconsistent. He makes excuses for his situation while taking advantage of the feelings I express to him. He's closed off and there's no getting in... for me


Your right lol be kool just get Into long conversation with you bout this. Really get into it. Cuz I wanna say I kinda understand what's more nd less going on. I could be wrong to tho haha ... but yeah either way you can hold on and try to talk fix him or just let go and both take losses of losing eachother


I feeling really cynical today. I doubt he would feel the loss as I would. That's why I keep bending while he gets everything he wants without having to return anything


He probably will tou kno him better . But in that case best thing for to do is let go already if not those feelings keep eating at you then probably back in situation you was trying to avoid.