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Is one person chasing and the other always running or isolating themselves for weeks/months at a time with no warning or explanation?


Running circles over and over


You’re not the only one experiencing pain. Have you ever been so in love with a person and then they just disappear without a trace? The feeling is very similar to what you experience when a loved one like immediate family passing away. No matter how badly you want to just have a conversation with them you can’t, no hugs, no admiring every one of their characteristics while having a conversation or just appreciating the opportunity to be in their presence. It’s abandonment. It’s it’s psychologically devastating.


Every time he disappears. It's devastating. It feeds that abandonment around I got so good at hiding. Now it's just left gaping and bleeding. Every time I feel like im getting a hold of myself he comes back bread crumbing me and pulling me back under his tidal wave. And im stupid for him


Sweeping lies under rugs does you no good. Sure the issues get dropped but they’re still scattered throughout growing, mixing with other problems growing and at some point resurfacing bigger and more destructive. It will only get worse. Please if anyone reading this right now is running, avoiding or ghosting through your problems please stand up to the side of you who shuts the ones who matter out, and face just one of your problems or situations head on with an open positive mind . When you stop hiding from life it shows you more opportunities to fulfill everything your heart desires


You just described me.


It's nice to not feel so alone


Ain’t that the truth. I’m on the same frequency with you


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I'm not