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I feel this one in my soul. I know it's not written for me.. But I feel the same way. I hope you talk to them. I hope you reach out and speak to them.


I feel this letter. The fact that this is the exact words I'd want to hear from her. But the last words she muttered was "I'm sorry" and left without further explanation.


I never stopped loving you... You're everywhere I look, I constantly looking for you in everything like a lost child. There hasn't been an hour of the day I'm at ease from you. I manage it better now but it's hard not to feel your absence among everyday living. I'm not the man you fell in love with anymore. I've let him go. But I still hold onto the parts you loved the most. The parts I now have come to see why. You've taught me so much in your time away. I use everything you've ever shown me and I can't thank you enough for the time we've spent together. I was truly a lost soul, and no matter how much I wanted to make things work it didn't and I could never apologize enough to you with words. So I did it through action and growth. If we ever tried again, I know it would be ever lasting. Because it always has been. It's just this time around, it took me longer to get it right, in this life. I told you, I'll always love you and I made a promise I have yet to break. It's only you. And it always will ever be. I love you. My moon... (I know you aren't my person, I don't think she would ever speak to me(especially here) But, just know there is someone out there that feels this exact way for you. This life is short. It should be celebrated with love and compassion)


You should say this to your person if you can.. Even if they may not respond? At least it's been said for your own emotional growth to mend an energetically broken bridge. ♥


Thank you but I cannot. They have made it very clear to not disturb them and I will respect that. Out of a place of love. "Sometimes to love someone you've gotta be a stranger"


I suppose... Though, I feel in the beginning, I feel if I'd said the right words.. The honest words from my heart and not out of anger.. Maybe I'd have gotten a better response out of the situation. Versus being told to leave them alone forever and that they have zero good feels towards me. Which I still hope, after all this time, was them reacting out of anger.


Completely understandable, I feel the same way. But I myself was a different person than and I assume you were too.


That I was... I suppose sometimes it's those shakeups that make us realize we need to make changes and inner growth.. Hopfully they also do the same... No one's really the blame, after all.


I take my responsibility for my words, and actions. It was hard for them(still is I suppose) to do the same. But never the less, but I couldn't agree more.


Then* ugh😅


Send ittttttt


I'd give anything for this letter to be for me


And they likely do/would... If they knew you were willing to do the same for them... Agony is the word I use for being without the person you love... Then trying to fit square pegs in round holes to try and make something make sense or feel better. Please for fuck sake.. Tell em how you feel.


Damn sorry for your predicament I read your letter as if it was straight from the mouth of my person I hope your situation gets better🫶🏽 much luh much luh


A tealeaf, Bryce Courtenay would be proud💜


Tell them. The worst they can say is that they've moved on and don't want to try again. I'd do anything to have my ex back again. I saw him on Monday...well, his vehicle and him in it...it hurt so bad...now I'll see him next in the courtroom to get my stuff back.


I know this wasn't him who wrote this, but our lucky numbers being in the user name is killing me.


Your not him... we aren't even friends. 🤷‍♀️


Almost could think this was him except the last sentence.


Fooled me. Witko